Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 100


After the report was over, the dormitory was allocated. Sheng Yanyu had just helped a few people write the dormitory registration form when he turned his head and saw Jun Moyu looking down at the dormitory allocation form, frowning as if a little embarrassed.

"What, which dorm were you assigned to?"

The man took the form from his hand with a natural face, and looked down for the name. When he saw several familiar names linked together, he couldn't help but bring a bit of surprise in his sea-blue eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose happily and said, "Oh, so we are in the same dormitory? Isn't it good, you are so Afraid of life, you should be familiar with me together, right?"

The elf-like boy tilted his head slightly, as if he was a little puzzled, but he hesitated in the end but said nothing, just shook his head.

Sheng Yanyu knew what he wanted to say, because he specially asked the company to help arrange this accommodation registration form. Naturally, he knew how many people Jian Suiyun had arranged for Jun Moyu at that time.

It is nothing more than from some small companies who get along pretty well with Nebula Entertainment, and I have also inquired about the trainees who have good temperament and get along well.

But who made Huanle Entertainment the biggest investment dad in this variety show

Looking at the boy's tangled resistance that was written on his face, "How to follow what Sister Yun said is different", Sheng Yanyu's lips showed a happy smile, but he just smiled as if he didn't know.

"Let's go, we're going first, Mo Yu." He nodded to the staff, and then carried the boy's suitcase with one hand and dragged him to the elevator with the other.

Zuo Yang and Luo Kechen were ignored and pitiful, looking at their picky and vicious-tongued brother Yan Yu, they left them like this, diligently led the trainees of the enemy company into the elevator, looked at each other and sighed helplessly. .

He also said that there is no problem between the two, and the joy on my brother's face can be seen without looking at it.

Alas, you explained that the live broadcast of the pre-selection period was broadcast at that time, why did the company not make any news? Anyway, persuade you to pay attention to the occasion of the lens!

Sure enough, no one dares to provoke the big devil, even the company compromises in front of the big devil, doesn't it prevent him from getting close to those who oppose the enemy company

Now it's good, even the accommodation is put together, the program team is going to make trouble! I'm afraid that the big devil won't play with Jun Moyu, right

"What are you thinking, come here soon." In the elevator, the handsome and handsome man pressed the door button, frowned and looked at the two people who were still stunned outside, his tone was light and mocking. , "Do you think your weight has reached the point where you will be overweight when you go up the elevator? Or have you fallen asleep with your eyes open, can't you see that we are waiting for you?"

The two of them suddenly shivered, knowing that the Great Demon King was going to breathe fire if they were slow, so they hurried in dragging their luggage in response to the sound. Seeing that the man's face softened, Luo Kechen was relieved, and then looked at him with tears subconsciously, "Brother Yan Yu, you still remember us, you still have us in your heart, I'm so moved!"

Sheng Yanyu glanced at him lightly, and replied lazily, "Oh, that's because I suddenly remembered that my luggage is in your hands."

Two people: "… "

Zuo Yang was used to it for a long time. He had been pretending to be serious, but secretly looked at the boy hiding in the corner with his head bowed from the corner of his eye, as if he was very curious about him. And Luo Kechen was deeply in repentance for himself, how could he be so stupid, he thought he could say something good from the big devil's mouth, he just didn't have any ABC numbers for his position in the big devil's heart !

Small transparent has no right to speak, smile.

"Did you bring anything illegal in your suitcase?" Sheng Yanyu lowered his head and asked the boy gently, "Did the agent sister who sent you tell you that you can't bring anything?"

Jun Moyu pursed her thin lips slightly, and shook her head hesitantly, "My luggage was packed with help from Sister Yun, I don't know what's inside."

Originally, he just planned to bring two pieces of clothes, but Jian Suiyun quickly stopped him when he found out, and then helped him pack two boxes of things and asked him to bring them all.

So he didn't know what was inside.

"Wow, that elder sister treats you well!" Luo Kechen interjected suddenly enviously, "We all pack our luggage by ourselves. She should be very nice, right?"

It seemed that he had brought up a familiar topic. Although the young man still had no expression on his face, his face was obviously softer, and he didn't feel as tense and vigilant as before. "Well, Sister Suiyun is very good."

Luo Kechen immediately sighed with a look of longing, "It's good, it would be nice if I could have such an agent sister after my debut."

Sheng Yanyu, who was interrupted by someone who didn't know how to wink, suddenly interjected and interrupted the communication, he couldn't help but squinted at him with a half-smile, "I'm not sure if you can debut, you've thought about it so far now? "

Luo Kechen choked for a moment and looked back sadly, "Brother, you are really my brother! Can't you let me think about it, why must you expose me so cruelly!"

"Don't blindly recognize relatives, I don't have a younger brother." The man said without changing his face, and then after the elevator door opened, he pulled the boy in a particularly natural way, wandering around the floor to find his dormitory number, "Which one are we? The bedroom is coming, Moyu?"

Jun Moyu was stunned for a moment. He didn't really pay much attention to these things, so he frowned and thought for a while, and then reluctantly replied based on memory, "It seems to be 1501?"

"Smart." Sheng Yanyu patted his head with a smile, with a pampering tone, "Thanks to you, Moyu, otherwise we'd have to wander around like headless flies for a long time."

Hearing that, Zuo Yang, who was following behind, opened his mouth involuntarily. He wanted to say something, but he held it back because of the face of the two. However, Luo Kechen couldn't wait to die, and the dead fish complained, "Brother Yan Yu, what other people say is what you say, we are obviously dormitory 1105!"

Jun Moyu was stunned for a moment, and her ears turned red in embarrassment.

The young man finally got closer to him, but suddenly he got away from him because someone killed him. Sheng Yanyu couldn't help but blacken his face, and his face that had always been lazy and gentle and harmless instantly became sharp, "You have a mouth. ,Um?"

Luo Kechen also saw the young man's actions, and was regretting that he should not speak so quickly. After all, the young man is not them. He is used to this way of speaking every day. If you look at it from someone who doesn't know them, I am afraid I thought I was mocking him.

Just as he was about to apologize, the Great Demon King got angry first, but he gave him a step. He couldn't help but folded his hands and apologized to the young man. Jun Moyu's black cat eyes had a warm expression, and he silently shook his head. Know what to think.

"That kid Luo Kechen has always been speechless and has no malicious intentions. Don't bother with him." Sheng Yanyu ignored the boy's resistance, forcibly pulled him back to his side, and then explained in a gentle tone, "You are already very Great, I can remember the four numbers in the dormitory just by looking at it casually. Look at me, I didn't remember anything after looking at it for a long time. It's useless. Alas, the memory of the old man is getting worse and worse. "

Seeing the man talking and suddenly turning his head and sighing, Jun Moyu really thought he was reviewing his own uselessness, so he hesitated to deny it for him, "No."

A smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth, but he covered his face and refused to look back at him, "Nothing?"

"...I don't think you're useless."

The teenager will take the initiative to comfort him, does that mean that he finally feels a little closer to himself

Sheng Yanyu pushed open the bedroom door, and when he looked back at him, a little smile appeared in his sea blue eyes. At that moment, there seemed to be a kind of gentle deepness hidden in the depths, which made Jun Moyu a little stunned, almost immersed in his deep-sea-like eyes.

"Would you like to sleep in the upper bunk or the lower bunk?" Sheng Yanyu looked around the bedroom, nodded with satisfaction, then turned his head and asked with a smile. But then he denied the question he had just said to himself, "You should sleep on the bottom bunk, it's easier to get up in the morning. By the way, can I open your suitcase easily? I'll take it out for you and pack it up, Um?"

Jun Moyu stared blankly at him helping himself to tidy up, not knowing what to do for a while. He stood at the same place at a loss, unable to tell what he felt in his heart. He only felt sour and soft, and he couldn't help biting his lips and said softly, "Actually... I can do it myself..."

His voice was so soft that he couldn't hear it clearly, but the man who was helping him make the bed heard it, and just smiled lazily, "Anyway, I'm going to make my own bed, and by the way, I'll make it up for you, and I'll go up again. It's more convenient, isn't it?"

God damn "I have to make my own bed anyway, and help you fix it by the way", which seems to be making me laugh.

Zuo Yang and Luo Kechen looked at each other and couldn't help but complain silently in their hearts. Who was the big devil who forced them to make their beds every day in the company dormitory? Why haven't they seen the big devil who insisted on sleeping on the bottom bunk, so considerate of himself on the top bunk

Also, who couldn't sleep on the upper bunk because he was afraid of heights? Now, he has voluntarily given up the bottom bunk, and he would rather be afraid of heights than go to the bunk with a teenager, right? !

Sighing that the Great Demon King actually had such a day, the two of them wisely put their luggage on their own bed, and then pretended to be deaf and dumb to pack their things. Hmph, anyway, I don't have anyone who is attentive to help clean up the bed, so I can only rely on myself.

"Huh? That manager's sister has prepared a lot for you. It seems that she has thought of everything." After cleaning up the beds of the two, Sheng Yanyu laughed as soon as he opened his suitcase, "The program team violated the regulations. There are no items, but they are very careful."

Jun Moyu came over and squatted down, lowered his head so that he could not see his expression, and then suddenly and quietly stretched out a hand.

With a smile, the man watched the beautiful porcelain-white hand with a delicate luster suddenly appear in front of him, and then moved over little by little, and then quietly, thinking that no one had noticed... Inside the box, a somewhat worn teddy bear slowly dragged over.


Sensitively hearing that someone was laughing, the young man raised his head vigilantly to look at the man, but he was puzzled to find that the man was holding his chin lazily, watching Zuo Yang and the two of them pack up their things and looked left and right. , I can only suspect that I may have heard it wrong, I can't help scratching my cheek, bowing my head again embarrassedly, and secretly stuffing the teddy bear under my pillow.

Why is this kid so cute

Sheng Yanyu covered his mouth and pretended to be serious, but his blue eyes were quietly bent where he didn't notice, and there was a shimmering light.

"This is going to be put here, don't you usually use these?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the boy had "unwittingly" smuggled something he was embarrassed to see onto the bed, and the man pretended to have finished supervising the work of making the bed for the two of them, and calmly turned his head to teach him placed.

Jun Moyu was dazedly studying the bottles and jars in the box, and when she heard his voice, she couldn't help shaking her head, "I don't need anything."

"It's okay, I'll teach you how to use it later." Sheng Yanyu rubbed his head, "The staff may come to collect mobile phones and illegal supplies in a while. Do you need a mobile phone?"

Jun Moyu looked at him suspiciously, the man lowered his voice and bit his ear with a smile, "I have a power bank, if you don't want to hand over your phone, I can charge you when the time comes."

"It's okay, I don't usually use a cell phone." The hot air from his breath hit his ears, making his sensitive ears a little uncomfortable. There is no other person to contact, but you, don't you plan to pay?"

"I brought two cell phones, thinking that if you don't want to hand it over, take mine as yours." Pretending not to see his little gesture, Sheng Yanyu smiled and shook the cell phone in his hand, " Don't tell anyone about this."

Do you trust yourself that much

The young man murmured for a long time before asking in a low and complicated voice, "You... why are you being so kind to me?"

"Is it nice to you? I don't think so."

Hearing the words of the Great Demon King, Zuo Yang and the two, who were pretending to be busy even though they had already cleaned up, suddenly turned their heads in shock, and then stared at the man with his eyes open and talking nonsense, "I usually It's the same for other people, after all, you know that I'm a good person who is willing to help others, we are so easy to get along with in our dormitory, you'll know after getting along for a long time in the future."

I will listen to you quietly! Why don't you call yourself a holy father, the kind of holy father who can get close to others every day, sprinkle holy light on Jun Moyu, and is called a holy father who is willing to help "Jade"

Oh man.

However, upon hearing what he said, Jun Moyu not only did not feel lost, but he was relieved. After all, from his point of view, it was really strange to suddenly have a person who treats him well for no reason.

"But don't think that I always have such a good temper. In the professional field, I am still very strict." Sheng Yanyu joked again, "If someone drags them back or makes a mistake, I will still scold them. Yes, don't run away from me in fear."

Sheng Yanyu didn't know that this paragraph of his speech was a slap in the face when he came back to watch it after a few episodes of the show, and was specially edited by fans, who frantically wrote Sheng Yanyu on Weibo. Yan Yu himself can be said to have suddenly become popular all over the Internet.

Jun Moyu didn't know that men were particularly partial to him in the future, and believed it to be true, and nodded very cautiously, "I will study hard."

"Good boy." Unable to hold back, he rubbed his hair again. Someone who wiped the oil very smoothly smiled lowly, with a hoarse voice with a grainy smoke that was extremely sexy.

The teenager looked at him vigilantly, clutching his ruffled hair, like a fluffy chick flapping his wings, but his ears were quietly red.

Obviously it's two men, why does it exude a sour smell unique to love

Luo Kechen covered her cheeks with sour teeth and rolled her eyes speechlessly.

After the things were completely packed up, it was already very late, and we were going to get up early tomorrow to officially start training, so everyone would wash up and get ready to sleep.

It was fine during the day, but when she was about to go to bed at night, Jun Moyu felt a little uncomfortable facing the camera installed in the bedroom.

Some dark experiences from the past kept popping up in his mind, and the teenager couldn't help biting his lips, sitting on the edge of the bed, burying his head on his knees, trying not to think about the cameras around him.

I don't know how long it took, the bed suddenly became heavy, and it seemed that someone was sitting on his bed. Feeling the sound of breathing other than himself, Jun Moyu raised his head in fright and saw the black shadow at the foot of the bed. A hand was still stroking his back as if comfortingly, "What's the matter, are you afraid of the dark?"

The unfamiliar and familiar mint cold fragrance fills the nose, and the man's strong and warm embrace is extraordinarily safe. Jun Moyu, who was particularly uncomfortable with this posture, tried to struggle at first, but finally calmed down under his gentle and patient comfort.

Sheng Yanyu was about to fall asleep when he suddenly heard a reminder from the system 1012, and quietly got out of bed to check the situation. Perhaps it was the reason why Jun Moyu had been hypnotizing herself and did not hear the movement next to her, so Jun Moyu was suddenly frightened when Sheng Yanyu saw the fragile and distressing posture of the young man and wanted to comfort him in the past. A jump.

No one has ever hugged her for comfort like this. Jun Moyu suddenly recalled in her mind when she was still in the orphanage, she had accidentally seen a child outside the door wrestling and crying, being picked up and comforted by distressed parents.

Maybe people's faces were already blurred at that time, but that kind of envy and sourness was buried in my heart for a long time.

It turns out... the comforting embrace is so warm.

The boy no longer struggled, quietly rubbed the man's broad shoulder, and finally uttered in a low voice, "I... I'm afraid of the dark, and I don't like the camera in the room."

In order to present the most authentic aspects of the players during the training, the program team not only installed cameras in the base, but also installed cameras in the players' dormitories. Of course, there are no toilets.

[Master, target of the strategy... Jun Moyu once was adopted by a pervert with a pedophile.]

Hearing what he said, and the reminder from System 1012, Sheng Yanyu also remembered that there was such a thing in the relevant youth's information that he had read at that time.

At that time, the boy was still young, but at the age of five or six, he was adopted by a man who looked extremely gentle and generous. At that time, the teenagers who were still small dumplings would still hope that someone would take them away, and then treat themselves as good as the parents of children outside. However, he never imagined that the person who took him away had such an ugly heart hidden under his gentle appearance.

At first, the man would still pretend to be gentle and love him very much. When Jun Moyu was very close to him later, he finally took off his mask and revealed his ugly and vicious true face.

The man began to undress and change his clothes under the pretense of being close, touching his soft skin and constantly molesting him, and even looking at the child with a confused face in the back, and masturbating directly in front of him.

Even though Jun Moyu was still young, he faintly felt that what he did was wrong, so he began to struggle and resist. The man who had exposed his true colors became impatient and then pretended to comfort him gently, so he directly locked Jun Moyu in the dark basement.

The basement is equipped with dense cameras. When a man usually goes out, he will turn on the camera and connect his mobile phone to monitor him. When he is impulsive, he will look at Jun Moyu's cute face on the monitoring screen and vent it.

When he came back, it was probably the nightmare that Jun Moyu had woken up countless times from his dreams and could not forget until now.

I don't know how long this dark day has passed. Finally, the man was found by his parents to call the police and arrested for molesting elementary school students at school. Jun Moyu, who was locked in the basement and never came out, was also rescued. After coming out, the police who found him could only send him back to the original orphanage after they could not find anyone else who could adopt him.

The bad guy was finally punished, and the little victim was also contacted by the police to the director of the orphanage who had been there before.

Everything seems to be complete.

However, this is just the beginning of Jun Moyu's dark memories.

The author has something to say: The original owner's dark experience is a little public, and it will be revealed little by little later.

With all due respect, pedophiles should all be damned [smile]

Well, come to a small theater and relax~

This is probably after the show has aired a few episodes.

Luo Kechen: "Brother, the fans are all at Aite now, do you feel slapped in the face?"

Sheng Yanyu: "Slap in the face? It doesn't exist."

Luo Kechen [questioning]: "But... you said at the time that you would be clear about public and private matters, and you would still scold when you saw the one who was holding you back! I also told Moyu not to be afraid of you, but what happened! Don't say scolds, you even Don't dare to say a heavy word to him! Isn't this a slap in the face?"

Sheng Yanyu [displeased]: Moyu is so good, why is it holding back? If you don't talk nonsense, you'll be babbling all day long.

Luo Kechen: "..."? ?

Sheng Yanyu [face does not change]: "Besides, did I say that I would scold him? Of course I was talking about others, and Mo Yu was not included in it, I just said that I was afraid that he would be frightened by seeing me scolding people. "

Luo Kechen: "..." I'm losing. It turns out that there is still such a show, I'm really naive? QAQ

System 1012, who was silently watching: ... why are you so good