Raid That Scum

Chapter 1: wedge


"Die, bitch!"

Rong Si only had time to hear these vicious words before a sharp and unpleasant brake sound suddenly rang in her ears. Then severe pain spread throughout her body. It felt like all the bones in her body were falling apart, and even opening her eyes was difficult.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself so light that it was frightening. She turned around to see who the bitch was who had pushed her out, but she only saw a figure fleeing in a hurry.

She could recognize the person who had been harassing and slandering her for nearly a month even if he turned into ashes, let alone his back.

Rong Si, floating in the air in a translucent state, looked at the woman who was fleeing in a hurry, and felt so angry that her teeth were itching.

How come in such a big world I met such a psychopath

In such a big city like Shanghai, Rong Si, under the protection of her mother, can be considered a person who owns a house and a car. She also found a good job, so her life can be considered to be quite comfortable.

She just turned 30 this year, is unmarried, but likes to date. Unfortunately, with her dislike for the old and love of the new, almost every relationship only lasts for one or two months.

She has basically been in this state ever since she fell in love at the age of sixteen.

It seemed that after the novelty of one or two months wore off, the man she was with suddenly became somewhat hateful, like a piece of sugarcane residue that was tasteless to eat but not a pity to throw away. She had never been a person who would compromise since she was a child, so she would naturally not force it if she no longer had feelings for him. At the beginning, she just pretended to be dead and broke up with him coldly. Later, when she was older, she could explain it directly, and then she told the man she was about to start a relationship for a certain period of time, explaining that she would only date for one month or at most two months, and if they were willing to be together, then forget it.

But she didn't expect that after she made it clear, all kinds of men rushed towards her like moths to a flame, just like the girl who thought she would be the last one of the playboy.

Under such conditions, men also consider it an honor to conquer Rong Si, or even make her fall in love with them. Unfortunately, no one has yet emerged who can break Rong Si's shackles. Many men who were sure that they could end Rong Si's love history, or even that they would not be attracted to her at all, when the one or two months of love period expired, the good-mannered ones basically left with a wry smile, saying that they regretted meeting her and that they didn't know how long it would take for their injuries to heal. There were also those with poor manners who threatened directly, but in the end they still left with red eyes.

"You will be punished, Rong Si..."

These are the harsh words many men say to her when they leave with scars all over their body.

Retribution? Sorry, she had been through so much and didn't know what retribution was. She thought she could continue to live like this for decades, but when she died alone, she got slapped in the face.

She met a psychopath, oh no, a pair of psychopaths, a pair of psychopaths made in heaven.

She met the man when she was on leave abroad. At that time, she had just ended her last relationship. Unfortunately, the previous man's family had some power and he was very willful. He had been chasing her for several years until he met her. They agreed to end the relationship after two months, but who knew that he was unwilling to let go. He even said that he was willing to marry her, would treat her well in the future, and was willing to settle down and take over the family business, so that Rong Si would have no worries about food and clothing in the future, etc. He made countless unbelievable promises.

But all these words were like farts to Rong Si. Who wants your promise? Who wants to marry you? She can live a comfortable life on her own, okay? She didn't want to live a good life at home in the future. A stranger came to her house with a child, crying that this was the fruit of her husband's affair with someone else. She knew how crazy this man had been playing outside before. She said she was willing to settle down. Sorry, she didn't believe it.

You were living a carefree life and now you wanted to settle down, but she didn't want to.

But unfortunately, the man had some tricks. In order to avoid him, Rong Si came to a foreign country and met a man who looked gentle, tasteful and knew how to live. In a foreign country, the two of them fell in love with each other almost at first sight.

But who would have known that Rong Si, who had experienced so much, could also make mistakes. After being together for just a week, she discovered that this man actually had a wife and children. Sorry, she never touches a man with a wife, especially one with children. Why should children suffer when adults commit sins? What did they do wrong

So she proposed to break up with the man, but he still insisted, saying how could it end now after a month? Having a wife and children did not hinder his pursuit of Zhen.

Rong Si almost vomited after hearing these words. Fuck you, you are so shameless.

She thought the man was a good enough person, but who knew his wife was a psychopath!

He actually went straight to her home, knelt down in front of the neighbors and asked her to let her go, let her child go, and stop bothering her husband.

Sorry, your husband and I have broken up two weeks ago. It’s not me who is pestering him, but he who is pestering me.

But the woman acted as if she didn't want to hear anything and continued to kneel on the ground without getting up.

Rong Si got angry and said, "I won't serve you anymore. Go and kneel down."

But who would have thought that the woman would actually kneel at her door for a whole night. When Rong Si got up in the morning, she was almost scared to death by the person at the door. After that, this person clung to her like a leech.

Back at the company, the woman cried in front of the department manager, who looked at her with disapproval on his face. Back home, she brought a small stool and cried in front of her neighbor's door. This man haunted her at the place where she usually ate, drank coffee, had dinner, and even negotiated contracts.

Rong Si was really fed up with this lunatic.

After calling the police several times, she was actually taken directly to the police station to cry.

It can be said that Rong Si's reputation has been almost ruined by her. This world is never fair. After a man has experienced many things, marrying a good woman is called a prodigal son returning home. After a woman has been in love for a long time, marrying a good man is called finding an honest man to take over. Not to mention, women are harsh on women. Rong Si has been pointed at enough during this period of time, and various ex-boyfriends have also appeared on the stage.

Rong Si is almost worn out by these people. If she can't afford to provoke them, can't she just hide away

But she didn't expect that when she just walked out of the house and was about to take a taxi to the airport to relax abroad, a strong force came from behind her, and she was thrown directly under the wheels of the taxi.

Rong Si couldn't bear to look at the pool of blood and flesh on the ground.

Fortunately, before leaving, she managed to trick that woman. She compiled five copies of the evidence of all the insults and threats she had received, including the attempt to throw sulfuric acid on her when she wasn't paying attention. She sent them to her parents, her parents-in-law, her husband, her company and the police station respectively. It seems that this woman will not be able to escape legal sanctions even if she tries to run away.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, there was another brake sound. Rong Si, who was floating in the air, was surprised to see that the woman was lying in a pool of blood like herself. The bright yellow Lamborghini seemed to have seen nothing and rolled over the other's body several times. The screams of the people around broke through the sky. Some timid people were even frightened to death by the bloody scene.

When the woman was almost dead, Rong Si saw a man getting out of the car. His expression was calm and serious, and he walked slowly towards Rong Si as if with some kind of piety.

She was familiar with this man's appearance. He was too familiar to her. Wasn't he the rich boy who said he wanted to marry her? She remembered that when she met this psychopathic woman, he had approached her more than once, saying that as long as she was willing to marry him, he would definitely help her solve this trouble.

Rong Si suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, maybe...

She watched the man getting closer and closer to her body, until he was next to her, then he suddenly stopped, slowly squatted down, and with trembling hands hugged her tightly in his arms, hugging her tighter and tighter. Even Rong Si, who was floating in the air, felt a little suffocated watching the way he hugged her.

Then she heard the man speak.

"Look, if you had married me, wouldn't this have happened? If you had stayed with me and been obedient, wouldn't you have met that kind of person? Why didn't you obey me? Why didn't you want to be with me... But this is also good. From now on, you will belong to me and me alone, and no one can take you away..."

The man's dreamy voice made Rong Si shiver uncontrollably.

His eyes were red and cold. Due to the violent movement, the phone fell out of his pocket. He didn't know where it fell, but it started playing automatically.

"Yes, Rong Si, find someone to make her suffer, so that she can understand who is the best person for her! Mrs. Lin seems to be in a bad mental state because her husband is out looking for Zhen every day, she..."

"Find someone to replace Mrs. Lin's medicine for me, and then ask her best friend to continue to fan the flames in her ear..."

"What? Rong Si is leaving? No, no, no! Madam Lin, please lead Madam Lin over. No matter what, keep her. Even if it means death, keep her for me..."

Haha, it turns out that she met not a pair of psychopaths, but three.

Why is her life so miserable

Rong Si raised her middle finger to the sky, and suddenly a sentence that often appeared in her mind echoed.

"You will be punished, Rong Si..."

Haha, screw your retribution, in her next life she will be as ruthless to men as autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves, damn it!

A gust of wind blew by, and Rong Si's translucent shadow trembled.

Am I going to disappear? Don't...

Just at this moment, a ding sound suddenly came from Rong Si's mind.

Then a mechanical voice that could not be distinguished between male and female suddenly sounded in her head.

"Found a spirit body suitable for living, the scum system is binding..."

“… Three, two, one. Binding completed, system activated, plane mission started.”

After another round of ding-ding-ding sounds, and a feeling of dizziness, Rong Si opened her eyes again and suddenly felt a piercing pain in her chin.

"Who do you think you are? How can you compare with her? She is just a substitute I found to kill time. Do you really think you are in love with me? Ha, don't you think you are worthy of me?" (83 Chinese.83.)

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