Radiant Era

Chapter 82: Dragon City


There were so many people on the deck, including the most powerful and high-ranking old captain Good Luck Qiao Arjean, but no one could clearly see how the Oriental got on the ship. wWW,qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo,comThe deck was two or three stories above the sea, and the boat was more than ten meters away. Everyone just saw a dozen afterimages flashing past, and the man stood in front of Lin Qi.

A hazy purple halo slowly spread from the center of the man's eyebrows to the surroundings of his body. His messy clothes suddenly became straight, and the ice scum stuck to the blue fox fur coat fell one after another. The somewhat messy coat quickly became as new as new ones. Same.

Just now he was still in such a mess and miserable state, but now this man was as clean and tidy as a prince who had just taken a shower and changed clothes. But the arrogance and arrogance on his face, the unscrupulous domineering aura, even a real prince is far from being able to compare with him.

What particularly shocked Lin Qi was the smell of blood coming from the bones of this man. His whole body seemed to have been soaked in blood for decades. Even his breath smelled of human blood, standing next to him. In front of me, it was as if I could hear the miserable howls of countless innocent souls.

Enzo calmly took a step sideways and stood in front of Lin Qi.

Lin Qi's expression changed slightly. He took a step forward and pushed Enzo away two steps with his shoulder. What a joke, Lin Qi couldn't let Enzo block the knife for him. Blackbeard taught Lin Qi since he was a child that brothers should go to the knife together and should not let their brothers defend themselves against the knife.

The Easterner raised his long eyebrows, which were like two long swords thrust into his hair, and said in a hoarse voice: "I don't mean any harm!"

Looking around the deck, the Oriental's eyes suddenly lit up. He grabbed a blue-striped snapper that had just been forked a dozen steps away with his right hand. Five lines of purple mist spurted out from his fingertips. The snapper, which weighed nearly a hundred kilograms, flew in front of him with a sound of wind.

The expressions of everyone on the deck changed. What kind of weird skill was this? To grab something in the air from a distance of more than ten meters, hammers and butcher knives can also do it, but they have to use external objects to do this. But this Oriental man caught the snapper without relying on any foreign objects at all.

Lin Qi gasped as if he had a toothache. What kind of power is this? He can catch a snapper weighing more than 100 kilograms from a dozen steps away, but can he break a person's neck from a dozen steps away

An even more surprising thing happened. With a single stroke of the man's five fingers, the whole snapper split silently. Fish skin, fish bones, fish meat, and internal organs were all separated under the control of a strange force. The Oriental man smiled happily. He grabbed a piece of fish meat as white as jade and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed it for a few times and swallowed it.

Lin Qi wondered if the piece of fish meat had started to be digested and absorbed as soon as it entered his mouth, because as soon as the man swallowed the piece of fish meat, the color of his face returned to color, and a healthy blush gradually spread on his face. It was open, and there was even a light steam coming out of his head.

"It's wonderful!" The Easterner laughed a few times and devoured almost fifty kilograms of fish in the eyes of everyone who looked at him as if he had seen a ghost. Then he burped and stopped with great satisfaction. Lin Qi looked at his belly in shock. He didn't see that his belly was bulging. Where did his meat go

Even Iron Hammer, the biggest eater in the Black Tiger family, can eat two roasted lamb legs in one meal, but he cannot eat fifty kilograms of cold raw fish at one time. But this man ate it heartily, as if these raw fish, which were no different from ice cubes, were the best delicacies in the world.

With a dry laugh, Lin Qi asked in extremely proficient Oriental dialect: "Sir, who are you?"

The Oriental man clapped his hands, took out a white silk scarf and wiped the fish juice on his hands. Then under Lin Qi's angry eyes, he threw the silk scarf, which was worth at least fifty gold coins in the Tuozi shop, into the In the cold wind, the silk scarf flew out in the cold wind.

"Dragon City, dragon, is the dragon that flies to the sky. The city is the city of Jintang City!" With his hands behind his back, this extremely handsome, arrogant, overbearing and unruly man said with his head held high: " Is this your ship? Yes, although it is just like rubbish compared to our Dragon Whale War Boat, but with the ability of you barbarians to build such a ship, it is considered acceptable!"…,

After sneering a few times, Long Cheng said calmly: "Prepare a spacious guest room for me. I will take your ship to the nearest port. As long as you send me ashore, I will repay you well."

With a raised eye, Long Cheng snorted coldly: "Do you have any beautiful maids on board? Prepare four for me, one to do laundry, one to make the bed, and two to prepare soup for me. By the way, you stinking coolies don't want it. Close to my cabin, I had a big fight with a three-headed sea dragon half a month ago, and I was slightly injured. I need to nurse myself back to health!"

Before Lin Qi could speak, Long Cheng kept talking to himself. His words were so harsh and harsh that the sailors on the deck who could understand Oriental dialect wanted to stab him a thousand times! But just now the purple energy was released from the fingertips of Longcheng, and the purple light spurted out from the center of his eyebrows. The well-traveled sailors suddenly heard of some legendary existence. They held the harpoon tightly, but no one dared to say a word. talk.

What did Qi Longcheng say? He had a big fight with the three sea dragons, the overlord of the North Sea Warcraft? Damn it, was he serious

Lin Qi looked at the domineering Dragon City, spread his hands helplessly and smiled bitterly: "There are clean guest rooms, but there are four beautiful maids... I'm sorry, is it okay for you to ask for a female fish on our boat? Young Master, there are no women at all!"

Long Cheng looked at Lin Qi in surprise: "There are no women on your ship? How did the group of stinky coolies around you pass the time in that long night? Could it be that between you two men...hehe, hehe!"

After a few weird laughs, and seeing Lin Qi's face become extremely strange, Long Cheng tilted his mouth and shook his head and said: "Well, after all, this is a place of barbarians, what else can we expect? That's all, after all, it's a place where barbarians live. I have accepted your favor, and I will remember it!"

Patting Lin Qi's shoulder hard, Long Cheng said calmly: "Take me to the guest room! Since you are my Eastern descendant, I won't kill people and rob ships. Haha!"

With a strange laugh, Long Cheng waved his hand towards the side of the ship, and a stream of purple gas roared out. A big fish that had just jumped out of the water a hundred meters away was hit by the purple gas, and exploded with a loud bang into countless pieces of blood.

An almost flattering smile appeared on Lin Qi's face: "Dear Mr. Longcheng, please, I will free up the captain's bedroom for you, is that okay?"

Good Luck Joachim on the side was so angry that his nose was crooked.


Let’s go to dinner and continue coding after dinner!

It’s so cool to code while listening to music and news!