Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 36


However, things didn't end there.

Two days later, the accompanying leaf of the fruit of life regrew from the source of life, and through the guidance of the accompanying leaf, the elf king discovered that the fruit of life had returned to the original preservation place at some point.

After the false alarm, the elf king handed one of the fruits of life to the priest of the night elf, and sent the priest of the light elf, Joseph, to check the situation together.

The news reported back is not optimistic. Although the effect of the fruit of life is indeed magical, the source of pollution in the clan's land has also been largely weakened by the power of the fruit of life, but it cannot be eliminated from the source. If you want to completely purify the demonic energy, the only three remaining fruits of life can't do it.

They need more fruit of life.

Just when the elves were in a desperate situation, Julius offered to give himself a try. The power of light can purify demonic energy, and Goliath saved the ancient elf tree before, so Julius, who has stronger light elements in his body than Goliath, should also be able to.

"No." The Elf King categorically refused, and he looked at the human beings in front of him seriously, "It is not clear what we owe you, and the power of light consumed by His Highness Goliath has not been eased back, so we cannot be selfish. Let you consume the power of light."

"What do you care about when your life is at stake? Besides, purifying demonic energy is what I should do as the Pope of the Temple of Light. Isn't our power of light used in this kind of place? As long as we cultivate the power of light well Will come back, but if you drag on here, you won't be able to wait any longer."

Julius' words pierced the weak underbelly of the Elf King, and he could only acquiesce with guilt to the great young pope who stepped forward to drive the power of light in his body.

However, no matter how much power of light Julius consumes, he only purifies the surrounding demonic energy, but he remains indifferent at the source. He stopped and frowned deeply at the place that exuded black air.

Sure enough, as he had expected, ordinary demonic energy can be purified, but other things that have been completely infected and turned into monsters cannot be driven out by the power of light, just like those demonic beasts in the dark abyss can only be killed and cannot be purified. Same.

Before that, how did Goliath save the ancient elf tree

He pondered and cast his eyes on the boy who was looking at the dark and worried boy, "Goliath, how did you do it before?"

Jun Moyu looked blank, "I just used the power of light to purify it as the Pope taught me."

"That must not be the pure power of light." Augustus, who was also trying to use the power of light next to him, retracted his hand and said in a deep voice, "I once read books in the library and accidentally saw it, if you want to purify the For monsters polluted by demonic energy, except for demons who possess the power of darkness themselves, they can withdraw their demonic energy, only…”

"Divine power."

Julius muttered.

Could it be that God the Father really loved Goliath so much that when he awakened the light element, he changed him into a demigod

In addition to praising the mercy of the God of Light, there are legends on the mainland that there were lucky people who had obtained divine power. Anyway, as far as he knows, there is no real person who can truly receive the gift of God the Father.

I didn't expect that I just took the child back to the Temple of Light, and actually brought back a baby like this.

The young Pope sighed with a wry smile, and reached out to rub the head of the little guy beside him who still couldn't understand the situation.

Jun Moyu tilted his head and looked at him puzzled, "Sir Pope?"

Knowing that Julius had misunderstood the power in the boy's body, Augustus' blue eyes sank slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything.

In fact, he knew it through the incident of saving the mother tree of life before. Goliath was originally a half-blood of a demon king and a human who came from the dark abyss, and the power of darkness in his body is very strong. So even if Goliath awakened the light element due to his own mistakes, he can still mobilize the remaining dark power at will, so he easily pulled away the magic energy of the mother tree of life, and used the power of light to completely purify and Rejuvenate the mother tree of life.

It means that he is completely self-inflicted. Not only did he not let Goliath lose his mana, but he also unconsciously combined the light element and the dark element. What was he doing

If the God of Light knew, he would probably vomit blood, right

When the elves were desperate and silent, Jun Moyu still stood up.

"Lord Pope can also feel it, my power of light didn't cost much." He had a gentle smile on his holy and beautiful face under the complicated gaze of the Elf King and the elves, "So it doesn't matter, I think my sudden awakening of the light element may be to follow the guidance of God the Father."

God fucking obeys God the Father.

Augustus looked at the boy who ascended to the sky again, surrounded by pure white light, and sighed with a slight headache. The big devil who destroyed the world in the past has become such a holy father now. How can you think it is very inconsistent

It doesn't matter, there is still a chance in the future, they will always leave here and go somewhere else.

He comforted himself like this, but the bright and sunny smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his eyes kept following the boy who was expelling demonic energy and turning the surrounding back into lush greenery and blooming flowers.


Just as Augustus expected, they were soon left behind by the elves and decided to leave.

The light elves and the night elves came to see them off in two columns. The elf king standing at the front silently looked at the young man with a bright and pure smile. After a long while, he suddenly took off the flower crown he was wearing and slowly put it on his head.

- He seems like a light elf from the lost forest, pure and beautiful, gentle and healing.

Jun Moyu touched the flower crown on the top of his head in a daze, blinking his blue eyes that seemed to contain the sky, and stared at the Elf King clearly.

"I offer you the blessing of the god of nature, and the light spirit will always be with you."

He chanted an elf incantation, and his seemingly indifferent but gentle eyes followed him, as if sending his inner feelings to him, making people unable to control it.

Jun Moyu tilted her head slightly with a blushing face in his concentrated eyes, but soon felt that there seemed to be a sacred and natural force revolving around him, and she couldn't help but turn her head and widen her eyes in surprise. .

"This is a blessing that belongs only to the Elf King, Your Highness Goliath, I will wait for your return."

The elf king's delicate and beautiful face, which always seemed indifferent, suddenly showed a rare and gentle smile, as if the spring breeze was blowing, as if the flowers were blooming.

Jun Moyu seemed to be frightened, and suddenly took a step back subconsciously, grabbed the corner of Julius' shirt with an inexplicable complexion, and then whispered to him with a slightly shy smile, "I will definitely come if I have a chance. It's up to you."

The Elf King replied softly.

Ley glanced at his father with some complexity, but took a step forward and sent his blessing to the boy he loved, "You must come to see me... Guys, Goliath, I will miss you."

His lips twitched for a long time, but he still didn't tell him what he wanted in front of the Elf King, he just said goodbye to him with a soft smile.

Jun Moyu nodded seriously, "I will."

"I offer you the blessings of the God of Nature, the light spirits will be with you—"

"Blessings of the gods of nature for you, the night elves will be with you—"

At the same time, the elves sang the blessings that belonged to the elves' language, and the ethereal and pleasant singing was transmitted far away. As they chanted, the light golden-green light spots gradually formed a hazy halo, as if escorting them away, reflecting an extremely beautiful road...

From a distance, the scene is really spectacular.

"It is said that elves are the most arrogant and xenophobic race, but they are obviously gentle, warm, and easy to get along with." The young man lying on the car window waving goodbye to the elves couldn't help feeling a little melancholy.

Deliberately avoiding the flower crown on his head, Julius rubbed his head amusingly, "Goliath is still young."

"Lord Pope treats me like a child again!" Jun Moyu immediately wrinkled his nose unhappily at him, "Isn't it? They are really easy to get along with, and they are also very good to us."

"That's because you saved them, little fool." A smile appeared in Augustus's sea-blue eyes, and he couldn't help rubbing his hair that felt so good.

Jun Moyu covered his head, afraid that he would take off his flower crown, and looked at him disapprovingly, "It was Joseph who came to pick us up at first, if it is really xenophobic, why would they welcome us, There was a banquet?"

"That's also because the Pope is old friends with them, so he came to greet us." Seeing the difference in his attitude towards himself and the Pope, a gloom flashed in Augustus' eyes, but he immediately adjusted and patiently explained.

"So they are still very warm to their friends, right?" As if seeking support, he turned his head and asked Julius, who was smiling as he watched the two bickering.

The young Pope laughed softly and teased in a gentle voice, "I don't dare to interject at will, for fear that after the war between you, you will have to pull me into the water."

Jun Moyu snorted angrily and turned back to look at the scenery outside the window.

Augustus and Julius looked at each other and laughed tacitly.

Leaving the Lost Forest, the convoy continued to move forward steadily. Under the guidance of Julius, Jun Moyu gradually mastered what he had to learn as a holy son.

Julius seemed to believe that Goliath would become the Son of God because of the previous events. After talking with Julius, Augustus also seemed to acquiesce to give up the candidate position, and he fought with the accompanying Knights instead. a group.

However, after driving like this for more than ten days, a sudden roar of a beast broke the calm of the past few days.

"Lord Pope, that's a saint-level monster!"