Radiant Era

Chapter 96: First intimate contact


On the pier to welcome the big windmill back home, apart from the big boss, major shareholders, and small and medium-sized shareholders of the whale hunting company, there were more idle people watching the excitement. wWW,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,comSome idle hooligans, some idle vagrants, and some just looking at strange dudes.

Not far from the berth where the large offshore windmill was parked, a few strong men in straight clothes stretched out their arms to block the surging flow of people around them, creating a quiet small space. A delicate carriage parked there quietly, and the girl's soft and charming voice came from the carriage.

Angel, who was wearing a light red dress and a white fox fur coat, frowned and looked at the big windmill on the sea not far away. Sitting opposite her was An Lin, who was wearing a pink blue dress and a fiery red fox fur coat. The two girls are close friends and talk about everything. When they heard that the windmill on the sea was returning today, the two girls happily took their guards to watch the fun.

When Lin Qi slid down from the deck triumphantly, Angel groaned in pain as if he had seen a ghost.

"God, isn't he about to die after being hacked more than a hundred times by those brutal orcs? Did I see a ghost in broad daylight? Why doesn't he die? Why is he still alive and well?"

Thinking about the tens of thousands of gold coins she had lost a few nights ago, Angel felt her heart throb. She angrily twisted a poor white handkerchief until it looked like twists. Those gold coins were her hard-earned pocket money. To be more precise, they were her private money prepared for her future marriage. As we all know, it is impossible for any noble lady to have no private money, otherwise many pleasant pleasures would be lost. Will be far away from her forever.

But Lin Qi took away her hard-earned private money without mercy!

This means that if Angel gets married in the next two years, she will not be able to buy all kinds of luxurious clothes and jewelry as she likes, hold exclusive salon tea parties and art parties, and participate in some interesting and secret but expensive activities with her close friends. Not a cheap activity.

"This devil! He should be burned on the rack forever."

Angel angrily tore the handkerchief into pieces, and the fragments of cloth fluttered all over the carriage.

An Lin frowned and looked at Lin Qi who was hugging Blackbeard warmly. She nodded thoughtfully and said: "It's indeed strange. Let someone go and find out. I'm very strange that he should be recuperating in a mountain villa. Why?" Will he appear on the Sea Windmill?"

With a slight snort, Angel stretched out her delicate, white hands from the car window and gestured lightly. A guard immediately squeezed into the bustling crowd on the pier. After a while, he squeezed back out of breath and respectfully reported the information he had found to Angel.

At this moment, those ecstatic middle-aged people raised the Narwhal King's horn high. The brilliant golden light, the unique spiral pattern, and the length beyond common sense, everything explained it. Lin Qi and the others had an amazing prey.

When she just listened to the guard's report, she heard that Lin Qi and the others only got one prey, and Angel couldn't help but sneer.

But when the identity of this prey was revealed to others, Angel, who was quite proud, turned blue with anger. Clenching her fist tightly, Angel gritted her teeth and cursed in a low voice: "King Narwhal? God, why don't you let that terrible monster swallow this devil in one bite?"

The crowd on the pier suddenly surged, and countless people clapped their hands and yelled. They yelled at Lin Qi and Enzo together, seeming to be shouting something like 'a man among men'. The crowd cheered, and Lin Qi waved triumphantly amidst the applause and cheers. His arrogant little look almost made Angel's heart almost explode.

Amid cheers, a group of uniformed Whaling Company employees lined up neatly on the pier. They separated the crowd and created a wide avenue between the windmill at sea and the Whaling Company's warehouse. One after another, specially made carriages came to the berth of the windmill on the sea, and the sailors happily used the magic unloader to unload the materials taken out of King Narwhal one by one.

Every piece of King Narwhal's shining golden meat was carried down, and there was a burst of cheers on the dock.

Buckets of King Narwhal's blood were transported down, and the cheers on the dock reached another level. …,

When the internal organs, tongue and bones of King Narwhal were removed, the people on the dock were going crazy. Especially the skeleton of the Narwhal King, which is as golden as if it were made of gold, and is full of a luxurious and mysterious atmosphere. This thing will make the nobles in the imperial capital go crazy.

In the end, even buckets of King Narwhal feces were transported down. This is not feces, this is super fertilizer worth hundreds of gold coins per pound. Whether it was the sailors who carried it or the employees of the whale hunting company, they carried these stinky treasures with great care, just like a mother holding her newborn baby.

Countless people on the pier applauded, cheered, and jumped up and down with excitement.

Lin Qi pulled Enzo and Long Cheng into the crowd. He calmly made a few gestures to the people mixed in the crowd. Not long after, the information he wanted was given by a middle-aged man with a hateful appearance. Sent over. Lin Qi stuffed two gold coins into the middle-aged man. He greeted Blackbeard, and then quickly disappeared into the crowd with Long Cheng and Enzo.

Angel in the carriage was so angry that she turned blue. Of course she knew what a king narwhal meant to society. Lin Qi hunted back a king narwhal after just one week at sea. This was simply unbelievable. Why would the gods protect such a villain? Angel scolded angrily and ordered the coachman to take her away from this damn place immediately.

She was going to the Golden Rose Lounge, maybe it would make her feel better.

But the carriage didn't move. Angel stuck her head out of the window angrily and wanted to curse loudly, but her curse suddenly solidified on her lips.

With a mysterious smile and a nightmare, Lin Qi appeared in front of Miss Angel. Their faces were less than one foot apart.

Lin Qi bowed to Angel diligently and said with an exaggerated smile: "Dear Miss Angel, I would like to introduce you to a distinguished guest from afar. An extremely distinguished guest, as distinguished as the prince of our empire. From From the mysterious, rich, powerful Eastern Empire with gold everywhere, Your Excellency Longcheng!"

Wearing a rare blue fox fur coat, with handsome appearance, extraordinary bearing, extremely arrogant and arrogant, Longcheng Shi Shiran appeared in front of Angel with his nostrils pointing upward. He smiled at Angel. His smile was full of the charm of a mature man, far beyond the comparison of a young man like Lin Qi.

With a domineering attitude that could not be refused, Long Cheng slowly spoke with his magnetic voice: "Beautiful young lady, you must be interested in having dinner with me, right?"

Angel suddenly saw Long Cheng's alluring smile, and she was intoxicated for a moment.