Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 55


Feeling the fire energy floating around, the future demon king raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Could it be said that it can really spit out dragon breath? That seems to be less scolded.

He stared meaningfully at the little black dragon whose small eyes were very serious and serious, and raised the corners of his bright red lips slightly. While looking at the familiar appearance of the owner's stomach full of bad water, System 0597 couldn't help but cast a sympathetic look, and silently ordered a wax for the Raiders in his heart.

It suspects that its owner really wants to play the Raiders badly.

Augustus, who didn't know anything, was still trying to hold back the fire, and finally, after feeling a heat flow down his throat, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then...

Hiccup loudly.

Augustus: "… "

Future Demon King: "..."

After spitting out the smoke with a few sparks in his mouth, the little black dragon collapsed on the lawn exhausted, with the words on his face that life is hopeless and lifeless.

Seeing that it really worked hard, the future devil couldn't help but shake his head with a smile. He walked over and bent over to pick up the little guy, shook it in mid-air, and teased his nose with his fingers, "Is it still too small, you're weak, Or, I'll have to replace you sooner or later. "

Xiao Heilong couldn't help but sneezed a little, his sea-blue eyes stared at him eagerly, he let out a loud cry, and rubbed his fingers again as if begging for forgiveness.


Just as the future Demon King was playing around with the little black dragon's tail, Hubert tried his best to restrain his excitement and suddenly sounded. One person and one dragon turned their heads in tacit understanding, and saw His Highness the Holy Son, who was carrying his own mount, walking over with a sullen face.

What the Dark Pope prepared for him was an adult devil wolf king. Recently, he gradually developed a tacit understanding with him. He also cooperated perfectly with each other in hunting battles. He also received rare recognition and praise from the Dark Pope.

And because the future Demon King is still in the stage of raising his son, the little milk dragon, His Highness the Holy Son, who has taken the upper hand for the first time, often runs to his friends, consciously or unintentionally, with a magic pet mount to brush his presence and show off twice.

However, how could the future Demon King allow him to be so embarrassed? Usually, in just a few words, His Highness the Holy Son's language was stunned into suspicion of life, and he ran away crying (and didn't).

"Why, I didn't hit enough yesterday, so I came to scold you again?"

Jun Moyu smiled and hugged the little black dragon in her arms, her delicate and beautiful face was particularly dazzling and soft under the sunlight, but she said ruthless words.

Unexpectedly, before he could say anything this time, His Highness the Holy Son, who was vehemently spoken by his friend, couldn't help but choked, with a cold face and black eyes showing resentment, he pretended to be authentic, "I'm not worried about you and Or, Let's take a look at its recent progress? But it seems that this time it still hasn't spit out the dragon's breath, it's still that useless pet... Goliath, you don't really have a fake dark dragon, do you?"

"Don't worry about it, Or is just too young to draw out the flames, but the power of darkness in his body is no worse than that of your adult demon wolf. The Pope speculates that Or will be stronger than Xiao Hei in the future. It must be powerful." The future demon king raised his lips with a half-smile, "I just don't know if your demon wolf will be able to compete with Xiao Hei when Orr becomes an adult."

"Who said that! Of course my Laid can compare!" When he realized something was wrong halfway through, His Highness the Holy Son abruptly stopped his mouth and almost bit his tongue. "It's clear that my Raid is much stronger than your Orr, and compared with our two mounts, why did you bring in the Pope and the Dragon King?!"

"It's rare for you to be so smart, Hubert." The future devil caressed his dog's head lovingly, "It's really not easy."

Just when Hubert was about to get angry, he suddenly thought of his intentions. He couldn't help but withdrew his eyes angrily, and said solemnly, "Don't make trouble, I have business affairs with you this time."

His Highness the Holy Son is really serious, and he is quite capable of fooling people when he is not amused. That cold and arrogant face and cruel and cruel eyes, as if born to be the standard of the villain, make people fear.

"Oh, you said it."

The future Demon King played with the little black dragon's claws and replied nonchalantly.

Hubert gritted his teeth secretly, took a deep breath and comforted himself before regaining his calm face. "There is news from outside that the people in the Temple of Light are still looking for you. When are you going to go out?"

"It seems that the Pope is ready?"

"It's natural, you have to know that the Pope has already started preparations on the day you came back." He lifted it proudly, and then said seriously, "But to be honest, you are really tolerant. After discovering that I lost the power of darkness, I actually pretended to be amnesia and left it in the Temple of Light. If it was me, the first reaction would definitely be that the lackeys of the Temple of Light had plotted against me and had to overturn it."

His Highness the Holy Son's remarks did not touch the future Demon King, but condoned the little black dragon who handed his claws to the boy to play with. He couldn't help but stiffen his body and stayed in place for a moment, almost stunned.

Does Goliath still have the memory of the Temple of Light

No, no, it should be said that Goliath actually never lost her memory from beginning to end? !

After Augustus finally reacted, he connected a series of experiences in the past with the current dialogue, and couldn't help but be shocked and couldn't think. He stared up at the future demon king who was smiling casually, and suddenly a coldness suddenly appeared behind him. to know everything? All of the previous ones were all faked by him, not to mention, he actually won the favor of so many people as the Holy Son of the Temple of Light! Not only the recognition and closeness of the Temple of Light, but also the trust and respect of so many races along the way. What is he trying to do? !

Augustus, who was hit by this fact, couldn't turn his thoughts around. Due to the limited capacity of the little black dragon's brain, his brain was already confused.

The system 9780, which had been locking itself in a small dark room, was finally annoyed by the garbled characters that kept swiping in the mind of its owner. It spit out in a flat tone, [Master, could you please control your idiotic thoughts? Forget it in the past, the little black dragon's body may not be able to accommodate your so many thoughts to swipe the screen, and it has become meaningless garbled code when you transfer to me. You must know that this will affect the operation of the system.]

Augustus couldn't care about refuting the system's arrogance at the moment. He looked at the two people who were still talking with a particularly dignified look, his ears were already pointed up, and he listened very seriously.

"The Pope has personally taken action and teleported all the demon beasts imprisoned in the dungeon. With them charging ahead, it will definitely cause a lot of turmoil in the mainland without exposing the dark abyss."

As if thinking of a bright future, Hubert's black eyes were slightly bright, and his cold and handsome face had a violent and cruel excited smile, "Only when you are crowned and truly ascended to the throne of the Holy Son of the Temple of Light, we can officially attack the Dark Abyss. , cooperate with you to fulfill our long-cherished wish of the demons a thousand years ago."

Augustus: "… "

System 9780 immediately followed in the footsteps of its owner, Augustus. The system was stagnant for a moment, and it almost burst into foul language—it really was a big game of chess, and the target of the strategy even deceived the system perfectly!

"I remember that you told me with certainty that Goliath really lost her memory." Augustus said in his heart, "I tested it so many times at the time, and it turned out that the face was slapped right now. snap?"

System 9780: [… ]

"By the way, what did you say during the test? Goliath only has the power of light after awakening, and the power of darkness is confirmed to have been completely lost." The little black dragon said more and more and became more interested, "As a result, it was purified at that time. When the elf tree was old, he discovered that his dark power was fused into the power of light."

"Oh, speaking of this, you have to talk about the things you cheated on me so many times. A fruit of life fell into the room, a monster suddenly appeared behind me and attacked me, and the dark son was hiding in the secret passage... so many you I haven't been able to detect it. Seriously, is your system already aging and needs to be returned and rebuilt?"

Augustus, who had turned on the mutual damage mode, was still taunting his own system, and the system 9780, who was rarely beaten in the face, said expressionlessly, "Aren't you worse than me, master? After so much planning, so many deaths, so many slaps in the face, and feeling like you are the world leader who dominates everything, it turns out that you are the one who has been played all over the place from beginning to end. How, do you feel your face hurts? Are your hearts broken?]

Augustus: "… "

Since they want to hurt each other, how can the system 9780, which has always been a stubborn little expert, lose to him, [Oh, it is not just a drama of trying to save the United States and being rescued, the problem is that you have fallen in love with the target of the strategy, but the target of the strategy is not right. Your impression may still be a hapless person who can be used in the Temple of Light against the enemy, right? How touching, you are willing to give up your noble status as a candidate for the Holy Son for him, and you personally promoted him to become the well-respected Holy Son of Light - such a standard spare tire male support!]

[In this way, the target of the strategy has become the first person in history who has not yet performed the coronation ceremony of the Holy Son, and has already been well known and admired and loved by the mainland. You are a great contributor to this, master, behind the scenes A lot of effort~]

The angry system 9780 couldn't help but sneered in a cool tone, the exaggerated exclamation had to let people say that the acting was amazing.

Augustus, who was pierced by countless vicious and ruthless arrows: "..."

"Who said they would cooperate with you inside and out? If it's just like this, do you think they won't resist?"

When the dragon and the system were hurting each other, the demonic laughter of the future Demon King suddenly sounded low. When everyone's eyes gathered in surprise, he suddenly curled his lips into a smile.

"What I want is-"

Just like the holy and merciful messenger of light that was widely circulated in the mainland in the past, the young man raised his delicate eyebrows and eyes, and when he smiled, he was the image of the Holy Son of Light that everyone imagined as much as possible.

However, those dark, bottomless eyes revealed a hint of icy cruelty, as if the aloof gods were looking down at the humble ants like jumping beam clowns with alms, indifferent and ruthless, making people heartbroken and fearful.

"... let them be willing to bow their heads and serve as ministers."