Raid That Scum

Chapter 70: The Favored Concubine's Shield (IX)


But Liu Ge looked a little bit strange. There was an unnatural blush on his face and his eyes were a little blurry. No matter how he looked at him, he seemed to be wrong.

I heard that Shao Qingwei's father was only a fourth-rank Dali Temple Shaoqing. Could he have such a long hand? It seems that Liu Ge clearly has someone behind him, and Shao Qingwei is very likely just going along with it.

One look at Liu Ge's appearance showed that he had obviously been drugged. I heard that although he was a teenager, he was not particular about men or women. If Rong Si was really pinned down by him, she would most likely not be able to break free.

Thinking of this, Rong Si narrowed her eyes. It was just to prevent her from plagiarizing the poems of the predecessors. Was it necessary to hate her so much? Didn't I lose her face once and prevent her from pretending to be so powerful? Didn't he hate her so much

Mu Yichen turned around and saw the slight resentment deep in Rong Si's eyes, and laughed softly in his heart.

At about the same time, another little girl, Ziping, who was following behind Shao Qingwei, hurried to Shao Qingwei's side and whispered carefully in her ear, "My lady, she's gone..."

Hearing this, Shao Qingwei curled her lips and smiled.

It was just that two days ago, when she had prepared some soup and was preparing to give Mu Yuanxiu a surprise, she hid behind the screen and overheard him talking to his men outside, saying that they would try their best to resolve the issue of Liu Ge to avoid a rift between him and the Prince of Pingnan. He himself was very upset because of the insult he suffered from Liu Ge, and the candidate finally decided on was just the concubine's daughter of an editor in the Hanlin Academy. It was heard that the girl had an affair with a student outside before she was married and had ruined her innocence. Now she was trying to climb up the social ladder by hiding the truth. Since her stepmother had a better family background, she had to follow him this time. After all, if you didn't do what she wanted, she would really do anything. The editor's family had two unmarried daughters, and she was afraid of ruining his reputation, so she had no choice but to take her along.

And such a woman just caught Mu Yuanxiu's eye, and was perfect for Liu Ge.

The editor of the Hanlin Academy is on his side. The Prince of Pingnan has missed too many things for the sake of this illegitimate eldest son. Having a woman at home is just the right thing for him to focus on.

After overhearing these words, Shao Qingwei didn't even care about the surprise she had prepared for Mu Yuanxiu. Her mind became active. You know, Liu Ge that day was just an initiation. The one who really made her lose face was none other than Rong Si.

Obviously, she came from the same place as her. She was lucky enough to marry a noble concubine. Except for the emperor, everyone had to look at her face. The empress dowager doted on her, the emperor doted on her, and she lived a carefree life. But she went straight to a dying concubine. Because she wanted to live a peaceful life and didn't want to cause trouble, the little maid who treated her best was killed. She was also treated like dirt on the ground, and anyone could step on her. She couldn't even eat enough because she was not favored and her family background was not prominent. Is this what she wanted? She was obviously living a good life in modern times, with a high-paying job, and she could buy whatever she wanted to use and eat. Why did she come here to suffer

So who did she offend by borrowing some modern knowledge? The authors of those poems are nowhere to be found, and she brought these treasures back to light, improving her life and no longer being bullied by everyone. What's the problem

Rong Si herself was doing well, so why couldn't she live well with her? How could she not know how she had offended her? They were obviously from the same hometown as her, weren't they

Yes, Shao Qingwei has already determined that the person who was behind her was Rong Si, and that she also traveled from the modern era. Otherwise, how would she know those poems? The original owner was obviously a talented girl who had read so many books. It didn't make sense that she didn't understand those amazing poems at all.

She blamed all the things on Rong Si, so when she heard the news, she thought of teaching her a lesson.

She also heard the news about Rong Si's reconciliation from Lu Fu. After all, the four little girls on Rong Si's side were all big mouths and as innocent as blank paper. She asked Lu Fu to keep an eye on the four of them, so it was easy for her to get such news. She heard that Rong Si cared about her brother very much, so she just used this news to make the other party fall flat on her face, so that she could also taste the feeling of falling from the clouds to the mud. But anyway, Rong Si was of noble birth, and if something really happened, there would be many people to clean up her mess. Let's see how many times they can clean up her mess.

Shao Qingwei made up her mind and glanced at Zi Ping. "When the time is right, tell Lu Fu to scream and then run away from the small path. Don't let anyone catch her."

"Yes, my lord."

Ziping nodded.

Over there, Rong Si was watching Liu Ge searching for his little baby for a long time but couldn't find him. Coincidentally, two voices suddenly rang out.

"How come your young lady fell down in a place like this?"

"I don't know. Miss Qiu said she had always heard that this place was beautiful, so she wanted to come over to take a look when there weren't many people here. But she stepped on empty air and fell. Miss Qiu, I really can't find anyone. Miss Qiu has always been good to you. I... I can only ask you to help me..."

The maid's words were hesitant and evasive, and one could tell she was most likely lying. But the woman in blue walking in front of her might really have a very good relationship with the maid's master. She hurried forward anxiously while asking about her master's situation. She looked like a really kind-hearted girl.

Rong Si opened her eyes wide through the gaps between the banyan trees. How come there is someone here

Then he saw the woman in blue just walked into the garden and asked anxiously, "Where is your young lady..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw a big head with two missing front teeth sticking out from behind the banyan tree in front of him, "Baby..."

The woman in blue was anxious, and before she could react, the maid standing behind her suddenly reached out and pushed her, actually pushing her directly into Liu Ge's arms, and she couldn't break free for a moment.

"oh… "

Rong Si exclaimed, wondering how many people were involved in this? How come one Liu Ge was worth several

Beside her, Mu Yichen's voice also rose in a low voice, "Qiu Yulan, the legitimate daughter of Minister Qiu."

Just with this one sentence, Rong Si was startled. Shangshu Qiu was the Minister of Rites, and also on Mu Yuanxiu's side. It was not difficult to guess that Mu Lianxuan was definitely involved in this. After all, if this matter was discovered, Shangshu Qiu and King Pingnan would definitely not become relatives, but would become enemies instead. After all, everyone in Shangjing knew how much Shangshu Qiu loved his daughter. The most important thing was that he would definitely resent Mu Yuanxiu.

Killing two birds with one stone, Mu Lianxuan has a good plan.

But she still had a confused look on her face. She reached out and pulled the sleeve of the person next to her, then came close to him and said anxiously, "Do you have a way to save her?"

After all, the little girl in blue was almost stripped of her clothes by Liu Ge. She was afraid of being seen and did not dare to cry too loudly. She kept biting her lips until they were bleeding, but she still tried to push him away, her eyes full of despair.

It can be said that if Rong Si and Mu Yichen were not here today, looking at the attitude of this little girl, she would commit suicide immediately.

Hearing what Rong Si said, Mu Yichen turned his head to look at her, then raised his hand and a brown thing flew out and hit Liu Ge's calf. He subconsciously bent his calf, and another brown thing hit his arm as he was hugging Qiu Yulan. He grimaced in pain and hugged his arm, wanting to cry.

When Qiu Yulan saw that the opponent's grip had loosened, she hurriedly pushed the opponent's body away and kicked the opponent's butt hard. She wiped her tears and ran out. When she ran to the garden gate, she turned around for some reason and saw Rong Si's smiling eyes directly through the gaps between the banyan leaves. She rushed out without looking back.

Rong Si thought that the matter had come to an end and was about to ask Mu Yichen to send her down when a girl came stealthily from the garden gate. She looked to be about fourteen or fifteen years old, and her appearance was not even half that of Qiu Yulan, but she was young and pretty.

As soon as she came in, she saw Liu Ge lying on the ground, holding his lower body and fainted from the pain. Her eyes immediately lit up, and she turned him over with an expression of disgust on her face. But she gritted her teeth, squatted down, took off Liu Ge's clothes, and then took off her own coat.

Rong Si looked at the bold woman's actions with her mouth wide open.

She also didn't expect that Liu Ge's business was so busy, with waves of business coming one after another. The previous one resisted to the death, but this one came directly to her door.

Seeing that the 18+ sex was about to begin, Rong Si quickly covered her own eyes, and then she freed her other hand to cover the eyes of Mu Yichen beside her.

Mu Yichen's eyes darkened. He smelled the faint fragrance from the other person's sleeves and couldn't help but smile in his heart. Does this little girl still know what it means to not look at something inappropriate

But before the people below could do anything, a scream suddenly came from outside.

Rong Si was surprised, and Mu Yichen quickly pulled down Rong Si's hand. While the little girl who was busy below began to panic, he took her to jump from the banyan tree to the wall on one side, and then jumped down with her. He turned around and saw Rong Si's face full of amusement and a little expression that said "do it again", and smiled softly.

"Okay, let's go, don't let anyone catch us. I should go back too..."

Before he could finish his words, Rong Si immediately grabbed his sleeve and said, "Name, your name, I don't even know your name. My name is Rong Si."

She pointed to her nose and introduced it seriously.

"Just call me Song Lian..." the man replied with a smile.

"Oh, Song... are you kidding me?" Before Rong Si could finish the rest of her words, the man in front of her had disappeared.

She was so angry that she stomped her feet and turned to walk out.

Then she trotted all the way towards the sound of the scream. When she returned to the Yime Garden, she found that a group of people had gathered there. Shao Qingwei almost popped her eyes out when she saw Rong Si coming up from behind her.

Under the banyan tree, Liu Ge was unconscious. The little girl sitting next to him was holding her clothes and crying, looking as if she had been humiliated. When more people came, she even wanted to hit her head against the branches of the banyan tree while holding her clothes. She kept saying that she didn't want to live anymore and that it was too shameful to live and that it would be better to die with a clear conscience.

At this time, the escaped blue-clothed woman Qiu Yulan, accompanied by her maid, also rushed over pretending to be calm. When she saw Rong Si standing aside and looking indifferent, a hint of gratitude flashed in her eyes.

As for the woman in pink who had been chasing her and wanted to explain, she treated her completely coldly.

It was Mu Yuanxiu who came over to calm the noisy scene, "What's going on?"

The woman in pink standing behind Qiu Yulan couldn't help but look dazed when she saw Mu Lianxuan following her.

Seeing this woman's attitude, how could Rong Si not understand that Mu Lianxuan was most likely using this woman to frame his best friend, and the key was that he made the other party happy to do it, which was amazing.

Rong Si lowered her head and fiddled with her nails. She glanced at Shao Qingwei, who looked thoughtful, and then watched as several guards brought Lu Fu, who was beside her, up.

"Your Majesty, it was this palace maid who screamed earlier."

When she saw Lu Fu, Shao Qingwei panicked.

Rong Si continued to fiddle with her nails, but Nian Xia and the others were quite powerful and grabbed Lu Fu in one go.

Mu Yuanxiu was not familiar with others, but how could he not be familiar with the people around Shao Qingwei

"what happened?"

He asked with a cold face.

Shao Qingwei had never fought for anything before, so why did she cause so many troubles these days? It was clearly him who set up Liu Ge and the concubine's daughter who was an editor of the Hanlin Academy, so why was Lu Fu also involved

He frowned.

"Your Majesty, I am reporting to Your Majesty. I was just passing by here. Who would have thought that I would see the Imperial Concubine doing such a dirty thing..."

Because Lu Fu was being escorted and had her head down, and there were so many people around her, she didn't even notice Rong Si who was standing aside bored. When she spoke like this, everyone was shocked. How could the Imperial Concubine have anything to do with this

"Lu Fu, what did you say? Look carefully, isn't the Imperial Concubine standing here just fine?"

Shao Qingwei stepped forward and said sternly.

Then, without giving others a chance to ask further questions, she took two steps forward and knelt beside Mu Yuanxiu, "Your Majesty, Lu Fu is a maid in Ninglu Palace. She has been having a fever these past few days and is often dazzled when looking at people. She even mistook me for you before. How could the Imperial Concubine, a noble lady, do such a thing? It must be that I, the maid, made a mistake. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Seeing that her own business had come to her, Rong Si raised her head and glanced at Shao Qingwei with a half-smile, but she had no chance to speak.

Qiu Yulan on the other end actually stepped forward and said, "You can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want. Madam, you just said that your maid recognized the wrong person, and it's too easy to erase her guilt of being outspoken. You also know that the imperial concubine is a precious child, how can this bitch slander her at will? This tongue is so useless, why keep it? Just cut it off!"

"You..." Shao Qingwei looked at Qiu Yulan who was standing up for Rong Si. Even Mu Yuanxiu looked at her with some suspicion, and she secretly groaned in her heart.

After all, if Rong Si had spoken, she could have asked her to be magnanimous and forgive Qing Fu in front of so many people to avoid losing her status. She could have punished Qing Fu herself when she returned. But who would have thought that it would be such a young lady who spoke.

When Lu Fu heard that her tongue was going to be cut off, she immediately covered her mouth and said, "My lady, I, your servant, I am completely..."

"Ah! My stomach, my stomach hurts so much..." When Lu Fu was about to say something she shouldn't, Shao Qingwei suddenly covered her stomach and collapsed to the ground in sweat, "Your Majesty, my stomach hurts so much... Your Majesty..."

She looked eagerly in the direction of Mu Yuanxiu, and tears instantly fell.

"Stomach?" Mu Yuanxiu was startled and rushed forward immediately, "Is there something wrong with the baby? Qingwei, Qingwei, hold on, imperial physician, imperial physician, call the imperial physician! Go quickly! If there is any problem with my child, I will ask for your help!"

As he spoke, Mu Yuanxiu walked forward quickly while holding Shao Qingwei in his arms.

After all, it was his first child, after all, he still had feelings for Shao Qingwei, and after all, his plan had succeeded, and all he had to do now was to grant the marriage. Everything about Lu Fu slandering Rong Si was a small matter, and he felt that he didn't need to care about it at all.

When hearing words like child or prince's son, Rong Si didn't react at all, but Xue Yuqiu opened her eyes wide in astonishment, and the other concubines also gritted their teeth in their hearts.

Shao Qingwei? Noble Qing? What is that

How come they didn't know anything before

Isn't it Concubine Rong that the emperor loves the most? Why is there no movement from Rong Si, and how come a little-known character over there is pregnant with the dragon fetus? Is she really another bitch

Rong Si looked at the jealous eyes of the women around her with amusement. At this moment, they actually shared a common hatred for the enemy, and even their hostility towards Rong Si was not so obvious.

I guess Shao Qingwei won't be able to take advantage of others by hiding behind others anymore in the future.

On the other side, when Lu Fu saw that her noble lady and the emperor were already here, and she was banished to the Xinzheku by Concubine Yu, and would never be able to see Shao Qingwei again, she knew that she was finished, all finished.

But now most people had left and no one would listen to her complaints, so she couldn't help but cover her face and burst into tears.

It’s over, it’s over…

While Nian Xia and the others were muttering indignantly, Rong Si followed them out. When she passed by Qiu Yulan, she heard a small thank you from her, but Rong Si didn't care and continued forward.

Qiu Yulan looked at Rong Si's back as she walked forward, and she just thought that this imperial concubine was very beautiful and kind-hearted. As for why she was staying on the tree at that time, she was not interested in caring.

The Hundred Flowers Banquet and the Qionglin Banquet, which started with great enthusiasm, ended in such a hasty manner.

By this time, the news of Shao Qingwei's pregnancy had spread throughout the entire harem, and no one knew how many women were secretly planning to abort her baby.

I remember that in the plot, Shao Qingwei's first pregnancy did seem to be lost, but this made Mu Yuanxiu more concerned about her, and he even made her a concubine and gave her the character "Chen".

The reason why Mu Yuanxiu dared to favor Shao Qingwei so blatantly at that time was mainly because Rong Si's power had declined.

Because her adoptive father seemed to be dying soon, and at that time Rong Feizhou had not yet completely taken over Rong Tianpu's military power. Rong Tianpu died again, and Rong Si's backer was gone, so Mu Yuanxiu was not so afraid anymore.

As for how Rong Tianpu died

Rong Si held her chin up to her hand, looked at the blooming magnolia outside the window, and smiled.

Who knows

At the same time, Rong Feizhou looked at the two drops of blood that had merged together in the bowl, his eyes filled with bloodshot, and he brushed away the bowl.

Thinking of that timid man, she kept muttering to herself, "Impossible, impossible, impossible... How is it possible? How is it possible? Hahahaha, too funny, this is such a huge joke!"

After laughing, Rong Feizhou supported himself on the table with both hands. The wound on his finger instantly split open and blood dripped down bit by bit.

How could he not be familiar with Rong Tianpu's son? How could he be the son of that poor scholar outside? How could he not be Xiao Si's biological brother? How could it be possible? How many things did his mother hide from him? Ah

So what now

Now he needs to take off his armor and follow the poor scholar back to his impoverished home. In the future, he either has to start from the bottom of the army and climb up, or accept his fate and go farming, and then find a similar girl in the village, get married and have children

Haha, so funny!

Is this the life that Rong Feizhou should live

No, he would never admit it.

Thinking of this, Rong Feizhou narrowed his eyes and pinched the wound on his hand. The pain made his mind clearer.

Then he packed himself up and walked out.

"Where is that person?"

"Replying to the young master, he is still unconscious."

"Send him to Yunhu Ferry overnight. There is a cargo ship docked there and throw him on board."

"… Yes Yes!"

"etc… "

Rong Feizhou went to the next room with a cold face, and pulled off the jade pendant with the word Meng carved on it from the man's hand. He looked at the very familiar face for a long time and said, "Forget it. Keep him in the suburbs and find someone to watch him. Make sure he doesn't come out to cause trouble."


"Go and tell the palace, I want to see the Imperial Concubine."


Rong Feizhou stroked the jade pendant in his hand.

He wanted to see Xiao Si now.

I really want to hear her call him.

elder brother.