Raid That Scum

Chapter 90: The Ex-husband's Revenge (V)



How did he get the key to my house

Why is she not wearing any clothes at home

The above was the cry that flashed through the minds of the two people at that moment.

Then, under Fu Yankai's wide eyes, Rong Si quickly covered the exposed half of her chest with the coat beside her. At the same time, Fu Yankai turned around quickly with the plastic bag at hand, but his ears turned red uncontrollably.

You know, because he had fallen in love with Lin Lanshan in high school, he has never had another girlfriend until now. His first kiss was when Lanshan came to see him on a rainy night. During the honeymoon with Lanshan, she got her period on the first day abroad, and he had no choice but to hold her in his arms and sleep all night. After a week, she always used various excuses such as being too tired or feeling unwell, not being used to the hotel bed, and the bad weather to delay their first time. He thought it was indeed inconvenient abroad, and thought it would be okay in China. But when he returned to China, Lanshan disappeared with him after hearing the news of Gu Minglang's marriage.

Maybe I'm sleeping in his bed right now...

In fact, he should have understood it long ago. Lanshan had been looking for excuses to refuse that kind of thing, and who else could that excuse be other than Gu Minglang? He should have understood it long ago, but it was a pity that he was excited for a whole month that Lanshan had become his wife, thinking that they still had a future together. He couldn't be impatient about such things, lest Lanshan really get angry with him.

Now it seems that he is a complete fool!

Thinking of this, the heat on Fu Yankai's ears gradually faded away, and when he turned around to look at Rong Si, his eyes were already clear.

"I bought you a chicken. You had a bad stomach a few days ago and it wasn't suitable for you to eat tonic. Now that you've recovered, I thought... I really didn't know you were at home like this before. I put the key in my pocket when I bought medicine yesterday and forgot to return it to you. I'm sorry."

Fu Yankai apologized sincerely.

But Rong Si clearly saw that the embarrassment and shyness that had just appeared in his eyes had completely disappeared.

She won't accept this. After all, she is a pretty little beauty. Do I have to make you panic just because you are sober

Rong Si lowered her head and said nothing. Fu Yankai on the other end saw Rong Si's ears were red and she looked extremely shy. He felt embarrassed. After thinking for a while, he put the chicken in his hand on the shoe rack at the side and said, "Then you go ahead and do your work. I'll put the chicken here. If you need any help, just call me next door. I'll go back first."

Seeing him leaving, Rong Si suddenly raised her head, "Don't... wait..."

Fu Yankai turned around and saw Rong Si's face turned even redder. "I... I... I..."

After a long time of talking without any response, just when Fu Yankai was about to get a little impatient, he suddenly saw Rong Si reaching out her hand to him. In her palm was a small bottle of spray. Then he saw her take a deep breath, "Can you...can you help me right now? I was hit on the shoulder and back with a football while I was at work today. Now I can't lift half of my arm. I can't see or spray the back with my left hand. I have to go to work tomorrow, so..."

Although Rong Si's cheeks were frighteningly red at this moment, her eyes were clear as if she could see through everything at a glance.

Look at my sincere and innocent eyes, I have no intention of seducing you. Of course, if you have some bad thoughts about me during the spraying process, that's your problem.

This is what a white lotus needs, using sincerity and carelessness to cover up her ambiguous intentions. I want to seduce you, but there is no trace of seducing you on my body. I have no choice but to do it, but you are really seduced...

There's no reason for me to push away an opportunity that's right in front of me.

Rong Si raised her lips slightly in her heart, then retracted her hand slightly, "If you don't... it's inconvenient, I'll do it myself. It's okay, you go back first, I'll ask you to come and taste the chicken soup when it's ready. Um, help me close the door when you go out..."

She smiled at Fu Yankai nonchalantly, then put the spray back under her coat. She subconsciously moved her shoulder because of the pain, then frowned and bit her lower lip, as if she was in real pain.

When Fu Yankai saw that Rong Si seemed to be in great pain, he also frowned. Maybe she really needed help...

No, even if she didn't need help, he should have stayed. His purpose of coming here was not to take care of this woman's daily life, but to make her fall in love with him and be with him. It would be best if he could trick her into falling for him. He slapped Gu Minglang hard in the face. Why should he leave? He should stay.

He was really too obsessed just now, and now it’s just right!

Fu Yankai's eyes flashed, and he looked at Rong Si who was still trying to move her shoulders. He reached behind his back and gently closed the door, then slowly walked towards Rong Si.

Hearing the door closing and footsteps, Rong Si looked up and saw Fu Yankai smiling at her gently, "Okay, give it to me. I won't have anything to do when I go back. Is it your shoulder? It was fine, how could your shoulder be hit by the football?"

Hearing this, Rong Si handed the spray in her hand to him in a daze, and then explained in a low voice, "It was a few kids playing football in the hospital garden who accidentally hit my shoulder. I thought it was nothing, but who knew it would hurt so much. Now it hurts whenever I move..."

"I, I just massaged the front part, and now there are some parts of the back left..."

Rong Si suggested this, and then saw Fu Yankai sitting in front of her.

The room was dark at this time. The afterglow of the evening shone through the gaps in the white curtains onto Rong Si's face and neck facing the window, emitting a hint of golden luster, which made her look even more seductive than before.

Looking at Fu Yankai sitting in front of her, Rong Si slowly pulled down the coat covering her body. As the coat gradually fell, the golden color spread more and more.

The atmosphere in the room inexplicably became more ambiguous.

You know, darkness always triggers the deepest desires in some people's hearts.

Rong Si bit her lip and glanced at Fu Yankai, then said hesitantly, "Just... right behind me..."

After saying that, she didn't dare to look at him anymore. She turned her back and put her coat aside. She unbuttoned a few buttons, revealing her back covered with blue and purple marks. She didn't dare to look back, so she leaned on the sofa and pointed at her back, "Right here, help me spray it..."

Rong Si's voice was very low, and all the scattered hair was pushed to the other side where it was not injured. Only a few naughty ones remained there.

The evening light that had just hit Rong Si's neck was now like a spotlight, all shining on those bruises. The white shoulders and back, the purple bruises, and the particularly ambiguous light actually created an ultimate sense of beauty of abuse.


Fu Yankai suddenly heard his heart skip a beat.

Then he felt like drinking some water. He glanced at the water cup on the table at the side, then at the scar in front of him. With sweaty palms, he held the spray in his hand and looked at the instructions on the medicine.

He had not had much experience with women. Most of what he had seen before was in those "action movies". The only time he had close contact with a woman was the kiss with Lanshan that smelled of alcohol.

Thinking about his brothers who had experienced several women in their teens, he suddenly felt a little sad. He had persisted so much for Lanshan, but ended up like this. He was stupid!

After thinking absentmindedly for a while, Fu Yankai turned his gaze to Rong Si's back again. After a pause, he raised his head and sprayed her back twice, then slowly placed his hand on it. At the moment their skin touched, they both shivered at the same time, and then the touching part suddenly became hot.

Fu Yankai's Adam's apple moved, and then his men began to exert force. According to the drug instructions, this medicine must be massaged vigorously into the skin to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, otherwise the effect will not be so good.

"Well… "

Because Fu Yankai's action was so sudden, Rong Si didn't expect it to be so painful and she groaned uncontrollably. A woman's voice is naturally soft and gentle, and the sound comes from her nose, which makes the atmosphere even more ambiguous.

Fu Yankai's hand shrank and he began to stutter, "Did I use too much strength?"

"No, no, I read the instructions for the spray and it said to use more force. It's okay, I can handle it..."

But Fu Yankai saw that the uninjured part of her back also turned a little pink.

The heartbeat inevitably became more intense.

But his men showed no mercy. He knew that if he rubbed the blood clots open and rubbed the medicine in, Rong Si would be the one to suffer tomorrow.

After applying the medicine, Rong Si immediately put on her coat, lowered her head and did not dare to look at Fu Yankai, but the redness on her face showed no sign of fading.

"Since... since the medicine has been applied, I will go back first..."

Fu Yankai inexplicably felt a little embarrassed.

"Yeah." Rong Si nodded hesitantly.

"Then I'll go first..."


The moment Fu Yankai stood up, Rong Si also stood up, "I... I'll take you..."

"No, you're still injured..."

It was obvious that Rong Si followed him without saying a word, so he couldn't refuse.

"I'll call you when the chicken soup is ready."

"No, no need. I ate outside tonight and came back."

Fu Yankai lied subconsciously.

He didn't understand why he lied, but for the moment he really didn't want to see Rong Si. He thought that maybe he should go back to the empty room next door and calm down.

He needed to calm down now. He had a physical desire for women other than Lan Shan. It came suddenly and uncontrollably.

He needs to stay calm.

After hearing Fu Yankai's evasive answer, Rong Si had no intention of asking further questions.

Just as he was about to open the door and send him out, who knew that Fu Yankai also put his hand on the door handle almost at the same time.

The two of them retracted their hands at the same time, and the places they had just touched felt like they were electrocuted.

"Ahem..." Fu Yankai coughed twice, then walked forward and opened the door, then took out the key from his pocket and put it aside, "I put the key here for you, don't lose it, I'm going back first..."

Having said that, he rushed out, with a look of fleeing in desperation.

Rong Si looked at his back, closed the door gently, then leaned against the door and slowly squatted down.

"Ha ha ha ha… "

She almost couldn't help laughing.

The sound was so quiet that it might not be heard through the door.

Too funny and too innocent. To be deceived by a pure and innocent virgin like Fu Yankai who knows nothing, it is conceivable that the original owner should be more innocent and ignorant than him. Maybe the time they had sex after drinking was their first time. A woman's first time is often not so wonderful. The key is that she had just slept with someone and the man beside her was hugging another woman with absolute love. How could she accept it? The original owner was very conservative. She was so conservative that she always thought about saving her first time for her future husband. She was absolutely unwilling to do that before marriage. She finally broke through her defense after drinking, and then the man she was willing to trust slapped her. Moreover, her ex-husband also abandoned her because of the same woman.

She couldn't accept it, she really couldn't accept it, so she did so many irrational things.

But Lin Lanshan, the heroine, was completely unaware of the existence of such a cannon fodder.

How sad!

Rong Si gradually put away her smile, curled the corners of her mouth in a mocking manner, then stood up, picked up the chicken that had been processed long ago and began to wash it, while humming a song in a particularly happy mood.

Unlike Rong Si's joy, Fu Yankai on the other side was in so much pain and distress that it was indescribable.

As soon as I closed my eyes, Rong Si's fair shoulders appeared in my mind one moment, then Lin Lanshan's smiling face the next, going back and forth, intertwining with each other, and I couldn't get rid of them.

He thought that maybe he had been holding it in for too many years, which led to him having such wild thoughts just because he looked at a woman's shoulder. It was ridiculous.

The key point was that after a while, his stomach started to growl because he was hungry.

Fu Yankai quickly got up and made himself a bowl of noodles. Before he could even take a bite, the aroma of chicken soup from next door wafted over. He sniffed, then looked down at his instant noodles and suddenly wondered how he could be so pitiful and great.

Oh, I bought someone a chicken and asked her to stew it, but I am sitting here eating instant noodles.

The instant noodles, which had become particularly fragrant due to hunger, became difficult to swallow under the influence of the rich aroma of the chicken soup.

It seemed that Rong Si could not finish a whole chicken by herself, and she always liked to share. Maybe she would come and knock on the door and call him over to eat a little together.

Thinking of this, he immediately pushed aside the instant noodles that he couldn't swallow after taking two bites, and looked towards the door expectantly.

But what Fu Yankai didn't expect was that he waited for three and a half hours for this "while", but Rong Si, who he thought was "overly reserved", didn't show up. In the end, he was so hungry that he had just finished the last pack of instant noodles at home, but he hadn't eaten it yet, so he secretly ordered takeout.

About half an hour later, after eating, cleaning and taking a shower, Rong Si was lying on the bed reading a book when she heard a loud "takeout" from next door.

"Keep your voice down. Didn't I give you a note to be careful when I told you to come here..."

A low scolding voice reached Rong Si's ears. She couldn't help laughing, marked the page she was reading with a bookmark, then turned on her bedside lamp and fell asleep happily and contentedly.

Unlike Rong Si's dreamless night, Fu Yankai, who was so hungry that he ate a whole roasted chicken, lay in bed unable to fall asleep. When he finally fell asleep, he began to have erotic dreams one after another.

In addition to Lin Lanshan who kept appearing in his dreams, there was also Rong Si. The relationship between him and Rong Si seemed to be even crazier and more intense than that between him and Lanshan. Even thinking about it would make him feel restless.

Finally, Fu Yankai had no choice but to go to the bathroom to solve the problem. His curtains were not light-transmitting, and he didn't know what time it was. When the mechanical movement reached the most critical moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door, and he was so scared that he couldn't control himself at that time.

Then he looked at the mess on the ground with a look of despair, and heard knocks on the door outside. He was sure that Rong Si was definitely dead.

After thinking about it, I didn't care about anything else. I just washed it casually, pulled up my pants and ran out.

"coming… "

As soon as I opened the door, as expected, it was Rong Si standing outside with a bowl of chicken noodle soup in her hand.

The fragrant aroma immediately aroused Fu Yankai's appetite. He had long wanted to taste the chicken soup.

"You said you had eaten last night, so I didn't call you. I thought you must not have eaten in the morning, so I cooked two bowls of noodles. This bowl is for you."

Rong Si smiled and handed over the big bowl in her hand.

Fu Yankai quickly took it and said, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. You bought the chicken originally, and you helped me so much yesterday. I should be the one thanking you. My shoulder is much better now, so it shouldn't be a big problem for me to go to work. Um, go in and eat noodles. I'm going to be late for work, so I'll leave first!"

"Okay, be careful on the road."


Rong Si nodded, but her eyes accidentally glanced at a certain spot on Fu Yankai's pants, and then nodded, "Be careful when brushing your teeth, your pants are dirty, I'm leaving first..."

Upon hearing Rong Si say this, Fu Yankai lowered his head, and then his whole body froze.

I go.

I go.

I go.

How did you get here

He He…

What sin has he committed

Fu Yankai held the delicious noodles in his hands with tears in his eyes, and he felt like he was about to lose the desire to live.

Rong Si couldn't help laughing even after she got on the bus. Will there be any problems in the future? Fu Yankai

But what does it have to do with her

She spread her hands indifferently in her heart.

When she returned to the hospital, Rong Si did not meet Lin Ruidong and his son. Instead, the nurse who gossiped with her last time came over with a lewd look on her face and poked her arm.

Rong Si then realized that her name seemed to be Zhang He. She had a boyfriend, but she loved gossip and often discussed other people's little secrets more seriously than at work.

"I heard that you had dinner with Dr. Lin's son yesterday? And Dr. Lin called you away before leaving get off work. Come, tell me, I promise not to spread it. You and Dr. Lin... Hmm? What's the progress now?"

Zhang He grinned and raised his eyebrows at her.

Rong Si sighed, "I can assure you that Dr. Lin and I have absolutely no relationship. He was supposed to take care of his son yesterday, but there was a patient, the one with the rejection reaction, you know, so Dr. Lin went to deal with that. I helped him take care of his son for a while, that's all."

"Really? So simple? God knows Xiao Song and the others hate you now, and blame you for all the embarrassing things that happened before. Didn't you see that they gave you a cold look when they left here just now?"

"Did not notice… "

"You are so stupid. You are still not careful even when the disaster is imminent. Did you know that our dean's last name is Yuan?"


"Did you know that he has a daughter who is currently in our hospital?"

"I don't know about that."

"His daughter Yuan Lei is now madly pursuing Doctor Lin. You must not know this either."

"… "

But Rong Si couldn't help but recall the woman who asked about Lin Ruidong's whereabouts yesterday.

"We are colleagues, so I don't mean to harm you. If you really have nothing to do with Dr. Lin, just stay away from him. It's easy for the dean's daughter to find a small reason to fire you. Although our work is a bit tiring, the salary is good, and the benefits are good too! Right?"

Rong Si smiled and nodded, not wanting to say more.

When it was time for lunch, she followed Zhang He to the cafeteria. When she was about to find a seat to sit down after getting her meal, she suddenly heard—

"Sister Rongrong, Sister Rongrong, Dad and I are here! Come quickly, I have reserved a seat for you, come and sit next to me! Come quickly..."

Rong Si looked in the direction of the voice and happened to see Kang Kang waving at her. At the same time, he patted the empty seat between himself and Lin Ruidong and called Rong Si to sit over there.

Although the child's voice was small, it was loud enough to make the people around them quiet down. They looked at Rong Si, then at Lin Ruidong, and especially at Yuan Lei who was sitting opposite them. Then they all lowered their heads in unison and continued to eat, but their ears were perked up high, for gossip!

Lin Ruidong didn't expect that he would fall in love with Rong Si just because she took care of Kang Kang for one day. Maybe this is the fate between people

Rong Si was stunned when she saw Kang Kang's smiling face, but Zhang He behind her kept pulling her clothes excitedly.

Colleagues are valuable, but gossip is more valuable!

Let’s go, my little Rong’er!

The author has something to say: I know that Concubine Yu is looking at me with blood in her eyes, but I don’t know if you have ever experienced such a situation, hmm, hmm, hmm, just thinking that this thing must be done, must be done, but I just can’t do it, and I procrastinate tremblingly, just like me staying up late at night to check Weibo tremblingly_(:ゝ∠)_

Also, those babies who said they would take Kang Kang away, please show some mercy. Rongrong is more than 20 years older than Kang Kang, I really can't do it!

I want to watch the next world of development. I will definitely watch it. I will keep the age under ten years old so that I won’t feel guilty~~~