Raid That Scum

Chapter 54: Campus Pranks (Thirteen)


After the song ended, no matter how much Han Lie acted like a spoiled child or how much he said things that were not what he meant, she did not give in to him anymore. She returned his coat to him in the look of resentment and went back to the dormitory.

As soon as she sat down at the desk, Rong Si reached out and took the alarm clock in front of her, only to find that it was almost ten o'clock and she had wasted more than three hours outside.

With her brows slightly furrowed, Rong Si put on a coat and immersed herself in the sea of questions. Under the desk lamp, Rong Si's serious expression directly attracted the attention of many people.

After returning home, Han Lie held his mobile phone directly, looked at Rong Si's profile as she lay on the bed, and raised the corners of his mouth foolishly.

Looks good, looks good, really looks good...

How can it be so beautiful

It’s all their fault for not noticing Rong Si’s appearance before, otherwise they might not have come up with such a prank

Thinking of this, Han Lie sat up suddenly, holding his phone, with a look of annoyance on his face.

Yun Hang had clearly said that he would not participate, but who knew that Rong Si was now his best friend? Last time, the two of them were locked up in the basketball hall together. He didn't notice that night. Could Yun Hang have done anything to her? Aaaaaa!

And there is Valang, who is so handsome, the most popular person in school, and so smart. If he really treats Rong Si gently, then she will have no chance of winning.

Tianyou... um, forget about Tianyou, just take care of himself!

He really had a stupid brain. Why did he come up with such a prank before? If he had known earlier, he would not have made that stupid suggestion. Now he has to argue with Yunhang and Arang. Ah, it's so annoying!

Han Lie fell down again holding the phone, then looked at Rong Si's profile as she was working on the questions seriously. He didn't know what he was thinking for a moment, but he actually leaned close to the phone carefully and kissed it lightly, and then he felt very satisfied.

Good night, Rongrong!

After watching the entire live broadcast, Lu Tianyou sighed, "She's so beautiful! From this point of view, it seems that we are not at a disadvantage if we date her! Her grades are so good. I can answer all the physics questions correctly and I have memorized a lot of English words. Brother, you said that if I pursue her well and succeed, she will tutor me for free. Then I might be able to get into the top ten in the school. My parents will be very happy. I heard from Uncle Lu a few days ago that my parents like Rong Si very much and think she is a very good girl. Otherwise, you can pursue her. You will definitely have a better chance of success than me. You two are good friends now, right? In the future, she will become my sister-in-law and can still tutor me. By then, I might be the best among the four of us. I can also laugh at A Lie with you and A Rang, haha."

I don’t know how Rong Si brainwashed Lu Tianyou, but now all he talks about is tutoring and making up lessons, and he even talks about exams every other sentence.

Lu Yunhang looked at his excited brother with some surprise and couldn't help but become more curious about Rong Si.

You know, his younger brother was not interested in anything before because of his poor health and he was ridiculed by his father when he was a child. Now he has become interested in learning. I think the reason why his parents are happy is because his younger brother is really happy now!

Lu Yunhang looked at Lu Tianyou who was speaking happily, and unconsciously curled up the corners of his mouth as well.

It is true that Rong Si has become beautiful now and is very eye-catching, but he thinks that Rong Si who cried and told him that she wanted to be good friends with him on the basketball court that night is more beautiful.

Lu Yunhang thought so and immersed himself in basketball again.

Xiao Rang stared at Rong Si's profile with his lips slightly pursed.

Whether he is a human or a ghost, he will figure it out sooner or later!

Rong Si was completely immersed in the sea of questions and had no idea what everyone thought of her, but she was satisfied with her current appearance. It was not that she disliked her previous appearance, but a good appearance was too convenient for her.

It was almost twelve o'clock when Rong Si finally finished several papers. She then opened the window, enjoyed the night breeze, went to the bathroom to wash up, and came back to sleep.

The next day, Rong Si got up on time at seven o'clock. When she went out, she found that Han Lie was already standing outside her dormitory waiting for her.

I also followed her to the cafeteria and then to the library.

During this time, he held her hand and touched her arm in various ways, pretending to be nonchalant. Every time Rong Si turned her head to look over, he pretended nothing had happened.

Calling Rong Si is simply laughable!

Because there was too much to review, Rong Si didn't have the energy to argue with him. No matter what little tricks he made, she remained unmoved and focused on studying. No matter what Han Lie asked her, she could answer with words like "um", "ok", "hmm", "really", etc., and that was fine.

Set a trap for her, such as "Would you like to go out for dinner with me tonight?" She could avoid it accurately and directly refused, while she wrote one test paper after another and read one collection of wrong questions after another, which made Han Lie so angry that he didn't know how to vent his anger. In the end, he was so angry that he had to leave the depressing library and go to the basketball hall to find Lu Yunhang, but he was abused by the other party and had no place to cry.

After finishing her work, Rong Si realized that Han Lie, who was sitting opposite her, had disappeared. She didn't think much of it. She went to the cafeteria to eat and went straight back to the dormitory. All night long, no matter how people shouted at her window or knocked on her door, she pretended not to hear anything. As a result, she saw Han Lie with a resentful look on his face at the dormitory door the next day.

"Why didn't you answer me when I called you last night?"

"Really? How's your math review going? You have an exam today..."

"What? There's an exam today? A math test? Why didn't anyone tell me? I've made plans with my best friend to go ice skating, and I was going to invite you!"

Hearing this, Rong Si smiled. She then understood why Han Lie had often received 0 points on his transcript. She ignored him and went straight to the examination room.

During the four-day exam, Rong Si completed all the exams with ease amidst everyone's wailing. It felt like the test papers were quite simple this time, mainly because she seemed to have reviewed all the test points. Rong Si felt that this sense of accomplishment was actually pretty great, okay

The feeling of being the first, I am no.1 is even more exciting than the feeling of flirting with men. No wonder the original owner never doubted herself no matter how much she was ostracized before. It was this pride of standing at the top that always supported her. Later, when the relationship failed, this sense of support disappeared. No wonder she was a little depressed for a while. It was at this time that Rong Si thoroughly understood the other party's feelings.

As soon as she finished the exam, Rong Si immediately went back to her room and slept for the entire afternoon and night, blocking out the voices from downstairs shouting at her through a loudspeaker, the sounds of gongs and drums, car horns, and even the hoarse calls.

Rong Si, with earplugs in her ears, slept soundly the whole time.

As a result, she slept until nine in the morning the next day. After waking up, Rong Si felt a little weak and not very clear-headed.

When she went downstairs, she saw Han Lie, Xiao Rang and four others standing at the bottom of her dormitory building. Xiao Rang and the Lu brothers were fine, but Han Lie looked at her with resentment in his dark eyes.

Rong Si walked down the stairs and saw the four people in front of her. She was stunned for a moment, then waved and said, "Good morning."

After saying that, she turned around and walked towards the cafeteria. She went to bed early yesterday afternoon and didn't have dinner at all. She fell asleep and her mind is not very clear now.

When Han Lie saw Rong Si said good morning indifferently and went straight to the cafeteria, he felt as if he had suffered ten thousand points of damage.

Last night they thought that Rong Si would have time after the exams, so they booked a private room and prepared to take Rong Si out to play. As a result, the four of them stayed downstairs from six o'clock to seven-thirty, and she didn't respond at all. They tried almost every method, and even forced Arang to yell at her through a loudspeaker, but Rong Si still didn't respond. Then Arang left, and Tianyou also left under Yunhang's leadership because of poor health. He was left alone and stayed there until eight-thirty. Even the dormitory manager came out to scold him, but Rong Si still didn't respond.

He was too embarrassed to go back, so he slept in the car all night. No, it should be said that he suffered all night. He woke up at eight o'clock in the morning and called Ah Rang and the other two. As a result, all three of them had already arrived. Rong Si then went downstairs sleepily.

Is this a dead sleep? Is this a dead sleep

After waiting for her all night and all morning, four handsome guys waited for her for so long, but in the end, all they got was a "good morning". Even the cafeteria was more attractive than them.

Han Lie was completely furious. He rushed to Rong Si and grabbed her arm, but she turned back in a daze and said, "Have you had breakfast? If not, I'll treat you..."

"Well… "

"I know there's a place in the cafeteria that serves the best soup dumplings. Do you want to come?"

Then he took the initiative to pull Han Lie's sleeve and said, "Let's go!"

"I see you don't look well. Did you not sleep well last night? Did you not do well in the exam? It doesn't matter. You can come when I give Lu Tianyou tutoring next time. It's 100 yuan an hour, but considering that you treated me to a meal last time, I'll charge you 80 yuan. My tutoring is very targeted. If you don't believe me, just watch out this time. Lu Tianyou's grades will definitely be able to reach a higher level..."

"Um, eh? Really?"

Han Lie was already blushing as the other party took the initiative to pull him. He actually listened to Rong Si's recommendation. Besides, he really didn't have breakfast...

Xiao Rang, Lu Tianyou and Lu Yunhang watched the two men gradually walk away from them as if they were selling Amway products. For a moment, they were speechless.

"Brother, I think Rongrong is amazing... Ah Lie was so angry, but she changed the subject immediately with just two sentences, and even brought another customer to her cram school. Brother, she really doesn't care about us, right? She just wants to give us extra lessons..."

As he said this, Lu Tianyou looked at Lu Yunhang beside him with a sad face.

"I... I don't know..." Lu Yunhang was also a little confused.


Xiao Rang sighed, waved his hand and went back, "Tell that idiot Ah Lie that I'm going home first. Don't call me for things like this in the future. For the dance party tonight, try to call that woman. I'm going home first!"


The two Lu brothers looked at each other, and followed to the cafeteria. Then they saw Rong Si eating quietly, and Han Lie praising while eating, with his eyes narrowed with joy.

"Hey, you're right, this soup dumpling tastes really good. I'll come here to try it next time. No, I'll ask my chef to come over in a couple of days to learn. Rongrong, you should eat more. The exam must be very hard..."


Rong Si smiled, turned around and saw the two Lu brothers standing behind them. She immediately called them over happily. After listening to them talking about the school anniversary in the evening, the three people who thought Rong Si would refuse found that they actually nodded.

"Then I'll take you out for styling this afternoon!"

Han Lie said immediately.

"No need, didn't you give me one last time? I've already washed it..."

“Those are all worn.”

"Is it no longer wearable after I've worn it?"

"Not really. Never mind. Let's talk about it tonight..."

As a result, in the evening, Rong Si received three skirts, one from Han Lie, one from Xiao Rang, and one from Lu Tianyou.

Blue, pink, black.

In her opinion, she liked the black one that Xiao Rang gave her the best, and she chose it without thinking.

Anyway, she likes it, and doesn't care about anything else.

After changing her clothes and letting her hair down, Rong Si walked out of the dormitory and saw the three people standing outside the building who were handing her her skirt. Lu Yunhang was not there and she didn't know where he had gone.

When the three people saw her choice, Xiao Rang had a blank expression, Lu Tianyou was slightly disappointed, and Han Lie turned around and walked out in anger.

Soon, Xiao Rang followed, and in the end, only Lu Tianyou was left to accompany her to the school auditorium.

When they got there, Lu Yunhang was already sitting in his seat waiting for them, and the show had just begun.

Because she chose a black skirt, Han Lie childishly went to another seat and chatted with a pretty girl sitting there, laughing loudly.

Lu Tianyou sat directly with his brother, and in the end only Xiao Rang and Rong Si were left sitting together.

Countless people turned around to look at the two people sitting together. The man had a blank expression and a delicate face, while the girl had a faint smile on her lips and was also reserved and polite.

They looked so well matched that Han Lie was so angry that he glared at them both, drank a bottle of soda in one breath, and went out.

Seeing Han Lie leave, neither Xiao Rang nor Rong Si cared.

"Ah Lie treated you like this, do you feel accomplished now?"

"I thought you were so proud that you wouldn't accept our stuff. Now it seems that you are just that proud!"

Hearing this, Rong Si turned around and looked at him with a frown.

"You talking to me?"

"What else do you think?"

"Why should I feel accomplished when classmate Han Lie did that? Why can't I accept the gifts you gave me? I don't really understand what you said. If you didn't want me to accept your gift, you could have just not given it to me. Now that I've accepted it, you think I'm not proud enough. I don't really understand your thoughts! Why don't you tell me what you're thinking all at once? We're not even friends, and I don't want to play any guessing games with you. Also, from the beginning you didn't seem to like me very much, or even hate me. But I think you could have just told me directly if you had anything to say. If there's something you don't like about me, I can change it, and if I can't, I'll stay away from you. You're a man, why do you have to talk to me in such a weird way?"

Rong Si sneered.

"Heh, you're so sharp-tongued. It turns out that the innocent attitude you had before was just an act, right? You know what you look like, but you keep hiding it. Why? Who do you want to impress?"

"Are you calling me pretty? Thank you."

Hearing this, Xiao Rang turned his head suddenly, his eyes blazing with lightning.

"Have you always been so shameless?"

"How am I shameless? Xiao Rang, please be more polite when you speak."

After saying that, Rong Si stood up and said, "Let me go. It's easy to be in a bad mood to be in the same space with a disgusting person."

Seeing this, Xiao Rang grabbed Rong Si's arm. The aisle was too narrow, and Rong Si didn't have time to react and fell directly on the other person's chest.

Then he lay there for a long time without moving.

"Student Rong Si, please..."

Before Xiao Rang could finish his words, he suddenly felt a wetness on his chest.

she cried

Isn't she sharp-tongued and unyielding? Why did she suddenly cry? Is this another trick? Seeing how Ah Lie is being played around by her, I know that this woman is definitely not as simple as she looks.

At this moment, Rong Si's voice came softly, "You really don't remember me?"

As she said this, Rong Si reached out and tightly grasped Xiao Rang's clothes on his chest. She didn't even look up, as if she didn't want to see Xiao Rang's expression at all. But her tears kept falling down, quickly soaking a large area.

But because her voice was too soft, some people who were bored and watching the live broadcast didn't hear her clearly. Seeing Xiao Rang was stunned, the two of them maintained this posture.

Salted Fish One Line No Explanation: Damn, I didn't pay attention just now because I was watching the show, what's going on? Why did Xiao Rang and Goddess Rong develop so quickly all of a sudden? Oh my god, they are hugging each other, right? I feel sorry for you.

Starry Sky Sea: Same as before. It was a moment of daze. Could it be that this is the new century's way of dating, quick and fast? Could it be that the goddess has already been moved? No wonder, Xiao Rang is too handsome!

Han Lie, who saw this scene outside the auditorium, was stunned and then rushed in angrily.

On this side, Rong Si had already stood up. Under the dim light, her eyes were unclear, but her voice was heavily nasal.

"Forget it, I don't remember. I'm leaving now..."

This time, Xiao Rang still held her arm, but his attitude was not as bad as before. He just frowned and asked, "Have we met before?"


"Sit down."

"No need. Even though the exam is over, I still have to study hard. Anyway, for someone like me, not studying hard is a dead end."

"The dance is about to start. Please sit down first. Otherwise, you won't be able to move if the crowd gets too crowded..."

"I said, no thanks."

"If you are worried about my attitude just now, I can apologize to you. I'm sorry." Xiao Rang looked into her eyes and said word by word.

Hearing this, Rong Si looked down at him for a long time before she slowly sat down. She didn't look at him, but stared at the stage without blinking.

The best way to treat smart people is to arouse their curiosity. Everyone has curiosity, but smart people have more of it.

"us… "

Xiao Rang frowned and was about to say something when there was sudden cheering from all around. It turned out that it was time for the dance.

Lu Tianyou kept elbowing his brother's back, "Go ahead, she will definitely agree if you go, go quickly, brother, you have the best chance now, didn't you say you wanted to protect her? This is a good opportunity!"

Lu Yunhang, who was a little helpless, turned his head and looked over here, then smiled, walked to Rong Si's side, half bent down, and said, "Beautiful lady, can I ask you to dance with me?"

The smile is warm and kind.

Hearing this, Rong Si was stunned, "I, I don't know how to..."

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Lu Yunhang smiled and extended his hand forward again.

Rong Si looked at the smile on Lu Yunhang's lips and somehow reached out her hand.

This was the scene Han Lie saw when he squeezed in with great difficulty. Xiao Rang also let go of Rong Si's arm, which he had been holding.

He looked down at his hands, then at the wetness on his chest. I know her? When? But his feelings would not lie... He remembered those eyes...

Rong Si, Rong Si, Rong Si...

Could it be that something happened during the time he was abducted that he didn't even know about

He had contact with Rong Si at that time... even...

The more Xiao Rang thought about it, the more annoyed he felt. Almost all the young girls around him who had mustered up the courage to invite him were rejected by him with a cold face.

Lu Yunhang, who was holding Rong Si's hand on the stage, glanced at Rong Si's slightly red eyes and asked, "Are you crying?"

"No… "

Knowing that Rong Si's words were not what she meant, Lu Yunhang did not ask any further questions. Although he could not keep up with the beat of the dance music, he was already slowly leading Rong Si.

"You dance very well!" he encouraged.

"Really?" Rong Si's eyes lit up. Because she had just cried, her eyes were clear and bright as if they had been washed with water. Lu Yunhang's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, but then he smiled again.

"Of course, you are very talented." Lu Yunhang took her for a spin.

"Thank you, you are such a good person, Lu Yunhang. Thank you for always being so nice to me!" Rong Si moved closer, with some gratitude in her voice, but because of the distance, Lu Yunhang could just see her delicate collarbone, and even feel that she trusted him wholeheartedly. After the last bow, Rong Si left, and he felt a little disappointed.

Looking down at his hands, Lu Yunhang smiled and said, "Don't think too much. Just let it go. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not. I won't force it."

Han Lie's Favorability: 85

Lu Tianyou: 55

Lu Yunhang: 65

Xiao Rang:

She is not in a hurry...

She walked forward step by step.

In front of her were the smiling Lu Tianyou, the angry Han Lie, and Xiao Rang who looked thoughtful.

Amid the din of people, Rong Si raised her lips slightly, confident as a beast about to attack. (83 Chinese.83.)