Radiant Era

Chapter 90: Navy Lieutenant Colonel


"They're gone!" Long Cheng, who was standing on the stern guardrail with another spear in his hand, exhaled. He looked at Lin Qi in surprise and asked, "You say they are religious lunatics? They should be hunted down and killed. We are determined to fight to the death!"

Lin Qi threw the machete, which weighed dozens of kilograms and was obviously a controlled item, to a sailor. WWw.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.CoMThe sailors on the deck were busy putting the shameful weapons into the secret cabin at the bottom of the cabin, and brought up the fishing knives, daggers, axes and harpoons commonly used by sailors, and gave them to all sailors One hand was issued.

Hearing Longcheng's problem, Lin Qi said angrily: "They are religious lunatics, not religious fools!"

Long Cheng was stunned and grinned. It seemed that what Lin Qi said made sense? Religious madmen, but not religious fools. Seeing that twelve warships are approaching quickly, they are really risking their lives if they have to fight against the windmill on the sea.

With a weird smile, Lin Qi snorted: "But you, respected Mr. Longcheng, these guys may not care about the big windmill on the sea, but they will never let you go. You killed the two temple wizards Even if they are just the lowest soul-level wizards, this incident will definitely alarm the group of monsters in the Odin Temple. You are in big trouble!"

He sneered disdainfully and handed the pure steel spear to a sailor. Longcheng looked up to the sky and laughed arrogantly: "Am I still afraid of them? A group of uncivilized savages, such idiots, even Mr. Longcheng doesn't care. I know how many people have been killed, but they still dare to cause trouble for me. Just kill them all... Hey, when I go back to the east, I will take the land route, and I will not pass by here again."

Lin Qi's face suddenly twitched. This shameless guy, seeing how heroic he was in the previous paragraph, seemed to him that the Temple of Odin was just a bunch of chickens and dogs. But the last sentence completely exposed his true nature. When this guy goes back to the East, he wants to go overland? This shameless guy, he just patted his ass and walked away cleanly. When the time comes, it will be the people of the Western Continent who will bear the revenge of this group of aliens!

However, as long as Dun Erke does not suffer, there are so many port cities in the northern part of the mainland, and those foreign races can go wherever they like. What does this have to do with Lin Qi

He gestured a thumbs up to Longcheng, and the warships in the distance were approaching quickly with the wind. Lin Qi ordered the sailors to put away the murderous look on their faces, and each of them put on the face of a good citizen. Some sailors simply He also made several cuts on his body, both light and not heavy, and groaned as he lay on the deck with a serious injury sign.

Captain Jo Arjean even asked other sailors to splash the "seriously injured" with fish blood. It looked like these wounded were all bleeding all over the ground and were about to return to the embrace of the gods.

On the lookout post of the leading Imperial warship, a flagman issued a signal requesting a docking. The windmill at sea immediately slowed down according to the command of the semaphore and headed south at normal speed. Twelve warships set up a formation around the large windmill on the sea, ready to meet the invading enemy at any time. A small boat on the leading command ship was lowered.

Six armed soldiers paddled, and two officers stood on the boat. The boat bumped on the waves for a while, and then cautiously leaned against the huge hull of the windmill on the sea, which was several stories high. Gio Ajean directed the sailors to lower the rope ladder, and soon two Imperial Navy officers and four soldiers came to the ship.

Gio Ajean and Lin Qi greeted the two young Imperial Navy officers. Gio Ajean skillfully got close to them, while Lin Qi squinted and looked up and down at the two young officers.

After all, Enzo was a top student at the Imperial Army Academy, and he also knew something about the establishment of the Imperial Navy. A patrol squadron composed of twelve medium-sized warships. This should be the core fleet responsible for combat readiness patrols in the waters around Dunerq. Because it is not the main fleet, the commander of the fleet should have the rank of lieutenant colonel. But standing in front of Lin Qi were a naval lieutenant colonel and a captain, clearly the commander of the fleet and his adjutant.

The commander of a patrol fleet is actually a lieutenant colonel, and the lieutenant colonel looks to be less than thirty years old. There is something worth speculating about. In particular, the lieutenant colonel has a silver thorn pattern iron anchor sword and shield commemorative medal hanging on his collar, and a dark blue ribbon hanging on his right chest, which proves that this lieutenant colonel should have family origins. …,

Looking at the lieutenant colonel's neat military uniform, shiny military boots, and the slightly worn gold-inlaid monster belt, one can imagine that this young and promising lieutenant colonel relied on the shadow of his family to climb the ranks at such a young age. He holds the high rank of lieutenant colonel, but obviously the power left by his family is no longer very strong, so although he has the high rank of lieutenant colonel in the navy, he can only command a patrol squadron.

In particular, the frayed magic beast leather-inlaid gold belt looked antique and was obviously a legacy of his family. Such neat clothes, but wearing such a worn belt, obviously, maybe his family situation is not very good now? Because young officers always pay great attention to their military appearance, they will always try every means to dress themselves up, just like Enzo did in Berelli.

A frayed belt, a young officer who came from a well-off military family and occupied a high position at a young age would never wear such a thing around his waist.

So Lin Qi rushed forward enthusiastically, holding the lieutenant colonel's hand with tears and a smile: "Your Excellency, lieutenant colonel, thank you for saving us. You saved everyone on our windmill at sea! Oh my God, if not You, those damn, cruel, savage, filthy alien bastards, they will definitely take out our skulls and make them into wine glasses!”

Holding the lieutenant colonel's hand with enthusiasm and tears, Lin Qi shook it repeatedly, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, send something good to our noble, heroic, and fearless naval brothers. Well, send thirty hammers. The head shark has passed, and the good wine, tea, and lemons we carried are all sent to our navy brothers. We will return to the sea now, but the navy brothers will have to wander at sea for many days to protect us. Safety!"

From an angle that no one else could see, Lin Qi deftly stuffed a small, flexible piece of paper into the lieutenant colonel's sleeve. He smiled and said, "I don't know what your distinguished lieutenant colonel's name is? I will report it to the empire." The Admiralty sent an official letter to commend you for your heroic actions in rescuing us from the madmen in the Temple of Odin!"

The naval lieutenant colonel was slightly startled. He subconsciously touched the small piece of paper in his sleeve with his finger, and a smile appeared on his cold face: "Neville, I was just ordered to be in charge of Dun Erqi. Lieutenant Commander Neville, who ensures daily safety in the surrounding area of a thousand nautical miles!"

Lin Qi's smile became brighter. He shook Neville's hand repeatedly and smiled enthusiastically: "Lieutenant Colonel Neville, I am Lin Qi. It is really a pleasure to meet you!"

Long Cheng smiled thoughtfully, and he was the only one to see Lin Qi's little movements clearly.

He likes this little bastard Lin Qi more and more.


I slept too comfortably and woke up late. . . Feel sorry

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