Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 57


As if he didn't notice what was wrong with the little golden dragon, the teenager still tugged at its claws with a smile, "That guy can't really hide his emotions really well, but I can't tell whether it's because he was originally hostile to me, or because I became a candidate for the Son of God and regarded me as an enemy."

"But after observing for a period of time, I found that he is quite fun and easy to fool. Every time I want to trick me, I will always be unlucky, and then I will make persistent efforts next time. If I think about it, if I don't have him around me, it will actually be better. I'm really not used to it."

The Holy Son of Light smiled and confided in the inner core for Augustus himself, the little golden dragon, with gentle and pure eyebrows, "...Maybe you feel that life is less fun."

Augustus: "..." Suddenly I felt that it would be good to become a dragon like this... Too shameful.

System 9780 no longer inserts a knife for him. After all, he is clearly seen through as a monkey show, but he does not know that the Raiders who are still playing embarrassingly may only be his own master, right

Sympathize deeply for a second and light up the wax.

"Goliath... Your Highness?"

Just as the teenager picked up the little golden dragon and was about to walk inside, a slightly hesitant male voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Jun Moyu looked back and saw a young man in a familiar knight costume with the temple of light logo looking at him hesitantly, and the moment he turned around, he instantly recognized that the person in front of him was the missing saint. After His Highness, he couldn't help trotting over with excitement on his face, "His Royal Highness Goliath, it really is you!!"

"It's me, long time no see."

Jun Moyu, who felt that his face was familiar, couldn't help raising her pink lips, and said to him a little excitedly, "Are you here? The Pope, is he here?!"

"Yes, we are looking for you, Your Highness Goliath!" the young knight exclaimed excitedly, "If the Pope knew that he had found you, he would be very excited! By the way, I will take you now. Come in!"

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Jun Moyu's delicate and dreamy face, which almost caught the eyes of the youth, "Then I'll trouble you."

Therefore, the future demon king holding the dragon mount of darkness, was introduced into the territory of the dwarves who hated the power of darkness the most by the young knights.

"Lord Pope, Lord Pope!"

Pope Julius of Light, who was discussing with the dwarf clan chief about finding the trace of the Son of God, heard someone calling him anxiously, smiled apologetically at the clan chief, then bent down and walked out of his room, and responded with a loud voice, " I am here."

"Look who showed up!"

With the excited wave of the young knight in front of him, the young pope's dazed eyes cast through him to the holy boy who was standing quietly in the young man, showing himself the same gentle and peaceful smile as before, and his mind was instantly blank.


An unbelievable murmur came out of his mouth. Julius, who had been unable to sleep for many days, instantly faded the haggard and tiredness between his eyebrows, his eyes flickered slightly, uncontrollably revealing the joy and excitement that radiated from his heart.

"Goliath, great, great, you're really fine." He couldn't control his steps, turning three steps into two, standing in front of the little saint, reaching out and carefully holding his soft He said incoherently on his cheeks, and there seemed to be some tears in his eyes, "It's really great, you'll be fine, you're just thin, thin."

The little golden dragon who was held by the boy in his arms rolled his eyes speechlessly when he heard his opening remarks after the long-awaited reunion. Pope, what are you thinking about Goliath? Let's just say, do you think Goliath has suffered a lot along the way

The young man who was able to make his body slightly plump even after being supplemented by the demons said he lost weight without blinking. I have to say that you are quite a skill, Lord Pope.

The young Pope, who didn't know someone was slandering him, finally couldn't help hugging the boy who didn't speak and just kept smiling at him. Originally, he felt that there was no sense of reality, but when the boy was really in his arms and finally did not disappear, he only felt that the flaw in his heart was finally filled, and he finally became more at ease.

"Goliath, you're safe and sound, it's great..."

Julius sighed gratefully and repeated what he had said earlier.

"I'm really back, Lord Pope." The little saint blinked his clear blue eyes and whispered softly, "I'm really sorry for worrying you."

"How can I blame you? If it wasn't for the person who kidnapped you, it's really hateful..." Seemingly remembering the sleepless nights before, the young Pope lowered his face and said with hatred, the face that had always looked gentle and majestic at this moment appeared to be It's scary, "We won't be separated for so long, and you won't suffer so much."

"Let's not talk about that, how did you escape from that person? Did he treat you well? How are you doing recently? How did you find this place? Did you suffer a lot and get hurt? Have… "

The young Pope softened his face, and began to ramble on and care about like an old father, making Augustus, who was tightly sandwiched between the two, breathless, but had been forgotten, couldn't help it. Struggling like crazy.

Suddenly, Julius, who seemed to be moving around in his arms, subconsciously let go of the young man and looked down, and then he saw him staring at him as if he was protecting food, revealing a small white and sharp baby teeth, covered in golden light in the sun. Some reflective little golden dragons.

"This is...?" he asked in surprise.

"It's a long story, but I didn't suffer or get hurt. You are too worried, Lord Pope." Jun Moyu replied patiently and gently, "This is Or, the one I met on the way seemed to be abandoned. cubs."

On the way, he met the abandoned golden dragon cub: "..." Your demon king is your demon king, and even if it becomes a holy and bright appearance, it is still the evil demon king with a strong aura.

Lies don't need to be drafted to open their mouths, and the camouflage skills are full marks without blushing or beating. No wonder even the system detection can be deceived at the beginning, I have to say that it is very powerful.

—Ah, the smile that Goliath showed when she had a bad idea was really cute.

System 9780, which had rarely agreed with the owner's point of view, fell silent for a moment, and then calmly painted mosaics for his indescribable psychological activities.

"His Majesty the Pope of the Temple of Light, it seems that you have found the person you are looking for?"

Without waiting for the young Pope to ask what was going on, a serious and harsh voice suddenly came over. I saw the patriarch of the dwarf clan limping slowly over with a cane, the little old man shrugged his strangely big nose, and his cold face seemed terrifying.

"Yes, thank you very much for your help, Cornelius." Julius thanked him unaffectedly and tenderly, "My lost treasure has returned to me, thank the God of Light."

"Sir Pope..."

Xiao Shengzi's face was moved, and his blue eyes looked at him with a very moved expression.

"Don't say that, we haven't had time to do anything yet. Your Majesty the Pope, you found someone as soon as you came. It should be that you moved the gods with your intentions for His Highness the Holy Son, so you deliberately sent His Highness to your side." The little old man Although he looks serious and weird, his words are very gentle, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Even so, you have helped a lot. We have just proposed the purpose of coming here. You agreed without hesitation and kept us here. We are very grateful. What's more, if not In this way, I will not meet Goliath again so coincidentally here."

The young pope looked at the cute little saint beside him with joy and said, the tenderness in his eyes seemed to overflow, making the little old man Cornelius smile involuntarily.

"Actually, when I came here, I heard that the dwarves were very well informed, so I came here tentatively, trying to ask you for help to find out where the Pope is."

He grabbed Julius by the corner of his clothes as if relying on him, and the familiar little gesture that had been missing for a long time made the young Pope melt involuntarily. The young man bowed his head a little embarrassedly and whispered to the respected dwarf clan chief.

Here Julius felt relieved and tender, watching the boy let go of the little golden dragon who was holding his hand and tugging at the sleeve of his rival, his eyes were falling from his eyes.

- You, it's you! Let go of the hand holding Goliath! That sleeve is so unsightly, how could it be wrapped around Goliath? !

It's been such a long time, and Julius is still like this, so shameless - just mad at him! ! !

"Then it seems that you two are in the same mind and have a tacit understanding." Cornelius laughed at the time, and the kind old grandfather's smile made him no longer seem so weird and scary, "There must be a lot to say about the reunion after a long time. I won't bother you for now."

Seeing the back of the little old man staggering away, Jun Moyu suddenly tilted his head in doubt, and asked in a very low voice, as if telling some important secret, "I heard people say when I came here that the dwarves are very difficult to talk, especially The patriarch of the dwarves, if there is no treasure that can be exchanged at an equivalent value, he will definitely not help, and he also advised me not to waste my time."

"But in this way, the patriarch is not as they say, but is very kind and gentle like an old grandfather." The boy lowered his eyes slightly ashamed, "Did I make the mistake of listening to the rumors again?"

The young Pope laughed, "Since those people are persuading you, why are you still here?"

The little saint looked even more ashamed, "I really can't think of how to find you. Every time I find out where you are rushing past, I miss you and I can only come here and try my luck. , What if they are the same as the Bright Elves, who are rumored to be arrogant and xenophobic elves, but they are actually warm and gentle, maybe the dwarves are like this too?"

Amused by the cuteness of the little saint, Pope Guangming smiled, touched his head gently, and suddenly sighed, "Actually, what the outsider said is right, Cornelius behaved so kindly, naturally It's also because of conditions."

"Conditions?" The young man was startled, "Didn't he agree directly because of you, Lord Pope?"

"Silly child, the dwarves don't respect the God of Light, how could they give face to the Temple of Light?"

Julius smiled indifferently, "I lent them the scepter of light."

—The scepter of light that symbolizes the power of the Temple of Light? !