Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 6


Liu Chenqi came in through the window.

Through the system's location tracking, he rode the Harley left by Jun Moyu and followed the map to this place. After confirming that there was no one else in the warehouse except Jun Moyu, he exchanged the points and asked the system 9737 to replace the closed window at the innermost with a split-top one, and quietly slammed the window and turned in.

Even though the surrounding environment was so dim, he saw at a glance the young man who seemed to be calm but his body was tense with vigilance, thinking about how to escape. After confirming that he was unharmed, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the heart that had been hanging in his heart finally fell. back in place.

Mild footsteps were evident in the quiet warehouse.

Just as Jun Moyu turned her head vigilantly, she suddenly met a familiar face, her eyes widened in surprise, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't speak because there was something in her mouth. Liu Chenqi took off the cloth stick in his mouth and calmly gave him a silent gesture. Jun Moyu naturally knew that the current situation was not suitable for chatting, so he nodded to show his understanding.

"There are three kidnappers guarding the outside now, and the rest have left temporarily." Liu Chenqi untied the ropes on him, and whispered about the current situation, those unhurried black eyes looked extremely calm, "They don't have guns on them. , It doesn't feel like that kind of professional kidnapper. There is a window at the back that seems to be sealed, but it can actually be opened up and down, and we have to evacuate before they come."

Jun Moyu didn't care whether what he said was true or not, just nodded silently, moved his hands and feet quickly, stood up as smoothly as possible, and followed Liu Chenqi out of the dismantled window. .

After the two stepped on the locomotive, Liu Chenqi stepped on the accelerator with one foot, and the top-level locomotive that was hard to be seen by ordinary people immediately showed its performance equivalent to its value, galloping away like a shooting star.

"Fortunately, we didn't meet the necessary bridge for kidnapping."

After observing through the rearview mirror for a while, Liu Chenqi suddenly turned around and said with a smile.

"What bridge?" Jun Moyu raised his eyebrows at first, then rolled his eyes at him indecently, straightened his head, and taunted, "Can you please see the way? I don't want to go to Huangquan with you in such a desolate place, hehe."

"If that's the case, maybe it's not bad." Knowing that he had exposed too many loopholes this time, and knowing that this was because he was not prepared for the task this time, Liu Chenqi simply let it go. Self-conscious, just smiled lowly, "After all, going to Huangquan with such a beautiful child, no matter how you think about it, you won't suffer."

"That may disappoint you. I don't want to die with an uncle-type man who talks greasy and always wants to take advantage of others. It would be too tragic to die like this."

In the face of Liu Chenqi's completely different appearance from before, Jun Moyu didn't notice it... No, it should be said that although he noticed it, he didn't care and thought it didn't matter. His lazy and arrogant voice rose slightly, and it sounded extremely beating.

Liu Chenqi has played too many people, and in the end it seems that even his own character is about to be forgotten. And this time, even if the character design is broken, Jun Moyu will not find it strange, even if there are many loopholes, he will not ask anything. A soft and tolerant heart was unexpectedly hidden under the boy's wanton appearance, which made Liu Chenqi feel really relaxed.

However, this does not mean that he will not be angry when he hears the evaluation of his "greasy uncle".

"... This sounds very unpleasant." Liu Chenqi narrowed his eyes and tilted the locomotive abruptly in a wicked way, drawing an enchanting S-curve on the road. Feeling that the boy behind him subconsciously grabbed his clothes, as if he could hear his teeth grinding, he suddenly laughed wickedly.

"Hey, are you still a primary school student?"

Hearing his wanton laughter, Jun Moyu felt that even his anger had dropped in price, so he couldn't help but sneered and mocked in a arrogant tone.

"Don't underestimate elementary school students, maybe they're better than you." After speaking, Liu Chenqi immediately changed the subject, "I haven't talked about what the necessary parts of kidnapping are just now, aren't you curious?"

"Why should I be curious about this?"

"What if we meet? For example, if we finally escaped, we happened to bump into the kidnappers and came back; or if we just jumped out of the window, the kidnappers came in and found us jumping out of the window; another example..."

Seeing Liu Chenqi smilingly throwing away one possibility after another, Jun Moyu took a deep breath. Due to the fact that he had just saved himself, he could only turn his head expressionlessly and look at the surrounding area because the speed of the locomotive was too fast. Instead, it becomes a blurred afterimage.

[This, this Raider... is inexplicably a bit scary. ] System 0597 was stunned by the nature exposed by the Raiders, and couldn't help but sympathetically glanced at System 9737, which seemed to be accustomed to turning a deaf ear to its owner.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore." Feeling that Jun Moyu's critical point was about to explode, Liu Chenqi gave a short low laugh, with a smile on his brows and eyes that were inexplicably tender and inexplicable, "Speaking of which , do you know why they kidnapped you?"

Jun Moyu fell silent.

"I was taken aback when I went to the parking lot to find you after buying water. The car was parked there. Who would have guessed that there was no sign of you in the entire parking lot, and I thought you didn't come down at all."

Not minding that he didn't answer, Liu Chenqi continued, "Fortunately, when I was looking for you again, I suddenly found that a car key and mobile phone had been dropped on the ground near the car. I was excited to find some information. It turned out that the phone was broken, but fortunately I got you back in the end."

With the last sentence, Liu Chenqi's voice suddenly dropped, gentle and gentle as if one could get lost in his voice.

"I used to have a brother, but now he's dead." After some time, when Liu Chenqi had given up the question and planned to change the subject, Jun Moyu suddenly spoke up. With a lazy and unconcerned look on his face, he said indifferently as if he was not talking about himself, "So I became the heir."

Unlike her elder brother who was weak but was established as the heir and was valued and loved by his parents, Jun Moyu was brought up by a nanny. In his young memory, there are only the indifferent backs of his parents, and the blurred faces of his elder brother who has been in the hospital and has hardly ever seen each other.

In other words, Jun Moyu was born to provide his sickly elder brother with a container for living organ transplants at any time. In addition, there is also a consideration to ensure that even if the heir collapses and dies, he acts as a backup and the right of inheritance will not fall into the hands of others.

Later, as the elder brother went in and out of the hospital more and more frequently, some rumors suddenly spread that it was their brothers fighting each other, and the parents became more and more disgusted with him, and even complained to each other why they wanted to give birth to him in the first place.

It didn't take long for him to be thrown into a small villa under the name of the Jun family, and only Aunt Zhang, who had taken care of him since childhood, came with him. He has always known that he is not valued, and maybe he used to expect that his parents would remember him to visit him. When he grew up, he naturally no longer had such a simple idea. They have nothing to do with each other after that.

However, life always likes to joke with people.

Just when Jun Moyu was about to forget there, a sudden phone call made him the new heir to the Jun family.

The heir they valued finally passed away, and before they had time to be sad, the younger brother's family had already been eyeing the inheritance, and at this moment of crisis, they finally remembered the broom star who was sent away back then.

How ridiculous.

Jun Moyu finished the story in a flat tone, raised her eyebrows and asked indifferently, "How is it, this story can still please you?"

Liu Chenqi was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and sighed, "Silly child."

"...Are you looking for a beating?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't fight against them. Is there any benefit? Even if they resist, they can still control your freedom at will." Liu Chenqi smiled lightly, revealing a cruel aura in his understatement. , "However, when you truly master the Jun family, you will naturally be able to do whatever you want. What you owed you back then can be paid back tenfold, and no one can stop you by then, right? "

The young man behind him wondered whether he was thinking about the feasibility or was frightened by the cruel meaning he revealed. He didn't say a word for a while, and he could only hear the rustling wind around him.

"Frightened?" Liu Chenqi sighed, returning to the gentle and approachable surface of the past, "Sorry, it seems that I shouldn't tell you so much, let's forget it."

"Will I be frightened?" Feeling underestimated, Jun Moyu sneered sarcastically, "I'm afraid you are thinking too much."

Liu Chenqi couldn't help raising the corners of his lips, "Then you were thinking about it just now? How about you, do you want to accept this suggestion?"

"... Barely."

There was an awkward cold snort from the young man behind him, and the smile on Liu Chenqi's face gradually expanded, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pleasure from the bottom of his heart.

Even if he has behaved so thoroughly, it doesn't look like a student who came out of an ordinary family and has nothing to worry about. Wouldn't he question it

This kind of character is really cute and makes me feel a little ticklish.

The author has something to say: It doesn't matter, I'm too lazy to attack, it's boring, boring, I'm just a passerby, the task is random, it has nothing to do with me anyway, don't pay attention to him, I'm really embarrassed to attack a child...

@刘陈奇, do you remember what you said before :)


Let's make a complaint first, don't think I'm annoying QAQ

Sometimes I'm actually very irritable, I really want to change my bed...

Our dormitory has always been very noisy, singing, watching TV, laughing, talking, talking, calling, video, etc. I am a quiet person, so I can't stand this noisy environment, but after all, living in a dormitory can't interfere People's hobbies, I usually put on headphones to play music, but I can't bear it. As a result, yesterday two roommates were so excited watching a certain live broadcast, screaming and laughing so loudly that they could overturn the roof, and my bed was connected by the one opposite. Zhang Tong is so shaken that he wants to fly...

I've said it several times to no avail. The music on the headphones is at the loudest, and my ears can't stand it. As a result, the sound of the live broadcast on the other side is louder than the music. I'm really convinced QAQ

Yesterday, I was forced to have no code words, but I couldn't stand reading the novel, and then I stared at the wall in a daze, thinking about the plot, being interrupted, re-conceiving, being interrupted, and re-starting again... This kept repeating.

Why can't others respect the people in the same bedroom when I respect others? Ahhh, I'm really angry with Qiqiao and smoke _(:зゝ∠)_

Phew, it's much more comfortable to vent out _(:з"∠)_

Crab and crab dears' Ray~ is still the cutest little angel QAQ

Suddenly there is a feeling of being nurtured [shyly covering his face] I love you! ! !