Raid That Scum

Chapter 60: Campus Prank (End)


Rong Si was almost frightened by him. The old housekeeper who had been peeking at the door saw Lu Tianyou fall to the ground, and immediately rushed over like a young master, and asked Rong Si to help carry him into the room. This villa of the Lu family is far away from the Lu family's ancestral home, and it was bought specifically for the brothers Lu Tianyou and Lu Yunhang to live in.

It's... another form of exile, or maybe protection.

Yes, both the Lu brothers were not born to the current patriarch of the Lu family. To be precise, they should be considered as the sons of the patriarch of the Lu family’s younger brother, which means that the two sides are uncle and nephew.

Many years ago, there was a sudden explosion, and the youngest son of the Lu family was killed. The eldest daughter-in-law of the Lu family also lay in bed for two years before she recovered completely, but she lost the opportunity to have children forever. After much deliberation, the eldest son of the Lu family adopted his two children. At that time, Lu Yunhang and Lu Tianyou were already quite old, and they had been living with their unreliable mother for some time.

This adoption decision was opposed by almost everyone in the Lu family. You have to know that after the death of her husband, Lu Yunhang's mother had been living a life of drunkenness and dreams. Marrying into a wealthy family in her early years was like turning on the Cinderella mode. If it weren't for that face, she would probably be selling sweet potatoes in some corner now!

Now that her husband is dead and she has lost her support, Lu's mother has been seduced by others and has done many wrong things, even causing people to doubt the blood relationship between Lu Yunhang and Lu Tianyou.

After all, no one would be willing to let two young guys of unknown origin take charge of such a big Lu family. However, after an identification was done and no problems were found, the rumors still persisted.

So Lu Yunhang and Lu Tianyou had no choice but to live in this villa, and they have lived there until now. Although their nominal parents, or actually their uncle and aunt, love them very much, they are often not at home due to their busy work. However, they will often video call them to keep in touch with them.

"... Madam always said that the Lu family would be handed over to the eldest young master sooner or later. Things that happened many years ago were wiped clean. But now anyone who wants to snatch something from the hands of the young master Yunhang must step over the bodies of these two. It's that woman who comes every ten days or half a month. She doesn't do anything else but ask for money. She's disgusting. Almost every time the young master faints from anger, but she always tells me not to tell the eldest young master. So far, the eldest young master hasn't seen his mother many times... Alas... Miss Rong, please sit here for a while. I've asked the nanny to boil the medicine. It should be ready soon. I saw that the young master has been pulling your clothes. You should accompany him for the time being, ah."

Yes, after accompanying the old butler to send Lu Tianyou to the afterlife, Rong Si's sleeves were tightly pinched by the other party, and the key point was that the other party kept calling her brother, brother.

Since she would feel upset if she went back anyway, Rong Si thought about it and decided to sit here for a while.

I casually picked up a book from the bedside and read it for a while. The old housekeeper rushed up to me in a hurry. The bowl of strong-smelling medicine in his hand could only be Chinese medicine.

Yes, for diseases like congenital deficiency, it is more reliable to treat them with Chinese medicine.

Almost at the moment when the strong smell spread in the room, Lu Tianyou opened his eyes dazedly, and then Rong Si heard him say coldly, "Take it away, I don't want to drink it."

"Hey, Master, this..."

The old housekeeper looked embarrassed. Rong Si looked at Lu Tianyou's stern face, then looked at the old housekeeper's embarrassed look. After a pause, she took the medicine with a smile and said, "Give it to me..."

Who knew that the old housekeeper not only gave her a bowl of Chinese medicine, but also gave her a bag of sugar.

Rong Si looked at the bag of sugar with amusement, holding the medicine bowl and letting it cool down. When it was almost cool, she scooped up a spoonful, "Okay, don't be angry, or... I'll give you less homework next time?"

Hearing this, Lu Tianyou turned around and said, "What does this have to do with homework..."

Before he could finish his words, Rong Si put a spoonful of medicine into his mouth.

"That's good..."

She said with a smile.

Lu Tianyou stared at the smiling Rong Si in a daze, and after a long while he muttered, "Why are you like this..."

Before he could finish his words, another spoonful of medicine was brought over, and then Rong Si handed the medicine bowl to him, "Okay, you're not a child anymore, drink it yourself!"

"how about you?"

"I want to go back… "

"Will you sit down for a while?"

"What are you sitting on?"

"You can... you can talk to me..."

"What are you talking about? Um... Is that woman really your mother?"

As soon as Rong Si said this, Lu Tianyou fell silent, and then drank his medicine without any appetite. After a long time, he hummed, "When we were young, my brother and I lived with her. She didn't like us very much, especially me, because I was in poor health and had a fever every other day. She was very impatient and would get angry when she heard me crying. Later, my brother and I came here, and we saw each other less often. Every time we met, she basically asked for money..."

The more Lu Tianyou spoke, the lower his voice became, and Rong Si no longer had the heart to ask any more questions.

"What about you?" After a while, Lu Tianyou looked up at Rong Si and asked back.

"Me what?"

"I know you came from the mountains, but I don't know anything else, so... I'm sorry, Rongrong, I formally apologize to you now, for my bad behavior and ill intentions, and I hope to get your forgiveness."

Hearing him say this, Rong Si smiled and didn't say she forgave him, nor did she say she didn't.

The two of them were silent for a while, and when Lu Tianyou was about to speak again.

"younger brother!"

Hearing the voice, the two of them turned their heads at the same time. Who else could it be but the sweaty Lu Yunhang.

"elder brother!"

"Are you okay? Is everything okay? Did you take the medicine? Why did you faint again out of nowhere?"

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry, brother, Yao Rongrong has already fed me the medicine!"

"Thank you..." Lu Yunhang turned his head and looked at Rong Si with a complicated look.

"Since you're back, I'll go back first."

"I, I'll take you..."

"No, I don't really want to be in the same space with you right now."

"Then be careful on the road."


"In the next two days... there might be some action from Arang's side. As for me, because we made too much noise, there's a problem with the Lu family. I should be joining the army in a few days."

Hearing what Lu Yunhang said, Rong Si unconsciously recalled what the old housekeeper had said before. It seemed that the other members of the Lu family were beginning to force him to take over the Lu family. Lu Yunhang's joining the army was something that could not be changed.

"Bon Voyage."

"I... Can you come and see me off on the day I leave?"

Lu Yunhang hesitated for a moment, then looked at Rong Si's back and asked.

Hearing this, Rong Si did not intend to answer and walked out.

Lu Yunhang smiled dejectedly as he watched Rong Si leave, and his mind couldn't help but recall the scene of him letting go of Rong Si's hand on the rainy night. These days, this action would be replayed over and over again in his mind. He sometimes wondered, what would happen now if he had held Rong Si's hand tightly that day

However, he is in this situation now. Just because something happened to A Lie and A Rang stepped up his pressure, he had to join the army. What qualifications does he have to protect Rongrong now

Actually, this is fine, right? This is fine...

Before Lu Yunhang finished his thought, his hand was suddenly held by a warm feeling. He looked down and saw Lu Tianyou's pale face. "Brother, don't worry. After you go to the army, I will always protect Rongrong. I will never let anything happen to her, and I will definitely not let A Lie and A Rang take her away. I will ask her to come over every week to tutor me. Don't worry, she feels good about me now, don't worry..."

“Xiaoyou, as long as you can take good care of yourself and never get sick again, I won’t worry anymore. As for Rongrong’s matter, let nature take its course…” Lu Yunhang touched his younger brother’s head, but did not see the determination in Lu Tianyou’s eyes.

What no one expected was that Han Lie was the first to leave.

It turned out that the live broadcast matter had reached the parents, and it couldn't be kept secret for long. This time, Han Lie's admission to the hospital for a female classmate was a big deal in the eyes of the Han family, not to mention that the girl was entangled with Xiao Rang and even the two Lu brothers. It was unclear and involved three families. How sophisticated must this girl's methods be? She was from the mountains, so how big her heart was.

When Han's aunt was sitting in front of Han Lie and chattering about creating the image of Rong Si as scheming and difficult to get along with, Han Lie lost his temper and directly said the word "live broadcast". This sentence stunned many people. After learning that the so-called live broadcast was about you, Han Lie, who was bedridden, was almost beaten to death by Han's father. In the end, he was sent to Grandpa Han's place overnight. Anyway, he didn't have to come back for the entire senior year of high school.

The little girl is not a human being. If she had a weaker mentality, she would have wanted to die now. She was born by her parents, so she deserved to be played with by you? This little bastard must be beaten and educated. He is so shameless to treat the girl like this. When did such a thing appear in their Han family? Anyway, if he doesn't change, he will live with his grandfather in the suburbs for the rest of his life!

Love, you know nothing about love! Give him some respect first!

So when Rong Si saw Han Lie's father sitting in front of her and apologizing to her, she was stunned for a moment.

She looked at the serious-looking man in front of her, then looked at the exquisite gift he brought, and finally smiled, "It's okay, uncle, it's okay, I'm not angry anymore, they were just playing a prank for fun, although I was a little affected, but now I have adjusted myself, I accept your apology, but you should take the gift back, I'm going to the library soon, I won't sit here with you, goodbye uncle."

After saying that, Rong Si walked out. Han's father stood behind her and squinted his eyes to look at Rong Si's back. "The little girl is not bad. The brat still has some taste. Tsk tsk."

About a week later, Lu Yunhang had to leave as the army was urging him to leave.

"Brother, be careful on the way. Please call me when you have time when you get there, okay?"

"Well, your brother isn't a kid anymore..."

Seeing the anxiety in Lu Yunhang's eyes, Lu Tianyou felt helpless. But when he was about to offer comfort, Lu Yunhang suddenly passed by him like the wind.

Rong Si, who was standing in the corner, was speechless when she saw Lu Yunhang standing in front of her with a look of surprise on his face. She didn't expect that he was here and didn't even show his face. How did this person find out

Before she could finish her thought, Lu Yunhang suddenly took her into his arms. "I'm very happy that you...can come. I'm really happy..."

"Rong Si... Can you give me some time? A little is good. I am still too immature now. I will use the shortest time to make myself mature, to make myself less indecisive, and to become reliable. If possible, can you give me another chance at that time? One is good..."

Because he hugged me so tightly, my ears were pressed against his chest, and his voice sounded like it was coming from his chest.

Seeing that Rong Si did not answer, Lu Yunhang smiled bitterly, but then his expression became firm. No matter whether the other party agreed or not, he liked Rong Si, especially liked her, like an addictive drug, and he could not quit it for a while. No matter what the other party thought, he just had to stick to his own ideas.

Then Lu Yunhang slowly loosened his hand, looked at Rong Si seriously, and suddenly smiled. His smile was completely different from his previous sunny and gentle appearance, and was full of confidence and seriousness.

"Take care of yourself."

"You too..." Rong Si finally said her first words.

Lu Yunhang left.

Lu Tianyou walked beside Rong Si and was about to say thank you for coming today, but the next second he saw her raise her head and look straight ahead and stopped.

Following the other person's gaze, she saw Xiao Rang standing not far away, looking at her with a smile. When he saw the two of them stop, he immediately walked forward.

"I knew you were coming. How about you come and sit with me?"

After hearing what he said, Rong Si continued walking out of the airport as if she hadn't heard anything.

"You should know Wang Ru, Rong Changfu, Rong Ye, Rong Guo, Xiao Si, and these people, right? They are visiting my house now to discuss the lifelong affairs of their daughters and their sisters, so as a party involved, shouldn't you also go there?"

Hearing this, Rong Si paused and turned to look in the direction of Xiao Rang.

But before she could do anything, a figure suddenly ran up from behind her and knocked the other person to the ground with a punch.

"Fuck you!"

It was rare that Rong Si heard Lu Tianyou, who always liked to smile, swear.

The strike hit the target. Perhaps he knew that his body was too weak to defeat the opponent, so he took two steps back, walked to Rong Si, and put his arm around her shoulders.

He ignored the people around him who were looking at them, "Xiao Ranrang is so shameless. Why did my brother leave? Why was A Lie sent away by his father? Don't tell me it has nothing to do with you. People like you are terrible. You can even do this to your own brothers. What else can't you do? Let me tell you, even if my brother and A Lie are gone, don't I still have me? You want to be with Rongrong? Dream on!"

Then he looked down at Rong Si and said, "It's okay, Rongrong. He can't do anything illegal now even if he wants to. His aunt and uncle are always watching him closely, ready to catch him at any time. You don't have to be afraid."

"I'm not afraid..." Rong Si smiled, brushed away Lu Tianyou's hand on her shoulder, and walked forward.


"I want to go see my parents, and my brother and sister, is that okay?"

"Of course." Xiao Rang stood up.

"No, I want to go too."

Lu Tianyou walked up to Rong Si and grabbed her arm regardless. Xiao Rang took a look at the place where their bodies were in contact, smiled, and took the lead to walk out.

"Rongrong, what are you going to do? I will find a way for your parents..."

After hearing his words, Rong Si acted as if she had heard nothing and continued to follow Xiao Rang.

As soon as I arrived at the Xiao family, I heard two crisp calls of "sister".

The twins rushed towards her and each hugged one of her arms. Rong Si had sent her photos home after her appearance changed, so they would not be unfamiliar with her current appearance.

Even Rong's father and mother felt as if they had seen a relative when they saw Rong Si. Their previous uneasiness disappeared immediately and they called out "Nannan" and came over.

"Can Lu Tianyou do me a favor?"


"Help me take my parents, and my younger brothers and sisters out."

Hearing this, Lu Tianyou glanced at Xiao Rang who was still smiling, raised his eyebrows, and immediately took Rong Si's family out. During the time, her parents asked him all kinds of questions, but he never showed any impatience and kept answering them carefully, without letting the two of them notice any problems.

As soon as the others left, Xiao Rang immediately came to Rong Si's side and said, "You are not..."

Before he could finish his words, Rong Si raised her hand and slapped the other person in the face.

Xiao Rang licked the corner of his mouth, laughed, and turned to look at her, only to find that Rong Si had slapped him in the same spot again.

"You had bad intentions from the beginning. I heard that you had lost your memory, so you hated me from the mountains so much that you didn't even hide it. Indeed, I admit that there are many evil people in my hometown. It doesn't matter if you hate them or dislike me. But why did you come up with such a way to torture me? What good does it do you? Hmm? It can be said that I was an innocent and powerless bystander of everything you experienced as a child. Don't say that I saved you, it was me who didn't save you, and you shouldn't have thought of killing me like this? What is this now? Why do you always deal with things in this way? Exposing the live broadcast, getting rid of Han Lie and Lu Yunhang, and now you want me to be with you, I really can't bear it! These two slaps are in return for your prank and for making my parents worried. It's better for us not to have any contact in the future. I hope that you, Master Xiao, will show mercy and let me go!"

After saying that, Rong Si turned and left.

Behind her, Xiao Rang laughed softly, and after a long while he said in silence, "Rong Si, don't be so naive. How long do you think Lu Tianyou can protect you? Even if he marries you, do you believe that I can snatch you away? No matter where you hide, I can find you."

Xiao Rang was full of confidence.

Hearing this, Rong Si curled the corners of her mouth and turned to look at him.

"No, I told you not to find it and you can't find it, why don't you try?"

There was a hint of mockery in Rong Si's smile as she turned and walked forward.

Hearing this, Xiao Rang raised his eyebrows, "Okay, let's try..."

The key target of the strategy is Xiao Rang, with a favorability of 100.

It was up in a split second, down in the blink of an eye, but it was completely enough.

As expected, this man wants you to show your strength so that his favorability will increase. After reading the other party's favorability prompt, Rong Si smiled, looked up and walked forward.

Outside, Lu Tianyou was leaning against the car waiting for her.

As soon as he saw her coming, he immediately chased after her and asked if there was anything wrong and whether Xiao Rang had made things difficult for her.

Rong Si didn't say anything.

Since Rong's father and mother had already come, Rong Si had no intention of letting them go back, so she simply rented a house for them nearby. With the help of Lu Tianyou, the twins entered a nearby primary school and continued their fifth grade. The Rong family's academic genes were not to be underestimated. It didn't take long for the twins to get the first place in their respective classes.

Xiao Rang might have really been entangled by his aunt and uncle. He hardly went back to school during his entire senior year of high school. I think the conversation he had with Rong Si was probably made during the period of tension.

There is no doubt that Xiao Rang is the final winner of the Xiao family. Even if Rong Si doesn't like him, she will not doubt his ability.

On the other hand, Lu Tianyou followed her in and out every day under the pretext of protecting her. He followed her on the way home, and followed her whenever he had time at school. Even if there was a male creature within half a meter of her, no matter where he was, he would suddenly jump out and threaten the other party away with a grin.

Walking on the path on the way home, Rong Si finally turned her head helplessly and looked at Lu Tianyou who was following not far behind her.

When Rong Si saw him off in the evening, she stood downstairs and looked at him helplessly.

"Lu Tianyou, are you free?"

"No, I'm not worried about you getting into trouble. Arang's brain isn't working well right now, and I'm afraid he'll do something bad, and then several people will suffer. Look at my brother and Alie, not to mention them, they both like you so much, your parents, brothers and sisters will also feel that they have implicated you, and then you won't be happy for the rest of your life, not to mention Arang, his wife resents him, and he's ruined..."

Lu Tianyou calculated it very clearly.

Rong Si just smiled.

"So are you guarding a wife for your brother or for Han Lie?"

"That depends on you, who you like."

Hearing this, Rong Si smiled, her eyes suddenly moved, she took two steps forward, grabbed Lu Tianyou's arms and pulled him to the side, and the next second several motorcycles immediately passed by them.

"Are you okay?" Rong Si asked after a pause.

"No. Oh my god, my brother, A-Rang, A-Lie and the others were not here, and this group of minions actually took the opportunity to usurp the throne!"

Hearing him say this, Rong Si rolled her eyes at him, let go of the other's arms and walked forward.

At this moment, Lu Tianyou suddenly saw a beautifully woven red string hanging on the cuff of his school uniform, with a peach pit tied to it. Just as he reached out to take it off, Rong Si's voice came over, "Why don't you leave?"

He grasped the red string tightly in his hand, "Oh... Oh!"

Then she held the red rope tightly and followed forward, continuing to talk to Rong Si with a smile.

After returning home, Lu Tianyou, who was lying on the bed, loosened the red rope that was soaked with his sweat. He held a piece of it in his hand, hung it in front of his eyes, shook it, and then reached out to touch his chest, which had been beating violently ever since he hid the red rope.

Rong Si...

No, he couldn't do this. Not to mention Ah Lie, even his brother was still thinking about Rongrong, asking about her every time he called or wrote. They all thought he was protecting her and trusted him so much.

Thinking of this, Lu Tianyou stuffed the red rope into the drawer of his bedside so that he wouldn't have to worry about it. After resting his arms behind his head for a while, he immediately took out the red rope and stuffed it under his pillow.

Good night... Rongrong...

He said this tentatively, then smiled and closed his eyes.

After that, Rong Si felt that Lu Tianyou's protection of her became more and more strict, almost to the point of being inseparable from her.

"You don't have to look at me like that. I won't run away." Rong Si was really helpless and turned to look at him.

Lu Tianyou blushed and turned to look at the sky. "I didn't say you would run away. I'm protecting you, right? Right?"

Rong Si ignored him, but he insisted on asking her questions. His smiling face made Rong Si so annoyed that she slapped him and said, "Go your way..."

"Rong Si."


"What if, what if, if we hadn't done that live broadcast before, who would you choose among the four of us?"

"You count as one?"

"Why don't I count? I'm a man too, okay?"

"Why am I so unselective? Is it okay if it's a man?"

"Don't change the subject, answer seriously."

"Yeah, you."

"Know... Uh, uh, what did you say?"

"I'm talking to you."

Hearing Rong Si say this, Lu Tianyou stood there staring at her in a daze, his eyes full of disbelief, and his cheeks turned red in an instant.

"You're joking, right?"


"I... ah... you are really teasing me, you have learned bad things now..." Lu Tianyou took two steps forward and pinched Rong Si's face, pulling it casually.

Rong Si slapped his hand away in annoyance, "What's wrong with just joking? Who told you to always ask me these stupid questions! Let's go!"

Rong Si raised her foot and walked forward.

Lu Tianyou, who was left behind by him, rubbed his fingers and laughed after a long time, "But I will take it seriously..."

"Let's go, Lu Tianyou, stop being in a daze!"

"Oh!" The two people's backs were suddenly stretched out by the setting sun.

After returning home, Lu Tianyou continued to swing the red rope in his hand. He was not a fool. His strange mood and behavior during this period of time all reminded him that he liked Rong Si, so much so that he didn't even know what to do.

When the live broadcast was exposed, he questioned Arang like that, probably not just for his brother and Alie, in fact he also... was just hesitant because of physical reasons, and now Rong Si said that she liked him.

Then, then... Lu Tianyou scribbled the word "Rong Si" on the paper, over and over again.

It wasn't until the entire page was filled with Rong Si's name that he came to his senses.

Maybe he could...

On the night before the college entrance examination, Rong Si was sitting in front of the window doing her final review. At this moment, Lu Tianyou's voice was heard from downstairs again.

Rong Si was surprised and pushed open the window. She saw not only Lu Tianyou standing downstairs, but also Han Lie, Lu Yunhang and even Xiao Rang were standing there and looking up at her.

She hesitated for a moment, but still walked down. When she looked up, she saw the smiling faces of four people.

Han Lie almost stepped forward and grabbed Rong Si's hand, "The exam is coming up. I finally escaped from grandpa, and I miss you so much. Can we just relax today? Let's not think about anything, and take it as the last relaxation before the exam. I'll take you to a good place!"

Han Lie pushed Rong Si into his car without saying anything and sat in the driver's seat first.

The other three sat together in the back.

"Where are you going?"

Rong Si asked.

"You'll understand when you get there." Han Lie winked at her.

After getting off the car, Rong Si realized that they had arrived at a dam in the suburbs. The night sky was full of stars, and the gurgling river below also reflected the stars in the sky. For a moment, she could not tell where the sky was and where the river was. Under her feet was green grass caressed by the night breeze, and small yellow flowers were blooming all over the ground. Rong Si took two steps forward and instantly felt as if her soul was cleansed.

"How is it? How is it? Is this place okay? I found it!" Lu Tianyou stepped forward to take credit.

The five of them sat down on the grass together. Rong Si sat in the center, with Han Lie and Lu Yunhang on either side of her. Xiao Rang sat farther away from them and didn't talk much, seeming particularly silent.

"What are your plans after graduation?" The first person to ask was Lu Yunhang.

"Go to college, then work, what else are you going to do?"

Rong Si smiled.

"Is there a school you want to go to?"


"So… "

"I won't consider falling in love."

"Are you still angry with us?" Han Lie asked nervously.

"No, okay, I don't want to talk about this." Rong Si frowned, hugged her knees with her hands, and listened to them talking about their recent life and expectations for the future.

She didn't know if it was because the summer night breeze was too gentle, or she was just not interested in the conversation between those people, but she actually fell asleep leaning on her knees. Then her body tilted, and her head actually hit Han Lie's shoulder directly.

When the chatter stopped, Han Lie looked at Rong Si with surprise as she "threw herself into his arms".

"It's too late, we should send her back." Xiao Rang spoke first, then stepped forward and carried Rong Si on his back.

"Hey!" Han Lie covered his mouth suddenly because the sound was too loud, "You cheated again, Arang, don't go too far, it's not far back, we can take turns carrying..."

"Take turns." Xiao Rang laughed.

"No matter where you go, I will always find you." This is Xiao Rang's confident voice.

"As long as you are happy in the future, I can see the good in you." This is Lu Yunhang's gentle attitude.

"Rongrong, Rongrong, Rongrong, I miss you so much!" This is the sticky Han Lie.

"Can I...can I like you too?" This is the cautious Lu Tianyou.

Rong Si was woken up downstairs of the dormitory. When she opened her eyes, she saw four people sweating profusely. How could they not be tired after taking turns to carry the luggage back such a long distance? But Rong Si could only pretend not to know.

"Thank you, goodbye." Rong Si waved to them.

The moment she entered the dormitory building, the four of them felt a shudder in their hearts at the same time.

"Where do you think Rongrong will go to study?"

"how could I know?"

"Vajan must know, but he will definitely not tell us."

"Ah… "

"Look at how cocky he is."

"It's okay. We'll see each other wherever we go."


During the college entrance examination, none of the four had any intention of disturbing her. Lu Yunhang and Han Lie returned to their own places, Xiao Rang continued to struggle with his closest relatives, and only Lu Tianyou was free. For fear of affecting Rong Si's mood after the exam, he never went to see her, but after enduring for two days, he still went secretly.

But what he didn't expect was that when he went to the small room rented by the Rong family, he was told by the neighbors that the Rong family had packed up and left early that morning. They didn't know where she had gone and only left a letter for him.

After returning to school and asking the teacher, I found out that Rong Si had already applied to a foreign university. The tuition was saved by her and her family over the past year, and she might have already boarded the plane.

Sitting on the plane, looking at the twins, a boy and a girl, who looked very curious.

Rong Si smiled.


What's wrong

The favorability of the four people has reached the maximum value. I would like to ask if I can use half of the income from this world to ask you to do a favor for me.


Hearing him ask this, Rong Si turned her head to look out the window at the clear blue sky and the golden sun hanging in the distance.

She smiled.

Since you can do so many incredible things, even go back in time, could you please pull the original owner out at the moment of her death, and let her come back now? I'll leave, and she'll continue her sunny life, live with her parents and family, find someone who truly loves her, and spend the rest of her life together.

Didn’t you say you wanted to save money to buy a body

Anyway, I am alone and I can make a living anywhere. I won’t have any regrets if I die now. At worst, I can just continue to complete the mission. If I can’t complete it, I will die anyway…

Determine to exchange half of the proceeds.

Of course, we make a lot of money in this world, don't we? And—

Xiao Rang is so confident that he can find me, so let him go find me.

Found it, there’s a prize.

Rong Si smiled even more brightly.