Raid That Scum

Chapter 42: Campus Pranks (I)


It can be said that Rong Si didn’t feel anything about her last world. She woke up from her dream and immediately came to the system’s space. After careful calculation, in the last world, Zhuo Feibai had 8 gold coins, Qiao Mo had 0 gold coins, Ye Xuan Ge had 86 gold coins, and after paying back the 50 gold coins to the system, Rong Si found that she only had 4 gold coins left, a pitiful number. It was hard for her to work hard in two worlds and conquer six scumbags, but she only had 4 gold coins. However, after calculation, each person could get 4 gold coins. It was really great... Bullshit!

All the melancholy that the previous movie queen world brought to her disappeared completely the moment Rong Si saw the number of gold coins.

"System, are you kidding me? I've worked so hard for so long, and I only get this little profit. Where's the rest of my money? Where's my money? Spit it out, spit it out..."

You purchased the Time Travel Wheel.

"Damn Time Rewinding Wheel! If you ask me for startup fees or maintenance fees when I use it next time, I'm telling you, I will absolutely, absolutely turn against you!"

"Forget it, forget it, forget it. Let's start the next world quickly. What's the story?"

When Rong Si opened her eyes again, she suddenly felt that the surroundings were extremely quiet. No, there should be some rustling sounds and the sound of turning pages.

Then she suddenly felt as if something hit her head, and she turned around curiously to look over.

"Give it to me! Give it to me quickly! Are you cheating? Ah? Hurry and give me this ball of paper!"

Before she could turn her head, a loud shout suddenly rang out in front of her, scaring Rong Si. Then the ball of paper in her hand was snatched away by the woman who came running over.

He was wearing black clothes, black pants, a white shirt, black leather shoes, his hair was neatly combed, he wore black-framed glasses, he had a ferocious expression, and his eyes were sharp. Rong Si seemed to have encountered such a creature before.

Then she saw the woman frowning as she unfolded the paper in her hand, only to find that there was not a single word written on it. She looked at Rong Si suspiciously, and seeing her staring at her eagerly, she snorted coldly, "Why are you looking at me during the exam? There are words on my face! Do the test! Be careful next time. If I catch you whispering to someone secretly again, I will confiscate your test paper!"

After saying this viciously, the woman went back to the podium and continued to sit there, staring at the people below with a sharp gaze.

Rong Si lowered her head obediently and flipped through the English test paper in front of her which was already filled with answers. Exam

Hey? Exam!

Rong Si widened her eyes subconsciously.

How long has it been since she's experienced something like this? An exam? Too funny!

She glanced at the little girl sitting next to her. She was young and immature, but her expression was extremely serious.

She looked like a high school student, but after just one look, the woman on top immediately coughed heavily. Rong Si retracted her gaze and flipped through her test paper. It was really filled up. Okay, that's fine, just hand it in. What are you sitting there for? It just so happens that she needs to find a secluded place to take in the plot of this world. High school student? Hahaha, how can a high school student be a jerk? You, me, I'm not you, won't you copy my homework for me? So funny!

Could it be that the system saw that her previous life was too hard and specially found her such an easy and comfortable one

If you think about it this way, it's pretty considerate, right? Of course, it would be even more considerate if you didn't make up excuses to take her money!

The system, which was suddenly labeled as caring by Rong Si, no longer cared about her at this time. It looked at a small ball floating in its own system space and automatically started the antivirus system. Unfortunately, after killing it several times in a row, the other party had no reaction and could not even move for a moment.

This is called a lot of garbled code suddenly appeared in the system program, and it took a long time to return to normal. It tentatively approached the ball, but didn't expect that the moment it got close to the other party, it suddenly rushed towards it.


Several exclamation marks suddenly flashed in the system program!

This... is also energy

The exclamation marks filled the screen!

"If some students start whispering to each other, get out!"

Hearing this, Rong Si looked up and happened to see the fierce expression of the woman who looked like the dean. Seeing this, she immediately raised her eyebrows and said, "Teacher, hand in the paper!"

After saying that, he stuffed the things on the table into his schoolbag, walked up to the podium with the test paper, and under the other party's frown that was enough to kill a mosquito, he slapped the test paper on the podium, smiled at the dean of studies, and walked out directly.

But when she was about to go out, she accidentally glanced at a man sitting in the last row. Well, the handsome boy glared at her fiercely.

Weird people, weird teachers, weird exams, weird schools.

This was almost the only feeling in Rong Si's heart. Seeing that the other party was waiting for her, she rolled her eyes at him and walked out.

As she walked, she summoned the system in her mind, but the other party didn't know what was going on. It didn't even pay any attention to her. The system was busier than her day by day.

Following her body's habit, she came to a small pavilion near the school. Rong Si threw her schoolbag aside casually, sat down, and called the system again. After calling it five or six times in a row, the other party finally gave her a response.


Stop saying hum, I don’t understand anything now, let me introduce the characters in the plot.

What was completely different from the previous two times was that this time, as soon as Rong Si opened her mouth, the system immediately sent all the introductions over without saying a word.

Hey? Why did the system suddenly become manly

With such surprise, Rong Si was directly immersed in a vast sea of memories.

This world is indeed a high school campus world just as Rong Si observed.

The original owner, Rong Si, was a little sparrow who accidentally strayed into the Phoenix Forest. She came from a small mountain village in the countryside. She had a pair of younger twin brothers and sisters. Raising three children was a heavy burden for their parents, who only knew how to farm. However, they did not give up on their children's education and worked hard to support their studies. The three children were also very sensible and were always among the best in their class since they were young. Especially Rong Si, who had never been ranked second in exams since she was young.

When Rong Si was preparing to go to high school, TV stations in big cities heard the news and came here to report their deeds. Rong Si became a role model for many people through that news and also gained a little fame.

At this time, a school found Rong Si's parents and said that if she was willing to go to their school, she could study for free, with food and accommodation in the school, as long as she could keep good grades. Although it was a private school, the admission rate was very high. Rong's parents were tempted. The burden on the family was too heavy. Although they let their daughter leave her hometown, it was also for her to receive a better education. So after discussing with Rong Si, they immediately agreed.

After entering that school, Rong Si really looked like a little sparrow that fell into a phoenix's nest, looking grey and miserable, and being ridiculed by all kinds of people. After all, she usually wore poor clothes. When she was a child, she was always helping the family with chores during her spare time, so her skin was tanned and rough. She also had a pair of rustic braids and occasionally spoke with a little dialect accent. She looked rustic and silly all over.

She seemed so out of place among a bunch of fashionable big city students. While they were discussing new clothes, jewelry and even cosmetics in magazines, Rong Si didn't even have a mobile phone. Every time she wanted to call her family, she had to run to the teacher's office or the security guard's duty room at the school gate. Speaking in a dialect that no one else could understand, she happily shared her experiences in the city with her family. She also said that when she was admitted to university, she would bring her younger brothers and sisters, and her parents to see the big city outside the mountains.

It can be said that the original owner's psychological defenses were very strong. She had never felt inferior from beginning to end, nor had she complained about anyone. She was even grateful that the people from the TV station reported her story. The people from the school went to the small mountain village to find her and allowed her to receive a better education. Compared with many people in the mountains, she was really lucky to have a pair of understanding parents who were willing to send her to school. You know, the little sister she had played with since childhood had already dropped out of school and got married. Because she was young, she didn't even have a marriage certificate. There was only a table of wedding wine in the village, and now it seems that she even has a child.

She could still get into college, what was there to complain about! So Rong Si always studied hard, asked the teacher if she didn't understand something, got up early every morning, exercised, practiced Mandarin, and memorized words. Other people's ridicule often went in one ear and out the other. She only knew that this opportunity was hard-won and she must not give up because of these little things. She couldn't let her parents down, and finally slapped those who laughed at her with her grades.

Originally, such a girl, who came from a poor family but had a strong character, perseverance and persistence, would have achieved great success in the future. But who could have thought that she would still encounter obstacles in her life.

Rong Si is probably the first person from a small mountain village to attend this private school. You should know that this private high school named Yingguang has always been known as Yingguang Noble High School.

Those who could come in were either rich or noble, or their families had some assets, so Rong Si seemed so out of place.

Back then, the reason why Yingguang High School found Rong Si was simply because there was a large-scale fight between students of their school and people from other schools, injuring many people. After the fight was exposed, the school's reputation plummeted. Finding an inspirational little celebrity like Rong Si was also for public relations purposes. After all, it was just one more student. With some food and drink, the other party could still get good grades. It could be said that as long as Rong Si was in the school, they could hype it up to embellish their reputation.

Of course, Rong Si didn't know the stories behind these things, but most of the students in the school knew them clearly.

However, they didn't want to have any contact with someone like Rong Si, and they were not even interested in bullying her in school. She was just a country bumpkin with excellent grades, and she would never be able to bully them in the future, so there was no need to care about her at all.

Rong Si spent her first year of high school safely in school, as if she was a transparent person, and entered her second year of high school.

However, she never expected that just because of a midterm exam, she would completely embark on a path of no return.

The hero of the original plot is called Han Lie. He has an excellent family background and is considered to be at the top of the pyramid in Yingguang High School. He has a bad and childish personality and likes to fight. The previous fight that was enough to destroy Yingguang was started by this guy.

But because of his background, the school couldn't do anything to him. After being taken home by his parents for two days of education, he was released again to cause trouble.

Originally, Rong Si and he should have kept to themselves, but unfortunately Han Lie's bad temper did not change. When the midterm exam of the second semester of high school was about to begin, he beat a student from the same school and sent him to the hospital. Han's father was so angry that his blood pressure soared. Unfortunately, he couldn't beat him because his grandmother, mother, aunt and uncle all protected him. In the end, he had no choice but to order his son that if he didn't rank among the top 100 in his age group in the midterm exam, he would be sent to his grandfather.

Grandpa Han went to the battlefield when he was young, and he has the final say in this family. Due to health reasons, he has been living in a village in the western suburbs in recent years. If Han Lie goes there, it would be no different from going to jail. The most important thing is that Grandpa Han really fights. Han's father had his arm broken by him when he was young. It can be said that if Han Lie goes there, he will be disabled if he doesn't die.

There are 300 students in the entire second year of high school, and he is currently ranked 8th. There is only one week left until the midterm exam, and he needs to improve by 18 places. He can't even see where his way out lies.

But at this time, he noticed Rong Si, who was always the oldest, so he used his connections to make sure she and he were placed in the same examination room for every exam, and then went to talk to Rong Si.

What to talk about? Of course, we are talking about cheating!

There were four people Han Lie often played with. At that time, almost all four of them blocked Rong Si in a small corner of the playground. Poor Rong Si was still reciting English loudly at that time, and turned around to hear the laughter of these bad boys.

Of course she won't cheat!

If I don't cheat, I'll be expelled from school. Will I do it

Rong Si was a little silly, but not too silly. She had heard of these four male classmates who looked down upon even the teacher. Not only that, she even developed a little affection for one of them. Of course, it was only a little bit. The most important thing for her now was to study and get into college.

Under pressure, Rong Si finally had no choice but to nod and agree.

After copying the first few exams, she suddenly didn't know what to think about the last English exam. It could also be that the teacher was too strict in the last exam and didn't even give her a chance to pass the answers to Han Lie. This really stirred up a hornet's nest.

But if you ask Han Lie to hit a woman, he can't do it.

At this time, his good brother Xiao Rang's research institute actually developed an interesting gadget, the dust camera.

A tiny video camera that is invisible to the naked eye and can even keep filming. It happened to be in the experimental stage, so he borrowed it without thinking.

It was just because he had a bad idea in his mind and he just needed such a little thing.

Any other ideas

A country girl from a small mountain village who had never seen anything. The four boys made a bet with her. From now until the end of the semester, which is almost two months, they want to see who can make this country girl say the word "love" first. Not only that, the whole process of their conquest will be broadcast live on the school forum through this camera. Anyway, this country girl doesn't even have a mobile phone, and stays in school every day. Forget about going to school. If the world outside comes to an end, she might still be memorizing her English.

During the entire live broadcast process, students from all over the school will be invited to watch and give scores on a 100-point scale. Tu Yatou's likes account for 30 points, and the rest will depend on which of the four of them has the most viewers and receives the most gifts!

Since I'm bored anyway, it's nice to have some fun like this, right

This proposal was almost instantly agreed upon by the other three. Not only that, although these four had many fans in school, the boring high school life still made everyone unanimously approve of such an agreement, and then one or two of them secretly watched this prank.

The badass and handsome Han Lie, the cold and intelligent Xiao Rang, the twin brothers, the sunny older brother Lu Yunhang, and the simple younger brother Lu Tianyou.

The four boys launched attacks on Rong Si one after another.

I remember there is a saying that goes, if she is young and inexperienced, take her to see the world; if she is experienced, take her to ride a carousel.

A girl like Rong Si, who had never been exposed to the hustle and bustle of the world, would still be confused by some things no matter how strong her mind was. Especially since she had originally been a little attracted to Xiao Rang, and now that he came to find her, she didn't even have time to be happy, let alone anything else.

So Xiao Rangda became the first one to like it, and he also had the most viewers in the school and received the most gifts.

Han Lie was not convinced and stepped up his offensive, and actually achieved her liking. This caused an uproar among those watching the live broadcast. Who would have thought that this country girl had such a big appetite? They couldn't help but look down on her when they met in public.

But who would have known that the next day, Rong Si took the initiative to find Han Lie and said that she was not interested in him in fact, and that she was forced by the situation yesterday. She was really sorry, and that she had always liked Xiao Rang.

Han Lie was completely confused after hearing this. Not only was he rejected by a woman, but he was also rejected by a country girl. It was such a shame, such a shame!

So, impulsively, he immediately revealed everything to Rong Si. Not only that, he also showed her those live broadcasts, mocking her for being a country girl who really thought she was so charming, and really thought that the four of them were blind and liked her! She didn't even look in the mirror to see her own virtues. There was nothing so beautiful in her dreams, okay? Stupid!

Rong Si didn't believe it, but then Xiao Rang, Lu Yunhang and even some other classmates in the school came over and said the same thing to her, so it was hard for her not to believe it.

Yes, she had been fooled by their prank, completely fooled by it. Even her confusion over who to choose when she was alone in the dormitory was heard by everyone.

She, Rong Si, is the biggest fool in the world.

From then on, Rong Si fell completely silent. No matter where she went in the school, people would whisper and laugh at her. Even the teacher heard about it. When she was delivering her homework to the teacher's office, she heard them saying at the door that little girls nowadays have too many thoughts, thinking that they can turn from a sparrow into a phoenix and fly to the top of the tree in one day. They also said that the school should not recruit children from poor families. Those who are recruited will be determined for a while, but will feel unbalanced after a long time. Look at Rong Si, she really thinks she is the heroine of her romance novel. Isn't it shameful!

When she called home, her parents just told her to study hard and they were waiting for her to take them to the big city!

After listening to her parents' words and crying for a while, Rong Si finally felt that the most important thing was to put everything behind her and study hard.

But she didn't expect that in this final exam she would rank 87th in the school, dropping from the first place to 87th. All her classmates laughed at her and even her head teacher stood on the podium and mocked her.

When Rong Si looked at her ranking, her mind went blank. She ignored the teacher's scolding, ran out of the classroom, and called home.

The next day, her body was found in the Weiming Lake on campus.

After reading the whole story, Rong Si sneered several times. Such a good girl, is this the end of her

She opened her eyes and looked at the calm lake in front of her, but her heart couldn't calm down. If the first two worlds were consensual, this world simply exposed the ugliest side of human nature.

Such a good girl is gone like this.

It can be said that everyone in the entire school is a murderer!

It's a pity that because of their background, these people not only got the retribution they deserved, but also had to live a very comfortable life. Even the school's explanation for Rong Si's death was just that the students were under too much pressure because of their background and family. She did poorly on the exam, so she committed suicide when no one was paying attention.

Then the issue of reducing the burden came up. As for Rong Si, apart from her relatives, no one remembered her anymore after a while.

Han Lie lost his memory due to the great stimulation, and many years later he found a girl who looked like Rong Si and married her. Xiao Rang inherited the family business, Lu Yunhang went abroad, and Lu Tianyou continued to live a life of debauchery.

After reading the follow-up, Rong Si laughed out loud, but she didn't expect that at this moment, the system prompt sounded.


System prompt: Found the scumbag Han Lie, system score 6, can be regarded as a key target, do you want to enable the favorability query


System prompt: Found the scumbag Xiao Rang, system score 8, can be regarded as a key target, do you want to enable the favorability query


System prompt: Found the scumbag Lu Yunhang, with a system score of 85. He can be considered a key target. Do you want to enable the favorability query


System prompt: Found the scumbag Lu Tianyou, with a system score of 0. He can be considered a key target. Do you want to enable the favorability query
