Raid That Scum

Chapter 53: Campus Prank (12)


"Okay...does it look good?"

Rong Si walked out from behind the curtain, pulled the corner of her white skirt awkwardly, and asked tentatively.

The black and white princess dress, only the waist and shoulder straps are black, the rest is white. The pleated gauze hem can make gentle ripples with a slight movement. The bangs are parted and combed to both sides, revealing her She had a face that ordinary people couldn't see clearly. Her long black hair was pulled up loosely behind her head, leaving only two strands hanging down the side of her face, which just outlined the shape of her face. There was no trace of her face. She wore very heavy makeup, but she just plucked her eyebrows. Because the shape and color of her eyebrows were so good, the stylists didn't even put a single stroke on them. She did apply lipstick on her lips, but the color was extremely natural.

Before coming out, the stylist always felt that something was missing on Rong Si's head. But after trying many accessories, he still felt that they didn't match. Finally, he had an idea and cut two small half-open flowers from the vase on the side. The white rose was fixed on her right side, and then he nodded with satisfaction and let her come out.

It can be said that after the effects of body shaping pills and beauty elixirs, Rong Si's face now does not even need too much modification. Her skin is very good, very white and translucent, and her eyes are dark, and she does not need any contact lenses at all. In her dress, her eyebrows are curved and long, which is a hundred times more natural than what she painted. Even the mote camcorder got close to her and took pictures of her eyebrows clearly, but she couldn't tell that she had too many modifications.

Yes, everything is so natural.

Han Lie was completely stunned at this time, sitting on the sofa and looking at her blankly. Although Rong Si was not a top beauty at this time, she was pure and soft, coupled with the impact of her previous appearance, she was so shocked. Han Lie was unable to recover for a moment.

He closed his eyes and opened them again, and he still saw Rong Si like this.

Where is the country girl you promised

Isn’t y a stylist? When did you change your career to be a magician? Why do you want to transform him into a living person

Han Lie rushed into the styling room behind Rong Si. No, it must be wrong. Where is that country girl hiding? Did he leave on his own to read a book, and someone else came to deal with him? Yes, that's definitely the case!

He didn't believe it, there was no reason for a country girl to become beautiful all of a sudden! Ouch ouch ouch…

Even the students who were still speculating on the live broadcast interface that Tony might be able to turn them into flowers also became deathly quiet at this moment.

Then countless people turned forward, looked at Rong Si's appearance before entering, and then looked at her current appearance, and finally screamed.

I have a white skirt: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… We're not looking at some looks, we're watching a magic show! Obviously she wasn't like this before, ow!

Cute Little Cheese: Hey, Tony! Give me the same set meal as Rong Si! Money is not a problem, as long as you make it like this for me! Hey, hey, I won't do it. We agreed to be together, but why am I alone in such a blink of an eye? I'm so fond of this look, so gentle and beautiful!

My bunny has no legs: Agreed! By the way, do you still remember what Rong Si looked like when the live broadcast started? I made a picture. This girl is becoming more beautiful every day under our eyes. I didn’t know it. I only saw it after making a comparison picture. However, she lives under our eyes every day and has no time for plastic surgery. Ah, right? So what kind of magic pill did she take

Luo Qun Fang Cao: The key point is that I don’t think she uses lotion at all. She doesn’t even use facial cleanser. She wants to use that kind of baby cream on her face every day. I’ll go and apply the baby cream on her face. That’s it. Where can I buy baby planting cream? I want to get one!

Strawberry glutinous rice dumplings: Bring me one upstairs! Do you think it’s because she grew up in the mountains, ate natural, pollution-free green food, drank spring water, and never ate anything like kebabs or fried chicken? She had poor skin before. It’s because he’s not used to it yet, or maybe he’s allergic or something, but he’s adapted to his original appearance recently, don’t you think? Hey, tony, I want a ticket to the mountains!

The cat’s wish: Tony doesn’t care about this, and he doesn’t have to take a plane to go to the mountains. Hey, hey, hey, he’s so beautiful! I really like this kind of appearance. She is more beautiful than the school beauty Shen Manrou in the third year of high school, Ying Ying Ying.

At the same time, Lu Tianyou and others also saw Rong Si's current appearance clearly at almost the same time.

"Brother, brother, ow, come on, come on, a miracle happened. Hey, brother, come and see, stop playing basketball, can you stop playing! Rong Rong has become beautiful, She has become a beauty! I was a little annoyed when Han Lie opened the small stove behind our back, but now look how good this small stove is! Brother, look, this is Rong Rong, do you believe it?" Lu Tianyou excitedly pulled Lu Yunhang's arm and asked loudly.

After taking a look at Rong Si on the screen, Lu Yunhang was stunned for a moment.

He saw the corners of her mouth twitching slightly, turning her head to look at the lens of the mote camera, and smiled again. Just for that moment, he felt as if the snow in winter was melting and the flowers were blooming in spring.

Xiao Rang looked at the smile on the live broadcast screen, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly stepped forward. At the same time, he stretched out his palm to cover the lower part of Rong Si's face, leaving only her eyes exposed.

It couldn't be an illusion. He must have seen these eyes somewhere. Where? Where exactly

Xiao Rang closed his eyes and shook his head.

Why couldn't he remember it at all

In the picture, Han Lie continued to flip through the styling room cutely, even leaving the makeup box and drawers untouched.

Seeing him like this, Rong Si almost wanted to roll her eyes.

Wherever she can hide, there will be a ghost!

But to be honest, she had never tried this look before. It was a cute little princess style, and it was fun to try it once in a while.

She frowned when she saw that Han Lie was still looking for him with his butt sticking out.

"Classmate Han Lie, have you had enough fun? Are you going to eat? If you don't go, I will go back to school. There is an exam the day after tomorrow. I really need to read."

But with such a frown, countless cute messages flashed on the live broadcast barrage. Stop frowning, it looks distressing.

Hearing this, Han Lie's body froze, and then he slowly stood up and mechanically turned his head to look in Rong Si's direction.

But she didn't expect that she had already walked behind him. Seeing him turn around, she immediately got closer, "Are you going to leave or not?"

The closer you look, the greater the impact.

Han Lie's hands gently pushed towards Rong Si twice, but as soon as his hands touched her bare shoulders, he quickly retracted them as if they had touched a red-hot iron, and his whole body turned aside. The pile of hanging clothes was pulled to the ground. At the same time, his feet slipped and the person fell in. Rong Si couldn't help him in time.

Seeing this, Rong Si sighed softly, stepped forward and helped the other party up as if accepting her fate.

At this time, Han Lie's face was already red, and he didn't even dare to look at Rong Si, but just said thank you.

He peeked at her, then immediately looked away, then peeked again, looked away again, peeked again...

It’s a lot of fun playing alone!

"so… "


He asked immediately excitedly.

"So, can we go to dinner? Where are you going? Do you have to dress like this?"

"You look good like this!"

"Well... thank you... let's go then, okay? Does Tony want any money?"

"No, I've already given it."

"But I don't have money to pay you back..."

"No, I'll treat you to a meal or do some styling. It's not necessary!"

"Then... I'll help you with tutoring!"

"That's enough... Um, that's okay... Okay, it's settled. I'll take the exam the day after tomorrow. I'll come to you and go to the library tomorrow. I don't know how to ask you, what do you think?"

Han Lie's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Well, okay..."

Rong Si smiled accordingly.

It wasn't until she followed Han Lie to such a place that she realized that he had ordered Western food.

Rong Si is not very good at it, no, I should say not at all.

Han Lie almost taught her how to use those knives and forks step by step, what to use first, and what to use later.

Beginners are always a little clumsy, but she is always so attentive, just like Rong Si is so attentive to everything she learns, and she keeps chanting in a low voice.

At this time, there was another wave of barrages.

It’s all ooh-ooh-ooh, the goddess is so cute, and you don’t explain it.

Even Han Lie at this time was holding his chin and looking at her like this, with a smile that he didn't even notice at the corner of his mouth.

After Rong Si memorized it for a while, she probably felt the other person's eyes and raised her head directly.

The moment their eyes met, Han Lie's face turned red again. He hurriedly picked up the water on the side and started to drink it. However, because he drank so fast, he choked directly and started coughing violently.

"Hey, you..."

Rong Si hurriedly handed over the napkin, "Why are you drinking in such a hurry? Yes, I am a little anxious, but everything has already come out, and there is nothing I can do if I am anxious. You drink slowly, eat slowly, I will be fine... "

Han Lie took the napkin from the other party and covered his mouth, his face already turned red from coughing.

"Who... who did it for you? I'm hungry."

As he spoke, he put a piece of cut steak into his mouth and said vaguely, "It has nothing to do with you at all..."

Hearing this, Rong Si nodded and did not refute his words.

But who knew that as soon as she lowered her head and started eating, the other person started looking at her stupidly again.

Really... really pretty... How can her eyelashes be so long? When the lights above the head were turned down, a shadow actually fell. Could it be that they all became spirits? Her eyebrows are also nice, um, her ears are nice too, but she doesn’t seem to have pierced ears, so I can’t give her earrings in the future. I heard that piercing her ears hurts, forget it, it’s okay if she doesn’t have them, you can give her a bracelet or a necklace, otherwise a ring will become a gift. , Hehe, why doesn’t she look at me? You were still looking at me before. Was what I just said too harsh? No, next time I can't say anything that has nothing to do with you. Look at me, look at me, I'm here, look at me...

It wasn't until Rong Si finished eating what was on the plate and raised her head to look at Han Lie that he quickly lowered his head, almost burying his entire face into the plate.

Seeing this, Rong Si pursed her lips and smiled, took a sip of water, and turned to look out the window.

At this time, outside the floor-to-ceiling window, the sky had already turned dark, and a street lamp emitting soft white light had already been lit, which looked very artistic.

Such a photo was directly cut off by the good-hearted classmate Yingguang, and the next second it was placed on the homepage of Yingguang High School. It was such a big photo that anyone who came in could see it immediately.

It attracted many students who had never watched the live broadcast before, and they came in like shit.

Seeing that Han Lie opposite had already chewed all the fruits and vegetables, Rong Si asked, "Have you finished eating?"

"Then let's go back. It's almost nine o'clock now, and I should go back, otherwise the dormitory will be closed soon..."

"Are we not going to sit around anymore?"

"I'm not going to sit down anymore. Is there anywhere to sit down? Go back quickly..."

"You, don't you want to sit with me and chat for a while?"

"What to talk about?"

"I see that you and Yun Hang had a very happy chat." Han Lie muttered in a low voice with some dissatisfaction, "You also said you wanted to be friends with him, why don't you be friends with me..."

"What did you say?"

"Let's go, I said let's go, go back!"

Han Lie said impatiently, and then rushed out angrily.

Rong Si's face changed faster than the sky. Rong Si was almost drunk, so she had no choice but to follow behind him. Suddenly, she heard a cry of pain coming from the front, and the voice sounded like a child.

Sure enough, a little girl carrying a basket was directly hit by Han Lie because her back was turned to Han Lie. Fortunately, her body was not broken, but the basket of red roses she was carrying was scattered.

This street is basically a high-consumption place, and there are more couples here, so there are many children buying flowers nearby, a rose is ten yuan, and I have to rush several times to buy them all.

Rong Si didn't cry when she saw the little girl being knocked to the ground. She got up strong by herself. When she turned around and saw Han Lie and Rong Si standing behind him, her eyes immediately lit up and she reached out to hold Han Lie. The corner of Lie's clothes said, "Brother, brother, buy a flower for your beautiful sister!"

"Not buying."

"My sister is so beautiful, buy her one!"

"I don't!"

Rong Si smiled when she saw the two children in front of her so stiff.

Then the little girl rolled her eyes and said, "Brother, brother, you have such a beautiful girlfriend, buy her a flower, she will definitely like you more in the future!"

The little girl's expression was pure and innocent, she raised her head and looked at Han Lie.

"No... wait, what did you say?"

"You are such a beautiful girlfriend..."

"I bought it. How many do you have?"


"I want them all, here are two hundred yuan, no need to look for them!"

"Thank you brother!"

Seeing this, Rong Si hurriedly took two steps forward and asked, "Did you buy flowers?"

"Well, look how pitiful she is, and I was the one who hit her."

"Well, you have money anyway."

Rong Si nodded, and then saw Han Lie glance at him quickly. His reddish face could not be seen clearly because he was standing in the shadow.

"Give it to you!"

"I don't want it. Why do I want your flowers?"

Hearing this, Han Lie suddenly turned his head and glanced at her with an angry expression, "If Yunhang gives it to you, you will definitely want it..."


"I said you don't want it, but I threw it away. What kind of flowers can a grown man hold? You're so effeminate. I really don't want it. Don't forget it... Do you really, really don't want it?" Han Lie stood directly opposite Rong Si, fuming. looked at her.

"I… "

"Do you want it or not?"

"Well, give it to me, I think this flower is pretty..."

Hearing this, Han Lie's eyes lit up instantly, and then he stuffed all nineteen red roses into Rong Si's hands, and he quickly became happy.

"You asked for it, I didn't give it to you!"


"Hey hey hey..."

Rong Si lowered her head and glanced at the words in her arms, then glanced at Han Lie who was smiling happily to himself, then followed him and got into the car.

A car drove to the school gate, but Han Lie did not drive into the school.

Rong Si gave him a strange look and got out of the car with the flowers in her arms. "Then send them here. I'll walk back by myself. Thank you for today's dinner... and the flowers. Thank you. I'll leave first!"

As she said this, Rong Si heard Han Lie groan and got out of the car.

As soon as I walked into the campus, there was a sound of a car door closing from behind.

Rong Si turned around and saw Han Lie walking up to her in a few steps. He stood side by side with her, looking at the sky and the earth, but not at her.

"you… "

"I've eaten too much. Let's take a walk to eat. Don't think I want to give you away!"

Hearing this, the corner of Rong Si's mouth twitched.

"Okay, is it okay to say whatever you want?"

Hearing what she said, Han Lie became happy, and then followed Rong Si happily, parking the car outside because he wanted to go for a walk together, hehe.

The two of them were silent all the way. Rong Si didn't want to speak at all, while Han Lie wanted to say something, but didn't know how to speak and was in a hurry.

It wasn't until a gust of evening wind blew and Rong Si touched her cold arm that he had an idea. He quickly took off his coat and put it on Rong Si's shoulders without saying anything.

Seeing Rong Si looking over, he immediately explained, "You... don't think I care about you. I was too hot. I took off my clothes and had no place to put them, so I put them on my shoulders. Uh-huh, that's it. , help me get it!"

Hearing this, Rong Si laughed and said, "Okay!"

But this smile made Han Lie angry.

"You, why are you laughing? Do you think I saw you were cold, so I took off my clothes and put them on for you? Don't make a mistake. Hey, why are you leaving? Did you misunderstand something? I don't mean anything to you. Ah, stop being so sentimental, hey, why don't you speak, Rong Si, hey, slow down..."

On their way back to the dormitory, the two happened to pass by the square in front of the teaching building. As they approached, they immediately heard a burst of melodious music, and then they actually saw a group of people dancing in the flag-raising square.

These should be the students who are going to perform on the school anniversary. They rehearse very late in the school every day. Now the rehearsal is almost over, and they just happen to practice dancing, because the dance after the school anniversary is very important to them. I heard that that day also It is a time to prove a person's personal charm. It depends on who is invited more times and can be the last to dance with the king under the spotlight.

I remember that after the last school anniversary, it seemed that Han Lie danced with a girl named Shen Manrou. Everyone said that the two were a couple. Now it seems that the girl who is with Han Lie must have strong mental qualities. Okay, otherwise he would be pissed off eight hundred times a day, and he still wouldn't know where he was wrong, and he would be so confident.

When Rong Si saw the group of dancers and was about to leave, Han Lie immediately reached out and took her arm.

"I remember you don't know how to dance, right? How about I teach you!"

"No, I won't attend the school anniversary."

"Hey, why?"

"Like you said, I can't dance. If I leave after the show, the next dance has nothing to do with me."

"No, I can teach you if you don't know..."

"I don't want to learn."

"How about that? If you... marry into a wealthy family in the future, this kind of situation is very common. If you don't know how to do it, it won't be a shame."

"I will not marry a wealthy family, and a wealthy family will not marry me. Thank you!"

"I don't quite like it... Ahem, doesn't Arang like you very much? What if you are with him?"

"He doesn't like me."

"You guy, why can't you make sense? I don't care, you have to play with me. I'm treating you to dinner tonight, so you should dance with me no matter what."

"I don't really want to go to eat..."

"No matter, come quickly!"

"Why… "

Then the group of people having fun suddenly saw Han Lie pulling a beautiful girl into the middle of the crowd.

Trembling, he touched the other person's waist and brought him up with a blushing face.

"Hey, who is that girl? Is she a Korean girl friend? She's so beautiful!"

"I don't know. It doesn't look like he is from Yingguang. Is he from the girls' school next door?"

"You didn't watch the live broadcast, that girl is that country girl Rong Si..."

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads as if you were teasing me, and then saw the mobile phone in front of them and the live broadcast on it.

Then, invariably, they became sluggish.

"Hiss, ow, ow! Do you know how to dance? You stepped on me sixty times a minute!"

"I said I couldn't, so I went back."

"Hey, no, no, keep going, I don't believe it anymore, I will definitely teach you! Ouch! It hurts!"

Rong Si looked at the jumping boy in front of her with an innocent face.

Then continue to lower your head and study seriously.

"Is that so? Back and forth..."

Because of his lowered head, Han Lie directly smelled the faint fragrance coming from Rong Si's body, which made his face blush even more intensely, and he subconsciously moved closer.

The whole person kept looking at Rong Si intently, "Well, that's it..."

very strange!

Why do I think she is so beautiful? really beautiful…

My heart is beating so fast!

are you sick

Rong Si, Rong Si... ah, Rong Si...

If you think about it carefully, Argent's suggestion is quite good, right

Fall in love with her, hehe...

Han Lie, current favorability is 80.

So fast! (83中文.83.)