Radiant Era

Chapter 92: Return to Hong Kong


Lin Qi had a drink with Lieutenant Colonel Neville in the guest room of the Sea Windmill. Because the Sea Windmill was about to return to Dunerker, Lin Qi gave all the excess supplies on board to Lieutenant Colonel Neville, which made the patrol squadron The navy officers and soldiers were extremely happy. wWW,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,comAfter all, the supplies given to them by the Imperial Navy were not as generous as those transported by large windmills at sea.

Lieutenant Colonel Neville also took the time to look at the small piece of paper that Lin Zisse gave him. It was an inconspicuous small piece of paper, a gold ticket payable on demand issued by the bank of the Golden Lettuce family in Duner. , with a number on it that made Lieutenant Colonel Neville's heart tremble—twenty thousand gold coins.

With the military exploits of a stone titan, combined with the military exploits of Dragon City in the siege of the Viking Great Ax Gorge, plus a personal income of 20,000 gold coins, by the time Dunerker Port was in sight, Lin Qi and Neville had become good friends and very close. good friend.

When Lieutenant Colonel Neville returned to his flagship and commanded the squadron to continue patrolling, Lin Qi and Lieutenant Colonel Neville hugged each other affectionately and greeted each other. Lin Qi warmly invited Lieutenant Colonel Neville to visit the Black Tiger Family when he had time, and Lieutenant Colonel Neville also assured Lin Qi that ships related to Lin Qi's family would be subject to restrictions on the sea near Dunerke in the future. Absolute protection of the patrol squadron.

Standing on the bow of the large windmill on the sea, Lin Qi kept waving to the retreating patrol squadron. Lieutenant Colonel Neville also stood at the stern of the fleet flagship, looking at Lin Qi for a long time. Both knew they had found a good friend.

After the sails of the patrol squadron gradually disappeared in the sudden blizzard, Long Cheng quietly arrived at Lin Qi's side.

"I'm curious, what is the crime of bribing military generals in this hellish place like yours?" Long Cheng looked at Lin Qi curiously.

"Who did I bribe?" Lin Qi's eyes widened innocently. His eyes were as clean and pure as a newborn baby: "Who did I bribe? Gods above, Dear Lord Longcheng, even if you are powerful Knight of Heaven, you can’t accuse me unjustly like this! Evidence, or you are making false accusations!”

Long Cheng curled his lips. He had no evidence. The golden ticket was probably kept by Lieutenant Colonel Neville in the most secret place of his flagship bedroom. Where could he find the evidence? With a cold snort, Longcheng gritted his teeth and said: "The Viking Big Ax Gorge and the two temple wizards are my credit. If you transfer these credits to your friends, then, the profit of that big fish, I Give it a little more."

Lin Qi's pure eyes suddenly flashed with golden light, and then his eyes became as ferocious as a hungry wolf that had been hungry for ten days and a half. He gritted his teeth and growled in a low voice: "Even if you are a powerful heavenly knight, you can't go back on your word. You absolutely don't want to take another copper coin from my hand!"

Long Cheng stared at Lin Qi and said in a dark voice, "But I killed those people!"

Lin Qi said scoundrelly: "Yes, you killed them, but what good can you gain by killing them? Your Excellency Longcheng, we must pursue the maximization of interests. My most respected mentor, Professor Kouen, said I say, we must pursue maximizing interests in everything we do!”

Attentively, he stretched out his hand to help Long Cheng flick away some snowflakes stuck to the collar of his blue fox fur coat. Lin Qi smiled and said: "You are not from our empire. You will not get any benefits by killing them. But you will Transfer this credit to me, and I can give you other benefits. Of course, not gold coins, but how about beauties? I can introduce you to a few beauties!"

Long Cheng's eyes lit up and suddenly became like Lin Qi's, like a hungry wolf that had been hungry for ten days and a half. Long Cheng's eyes turned green. The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, he puffed up his chest, put his hands behind his back and said proudly: "Don't fool me with those vulgar powders. Lin Qi, I, Longcheng, am not that kind of casual person. You have to know, I am not that kind of person." I am the one who can let my innocent body be tainted by others casually..."

Lin Qi deeply understood the nature of Long Cheng, who was an arrogant, narcissistic and frivolous bastard. He waved his hand impatiently and interrupted Long Cheng's words. He smiled triumphantly and said, "Don't worry about this. Of course, the Western Continent is not as rich as the East, but there will never be a shortage of beauties. In Dun'erke, I I will find you some beautiful girls!”

Sighing softly, Lin Qi squinted his eyes and said with a strange expression: "You are a few days late. There was a pair of very beautiful women a few days ago. They were as beautiful as goddesses that I have never seen before. It's a pity that you are late. A few days. I believe that if you saw them, you would not be able to resist using violence to rob them."…,

Long Cheng didn't say a word. He looked at the sky arrogantly, and the expression on his face seemed to tell Lin Qi what kind of beauty he hadn't seen before? But his high raised ears betrayed his true thoughts - is there really such a beautiful woman? Is it really worth his dragon city's plunder

Lin Qi laughed sinisterly: "Ai Ling and Aiya, these are the names of these twin sisters. They are proficient in magical arts, and they are fire-attribute magical arts. They were in Dunerki a few days ago, but this time They have left in two days, maybe you will have a chance to meet them!"

The large offshore windmill continues to approach the port, and a guide ship has already greeted it out of the port, using a cable to pull the large offshore windmill into the port. The pier in the distance was already full of people. They were the Dunerke people who came to greet the windmill after hearing the news. They couldn't wait to see what kind of harvest the windmill could produce after just a few days at sea.

A strange smile flashed across Long Cheng's face as he looked at the exotic buildings whose styles were very different from those in the East.

The twin sisters who are proficient in divine arts seem to be a very interesting target! Long Cheng suddenly felt that he was getting excited. Well, if he really met a pair of twin sisters who were proficient in magical arts, he would definitely take action. Even if they can't be brought back to the East, it's not a bad idea to kiss Xiangze.

Seeing Long Cheng's heartbeat, Lin Qi laughed sinisterly in his heart. Very good, very good, maybe Longcheng will never encounter those two dead women in this life, but what harm will it do to Lin Qi if Lin Qi plants this seed in Longcheng's heart? What if Long Cheng meets those two women? That is really the blessing of the gods. With the temper of the villain Long Cheng, those two women will get a huge surprise.

Standing majestically on the bow of the windmill on the sea, Lin Qi smiled and waved his hands to the crowd on the pier.

Suddenly there was a cry of exclamation on the dock: "Oh my God, isn't that Lin Qi? Didn't he go to a mountain villa to recuperate? Why did he appear on the Windmill?"

Blackbeard, who was standing on the pier with a cigar in his mouth to welcome the windmill back from the sea, was caught off guard by Lin Qi's move. He listened to the exclamations of the crowd around him and looked at Lin Qi in great embarrassment.

As ruthless as a wolf and as sinister as evil, Blackbeard decided that he must punish Lin Qi.


Zhutou has gone to bed. Today he has to have dinner with his relatives at home. Ouch.

Sleep, sleep, good night everyone, sweet dreams!