Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 59


Hearing this ominous scream, everyone rushed to the source of the sound immediately.

As soon as they arrived, they saw the patriarch who had been in gentle communication with them before fainted on the ground, and the dwarves on the side were scrambling to help him, apparently not knowing what to do.

"Don't touch him." The young Pope frowned and soon noticed the demonic energy around him, so he couldn't help but say in a deep voice, "This is very likely to be related to the demonic energy, please be careful not to touch the patriarch, and try to stay as far away as possible. Some."

Hearing the demonic energy, the dwarves suddenly changed their faces, and looked at the clansmen next to them, looking around, apparently panicking.

"Magic? Could it be..."

"I just said that the scepter can't be taken back! The patriarch must take the scepter back and study it!"

"What should I do, the patriarch is also unconscious, no one knows where the scepter is now?"

"It must be the scepter..."

"It's terrible. What should we do if the devilish energy really infects this place?"

Hearing the faint whispers from the dwarves, Julius couldn't help but glance at Jun Moyu, focusing on "that scepter".

"What's the matter, the demonic energy has spread here so quickly." At this moment, a dwarf youth who seemed to be the second-in-command suddenly came out from behind, and he looked extremely difficult to get along with with a sullen face, "The patriarch didn't say demonic energy. Have you been suppressed?"

"Raggert! Good you're here."

Seeing the young dwarves come out, they felt relieved as if they had found their savior, and hurriedly gathered around to tell the situation just now.

"Raggert, what the hell is going on here!"

"The patriarch passed out just now. His Majesty the Pope of the Temple of Light said that it was because of the infiltration of demonic energy. Is it true?"

"Yes, you just said that you didn't expect the demonic energy to spread so quickly. Does that mean that you have already discovered the problem with the scepter?"

"Since you found out, why didn't you tell us earlier! What should we do now?"

In the face of everyone's questioning, Lagert just glanced around with a gloomy face, and after they subconsciously gradually shut up, he said lightly, "The patriarch and I have just discovered it, and we deliberately borrowed His Majesty's power of light before. I just wanted to study the difference between the two, but I didn't expect that the core of this scepter was the ancient dark stone."

Without waiting for everyone to continue questioning, he said blankly, "We originally wanted to destroy this scepter as soon as possible, but we didn't want to have time to do it, and the demonic energy spread so quickly, and it also affected the patriarch."

"Why didn't you just throw it away when you found it!"

"Yes, yes, as long as the scepter is thrown away in time, it will be fine. Now not only the patriarch, but also our entire clan will suffer disasters!"

"Raggert, what the hell are you doing?!"

"If it is a dark stone, it is very difficult for other forces to destroy it except for the use of extremely strong light power to purify it." Seeing that Laget was besieged by the clan, the young pope finally spoke gently to relieve the siege, "Darkness The stone runs the power of darkness at any time. It can be said that it is a treasure for the cultivation of monsters in the dark abyss, because even if the scepter engraved with the dark stone is thrown away at that time, the magic will gradually spread around. There is no possibility of being infected.”

"Then what shall we do, His Majesty the Pope?"

The crowd immediately surrounded them, asking anxiously as if they had found a savior, and no longer had the vague sense of hostility to outsiders before.

It was once said that the elves have always been arrogant and xenophobic, but in fact, the dwarves are the most xenophobic of all races in the continent. They are well-known skilled craftsmen in the mainland. They are skilled and good at smelting, but they are extremely stubborn, suspicious and self-reliant. They do not worship any gods, and even look down on anyone except their own race.

Especially hate the power of darkness.

Because of their frequent cooperation, they interact more closely with humans. As for the connection with the Temple of Light, it was also after the birth of the Holy Son of the Temple of Darkness. After the demonic energy polluted the continent, it was found that the power of light was useful in expelling the demonic energy.

Because it is probably the first time that people in the Temple of Light are so close to each other. After all, when the dwarf clan leader invited Julius and others to live on his own initiative, he was opposed by the clansmen, although his dissatisfaction was quickly suppressed.

"Don't be in a hurry, Raggett, can you let me take a look at the scepter inlaid with the dark stone?" The young pope asked in a gentle and unhurried manner, "In addition, my power of light Do you know where the rod is now?"

Rage nodded, "Because I was afraid that the two scepters would have adverse reactions together, they were hidden and kept by me and the patriarch respectively. Your light scepter is with me, and the dark scepter is kept in the back. in that forged cave."

"Then please take us to see it. As for the rest, please help bring the clan back to the room first, and try not to touch his body-"

"May I have a look at the patriarch's body?"

Jun Moyu, who had never said a word, suddenly tilted his head and asked politely. He blinked his gentle and pure blue eyes, and his gaze was filled with a sense of tranquility and healing, which made many dwarves subconsciously slow down their breathing in front of him, soothing their hearts. disturbed.

"Goliath, can you help?"

At the beginning, he was worried about the boy's body and didn't let him check it. Hearing the little saint's question, Julius couldn't help frowning and asked in a low voice.

"Don't you know, the Pope, who I have nothing to do? I can help expel the demonic energy from their bodies." Jun Moyu shook his head with a brilliant smile, "Besides, when I was looking for you before, I also encountered a lot of them along the way. People who are already skilled in the use of purification techniques."

With the Pope barely loosening his brows, the gentle and holy Holy Son His Highness turned to look at the dwarves. His delicate and dreamy face shone in the sunlight, satisfying the image of the Holy Son that everyone could imagine.

He smiled tenderly, as if there was a warm force soothing their hearts, "Just a moment, don't worry."

The suspicious and stubborn dwarves were silent for a while, and looked at each other. Under the astonished gazes of the others in the Temple of Light, they really gave way, allowing His Highness the Holy Son to approach the patriarch who was still on the ground.

However, the Knights were only surprised for a moment, and they quickly showed a trusting and proud smile. After all, it was His Highness the Holy Son who was best at miracles. No matter what happened, it was normal.

—So if it is His Royal Highness Goliath, it must be no problem.

As if to verify that he had said that he had used the purification technique proficiently before, when the silver-white light on the boy's fingertips appeared, which was thicker and purer than before, the surrounding environment that looked normal was suddenly distorted!

The sharp-eyed dwarves found it, and couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

As the light group in the hand of His Highness the Holy Child rose higher and higher, the warm and soft but more radiant silver-white light illuminated the entire valley. As if the illusion on the surface could finally be hidden, something in the dense cloud was constantly colliding, and the surrounding air was also squeezed.

The bright space was completely torn apart, and the normal exterior was removed to reveal the gloomy and gloomy real environment inside!

"Wait, is that—?!"

Before they could be astonished, the invisible dark magic energy that was slowly floating in the air was finally exposed. They swirled around the crowd, as if if they were not careful, they would take the opportunity to invade their bodies, devour their brains, and slowly transform them into insane monsters.

"My God, the God of Light is above!"

Looking at the valley that was completely different from the previous bright and splendid valley, even the people in the Temple of Light couldn't help screaming!

"Oh, Edmund bless!"

Along with that magical energy, the dwarves also screamed when they noticed the faint flickering black energy between their companions' eyebrows. They called out the names of the ancestors who created the dwarves, and almost simultaneously retreated away from anyone.

While watching the movements of their companions nervously, the dwarves stared blankly at the gloomy sky from the corner of their eyes, and couldn't help but feel a strong fear in their hearts and rejoicing for the rest of their lives.

- It is conceivable that when the dwarf valley was completely eroded by this invisible demonic energy, I am afraid that they have already exterminated the family without knowing it

If it weren't for the Holy Son of the Temple of Light...

They moved to look at the young man standing in the center of the light, covered in a layer of silver-white gauze, as if the gods had descended, and their hearts were full of indescribable gratitude and worship.

Sure enough, His Royal Highness Goliath is just like those boring... useful troubadours on the continent. He is gentle, kind, holy and great. He is the best at creating miracles, as if he was a messenger of light sent by the God of Light to save lives. He is Savile Continent. savior!

—It was His Highness Goliath who saved their dwarves!

However, they were still full of hostility and resistance to the arrival of the people from the Temple of Light at that time. If His Majesty the Pope hadn't used the scepter of light in exchange, the patriarch also suppressed them in time, and they almost drove these people out!

They are really too narrow-minded and short-sighted, they have not listened to the praises of the people who believe in His Highness Mu Shengzi, and they have been so ungrateful to the savior before, which is really inappropriate!

The dwarves with such a thick filter automatically ignored that His Highness the Holy Son was only here today, was brought in by the Knights and had not contacted them, and directly ignored that the object of their bad attitude was actually the light who had lived before. Temple crowd.

Ah, how great is His Highness Goliath! He is Edmund incarnate, the creator sent to save their dwarves again! !

From then on, he was the god they revered and admired!

They want to carve the statue of His Highness Goliath and send it to other races who also admire His Highness Goliath for free for daily worship and prayer! !