Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 73


As a hunter-type cruel phantom beast, the Demon Poison Flower Wolf will relentlessly pursue its prey once it has locked onto its prey. It is extremely patient during the pursuit and will never give up easily.

If they just met the Poisonous Flower Wolf alone, they might be able to fight against it, but at this time there were two golden-tailed blue-eyed beasts and the Devilish Flower Wolf, and the danger level was not low, so everyone could not help but flinch.

However, because the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast was rushing towards them, they could not avoid it at all, and could only prepare for battle with a solemn expression to welcome the arrival of the phantom beasts.

"There are still 500 meters, 300 meters, 100 meters away from the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast..."

As Chester released his mental power to report the approximate distance in a deep voice, everyone raised their particle guns and stood at their respective positions under Herman's extremely fast-talking orders.

Marianne Fitzroy from the Department of Data Analysis maintained a ready-to-shoot posture and explained the weakness of the phantom beast to her companions at a very fast rate. , but they're all very fast and it's hard to hit their weak spots directly."

The instructors in front of the light-brained screen couldn't help but nod their heads. At present, this team has a basic prototype, not like the scattered sand at the beginning, and then it will be seen if they can cultivate a tacit understanding in this war.

"Those are the B+-level golden-tailed blue-eyed beast and the A-level demonic flower wolf. The danger is too high for them who have almost no actual combat experience. Do we need to prepare for emergency rescue first?" One of them The major turned his head and asked Instructor Lin, "Did you send a notification to the person near their coordinates?"

"I have already reminded them to rush over." When he discovered that the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast was followed by the poisonous flower wolf, Instructor Lin had already subconsciously sent a notification to his colleagues near the coordinates, "The instructor of the combat department is in place."

At this moment, the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast finally appeared in front of everyone.

Their faces were panicked, and seeing Herman and the others standing in front of them, they didn't even mean to avoid them, and their cyan eyes the size of copper bells suddenly showed a fierce light. After finally getting rid of the poisonous flower wolf for a while, I didn't expect that there would be such a short-sighted human being in the way, it's just courting death!

The two phantom beasts glanced at each other in tacit understanding, and suddenly raised their heads and shouted fiercely, then rushed towards them savagely!

As a mecha combat type, Bertrand Enders took the lead in raising the particle gun and fired at them without fear. However, the particle bombs were accurately shot at the golden-tailed blue-eyed beasts, but they did not cause any impact on them.

"Aim them in the eyes, don't waste particle bombs!"

Herman raised his voice to remind, and motioned the other three to move carefully behind the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast, trying to outflank the two.

Bertram subconsciously rolled around to avoid the attack of the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast, and raised the particle gun again to try to aim, but soon his forehead was sweaty, and he said nervously, "I can't aim, they are too fast!"


Chester hid behind the rock, holding the particle gun, the muzzle kept following the speed so fast that afterimages appeared, and he kept moving the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast that was used to protect the weak point. He has been waiting calmly, and when one of them finally accidentally revealed a flaw, he quickly revealed a trace of spiritual power and directly attacked it, and then when its movements suddenly became dull, he kept aiming at the muzzle of its eyes. Immediately, a particle bomb was fired, and it shot precisely into its eyes.

The golden-tailed blue-eyed beast that was hit on the weak spot screamed and rolled on the spot in pain, and was soon killed by the other people who came out of the flank. Seeing this, the other golden-tailed blue-eyed beast could not help but take a step back cautiously. However, the poisonous flower wolf that was chasing behind was about to arrive. It raised its neck and made a loud and distant cry, which is unique to their golden-tailed blue-eyed beasts. The distress signal, once a nearby clan hears it, they will immediately go to the source of the sound to help their clan.

As a data analysis department, Mariana, who knew that it was calling for help, suddenly changed her face, "No, we have to fight quickly! The Demon Poison Flower Wolf is about 500 meters away from us, and the golden-tailed blue-eyed beasts are around us. It will also come to us with the distress signal it sends!!”

Hiram Haldane from the Department of Pharmacology quickly collected the blood of the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast and shouted, "It's too late, we must retreat! Once the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast arrives, we absolutely cannot escape!"

The expressions of the others changed drastically, but Herman calmly said, "If we don't solve this one, we will not be able to retreat at all. Besides, we have to deal with the Demon Poison Flower Wolf behind us, so we can only do it quickly."

At this moment, Chester, who had been lurking, pulled the trigger accurately and blinded the eyes of the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast who was still calling for help. The blind Eudemons.

"I can't avoid it, the poisonous flower wolf is here."

Chester walked out from behind the rock and handed the blood of the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast collected by Hiram to the sky lion that Herman had tacitly summoned, "Now we can only use the blood of the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast for a while. Confuse its comrades, try to prolong the time for them to find their comrades, and don't rush over until we have dealt with the Demon Poison Flower Wolf."

The sky lion glanced at the master, nodded with the blood bag in his mouth, and disappeared into the bushes.

As if smelling an ominous breath, the footsteps of the Demon Poison Flower Wolf suddenly became light and slow, and then quietly appeared in front of everyone.

It half-bowed its body, glaring at them vigilantly and ferociously, and when it saw the corpse of the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast, its eyes suddenly revealed violent killing intent. The prey they locked was actually killed by these humans, and they were obviously provoking themselves! !

The Demon Poison Flower Wolf suddenly showed sharp, white teeth that were very lethal, and the back covered with strange patterns also showed sharp bone spurs. The claws under his body gripped the ground tightly, and his tail stood up towards them.

Intense wind energy instantly rolled up above the Demon Poison Flower Wolf's tail, and the wind became bigger and bigger, gradually covering the forest.

Previously, everyone had been holding back their ability not to use their abilities, that is, to preserve their combat power and stay at this time to fight the Demon Poison Flower Wolf with unknown abilities. And now, the Demonic Poisonous Flower Wolf they met obviously possessed the wind-type ability.

He tentatively absorbed the elemental energy around it, but after failing, Chester shook his head with a heavy face, "My current wind powers can't suppress the elemental energy, this devilish flower wolf is already an adult."

This is undoubtedly bad news. The power of the Demon Poison Flower Wolf in adulthood has matured, and the ability of the same line cannot be suppressed by level. In this case, it can only be resisted.

The combat instructor, who had been observing them nearby, could not help but call for other colleagues to arrive quickly at this time. If the companions of the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast came at this time, let alone rescue them, I am afraid that even myself would be unable to protect myself.

However, just when he thought so, something worse happened.

"God, are these golden-tailed blue-eyed beasts crazy?!"

"Help, who will save us!!"

"Sevia, please press the help launcher, these golden-tailed blue-eyed beasts are not something we can solve at all!!"

"Why didn't you press it?! Do you think I'm stupid? Whoever presses it at this time means the evaluation is over. I don't want to lose yet. If you are afraid of death, press it yourself!!"

"Margaret, Margaret, are you okay? Can you hold on?"

The voices of several people constantly arguing were from far to near, and it was obvious that people from other teams were approaching them.

"Wow, it's all Cornelis' fault! If he hadn't provoked the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast, we wouldn't have been chased by them!"

"Yes, that's right! If Cornelis hadn't had to hunt down that single golden-tailed blue-eyed beast, it wouldn't have called for help and summoned all his companions!"

In the face of the sudden unification of accusations from others, it should be Cornelis's low voice that sounded disdainfully, "Aren't you guys excited to coax? It's me who is being chased and killed now? It's kind of like you stopped me instead of Cheer on me!!"


"Stop arguing, there seems to be someone there. The school uniforms are our classmates from Imperial College!!"

"Great, we are saved!!!"

Hearing their surprised voices, not only Chester, Herman and the others, but even the combat instructor couldn't help but change his face, and subconsciously scolded his mother.

Still think it's not messy enough? There was another team of people who came together, and even listening to their conversation, they still brought all the golden-tailed blue-eyed beasts they had just let the sky lion try to lure away! ! !

- Are they crazy? ! !

However, when no one pressed the transmitter for help, according to the regulations, the accompanying instructor could not show up in front of everyone, and could only watch the dying team lead the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast over.

"Classmate, can you help? We met a group of golden-tailed blue-eyed beasts - Tian, it's a poisonous flower wolf!!!"

I was just overjoyed that someone finally showed up to help, but before I could finish speaking, I stopped in front of the cruel and vicious gaze of the Demon Poison Flower Wolf who turned around after hearing the movement.

There was an A-rank Demon Poison Flower Wolf in front, and a group of B+-rank golden-tailed blue-eyed beasts chased behind them. Everyone felt a cold sweat on their backs. The hands that were trying to press the helper transmitter trembled, but they were gone. Press down hard.

With the deafening running sound of the golden-tailed blue-eyed beasts, the poisonous flower wolf, who had been eyeing for an opportunity, also roared, and a thick wind attacked everyone.

Everyone's eyes were darkened, and when they finally tried to press the help transmitter in fear, it was already too late. Seeing that a poisonous flower wolf had already attacked first, the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast that saw the corpse of its companion on the ground immediately turned red, followed it and roared towards them!

Just when the accompanying instructors finally heard the news and were about to take action against the invigilation rules, a soft and ethereal voice suddenly came from the surroundings. That extremely pleasant voice seemed to have a charming ability, which made people unable to resist listening to it again and again and almost indulged in it. It seemed to be whispering softly in the ear, but it really resounded throughout the entire Wetlach Forest.

As the ethereal and distant voice gradually spread away, the ground began to tremble slightly. The plants with intelligence nearby are all scrambling to show their most beautiful side here. The eudemons in the forest also seem to sense the power that is calling them. Before they can react to who is emitting it, they subconsciously. Run towards the source of the sound.

It was the first voice that appeared in the Wittlach Forest, but it seemed to be sincerely supported by all the animals and plants. Especially the arrogant phantom beasts couldn't help but try to follow when they heard the call, and even the immobile plants faced the place where the sound emanated in a humble state of submission.

The golden-tailed blue-eyed beasts, who were rushing towards the crowd, were shocked by this clearly soft and charming voice, and they fell to their knees and surrendered, and suddenly lost the power to attack. The Demon Poison Flower Wolf was constantly struggling in his heart, fighting against this inexplicable thought of letting himself kneel, and controlled not to surrender easily.

Without waiting for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief, I saw a burst of extremely dazzling silver-white light suddenly erupted from Chester's body, which absorbed all the various abilities that were flashing in the air before, and then gradually covered the nearby sky. became a piece of silver.

[System 1212, what's going on?]

Chester's expression seemed calm, but in fact he had been constantly inquiring about the system 1212 that had suddenly lost contact.

Just when the golden-tailed blue-eyed beast and the poisonous flower wolf attacked together, he seemed to hear the sound of System 1212 screaming. However, because of the emergency at the time, his attention was all on the battlefield, thinking that it might be The little bastard is messing up again, and some useless system 1212 is trying to stop it.

However, when the soft and charming voice sounded, the spirit plants showed their favor in various ways, and the phantom beasts also came one by one, their eyes closely following him, and they were very familiar with the cry of the little moon-tailed fox. Chester, of course, knew that this must be what Laylot did.

However, at this moment, the system 1212 suddenly lost contact. Immediately afterwards, the silver-white light erupted from the space button, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in Chester's heart. The matter suddenly went beyond his control. He couldn't help frowning and kept calling System 1212. Obviously, he was not satisfied with the current situation. Feel very irritable.

Under the silver-white light, a rustling sound gradually came from the trees, as if something was approaching.

At first it was just some cute little Eudemons.

Lop-eared rabbits, colorful cloud cats, golden-striped squirrels, flying cloud eagles... The little phantom beasts, who are usually afraid of people or don't want to be in contact with people, squatted obediently not far from the crowd, and before they were surprised, a few piebald spiders Clustered around.

They stayed quietly beside the small phantom beasts, not even intending to catch their prey. Immediately afterwards, the sound of rustling continued, and several demonic flower wolves appeared in front of everyone's eyes. After scanning a circle, they just quietly walked to the side of the companion who was originally present and had the ability to squat. sit down.

It would be fine if the accompanying instructors could control the field, and the instructors in front of the brain-light screen were just watching the fun with great interest.

The students who were fortunate enough to observe this scene by the side have changed from panic to surprise and curiosity, and finally turned to excitement. Different types of phantom beasts arrived one by one in order from small to large, queuing up in an orderly manner. sit.

One by one, they emerged from different directions of the forest, some climbed out of the waterway, hung from the branches, and flew down from the sky and landed on the branches, all with excited and serious expressions .

There are more and more phantom beasts, and they are so densely packed that the students who are interested in counting are unable to identify them. At this moment, the air floating around suddenly stops, and the pressure from a higher level makes the surrounding become dignified. stand up.

However, it was only for a moment, as if knowing that someone here could not stand it, the pressure was quickly taken back. Everyone's eyes fell on the rustling trees, and soon a new phantom beast appeared.

A sky lion suddenly and quietly appeared from the bushes, then a clouded leopard, a one-horned Pixiu, a silver-horned python...

It can be said that the S-rank phantom beasts, who occupy a place in the Great Forest of Witlach and do not interfere with each other, are now quietly appearing here one after another.

If you were still full of interest before, after seeing these dangerous phantom beasts that you might not be able to see normally, the students' legs could not help trembling. This is not looking at the contracted beasts of the classmates! It is a real, wild, dangerous phantom beast that can attack people at will! !

And now, they have been surrounded by these phantom beasts and can't get out at all! ! !

Now not only the accompanying instructors are feeling troublesome, but even the instructors and the legion majors in front of the brain-light screen suddenly gasped, stood up almost at the same moment, and hurried to support.

- What exactly happened? Why did the Eudemons change so much? !

What was the silvery-white energy that erupted around Chester Anthony? Why are Lingzhi and Eudemons so excited, and what does this have to do with Chester? Does Chester know that

Countless questions swirled around in their hearts, but only when they got to the coordinates and rescued them would Chester be able to answer these questions again.

On the forest side, because they knew that it was the silver-white energy that erupted from Chester, some students who were already trembling with fear tried to make a sound for Chester to drive them away. Hearing the movement, the Eudemons turned their heads in fright. The fierce and bloody aura in their eyes made him almost not wet his pants on the spot, so he subconsciously closed his mouth and never dared to make any noise.

In the sight of so many fiery sights, Chester, who had a bad temper, immediately tightened his eyebrows. He wanted to lose his temper but didn't know how to vent, so he could only stare at those terrifying black eyes, and stared at the solemn faces of many illusions. beasts.

The reverent and fiery gazes of the phantom beasts in the orderly squatting position, and the extraordinarily quiet and solemn atmosphere in the forest, the people who did not dare to make a sound even gave birth to an illusion, as if they were watching a huge event. Inheritance ceremonies are normal, and it is even an honor to wait quietly at the scene.

[Master, something happened to little Lai just now, and before I could explain it to you, I sent it to him with energy first. I couldn’t contact you because of the lack of energy. I’m really sorry.]

In the endless silent waiting, finally, the slightly weak voice of System 1212 reached Chester's ears. He looked serious, but his black eyes widened, "What is the situation now, what happened to Laylot, how is it now!"

"Little Ley is fine, just—"

System 1212 kept talking, and the quick-tempered Chester roared in a low voice, "What did you hesitate to do, what happened to it, what happened?!"

[No, it's not an accident, it's just... Little Lei he may be ahead of schedule, grown up...]

As System 1212 answered in a low voice with a guilty conscience, the silver-white light covering the sky suddenly burst into a more dazzling light. The dazzling light made everyone subconsciously block their hands in front of them, and when they took their hands again, the silver-white light had been quietly withdrawn.

In place of the silver-white light that appeared in front of everyone, there was a naked, silver-haired boy with a dream-like and stunning face that only covered the key parts with a big white plush tail.

The youth's face is delicate and charming, the silk-like soft and delicate silver hair is gently blown by the breeze, reflecting the flowing golden luster under the warm sunlight, a pair of pure and charming fox eyes full of mysterious dreamy purple, slightly raised, right. A little tear mole under the corner of the eye adds a little more charm.

The sun seemed to love him very much, making the light on the boy's body too dazzling, making people's eyes become a little dazed, folded into a faint double image, and the beautiful boy who was gently stroked by the sun also seemed to be stained. A veil-like mist appeared, as if it would disappear into a light smoke like a hallucination at any time.

His beautiful and overly charming purple eyes seemed to be able to easily take away people's hearts just by glancing at the surroundings. The fluffy tail that You Qi wrapped around his body, although it only covered the key points a little, not only did it not look lewd, obscene, but unexpectedly, it made him more sacred and dare not offend people.

Although it was quick, Chester, who reacted quickly, quickly covered the boy with the clothes he took off. Hearing the sighs of regret subconsciously made by everyone, Chester only felt a violent beating in his temples, and finally he couldn't help but let out a low growl that ruined his image—

"Who let you come out naked like this?!!"

The author has something to say: Chester: My people were almost seen! !

Destroy it, the world... I'm sorry, I'm on the channel hahahaha [laughs]

Calvinka is so suspicious of life, I don't know if there is any description of the amazing world of Xiaoyuewei Fox_(:з"∠)_

If not, just pretend to know that his face is actually good to see and amaze everyone! Just so random! ! [Hey!]


This Sunday is going to be a chorus competition, and the rental dress arrived today. I never thought that the person in charge of our chorus would choose a dress for us this year... mate! mother! Clothes! ! !

It's still the kind of fat bridesmaid dress with black skin that looks like a chestless, bucket waist, big butt! ! !

… how much hatred and how much hatred? ?

Doubt about life [live without love]