Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 51


At that time, Augustus had to go back and rush inside because the gate of the dungeon was blocked by stones. Then he jumped up and down with the Dark Dragon King, trying his best to drill into the small place where the oversized Dragon King could not enter.

When the Dark Dragon King saw that he couldn't burn the little bug to death, he couldn't help but get even more angry. How can he still remember Goliath's statement before that he was not allowed to disturb and destroy the dungeon? So wherever he goes, it will become ruins, and the monsters that should be guarding every floor are shivering and hiding in the corner, daring not to come out, but Augustus is cheaper, and he goes upstairs and at the same time in system 9780 Take the treasures that are useful to you and use them to attack or defend.

Until one person and one dragon entered the last floor out of breath, Augustus was able to run up first because he dug a hole for the Dark Dragon King, but before he could enter the center, he was suddenly struck by the rich black-golden light that burst out from inside. Blind in an instant.

The next moment, he was caught off guard by the system's anxious reminder, and was knocked out by a sudden black qi that contained divine power, and happened to fall next to a treasure chest. The shabby-looking treasure chest didn't know whether it was sensed or not. Amidst the flickering black gas, it suddenly made a "crack" and slowly opened a crack.

A pure black light burst out instantly.

At this moment, the Dark Dragon King finally followed up clumsily. Seeing the blond young man with a gray face who was trying to open the treasure chest, he immediately raised his head and opened his mouth to shoot out the long-brewed dark flames at him.

As if being summoned, the treasure chest suddenly rose into the air, blocking Augustus. The flames slammed into the treasure chest suddenly, and the rays of light burst forth in an instant. Augustus, who was colliding with the center of energy, was shocked and spat out a mouthful of blood and lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he had become a little black dragon that had just crawled out of the eggshell.

Through system 9780's retelling, he realized that the treasure chest was actually a black dragon egg that had almost no signs of life. Because the flame attack of the Dark Dragon King was blocked by the treasure chest at that time, he was not able to cool down completely. The system was anxious to draw energy and take the opportunity to move him out. Who knows that the aftermath of the collision energy suddenly surrounded him consciously. his body.

System 9780 couldn't stop it, so he could only watch the black-gold light coming from behind the door, fuse the comatose master with the black dragon egg that had no signs of life, and then... The little black dragon froze. The face crawled out of the broken eggshell in a daze.

So there is a scene where Augustus is now tangled.

He pondered for a long time, but in the tender and loving eyes of the young man, he chose not to return to the human form for the time being. Although it is not clear what the current situation is, whether Goliath has recovered his memory, whether he still remembers them now, the protagonist's true face is actually like this, or the dark dragon king...

Everything is still a mystery at the moment. If he turns into a human form so soon, if Goliath doesn't know himself, how can he approach becoming the Demon Queen as he exposes his identity as the heir to the Knight Commander of the Temple of Light who also possesses the power of a demigod. Goliath

I am afraid that it is more difficult to approach than Goliath, who was the Son of Light before.

Thinking about it this way, it might be better to be a pet mount that Goliath likes. At least in order to cultivate their relationship, they must have been intimate for a period of time. As for what to do in the future... I'll talk about it later _(:з ”∠)_

Little Heilong struggled to figure out the result in his mind, and could not help but lie down happily to show his round white belly to the future demon king, and then hugged his fingers like a spoiled child and let him touch him.

The owner of System 9780, whose IQ was almost eaten by him, was so stupid that he couldn't help but voluntarily shut himself up in a small dark room.

"This little dragon should be the black dragon egg on the top floor. Do you remember the gray treasure chest we found when we came here for an adventure?" After examining the little black dragon carefully, the future demon king couldn't help but pick it out with a little interest. He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"The top floor... You mean the mysterious door above that we haven't been able to open?" His Highness the Holy Child was stunned for a moment, trying to recall, "So, in a nearby corner, there seems to be such a gray puff. I opened the box of the flutter, and I curiously opened it and found that it was just an egg that could not be eaten or hatched."

"You had to bake that egg to prove that it was edible, and finally gave up because you couldn't find a suitable tool around." The future devil also recalled, "At that time, we were discovered by the Pope, for the first time. He scolded us so horribly, and ended up in our confinement. Oh, I remember you crying in fear."

Baked black dragon eggs... For some unknown reason, the Dark Dragon King and Augustus in the little black dragon's skin shivered at the same time in tacit understanding, and looked at the two of them in horror.

- Simply maddening! You even want to bake black dragon eggs? !

Not noticing the complex gazes of the "father and son" of the black dragon, His Highness the Holy Son who was referred to the black history immediately blushed, "Who, who is crying! It was you who was trembling and hiding behind me, What the hell did I say, I had to drag you in, and I was punished by the Pope for copying the canon three thousand times!"

The future Demon King retorted that it was quite a matter of course, "Didn't I also bear half of the copying for you later? Besides, it's not like you've taken the blame once or twice, so you're used to it."

Hubert: "..." How did he have the nerve to say such a cheeky remark? !

"The most impressive thing is that the Pope said that the gate is enshrined with a statue with part of the divine power of the Father, and even the gate has a dark imprisonment, one of the dark forbidden techniques. If it wasn't for the Father, we were still young. Being sensible, you have to suffer some guilt."

Jun Moyu seemed to say with some emotion, but he remembered that Goliath could sue the Dark God in the plot. I am afraid that he went to the door, and thus contacted the Dark God and got the part of the divine power on the statue.

Maybe then you can use it.

The little black dragon, who was full of jealousy and dissatisfaction with the memories of their childhood, suddenly pricked up his ears and listened intently to the conversation between the two.

Dark imprisonment... Could it be the black energy that attacked him before? Augustus concentrated on trying to recall, but also felt that something was not right. At first, it seemed to be a black-gold light full of divine power—

It's not really the dark god, is it

His face froze, and he couldn't help thinking with a dry smile in his heart.

If System 9780 did not enter the little black house by itself, I am afraid that it will honestly inform its owner at this time—yes, that’s right, the god of darkness is not satisfied with you, the lackey of the god of light dares to come to his territory. Damn you, who knew that the Dark Dragon King came over, so he put his killing intent on hold.

By the way, the perfect fusion of you and the Black Dragon Egg is probably also done by the Dark God.

"Yes, yes, I was very unconvinced at the time and muttered, His Holiness the Pope must be lying, and God Father is not so busy paying attention to us." His Highness the Holy Son obviously thought of that, and could not help softening his face, Funny and authentic, "You are more treacherous, and you even used my words to sue the Pope in exchange for freedom, but you were actually freed from confinement by the Pope, and I was locked in a small black room for an extra week. ."

After such a memory, I found that I had been tricked many times, intentionally or unintentionally, and His Highness the Holy Son of the Dark Temple suddenly turned black. How could he happily discuss childhood fun with him

Seeing the situation is not good, the future demon king immediately held the little black dragon in his arms, and his delicate and charming face showed an innocent look. The corners of his bright red lips were slightly upturned, and he tilted his head slightly to look at Hubert. His ability to switch between light and dark modes seemed to be precise, making His Highness the Holy Son, who was just about to quarrel with him, choked, blushing and not saying a word. Can't tell.

The bright blue eyes of the young man were as pure and flawless as the blue sky passing through the frost, and Augustus thought for a moment that he was still the gentle and kind Son of the Temple of Light. His eyes couldn't help being dazed for a moment, and he suddenly missed the time when he was trusted and relied on by him, and he could approach him at will, but he didn't cherish it well.

After finally seeing Goliath and finding out that he was okay, he was indeed relieved at the time, but soon began to panic about what to do if Goliath no longer knew him. In fact, Augustus should be glad that he has become a little black dragon, so that he will not reveal his secrets and give himself a buffer time to accept the reality.

But he began to regret why he had to take Goliath to the dark abyss. If he hadn't pushed him out when he heard the Windy City, they would not have met the human king Alexis. If they hadn't met him , they will not enter the city lord's mansion, and then get into the secret passage to be discovered by the holy son Hubert of the dark abyss, nor will Goliath be taken away by the protagonist in order to protect him during the duel...

But he blamed so much in his heart, and he blamed himself the most. Because even if he didn't meet Alexis, he would still take Goliath to pretend that he didn't notice the teleportation array leading to the dark abyss, and then try to restore his memory.

In his plan, Goliath restores his memory and remembers him naturally is the best, but if he loses his memory of being in the Temple of Light after restoring his memory as a demon king, he can also find him because he was with the boy at the time. The reason is with him.

But the reality is cruel.

Goliath recovered the memory of being the Demon King of the Dark Abyss as he wished, but he did not help himself in his plan, but was recovered by the protagonist Gong.

It was precisely because he was not able to accompany the boy at the time as he imagined, that now, he is at a loss as to how to get better.

If he hadn't already become a little black dragon when they met, he might have been unable to hold back his expression, and let the demon king of the dark abyss regard himself as an enemy, and attacked together with the protagonist Gong, right

"Goliath, you borrowed my mount just to demolish the dungeon?"

Just when Augustus was confused, a low, hoarse, cold voice with a strong sense of oppression suddenly sounded from the door.