Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 3


Can only be bullied by him...

What an amazing speech.

The gentle-eyed young man leaned against the door frame and looked at this beautiful scene with a little appreciation. He didn't expect such a firm and dazzling soul in the low-level plane.

If Liu Chengcheng heard this sentence at the beginning, he would not be so easily shaken later, right


In fact, when Liu Chenqi chose this world, his purpose was just to take a vacation on this plane with low points, and he didn't force him to complete the task, so he had never been interested in the task of attacking the male supporting role.

After all, after going through so many worlds and then coming back to attack a child, he really can't do anything, thinking that he should just be a passerby who watches the fate line and properly participates in the plot.

But now...

"Why are you here?"

Just as he was thinking, an unpleasant voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and when he looked up, he saw Jun Moyu standing in front of him, looking at himself with his pockets in his pockets.

"I came here because I heard that Cheng Cheng was in trouble, but I didn't expect to see you teaching them a lesson."

Liu Chenqi put away his complicated thoughts, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and his voice was low and magnetic, "I thank you on behalf of Chengcheng."

Jun Moyu looked at him sharply for a while, and said in a loud voice, "Are you really that guy's brother?"

"What, isn't it?"

Sure enough, he was still a child, wouldn't he really doubt that he was Liu Chengcheng's love brother? Liu Chenqi swallowed his smile and asked back in a joking manner.

"Then this is the first time I've seen a brother who smiles so fake to his sister." The slender and tall boy sneered mercilessly, his eyes as sharp as a knife very penetrating, "I don't care what you do to that idiot. Thoughts, there is still some misunderstanding, but you better pretend to be a little bit like, don't let her notice that there is a real brother."

Liu Chenqi's expression froze, and stared at him in surprise.

"Liu Chengcheng... That idiot likes your brother very much, and he always compares me to you." Thinking of what happened before, Jun Moyu still felt very unpleasant, so she couldn't help but paused and continued to be unhappy, "I can make you Hold the sky, huh."

[Ding, the Raiders target's favorability is -3, currently -10.]

Liu Chenqi: "..."

Actually, has it been discovered? It really is…

He dumbly watched the young man go from warning himself that he didn't know when he had turned to complaining about Liu Chengcheng with an unhappy face. He was shocked and a little funny, as if he had returned to the original novice period, but he didn't know what to say for a while. what's good.

Is it a coincidence? still…

For some reason, Liu Chenqi had an inexplicable sense of anticipation, and was forced back by him.

"It turns out that you are like this." He smiled lightly, his face suddenly relaxed, and his eyes showed a little tiredness, "It seems that you really like Orange Orange, as a big brother Should I be upset or happy?"

"What do you mean?" Jun Moyu crossed her arms and looked at him unhappily.

"Are you angry because of my attitude towards Chengcheng? In fact, it's just because the pressure of going to the third year of high school is relatively high and I don't want to worry my family, so I pretended." Liu Chenqi helplessly looked at the boy who was stunned and dubious at first, with black eyes. With a gentle smile, "How could there be any misunderstanding between me and Chengcheng, we are brothers and sisters, are you thinking too much?"

As if being stung by something, Jun Moyu's black eyes shrank suddenly, and his face became unpleasant.

"Sorry, did I say something wrong?" Liu Chenqi asked hesitantly, looking at his pale complexion.

Jun Moyu closed her eyes and endured for a while, as if restraining herself from getting angry, she walked out of the rooftop with a cold face and rubbed shoulders with him without saying anything.

[Master, the favorability of the raid target fluctuates a bit, is it because of the previous explanation? ] System 9737 couldn't help but ask, it has experienced so many worlds with its owner, and has never seen a strategy target like this male lead.

[Understood, in the future... Don't report Jun Moyu's favorability to me.]Liu Chenqi responded, but didn't answer the system's question, or maybe he didn't even know it himself.

There is no detailed description of Jun Moyu's background in the plot, but from some details, it can be seen that he should be from a wealthy background and a good family background. His tone is unrestrained, and when he talks about "never forgive me lightly", it is a kind of determination in the upper position. He often arrives late and leaves early, and he will not be punished by the teacher or even a little flattered. More importantly, he has that kind of temperament. Obviously different from the surrounding classmates, more like a young master raised by a wealthy family.

Not knowing what to think, he asked again, "Does Jun Moyu have another brother?"

[… Really have a brother! But Jun Moyu lives by herself and doesn't seem to have a good relationship with her family.]

That's it. Liu Chenqi first smiled clearly, then shook his head in a funny way after a pause.

- It's really an occupational disease. This time he didn't plan to complete the task, and he was so concerned about what to do.


Jun Moyu walked back for some reason, looking at him with no emotion on his face, Liu Chenqi couldn't help but stunned, "Huh?"

"Aren't you going to go see that guy?" The young man looked unhappy but endured, "She is in the infirmary now, and she should need you now."

"Aren't you going?"

"..." He was obviously silent for a moment, then raised his chin and said coldly, "Why should I go."

"Why? You just warned the girls not to provoke Chengcheng. You obviously care about her, right?"

"It's none of your business."

"If it's because of guilt, it shouldn't be necessary. After all, it's not the people you instructed. If you're really sorry, you might as well apologize directly. Besides... I think Chengcheng not only needs me now, but also needs you by my side."

"Will I feel guilty?" Jun Moyu couldn't help sneering, "Don't guess, it's ridiculous."

"Then go see Chengcheng with me." Even though he was stabbed, Liu Chenqi's attitude was still gentle and persistent, "Anyway, you still owe her an apology, don't you?"

Jun Moyu pursed her lips and looked at him for a long time, but Liu Chenqi clearly saw his shaking from his bright eyes, and couldn't help but whispered seductively, "She... must need you now."

Liu Chenqi didn't know why he opened his mouth. Maybe it was because the young man's promise in the sun was too firm at that time. Those bright and wanton eyes seemed to transcend the limitations of the plane. The feeling made him both familiar and unfamiliar. If it wasn't for the system's determination that there would only be one raider on each plane, he would even think that the young man in front of him was pretending to be a colleague.

- It's just for this inexplicable goodwill, to make up for the regret that the young man couldn't resolve the misunderstanding with the heroine in the end.

An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his lips. As for later... let him see how the fate line will develop.

[Master, why do I feel that this development is not right?]System 0597 couldn't help but ask, [This raider doesn't look like he wants to raid you at all, what is he trying to do?]

Could it be that, as I guessed above, is it really ready to rebel? ! It vigilantly stared at System 0737, which has been surrounding Liu Chenqi, traitor! Scum in the system! !

Jun Moyu was walking towards the infirmary with Liu Chenqi pretending to compromise, when she heard that the system that had been pretending to be an ostrich finally showed up, she couldn't help but smile and said in her heart, "Finally willing to talk to me? I thought you made up your mind not to. Just ignore me."

After just a little teasing, he laughed lightly again, "Do whatever he wants, I'm not interested now... Hmph, I really hope he—"

"Don't regret your decision in the future."

Watching the young man step into the infirmary after hesitating, System 0597 shook his head in a daze. Is it a matter of IQ? Why doesn't it understand the master's meaning at all

Jun Moyu and Liu Chenqi arrived at the right time.

The unfamiliar boy who rescued Liu Chengcheng was handing the bandage to her. The handsome and cold side face softened slightly when he lowered his head, while Liu Chengcheng took the bandage in embarrassment and said sweetly. Thanks.

Knowing that this is the plot of the encounter between the hero and heroine, Liu Chenqi can clearly see the face of the young man beside him, and his face becomes ugly for a moment.

"It seems that your wound is not as serious as others say, otherwise you wouldn't be flirting with others here." Jun Moyu tightened her jaw, and faced the two people who turned back when she heard the movement in the infirmary. People's eyes, bright and wanton phoenix eyes looked at them coldly, the young man at this time seemed to have a breath of strangers.

"Moyu? Brother? Why are you here?" Unexpectedly, they would also come to the infirmary. Liu Chengcheng asked in surprise at first, thinking who was injured, so she stood up and walked towards them, "Who is not? It’s comfortable to hear that I’m here—Wow!”

Jun Moyu subconsciously took a few steps forward to catch Liu Chengcheng, who was not standing still and almost fell, and said in a nasty tone, "I heard that someone smuggled my toys without my permission before they came here. of."

Falling into the arms full of minty cold fragrance, Liu Chengcheng didn't have time to feel shy, but his self-esteem was poked by his insincere words, and he couldn't help but stretch out another uninjured foot and kick him bitterly, "You Can't you say something nice? You bastard!"

- It's okay to be bullied by those girls, why should you be vicious by the guys! In the final analysis, it's not because of his misfortune that he is messing around everywhere! !

Jun Moyu opened her mouth, and there was a hint of regret in her eyes, but she couldn't suppress her self-esteem and apologized, but turned her head awkwardly, "What I said is obviously the truth."

Obviously you didn't mean to say that, did you

Seeing that Liu Chengcheng's eyes were about to burst into flames, Liu Chenqi couldn't help but sighed, put his hand on the boy's shoulder, and gently persuaded, "Why do you always say something against your heart? Didn't you follow me to the infirmary to apologize to Orange?"


The anger on Liu Chengcheng's face has not yet recovered, and he suddenly widened his eyes in astonishment and looked at Jun Moyu.

The author has something to say: Liu Chenqi: After going through so many worlds and coming back to attack a child, I really can't do it...

Liu Chenqi: ... I'm sorry, I didn't say anything before. [Kneel down durian obediently]


There will be a red envelope today~

Alas, I'm so sleepy every day... I can't sleep _(:з"∠)_

This must be the legendary spring trouble, right

Spring sleepiness, autumn lack, summer nap, plus hibernation, um... It's really suitable for sleeping all year round. Hahaha [cover face]

Hey, my local tyrant!