Radiant Era

Chapter 75: Strong Lily


Lin Qi walked out of the secret passage and looked back at the penthouse suite where Arthur was. wWW, QuanBen-XiaoShuo, cOM Arthur had a towel wrapped around his lower body and stood behind the floor-to-ceiling window looking outside. The two unrelated brothers looked at each other from a distance.

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the Green Rose Hotel use magical glass specially made by the Vyas Commercial Federation. People inside the house can see the scene outside, but people outside cannot see any images in the house.

Lin Qi naturally didn't have the strength to see through this special glass, but he knew that Arthur was behind the window. He smiled and raised his hand, waved it toward the window, and then made a slight gesture of cutting his neck.

Arthur stood behind the window, resting his hands on the round table. His fingers suddenly exerted force, and his fingers dug deeply into the hard oak table.

"Lin Qi! You can't be so proud forever!" Arthur laughed a few times, and Arthur clapped his hands gently. Several big men in black suits walked out of a side door, and they respectfully greeted Arthur. Se bowed and saluted, but their eyes uncontrollably glanced at the girl with long platinum hair.

"I don't want her to appear in Dunerque in the future, and let her completely evaporate from this world!" Arthur glanced at the sleeping girl lying on the ground, and a cruel and cold light shot out of his single eye.

This girl has a noble and beautiful face like a noble lady, but she comes from a humble background. Her mother is just a poor old prostitute in the port of Dunerki. Arthur met her by chance, bought her and kept her in his secret stronghold. Today, in order to deal with Lin Qi, he invited this girl to the Green Rose Hotel. But now, her use value has completely disappeared.

She cannot be found by Lin Qi or Blackbeard. If the cunning Blackbeard knows that this girl was brought into the hotel shortly before Lin Qi entered the hotel, then Blackbeard will definitely suspect that tonight's incident is related to Arthur.

Arthur cannot lose Blackbeard's trust and favor. He must maintain his image in Blackbeard's mind. He must not let Blackbeard discover that he participated in Ya Heling's attempt to test Lin Qi. Any possible clues must be completely exposed. Rinse off.

"It's a pity. In fact, you probably have a father of noble blood! But, that's all!" Looking at the beautiful face that had obsessed him for a while, Arthur waved his hand gently as if throwing away garbage.

A few well-dressed men picked up the messy clothes on the ground, wrapped the girl in a white cloth, and put her into a huge suitcase.

A few minutes later, several big men who had changed into gorgeous clothes and looked like businessmen walked out of the main entrance of the Green Rose Hotel carrying several large suitcases. Two carriages were waiting for them outside the door. After the suitcases were loaded into the carriages, these big men also got on the carriages. From then on, this beautiful girl with platinum hair was no longer in the world. Her mother also suddenly disappeared that day. trace.

A down-and-out old prostitute and her illegitimate daughter, who cares about them

Lin Qi sat in the carriage and rushed back to his ancestral home, sneezing all the way. Baal was riding a horse, escorted by a team of guards. Enzo sat opposite Lin Qi and looked at Lin Qi curiously.

Lin Qi took out a handkerchief and wiped his nose vigorously, and asked feebly: "What do you want me to do? Is there anything good to see?"

Enzo twisted his body, crossed his legs and smiled: "I'm just surprised. Do you really believe that Arthur spent the night in the hotel with that woman?"

With a helpless smile, Lin Qi threw the handkerchief on the floor of the carriage, held his head in his hands and groaned: "Of course I don't believe it. But what can I do? Torture him in front of Uncle Barr? Oh, old man Dad will beat me to death! Uncle Barr doesn’t like that guy either, but he won’t let me do anything random to that guy. Dad has given them strict orders not to get involved in my affairs with that guy!”

Enzo also sighed, there was really nothing he could do. Blackbeard doesn't allow Lin Qi to mess with Arthur, so no one in Dunerke can help Lin Qi mess with Arthur. Unless there is conclusive evidence that Ya Heling is Arthur's accomplice, and that those black men are Arthur's subordinates, no one can touch a hair of Arthur's head.

As the adopted son of Blackbeard, and the only son entrusted to Blackbeard by the red-haired ghost who was Blackbeard's die-hard ally, Arthur was born with a thick layer of protection. This layer of protection cannot be easily broken even by Lin Qi. This involves Blackbeard's prestige and credibility and cannot be easily violated. …,

Lin Qi fell into deep thought, thinking about what trouble he would bring if he couldn't catch those two women.

There should be trouble, but Lin Qi is not afraid of trouble. If he can severely injure those two arrogant women this time, then he can do it next time.

Silently all the way, the carriage returned to the ancestral home surrounded by guards. Lin Qi and Enzo carefully got out of the carriage with the help of the guards. Their wounds had just been bandaged and they were not allowed to do strenuous exercise. Only after returning to their ancestral home and carefully treating them with the Black Tiger family's elixir can they function as before. As the largest leader in the dark world in the northern part of the mainland, the Black Tiger family naturally does not lack all kinds of life-saving and healing secret medicines.

As soon as he walked to the door of his ancestral home, Lin Qi suddenly heard a terrifying roar.

The hammer howled miserably and was kicked out, barely missing Lin Qi. Then a shocking scene appeared. Lin Qi's wet nurse, Aunt Lili, was wearing a helmet and angrily running towards the outside of the ancestral home holding a huge mace.

"God damn it, who dares to bully my young master Lin Qi? Lily is going to smash their heads! Damn it, who dares to stop me?"

Aunt Lily was so angry that she waved the huge mace, which frightened the servants in the ancestral house so much that they did not dare to stop her.

Enzo glanced at the heavy blue-grey armor on Aunt Lily's body and couldn't help but gasped - it was a high-ranking bear-man who ranked among the top three in Wudalian Island's alien tribes for brute strength and was famous for his strength and fiery temper. A general's armor. The defensive power of such a set of armor is amazing, but what's even more amazing is its weight. This set of advanced armor, named 'Wrath of the Bear Clan', weighs more than 1,800 kilograms. In the Western Continent, I have never heard of any human being who can wear it!

But now, it was worn on Aunt Lili's body, and Aunt Lili even waved a mace that was at least as thick as a hammer's thigh, running as fast as flying outside the ancestral home.

"Oh God, does this old lady have the blood of an orc?" Enzo's vision went dark and he almost fainted. He wanted to take back his judgment when he first arrived at the Lin Qi family's ancestral home. Aunt Lili, who was wearing armor, could not only wipe out an army of 1,000 people, she probably had the strength to carry an army of 10,000 people!



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