Radiant Era

Chapter 94: Great sadness and great joy


The Sea Windmill slowly docked at the berth. Before the gangway was lowered, several middle-aged men with self-supporting bodies had already climbed up to the deck along a cable thrown by a sailor. WWw!qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo!Com These middle-aged men are small shareholders of the whale hunting company to which the offshore windmill belongs. They can't wait to know how much prey this offshore windmill has brought them.

Less than a week after going to sea, the sea windmill returned to Dunerque. Did it happen to meet the wild whales traveling and have a good harvest, or was it unlucky to encounter an unexpected incident and return to the port? The big hole in the stern of the ship is not a good omen. The hull of the big windmill on the sea is extremely strong. It can split its hull like that. Everyone can imagine the terrifying power of that blow.

Lin Qi swung smoothly along a cable to the pier. He patted the dust on his hands and smiled and waved to the good-luck Joachim on the ship: "Uncle Joachim, you have to pack everything properly." !”

What Lin Qi meant by packing up was naturally the remaining whale hunting harpoons. With Colonel Neville's official document proving it, those whale hunting harpoons can be removed from the empire's controlled items list. Waiting for a good day when the moon is dark and the wind is high, these babies can lie obediently in the secret warehouse of the Black Tiger family, waiting for the day when they can emit a dazzling fire in the chest of a powerful being.

The sky was full of wind and snow, and Qiao Arang, whose hair and beard were gray-white, smiled and waved the pipe in his hand to Lin Qi. Of course he will keep those little cuties well, they are all good treasures that can be used to great effect. With these treasures, maybe some subordinates of the Black Tiger family will be able to rob a few more armed merchant ships after the routes resume operations in the next spring, right

"They are all fat sheep!" Qiao Arang clicked his lips and smiled with satisfaction.

Enzo and Long Cheng also slipped off the boat, and Lin Qi and Blackbeard had already embraced each other passionately.

Blackbeard rubbed Lin Qi's face with his big, prickly beard. He shouted with tears streaming down his face: "Oh, Lin Qi, my child, my Lin Qi! Why did you run to the sea?" ? Do you want to make your poor black-bearded dad fearful? It's a pity that you have grown up, otherwise I should really spank you!"

Lin Qi coughed feebly a few times, and then he smiled triumphantly and said: "Oh, don't worry, dear father, I'm just taking Enzo to see the sea scenery. All distinguished adults must understand that for For an inland person, it is such a sad thing not to have seen the sea."

The dignitaries in Dunerke suddenly laughed, and they were leaning forward and backward with laughter. It seemed that Enzo Linzina, the 'country bumpkin from the interior', was making fun of them, which gave them a great sense of satisfaction. Yes, bumpkins who have never seen the sea, dignitaries like them deal with the sea every day.

Holding Lin Qi's shoulders firmly, Blackbeard shouted: "So, my little Lin Qi, tell your father that you didn't cause trouble for poor old Qiao Ajean, right? Huh? You didn't cause trouble for them. Son? What is your prey?"

The dignitaries closed their mouths at the same time and listened obediently to Lin Qi's answer. There is no way, a whale hunting ship going to sea always affects people's hearts. Every whale hunting ship is shining with gold. As long as there is a harvest, its shareholders can get huge returns.

The sea windmill is a brand new whale hunting ship. Its manufacturing cost is extremely high. Not to mention its sturdy armored hull, just driving its magic energy furnace costs a lot of money. Just that magic energy furnace It cost shareholders millions of gold coins.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as the offshore windmill can bring back two narwhals this time, all the costs will be recovered! If there are some other harvests - which are basically indispensable additional trophies, such as hammerhead shark fins and other seafood, then there will be a small surplus during this trip to sea. The next time the windmill goes to sea, all it will bring back is pure profit!

Lin Qi curled his lips proudly. He gestured his thumb towards the windmill on the sea and said with a proud smile: "Ah, there is only one. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, there is only one trophy. This time when we go to sea, Enzo and I Working together, we killed that big guy with our own hands!"

Enzo bowed slightly to many dignitaries in a reserved manner. His face was slightly red and he seemed to be very shy. …,

Those dignitaries immediately sighed in admiration. He was indeed a simple and shy young man. Such honest and honest young people are really rare these days. Compared with those dandy scum in his family who spend a lot of time in drinking, having sex, and having sex, young people like Enzo are nothing short of pure gold.

Long Cheng sneered from the side. Is Enzo blushing because of shame? Lin Qi shamelessly took the credit for Longcheng again.

After admiring for a while, the dignitaries suddenly exclaimed in unison, "Wow!" What? Did they hear it wrong or did Lin Qi say it wrong? Only one prey? Damn, damn, only one prey? No matter how high the selling price of a narwhal whale is, the total profit will only be about half of the cost of building a large offshore windmill!

In other words, the shareholders of the offshore windmill will not be able to recover their costs until this time next year, and they will not be able to make profits until two years later!

Some dignitaries laughed with a hint of schadenfreude, mocking some people's bad luck. Advent is coming soon, which is a major festival in the Western continent where the old year ends and the new year begins. During Advent it is impossible for whale hunting boats to go out to sea. After the Advent Festival, the weather will become extremely bad, and whale hunting ships will not be able to go to sea.

As for after the beginning of spring, if the whale hunting ship goes deep into the North Sea, it will be equivalent to death - the wolf-like Wudalian Island Navy will eat the whale hunting ship clean with skin and bones! Therefore, the shareholders of those offshore windmills will be sad this time!

As for the shareholders of the large offshore windmills, the major shareholders still have a faint smile on their faces, but those small shareholders - those small shareholders who are counting on getting a sum of money from this profit to spend the holidays, their His face became extremely ugly.

It’s just a narwhal. Oh my god, aren’t you Lin Qi harmful to others

Dozens of small shareholders who were not very wealthy stared angrily at Lin Qi. It was this guy who made their lives suddenly become tight! Damn it, how could he do this

At this moment, several middle-aged men who had just climbed onto the boat happily rushed to the railing of the boat. They worked together to raise a golden horn that was more than four meters long.

"King Narwhal, Master Lin Qi and Mr. Enzo teamed up to kill a King Narwhal!"

The entire pier was filled with exclamations. Are you kidding me, a narwhal king

A narwhal king that can rival dozens or twenty narwhals? Developed, really developed this time!