Radiant Era

Chapter 86: Chase at sea


"Quick, raise the furnace, retreat, retreat! Damn it! Raise the skull and crossbones flag, raise the skull and crossbones flag!"

Lin Qi held the machete handed over by Enzo, stood on the bow of the boat and shouted loudly. WWw. qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo. The deep roar of the magic furnace came from the depths of Com's cabin, and the large windmill on the sea began to accelerate, drawing a huge arc on the sea and heading straight to the south.

Several sailors rushed to the mast carrying a huge black flag, and quickly raised the three-meter-square flag to the top of the mast. As the sea breeze blew, the black flag spread out. On the dark flag, a white skull and two crossed white bones were clearly visible, especially the white skull holding a bloody dagger in its mouth, which made this even more obvious. The skeleton makes it extremely evil and gloomy.

Long Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Lin Qi, I thought you were just fishermen who follow the rules!"

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows and said confidently and without any guilt: "Of course, we are fishermen who follow the rules! This flag is the talisman we spent a lot of money to buy! Generally speaking, as long as this flag is hung in the Beihai, it will No more pirates will rob us!"

Long Cheng was speechless. He suddenly found that Lin Qi's face was comparable to his own, so he felt a little close to Lin Qi. He looked up at the huge black pirate skull flag and murmured in a low voice: "A fisherman who follows the rules? Amulet? Was my head hit by a meteorite when I was a child?"

The sound of "clang" was endless, and the sailors of the windmill on the sea pulled out their shining swords one after another. Some even placed a large number of arrows and strong bows and crossbows on the deck, and even several small trebuchets were fired from the cabin. Pulled up to the deck. Several furnaces were lit, and iron balls the size of human heads were thrown into the furnaces and burned red. Obviously, these iron balls would be very lethal after being thrown out by the trebuchet.

"These things seem to be controlled products no matter which country in the world they are in?" Long Cheng looked at Lin Qi curiously.

Lin Qi looked at Longcheng extremely seriously: "Your Excellency Longcheng, these are just scrapped military supplies. We bought them at the price of junk collection, reorganized them a little, and used them for personal protection. After all, Although we don’t want to rob others, we can’t let others rob us!”

Long Cheng was speechless again. He looked at the swords that were clearly just out of the furnace, and then looked at the sophisticated strong bows, crossbows and arrows. He forced himself to believe that these were indeed scrapped military supplies. He touched his chin and muttered in a low voice: "Okay, I've done this kind of thing before. Scrapped military supplies? Yes, if it weren't for scrapped military supplies, how could I have the money to climb on those little beauties with pink pictures? bed?"

The black flag fluttered in the wind, but to no avail.

A low war song sounded from the Odin dragon boats that were chasing after them, and several scarlet war flags slowly rose up the mast. Lin Qi angrily slashed at the guardrail of the ship, and he roared: "Hell, they are the Odin Saint Guards of Odin Temple. This is not the period of the mainland and island war. How could they appear at sea? Shouldn't they be guarding them in the temple? A god who has been dead for who knows how many years?"

Long Cheng asked quietly: "Lin Qi, it seems that your amulet is useless?"

Lin Qi gritted his teeth and said: "Of course, the Odin Saint Guards of the Odin Temple will ignore us. Hell, if they are our colleagues from the Viking Great Ax Gorge, they will never pursue us again after seeing this flag... Huh?"

Speaking of the words 'Odin's Holy Guard' and 'Viking Great Ax Gorge', Lin Qi looked at Dragon City suspiciously. This is the sea area where the heroes of the Viking Big Ax Gap do business. As long as this black skull flag is hung on weekdays, the heroes of the foreign race will pass by their own ships in a tacit understanding, and the two sides will even communicate with each other. It is good to exchange some local specialties of various ethnic groups and exchange information on certain cargo ships. …,

But today, the heroes of the Viking Great Ax Gap were nowhere to be seen. Instead, the patrol ship of the Holy Guard of Odin appeared in this area!

Long Cheng innocently spread his hands. He looked up to the sky and sighed: "Lin Qi, do you think they are here to find me? How is that possible? Of course, I looted the Viking Big Ax Gorge and killed them. There are more than a dozen Odin Saint Guards, including a big guy with blue skin. However, it has been so many days, they can't come to find me, right? Quite a few words."

Long Cheng laughed, but there was a hint of hypocrisy in his laughter. He laughed dryly and said: "Look, in the vast sea, how can they find me so accurately? This is impossible!"

Yes, in the vast sea, how could these Odin Saint Guards just happen to find Dragon City

Lin Qi walked around Long Cheng and searched him carefully. The sun shone on Long Cheng, and a little red light suddenly flashed across him. Lin Qi stretched out his hand and pulled out a long bloody hair from Longcheng's blue fox fur coat!

Throwing the long scarlet hair to Longcheng, Lin Qi gritted his teeth and said: "Hell, it's the blood oath curse of the temple wizard. Unless you leave them a thousand miles away, they will keep track of your movements at any time. You When were you cursed by them?"

Long Cheng looked at Lin Qi blankly, and after a while he said: "The skinny old man who was kicked to pieces by me, with the animal skin skull cap on his head, is their temple wizard? I can I really don’t know, I just saw that he was a bit ugly and was dancing and screaming at me, so I kicked him to death!"

Very good, very classy! Lin Qi glanced at Longcheng with resentment, gritted his teeth and ordered the magic furnace to work at full power. You are very talented. You are a high-ranking wizard in Odin's Temple, but you kicked him to death just because he was a little bit ugly. It's strange that they don't kill you.

Grabbing the long hair and throwing it into the sea, Lin Qi shouted and asked the sailors to raise the sail, letting the wind and the magical power of the magic furnace drive the windmill on the sea at the same time. The huge hull suddenly rushed forward, and waves several feet high were set off at the stern. The speed of the windmill on the sea increased by more than half.

But suddenly a short old man with a skinny figure and an extremely ugly appearance stood up on the four Odin dragon boats at the same time. They waved their bone staff and danced around the bow of the boat, shouting for a while. Suddenly, a strong wind blew from the north, which happened to be blowing on the boat. On the sails of four long and narrow dragon boats.

The four Odin dragon boats raised their full sails, the huge red sails were blown bulging, and the speed of the four dragon boats suddenly increased a lot.

Although the sea windmill is driven by magic energy, its hull is wide and thick. Although it is very stable when sailing, its speed is indeed not as fast as those long and narrow Odin dragon boats.

Time passed by, and two hours later, the largest dragon boat had caught up less than a hundred meters behind the big windmill on the sea.

Hundreds of foreigners on the dragon boat stood up one after another, their swords and guns emitting dazzling light.


Good night everyone, Pig Head is taking a nap!

Asking for recommendations, comments, book reviews, kisses

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