Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 61


Seeing that the little golden dragon really staggered and clumsily walked into the cave, the knights couldn't help but look at each other and smiled shyly. Naturally, no one would admit that they were inferior to a little dragon. ,

So when Jun Moyu calmly smiled and suggested that he follow Xiao Jin to go in first, he was opposed by everyone.

"Then... let's go together?" He tilted his head slightly, his blue eyes were pure and pure, "Xiaojin has already entered, I'm afraid he will be afraid, and he will go in now."

Julius patted his head and said amusingly, "Of course I went in with you, can I still let you go to an unknown and dangerous place alone?"

Ever since Augustus sneaked out with the boy before, he had discovered that the little saint had an accident constitution at all. But just sneaking out the door to meet the king of the human race, and together with him discovered the secret of the dark temple, not to mention that no matter where he went before, as long as Goliath was there, there were unknown things waiting for him to trigger.

When he was clearly a candidate for the Holy Son, when he traveled to the mainland, not so many things happened. He was led by the Pope at that time and ended the training safely, very smoothly.

Goliath immediately gave him a bright smile.

Everyone approached each other tacitly and walked into the cave. They thought it would be pitch black, but because of the golden light emitting from the little golden dragon, they easily caught up with it.

The little golden dragon was still looking up at the delicate scepter emitting a black light in mid-air, as if he was attracted. Its upper body had already stood up and tried to claw on top of the box under the scepter, trying to open it.

Afraid that the contents inside would hurt it, Goliath hurried forward and picked up the little golden dragon, "What's the matter, little gold, is there anything in it?"

"The dark power emanating from the box is very strong, and it should be from the same source as the dark spar power on the dark scepter." Julius scrutinized with a dignified eyebrow, and withdrew the power of light and explained in a low voice, "Raggert , did you have this box here before? Is the scepter like this too?"

Raggett shook his head in astonishment, "I don't know, how could there be such a treasure chest in the forging cave, and this scepter is not the same as the one we picked up, that one looks It's normal, nothing special."

"Really? If someone else didn't put it on purpose, then this scepter is hiding some secret."

Pope Guangming murmured, reached out and tried to open the treasure chest to check, but was stopped in time by Jun Moyu.

"Let me open it, Mr. Pope. My light power can devour magic power, so it should be safer than you."

He said with a smile, his fingertips released the power of light that had long been about to move, and the soft and dazzling silver-white light instantly illuminated the entire dark cave, and the arrangement inside became clear at a glance.

Thinking about it this way, Julius retracted his hand with relief, took a step back and watched the boy instructed the power of light to dexterously open the treasure chest, and the black light instantly became more intense.


The dazzling pure black light that surged from the treasure chest instantly engulfed the silver-white light, and then, in the face of everyone's sudden change, it suddenly rushed towards everyone, and then spread throughout the cave.

Everyone subconsciously put their hands in front of their eyes, but they didn't realize what happened just now. After the brain finally came to work and confirmed that the people around them were intact, they couldn't help but anxiously wanted to know the situation of His Highness the Holy Son, who was engulfed by the light first, but couldn't move forward because the light was too dazzling.

"His Royal Highness Goliath! How are you?"

"His Royal Highness?!"

After a long silence, a gentle and calm voice finally came from the center of the receding light, like a harp, "I'm fine, don't worry."

As Goliath's answer sounded, the black light was abruptly retracted, followed by an unfamiliar platinum-gold light, and there was a faint soft golden light outside, which contained more divine power than a demigod. Power, majesty and make people dare not look directly.

Everyone blinked uncomfortably, only to see that His Highness the Holy Son, who they were worried about, was holding a dark scepter, standing at the front and watching them tenderly, his quiet and pure eyes were the same as before.

"His Royal Highness Goliath, is that in your hand—?!" Quickly reacting, the knight commander asked loudly in amazement.

"Actually, I don't know." Jun Moyu shook his head and raised the dark scepter in his hand innocently to show them.

Just when everyone was in the dark and didn't know what happened, the power of light in his body suddenly rioted, and it all poured out completely uncontrollably. It was like fighting against the power of darkness for dominance, but in the end, the power of light prevailed.

The power of darkness exuding demonic energy reluctantly followed the power of silver-white light that was revolving above Gao (de) Leng (yi), and began to gradually join together, and finally formed a platinum glowing with a faint golden light outside. Color air mass.

At this moment, the dark scepter that had been absorbing the power in the treasure box also slowly landed in the boy's hands in a surrendered attitude, as if it was his life weapon.

"This is… "

Julius took the exquisitely crafted scepter in surprise, and found that the place where the dark spar was originally inlaid had now turned into a transparent spar with platinum-gold light.

There are still traces of the dark stone cracking into pieces in the treasure chest, and the existence of the power of darkness can no longer be felt.

"How are you feeling now, Goliath?"

Jun Moyu felt the power in the room, showing a surprised look, "I seem to feel the contract of this scepter? Why don't I know when I contracted with it? And the power of light is stronger, The color... also became this platinum gold, which is incredible."

"It seems that you have obtained the ownership of this scepter, it is yours." The young Pope of Light laughed, and jokingly said to the stunned knight next to him, "I said before. , this trip might find some treasures, and as expected, Goliath obtained his own natal scepter, looking at the divine power radiating from the spar, it is estimated that he will not look down on my light scepter."

The knight commander who slapped his face: "...Even so, I really can't use it." No, it's not so much that I can't use it, but I don't dare to use it at all, okay


"His Royal Highness Goliath's power of light has changed color again." The knight commander, who had never seen such a vision before, could not help but stretch out his hand in amazement and try to feel the platinum-gold light, "Julius, you used to have Have you ever seen anything like this?"

"If I see it, do you think I can still have the face to sit in the position of the Pope of Light?" Julius scolded him without changing his face. Seeing the Knight Commander touching his nose angrily, his eyebrows and eyes showed a funny look. With an expression on his face, he patiently explained to him, "Goliath is different. He was able to absorb demonic energy when he rescued the ancient elf tree. The power of light he awakened may not have been the same as ours from the very beginning."

The knight commander looked puzzled, "What do you mean? Is the power of light different?"

"You have seen that the power of light can drive away demonic energy, so who have you seen with the power of light that can directly devour demonic energy into its own power like Goliath?"

The knight commander thought about it carefully and shook his head involuntarily, looking at the little saint who was still playing with the scepter in wonder as if he had found the point.

"After receiving the gift of the Elf King, his power of light has turned into silver-white power. Generally speaking, it is impossible to rise to a demigod, unless he originally had the power of a demigod before he lost his memory, but it was temporarily due to special reasons. The seal is hidden in the body, and is drawn out through the medium of the Spirit King's blessing."

"And now, his power has gradually transformed into a power similar to divine power by absorbing the demonic energy and contract scepter of the dark stone... Cyril, maybe we are fortunate enough to really see the process of the birth of a god."

Pope Bright had a high opinion of the little saint he had chosen, and the knight commander, who unconditionally believed in his old friend, looked at the boy and turned his gaze into amazement.

With the mentality of an old father, the two watched with relief the young man playing with his scepter for a long time. After being silent for a long time, the knight commander suddenly asked softly in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Then Julius, do you say that the power of His Royal Highness Goliath is still the power of light?"

Julius was silent for a while, and replied in a low voice, "I only know that he is the holy son of our Temple of Light, and there is no doubt."

The firmness in that tone made the knight commander squinted his eyes slightly, looked at him for a long time without any meaning, and finally laughed heartily as if tacitly, "Yes, this is all of us watching growth. No one can change this fact, can it?"

Even if it is no longer the power of light, they will try their best to hide it, so that the little Goliath can go through the coronation ceremony of the Son smoothly and safely.

- He doesn't know if this counts as betraying the God of Light, but that is Goliath, His Highness the Son of God who is definitely admired by everyone in the continent, the Goliath who is best at creating miracles and saving so many people.

"Hey, where's the golden dragon cub?" After finishing the topic, as if to ease the tension around him, Julius suddenly looked left and right, and asked aloud with a surprised expression.

"Little Jin—?"

Hearing the question from the Pope, he immediately raised his head and looked around, and as expected, he found that the little golden dragon was really missing in the cave. Jun Moyu couldn't help frowning and began to look anxiously.

"Could it be because of the shock just now that you fainted?"

Just when everyone suspected that the little golden dragon was in a coma because he couldn't bear the power, and started tossing and turning in the cave to find it, there was a sudden sound of steady footsteps coming in.

- The dwarves will definitely not come in at this time, so who else will enter the forging cave at this time

The author has something to say: There will be an update in a while, and I will update it after coding~

In fact, this story is almost over. After the dwarf dungeon is over, he will go back to inherit the position of the Son of God, and then there will be the chaos of the continent. It's not really that long, is it? It's just because two chapters a day seem to be very long now, in fact, counting it should be similar to the second world... right? [cover face]

In the next world, I will try to be briefer _(:з」∠)_