Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 31


[Master, how are you feeling now?]

The boy in the mirror has an overly holy and beautiful face. The face is delicate and soft, the fair skin is like flawless jade, and the pair of blue eyes seems to accommodate the entire sky, gentle and distant but unable to see the end. The slender and thick eyelashes fluttered gently, the broken hair gently hit the cheeks, and the faint golden color was as warm and comfortable as the sun.

His eyes are as gentle and healing as clear sky and clear water, as if just being watched quietly by these azure eyes, all the negative emotions in people's hearts can be healed, as if all sins will be redeemed in front of him.

Jun Moyu twitched the corners of his mouth at random in the mirror, and it was a standard smile full of sympathy and compassion. He smiled softly, and his soft and sweet voice sounded like a spring breeze, "Excellent, I seem to be able to see the invisible wings behind me. It's so beautiful in white."

System 0597: [… ]

Jun Moyu's mood is really happy, "The devil who was originally in the dark abyss has become so holy now, presumably the raiders of this world must be very happy."

This world is the magical background of the Western world. There are different races such as angels, demons, elves, orcs, dwarves, dragons and humans. Although they have different beliefs, they live together on the continent of Savile.

Different from the romance world experienced before, this time the story is Tan Mei Wen. The protagonist, Shou, is the Pope of the Temple of Light, and the god is angry because of his undue emotional entanglement with the Son of the Dark Temple.

The ending of the two can be imagined naturally, that's it.

And Jun Moyu's identity was originally supposed to be the villain who represented the dark god in this article, the demon king of the dark abyss. He is one of the culprits that will bring about the near destruction of the Savile Continent in the future, leading all the demons to occupy nearly half of the continent.

The reason why it is called "Original" is because, as a human-demon hybrid, at the critical moment when he was about to awaken to the dark power, he was interrupted by this gold-medal raider and fed him a potion that could confuse the magic power. Of course, according to the style of this gold medal raider, the villain Demon King should no longer have magical attributes at this time.

However, just as the magic element of the original body gradually disappeared, Jun Moyu passed through it, and happened to draw out the light force that was suppressed in the body, thus awakening the powerful light element through a blessing in disguise.

Since the awakening is of the light attribute, the Pope of the Temple of Light not far away, the protagonist Shou, immediately sensed this too powerful light, and came to bring him back to the church.

A certain candidate of the Holy Son who steals chickens and loses rice: "..."

[How is your health? ] System 0597 asked worriedly, [Although I temporarily blocked your pain, I still can't confirm how your body is now.]

"It's nothing, don't worry." Jun Moyu chuckled and looked around the room, "It seems that the Gold Medal Raiders came here just now?"

[Yes, after confirming that you really awakened the light element, you left with a look of disbelief. ] System 0597 replied with relief, and turned to worry, [Master, I deliberately turned over the information before, this time the gold medal raider's style is not very good, you have to be careful.]

"Well, I have a clue."

This time, the gold-medal raider's way of doing the task is a robbery type. He likes to take everything around the raid target, and after he has lost everything, he will appear in front of the raid target as a savior.

This time is no exception. After confirming that the villain Demon King of this world is the target of the attack, knowing that the Demon King will return to the dark abyss to lead the demons once he awakens the dark elements, as a candidate for the Holy Son of the Temple of Light, he can no longer be easily approached. So he made the first move, and before the Demon King awakened the power of darkness, he fed him the potion produced by the System Points Mall.

Generally speaking, the product produced by the system must be a high-quality product, and other errors are impossible. That's why the gold medal raiders were so surprised when they discovered that the goal of the raid was not only to accidentally awaken the power of light, but also to be brought back by the protagonist to be considered as another candidate for the Holy Son.

The great devil who destroyed the world is about to become a candidate for the Holy Son of the Temple of Light... This joke may be a bit too big.

But it doesn't matter, they are both candidates for the Holy Son, and the two will have more contact, and some will have the opportunity to do it. Moreover, it was not without this situation before. After all, being an important character in the plot will always have some luck, and in the end, it was not that he succeeded.

"you're awake."

A gentle and soft voice like chanting sounded with the door opening, and a man in a pope's robe walked in and said with a smile without surprise.

"You..." The young man couldn't help but look back when he heard the movement, his golden hair brushed across his cheeks, and those gentle and holy blue eyes made Julius seem to see the sky that could contain everything for a moment. There was a little hesitation on the delicate and beautiful face of the young man, as if he had not figured out the current situation, and a harp-like voice sounded, "Excuse me, why am I here?"

"You suddenly awakened the light element, so you passed out." Julius liked his eyes very much, and couldn't help but walk over and stare at him tenderly, "Can you remember anything now?"

Jun Moyu frowned slightly, pursed her lips and shook her head.

"Can't remember the past?" Seeing him still shaking his head, Julius' eyes flashed with surprise, "What about your name?"

Jun Moyu thought about it for a long time, and bit her beautiful pink lips uneasily, "It seems that someone has called Goliath the name? But I'm not sure if it's my name or someone else's."

"It doesn't matter, you can stay here and slowly retrieve your memory." At a glance, I saw that the young man had the potential to be a holy son, and he might feel close. Julius's tone was a little gentler, "It may be because of the sudden awakening. The reason is that the luminous power is too strong, causing some confusion in the memory

Jun Moyu nodded obediently, "Thank you."

Julius couldn't help rubbing his lustrous blond hair.


So Jun Moyu naturally became another candidate for the Holy Son. For various reasons, the two candidates for the Holy Son have not met formally. Most of Jun Moyu stayed with Pope Julius. It's called "Retrieving Memories".

"You have a very keen perception of light, so you learn things very quickly." Julius picked a bright white rose in the garden and handed it with a smile to the young man who was beautiful in the sun next to him. "God of Light is above. It seems that Father God must like you very much. I believe he will bless you to recover your memory."

"Will the Pope also help me?"

Jun Moyu's gentle and bright blue eyes always carried a little innocence. His porcelain white and lustrous fingertips gently twisted the rose, which was simply incredible.

When the teenager is watching intently, it seems that time will slow down at this moment, and there is even a feeling of spiritual sublimation. Julius took a breath and touched his head tenderly, "Isn't that for sure? I promised you that I'll help you retrieve your memory together."

"But the maid said that you are going to travel to the mainland, right?" Jun Moyu frowned slightly, and her holy face seemed a little sad. He childishly grabbed the Pope's shirt, "I don't want to leave you, can you take me too?"

Julius was softened by this action, he couldn't help but smiled and scratched the tip of his nose, "Could it be that when your maid said that I was going to travel, did not tell you that the candidate of the Holy Son is coming. Will you come with me too?"

Jun Moyu opened her blue eyes wide and showed a bright and pure smile for a while.

Julius' heartbeat suddenly stopped for a beat, and in order to hide his abnormality, he could not help tilting his head slightly, "Speaking of which, you have not met another candidate for the Holy Son, right? He was the one who discovered you with me at the beginning. A good and honest boy."

Jun Moyu shook his head, then lowered his eyelids, his pale golden eyelashes trembled slightly, "Does the Pope prefer that candidate?"

"… What?" Julius almost thought he had heard it wrong, and looked back at him in surprise.

The boy frowned and shook his head again, "It's nothing, I'm just a little curious about that candidate."


"Sir Pope!"

A refreshing and smiling male voice suddenly sounded, and the two turned their heads to see that a man with an extremely handsome face and a clear and upright face was walking towards them from the direction of the main hall.

"He came just as soon as he was mentioned." Julius waved to him with a smile, "August, come here, Goliath happens to be here, let's get to know you two."

Augustus narrowed his eyes slightly. His appearance was also typical of blond hair and blue eyes. However, compared to the slender figure of Jun Moyu, he was taller and handsome, and he was surrounded by a trustworthy leadership temperament.

"Hello Goliath, I'm another candidate for the Holy Son, Augustus." He slightly bent over to meet the young man's blue eyes like clear sky and clear water, with a clear smile on his face that looked particularly impressive People have a good impression, "Just call me August. I always wanted to talk to you before, but we always missed our time."

"I know you, August." Jun Moyu pursed her pink lips slightly, "The Pope said that you and him discovered me together, thank you."

"It's nothing, it should be said that the Pope first sensed the power of light emanating from you, and then we can find you." After confirming through the system that the boy was really amnesiac, Augustus showed a bright and bright face again. Smiling, "It's great that you're fine now."

Jun Moyu glanced uneasily and suddenly stood up, the Pope who was about to make room for the two of them to exchange feelings, received Julius's encouraging look, and smiled shyly at Augustus, the corners of his lips still faint. A sweet little pear vortex was revealed.

Augustus' eyes dimmed slightly, and after struggling for a long time, he forced his gaze away from the dimples that were looming, "Did the Pope tell you that we are going to travel together?"

"If the candidates for the Holy Son are going, is it just the two of us?" The young man asked slightly absent-mindedly, following the back of the Pope who had left.

"Yeah, I'm more relieved when I have you. Finally, I have a companion with me." Not caring at all about his inattentiveness, Augustus scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "You know that even though you are following His Excellency the Pope. It is a great honor to travel abroad, but after all, he is a gentle and dignified Pope, so I don’t dare to be presumptuous in front of him. But now that you are here, I am really happy.”

Jun Moyu's attention was finally attracted, and the innocent blue eyes looked at him curiously, "Is the Pope difficult to get along with?"

If a boy's eyes are like the sky, Augustus's should be more like a deep sea that looks clear but can't see the bottom. Hearing Jun Moyu's question, his sea-blue eyes narrowed slightly, "Sir Pope... It's not that it's not easy to get along with, it's just that ordinary people don't dare to touch his majesty. the leader."

As if feeling the Pope's special to him, the young man suddenly pursed his lips and smiled. The gentle and peaceful blue eyes are full of water, and the pear eddies on the cheeks are also looming, which makes people feel inexplicably sweet.

"The Pope will not be angry, he is really nice."

Looking at the young man's bright eyes, Augustus' eyes flashed with unpredictable emotions, "Listen to the Pope, have you lost your memory? Are you okay now?"

"Well, although I still don't have an impression of my past, it doesn't feel like having the Pope with me." Jun Moyu shook his head, and seemed to finally confirm that the person in front of him was not a threat to him, so he relaxed and behaved well. replied.

"That's good, I'm afraid you're not used to this place, do you feel that something is wrong with your body?"

"No, the Pope said..."

Seeing that the young man was inseparable from "Sir Pope", Augustus sighed helplessly. I had known that the villain would have lost his memory when he awakened the light element due to the misunderstanding of yin and yang. He would never have rushed over so late at the beginning, and he did not expect that the protagonist Shou would sense the light element nearby, and he also discussed with himself to bring him back to the light. Temple.

In the future, he will represent the dangerous villain of the Dark God's destruction of the world, and now he has become a candidate for the Holy Son of the Temple of Light.

Gee, that's a real misstep.