Radiant Era

Chapter 81: Met an Oriental


In the North Sea, more than a day's sail from land, a small boat less than three meters long actually appeared

The sailors on the deck screamed in surprise. wWw, QuanBen-XiaoShuo, COm The big windmill on the sea is not an old-fashioned sailboat, but a magic ship propelled by a magic array. The distance it can sail in a day is at least seven or eight times that of those sailboats. In other words, it would take five or six days for a large sailboat to see the land with a favorable wind here. It is basically impossible for a small sampan less than three meters long to return to the land from here.

"Which unlucky guy is being exiled?" Lin Qi clicked his lips and took a machete from Thor's hand: "Slow down, lean over and take a look! If it's an exiled pirate, let him continue. Floating; if it’s an unlucky guy who gets shipwrecked, then, well, I’m in a good mood today!”

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi said with a smile: "If it is really an unlucky guy whose boat was in a shipwreck, then we can let him be a smooth sailing boat!"

Thor grinned, pulled up the corners of his eyes and made a face: "Master, we are sailors on a whale hunting ship now, and we are doing legitimate business. Therefore, if he is a person in distress, according to the rules of sailors, we should save him!"

The sailors on the deck laughed at the same time and took precautions with their harpoons.

Weird things can happen on the sea. If the boat belongs to an unlucky man in trouble, then forget it. If it belongs to a pirate who broke the rules and was exiled, then you must be careful. Pirates are inherently vicious thugs. Among pirates, those who break the rules and are exiled to the sea in small boats are even more thugs among thugs, and they generally have extremely strong strength.

A brand new magical whale hunting ship like the Sea Windmill is the ultimate dream of countless pirates. With such a big ship, basically no ship on the ocean can escape its pursuit. This is the most powerful magic weapon to make a fortune.

So be careful, if that guy is an exiled pirate, if he takes control of this ship, the Black Tiger family will be completely disgraced. After all, all the sailors on this ship are subordinates of the Black Tiger family, and they are also part-time pirates. If they are all robbed, will the Black Tiger family still have the nerve to hang around in the north

The magic array furnace deep in the cabin gradually extinguished, and the ship lost its way forward with the help of inertia. The strong collision angle of the ship's bow knocked away the broken ice floe. On the sea hundreds of meters ahead, there was indeed a small boat of less than three meters. But what is surprising is that half of the ship has been blocked by ice floes and is being blown in the direction of Dunerque by the sea breeze.

Good Luck Qiao Arrang, the captain of the windmill at sea, walked out of the command cabin and walked steadily to Lin Qi's side. Good Luck Joe Arjean is the best old captain of the Black Tiger family and the luckiest captain. When he was young, he commanded three pirate ships to rob seventeen cargo ships in the North Sea within seven days. As a result, all the cargo ships were filled with valuables. More spice than gold, this has earned it the title of 'good luck'.

Gioadjean, who was as strong as a bear and had gray hair and beard, was holding a big ax and looking into the distance. He frowned and said: "Master, be careful later! This is a sinister thing, no one will do it." Driving cargo ships or passenger ships into the North Sea in winter, so there will be no brothers who are looking for food at sea and will be exiled at this terrible time. There is something weird about this ship!"

Lin Qi's expression changed slightly. Yes, only whale hunting boats and offshore fishing boats would be dispatched to Dunerke in winter. Other ships would only divert to the southern ocean route. It was impossible for other ships to enter the North Sea at this time. There is indeed something weird about this boat, and you can't do it if you're not careful.

Reaching out and drawing a circle with the big knife on his head, Lin Qi said coldly: "Get the whale hunting harpoon ready. If there is anything weird, shoot him to death!"

The rapid ringing of copper bells came from the cabin, which was a signal that all six magic whale hunting harpoons of the sea windmill were ready.

The big ship had slowly approached the ice floe with a radius of seven to eight meters, and half of the hull of the small ship was frozen in the ice floe. There was nothing in the exposed cabin. Through the translucent ice, you could see a dark mass on the half of the boat that was frozen in the ice.

"Wow, it's a person!" Lin Qi shouted in horror.

As soon as Lin Qi's cry came out, the ice floe suddenly cracked open countless gaps. With a harsh crackling sound, the ice floe that trapped the boat collapsed, and the entire boat was completely exposed to everyone. On the bow of the boat, huddled up in a ball, was an Oriental man wearing a precious blue fox fur coat with long dark hair. …,

Everyone on the deck gasped at the same time. How could an Easterner enter the North Sea by boat on this damn day? How did it get sealed in this ice block? Judging from the fact that his body is covered with ice slag, he might have frozen into a zombie, right

Lin Qi sighed softly. He dropped the machete and shook his head: "What a poor man. Go and lift him up with a few people. That blue fox fur coat is good. Take it off and clean it. At least it can be good after sending it to the Tuozi shop." Sell it for thousands of gold coins. Well, let’s see if he has any valuable jewelry. Someone who can afford this kind of blue fox fur coat will not be stingy about decorating his body with a few big gems!”

Just now, Lin Qi's eyes swept over the oriental man's hair. There was a bun on his head, and there was a golden crown made of pure gold. Surrounding the golden crown was a circle of rubies as red as blood. Each ruby is the size of a thumb, extremely gorgeous and luxurious!

"I must have bought enough atonement charms in the past two years, and all the gods are protecting me!" Lin Qi swallowed and ordered: "Forget it, let him come to this world cleanly, Let’s leave this world cleanly! His clothes must be high-end silk. Take off his underwear and socks and wash them clean. You can sell them for hundreds of gold coins in a camel shop. Those rich country people like to come from the East. of silk!”

Lin Qi was here planning to make a fortune from the dead. The huddled man suddenly moved. He stood up slowly and slowly raised his head to glance at Lin Qi and his group who were more than ten meters away.

He was a young man who was no taller than Lin Qi, extremely strong and handsome. Because of the long period of freezing, his face turned blue, almost transparent. His messy clothes also made him look extremely embarrassed, but nothing could conceal his aloof pride, arrogance and domineering power.

Lin Qi and the others were standing on the high bow of the ship, and the young man was standing on the short sampan, but Lin Qi suddenly felt that he was being overlooked by the man and that he was looking up at him.

Shaking his head vigorously to get rid of the strange feeling in his heart, Lin Qi tilted his mouth and asked the Eastern man: "Hey, do you want to take a ride?"

The man's body swayed slightly, and suddenly a dozen hazy afterimages appeared. When his figure appeared again, he was already standing in front of Lin Qi.


When I get up to update a chapter, should I go back and take a nap, or should I have lunch