Radiant Era

Chapter 83: Kill the whale with your hands


On the fourth day at sea, the cold wind from the Odin Icefield stopped for a rare moment. The dark clouds in the eastern sky gradually dissipated, and a red sun actually rose from under the sea level. The red light shone on the sea and sky, and even the huge icebergs were covered by it. Plated with a layer of red. WWw,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,comRed icebergs floated on the sea, like pieces of blood shaking.

Lin Qi stood at the bow of the boat, holding a big sea pole and hanging a piece of the offal of a black-striped sea bream, where he fished for sea turtles. This sea area is not far from the territory of the Narwhal Whale. The green leatherback sea turtle is a specialty here. It is huge in size and has delicious meat. It is a delicacy sought after by the wealthy nobles on the mainland. It is also the most popular ration of the Narwhal Whale. .

This kind of turtle has an amazing reproductive capacity and grows extremely fast. Some people once said that if the narwhal mad whales did not hunt these turtles for food, they would have covered all the oceans in the world.

"Such a green-skinned turtle is worth at least three hundred gold coins on the mainland!" Lin Qi held the sea pole, looked at the red sun in the east, shook his head and sighed: "Damn, the sun is actually rising. This It’s not a good sign, there will be a snowstorm in the next few days.”

Wearing a blue fox fur coat, Long Cheng still looked arrogant and arrogant, sitting on the head of the mermaid statue on the bow of the ship, looking at Lin Qi puzzledly: "The sun is a good thing, what does it have to do with the snowstorm? Look? Ah, the sky is clear and blue, what a wonderful weather!”

Long Cheng, who was shaking his head, sighed: "On such a good and auspicious day, in such a wild and beautiful scenery, how happy would it be to be accompanied by three or five beauties?"

This guy is a pervert. Lin Qi cursed Longcheng in his belly and snorted angrily: "Dear Mr. Longcheng, this is the North Sea. There can't be sunshine in the North Sea in winter. If it keeps blowing If the wind blows and snows, then this winter can be passed safely. If the sun shines one day, there will definitely be a snowstorm in the next few days, and a huge hurricane will cause disaster to the mainland!"

Long Cheng looked at Lin Qi in surprise. He spread his hands and smiled in surprise: "Is that so? Is that really so? What a damn weather!"

Lin Qi shook the sea pole and looked at Longcheng in confusion: "It's strange that you don't know anything about the sea. How could you row a small boat into the North Sea? Where are you from?"

Long Cheng twisted his mouth, sneered several times, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "It's nothing, it's just a bet between me and others. The bet is that I can use a small boat to cross the North Sea in winter, reach the Western Continent, and then take a few things. go back!"

gambling? Crossing the North Sea in such a shabby little boat in winter? Is this Dragon City too confident in itself? Lin Qi clicked her lips and asked in horror: "So, where are you starting from? I know there are several famous ports in the east, such as Quancheng, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Haicheng, and Xiongcheng. A large port that is several times larger than ours at Dunerker!"

Longcheng was silent for a while, and said with a bit of sadness: "I set out from Xiongcheng. That is our northernmost port. I sailed four thousand miles north to enter the North Sea, and then sailed another thousand miles to land on the Odin Icefield. I Carrying the small boat across the Odin Icefield, fighting all the way over, and entering the sea again at a place called the Viking Great Ax Gorge in the Odin Icefield."

"Viking Ax Gorge?" Lin Qi said in horror: "That is a dangerous place. Well, to be precise, it is a gathering place for a bunch of bastard thugs!"

Long Cheng pursed his lips and smiled cruelly. He glanced sideways at Lin Qi, raised his head and sneered: "Yes, there was a group of blind people who wanted to rob my boat, so I looted the Viking Big Ax Gorge. Of course, I don’t steal wealth, I only want life.”

Lin Qi opened his mouth wide. What a tough figure this is. The Viking Big Ax Gorge is also a famous Dragon Pond and Tiger Den in the dark world of the West. Thousands of alien thugs and their relatives live there all year round. It is the dark world. The extremely important supply point on the secret route is an important base for pirates and smugglers in the North Sea.

One man sacking the entire Viking Great Ax Gap single-handedly? Lin Qi asked stupidly: "How many people have you killed?"

Twitching the corner of his mouth, Long Cheng calculated with his fingers for a while, and said slowly: "Killed about half, set fire to the remaining half, and a small half escaped. That's about the number of people who escaped. They were all strong and strong, and those old, weak, women and children should have all been burned to death."

Sighing softly, Long Cheng said helplessly: "Originally, in addition to killing me, I was planning to rob someone of sex. Unfortunately, there are really not many beautiful women there. Even those women are covered with hair. I really can't lift them." interest."…,

Shrugging his shoulders, Long Cheng sighed: "Murder, arson, and plunder. These things should have been done easily. Unfortunately, we only committed murder and arson. Before we could do the latter two things, we were surrounded by a group of bastards who called themselves Odin's Holy Guards. After fighting hard, I killed a dozen of them and escaped, but I also encountered a three-headed sea dragon on the sea, which was really unlucky!"

Lin Qi shut his mouth. This was a pure pervert. He was too lazy to talk to such a pure pervert anymore. Odin's Holy Guard, the kind of religious madman who terrified the elite legions of the mainland during the Hundred Years' War between the Mainland and the Islands, actually killed a dozen of them by him? In this way, he can still fight with the three overlord sea dragons in Beihai Warcraft without being killed

I heard Long Cheng sigh faintly: "It's a pity that those three sea dragons are really extraordinary. I was also slightly injured when fighting with those Odin Saint Guards. As a result, I couldn't fight hard. I lost my vitality greatly and lost all my food and water." It’s lost. I have no choice but to seal myself in the iceberg and use winter sting medicine to heal my injuries and save my life. Anyway, depending on the wind direction, this iceberg is also drifting in the direction of the mainland!"

Long Cheng's words were too unbelievable. Lin Qi said frantically: "Aren't you afraid that you will be sealed alive in an iceberg?"

Long Cheng laughed strangely, and he patted Lin Qi's shoulder hard: "This is gambling on life! It's a gamble anyway, isn't it? After all, I met you, haven't I lost the bet yet?"

Before he finished speaking, in the sea dozens of meters ahead, a two-meter-long green-skinned sea turtle suddenly jumped out of the sea. Behind it, a golden horn about four meters long tore through the seawater. The huge mad whale with golden light all over its body rushed out of the sea, opened its mouth full of fangs and bit the turtle in one bite.

Lin Qi's voice suddenly changed: "Narwhal Crazy Whale, prepare the hunting harpoon!"

Hearing Long Cheng's wild laughter, he swayed and brought dozens of afterimages to the top of the huge mad whale dozens of meters away.

His right fist was surrounded by a layer of rich purple energy. Long Cheng hissed and pressed his palm on the mad whale's huge head with a seemingly careless palm.

With a long and shrill howl, the giant whale twitched and fell heavily back into the sea.

The huge whale floated quietly on the sea. It had been killed by Long Cheng's palm.


Go to bed, good night everyone, have a sweet dream!