Raider, Please Stay!

Chapter 97


"Next Stop Idol" recording site.

"Brother Yan Yu, we should go in."

Hearing the call of the staff, Luo Kechen turned his head quickly, reached out and patted Sheng Yanyu's shoulder, who was thinking about something, and reminded in a low voice.

The man whose appearance was perfect enough to make people scream retracted his thoughts, raised his dark blue eyes like the ocean, and looked at the two people who were waiting for him beside him, "Are we here?"

Luo Kechen scratched his head, "It should be, the staff told us to go over, did you see Zuo Yang?"

Zuo Yang smiled calmly, "Huh? Well, it should be."

"There will always be people who can't wait to get in first, we're not in a hurry." Sheng Yanyu leaned on the chair and closed his eyes, calmly said.

The powerful Demon King has spoken, and Luo Kechen and Zuo Yang, who are often taught a lesson, naturally did not dare to refute, they could only ask in a low voice, "Brother Yan Yu, aren't we going in first to give the judges a good impression? ?"

"Do you know what's going on inside? The first one is sure to leave a good impression?" Sheng Yanyu said calmly, without even opening his eyes, "Zuo Yang, wipe Wipe the sweat off your face and breathe a little."

Zuo Yang was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously raised his hand and wiped his face, only to realize that he was really sweating, and was suddenly surprised. You must know that his expression management is the best among the company's trainees except for Brother Yan Yu, and now, Brother Yan Yu still finds his nervousness

"It's nothing to be afraid of. Since the company launched us, it must have been prepared long ago, and it is absolutely impossible to be brushed off. Besides, we have practiced for so long, why are you nervous?"

Even though the man's face is normal, Zuo Yang, who has been oppressed by the Great Demon King for many years, still feels the pressure from him, "No, don't be nervous!"

He whispered to himself comfortingly, "I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous..."

Seeing the increasingly stiff expression on his face, Luo Kechen couldn't help laughing, and then put on his shoulders with a smile, "You have Brother Yan Yu, what are you nervous about, Xiao Yangyang? Don't you believe Brother Yan Yu?"

"It's not that I don't believe in Brother Yan Yu, it's just..." Zuo Yang squeezed sweat in his palms, and finally expressed his worries, "I heard that this show is broadcast live, and if something goes wrong, there's nothing I can do about it. saved."

"Even if something goes wrong, it doesn't matter. It's normal to make mistakes on the first stage. You are too nervous, Zuo Yang. Trust me and Brother Yan Yu, we will never be beaten."

Zuo Yang turned his head to look at Sheng Yanyu's face, and found that he was looking at him steadily, that calm attitude as if everything was in his hands, which made his originally panicked mood really calm down a little bit.

He apologized in shame, "I'm sorry Brother Yan Yu, my mental quality is really bad."

Sheng Yanyu was finally willing to open his eyes, and the corners of his lips were slightly upturned, "It's nothing, it's normal at first, and it's just a matter of slowly exercising later."

Although it was a comforting word, the man seemed to unintentionally accentuate the word "exercise", which suddenly made Luo Kechen and Zuo Yang shudder subconsciously.

The familiar ominous premonition made them look at each other uneasily. Brother Yan Yu was afraid that he was going to do his exercise called training again, which was really a ghost teaching, right? !

Just when they were thinking about it, several teams who were ready to perform walked in first. At this moment, there was a sudden commotion among the trainees who were waiting in the lobby outside.

Sheng Yanyu's eyes fell on the figure who was slowly walking towards this side in the distance, causing everyone to startle. In the deep and charming sea blue eyes, there seemed to be a faint smile.

As the man walked slowly, they finally saw his face clearly.

The boy is only seventeen or eighteen years old, but his soft and delicate features are gorgeous and outstanding, like a fairy that only appears in legends. His fair skin is like flawless jade, the corners of his pale pink lips are gently raised, and under the soft and fluffy black hair, there are a pair of black cat eyes like obsidian, shining with bright starlight, and the long and thick eyelashes are gently trembling , as if it can suck the soul of a person with a slight blink.

He is so good-looking, like a hidden elf who amazes the world in fairy tales. I believe that if he smiles, he will be very cute, but unfortunately now he has that elf-like face, with a touch of melancholy between his eyebrows and eyes. , but exudes a fragile beauty like porcelain.

No wonder it caused such a big movement, Luo Kechen's eyes flashed with surprise, and he suddenly knew that this was their most competitive opponent.

Zuo Yang was stunned for a long time when he accidentally met the boy's calm and somewhat excessively beautiful black eyes, his ears were a little red, and then he murmured in a low voice, "So beautiful..."

Why doesn't he smile? Everyone who saw him couldn't help but raise such doubts in their hearts, trying to smooth out the melancholy between his brows, make him cheerful and show the most real smile.

It's bound to be cute.

Sheng Yanyu glanced at System 1012 floating over and nodded to himself with certainty, and finally restrained his lazy and harmless appearance, stood up and watched the boy walking towards him step by step.

His steps are ethereal and ethereal, but it gives people a feeling of loss and distress, as if the body is not his own, and the soul has been lost outside.

—This is Jun Moyu, the most heart-wrenching story in this world, the king of elf singers with unparalleled charm that everyone can’t wait to hold in their palms.

At the same time, he is also his service object, and the most difficult task on the system panel is to let Jun Moyu live freely.

The story of this world is not long. The protagonist Gong and the protagonist Shou are trainees of the same company and were arranged by the company to participate in the reality show of the idol boy group.

"Next Stop Idol" is a method of daily practice pre-recording and live performance. Then, among the 100 trainees personally selected by the instructor, closed training is carried out within three months. Finally, the number of online votes and the The judges decided to select the last five players to form an idol boy group and make their official debut.

The program team even spent a lot of money to invite the top production team in China to shoot and edit all day long. Unlike other competing reality shows, they are not arbitrarily edited and noisy, they are asking for the most authentic and real editing. Ensure that all contestants are the most authentic in the show.

Therefore, after the first season of "Next Stop Idol" was broadcast online, it quickly became popular all over the country.

When the protagonist Gong and the protagonist Shou came in, it was already the second season of the reality show. Because the program group was already famous in the first season, after the second season was broadcast, it became even more popular on the Internet.

Being the protagonist of the two members who finally determined the number of debuts, he naturally became responsible for traffic, and when the two interacted in the show, they attracted countless CP fans, and when they developed their careers, a large number of fans became got their CP powder.

Therefore, at the end of the story, when the two finally made their relationship public, fans did not have much impact.

This story is beautifully like a fairy tale, but strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with Sheng Yanyu at all. Because, he participated in the first season of "Next Stop Idol".

And the object of his task is to debut in the C position of the men's group in the first season, which has attracted the attention of countless people. Jun Moyu, who passed away.

When they heard the news of his death, I don't know how many people fainted with grief, heartbreaking but could not call back Jun Moyu, and some even threatened to die with him.

His life seems to be glorious and legendary, but in fact it has long been decayed, but he has been struggling in the world, and in the end he has not survived, so he gave up his life.

The reason why "Saving Jun Moyu" has become the number one task in the system panel is because countless raiders have come to this world, but none of them can make him live happily, and the final outcome will always be a suicide note.

Because the task is naturally released by countless fans who hope that the idol can live happily, from the energy gathered unconsciously in their hearts, so even if they can prevent Jun Moyu from committing suicide, they cannot make him live happily ever after.

I don't know how many people came back from defeat, Sheng Yanyu didn't want to take it, but after knowing the deeds of the task objects in this world through the above, he still ran over curiously.

However, it is only one of the three thousand small worlds, but because of the fans' regrets, blessings and hopes that are unconsciously hidden in their hearts, the energy that they unknowingly gathers constitutes the task. This kind of miraculous manipulation made him really wonder what this splendid elf song king was like.

And now, he is standing here and saw this legendary figure, still young and inexperienced.

System 1012 saw that the master was just standing stupidly looking at the task object, and could not help but reminded in a low voice, [Master, that is our task object this time, Jun Moyu.]

"I know." Sheng Yanyu naturally saw that the boy was looking at him calmly, and before he had time to act, he heard the system's reminder and couldn't help answering lightly.

"Brother Yan Yu, why is he staring at you all the time?" Luo Kechen quietly stuck his head out from behind him, and asked in a low voice, "Did he like you?"

The corners of Sheng Yanyu's mouth turned up naturally, but he exuded a terrifying aura like a demon king, "What did you just say, eh?"

The little animal instinctively sensed the danger, Luo Kechen quickly retracted his head, and then smirked to please him, "I, I mean, does that person also see that your strength is extraordinary, Brother Yan Yu, That's why I pay so much attention to you."

Zuo Yang thought he had managed the expression on his face, but his ears were extremely bright red, "He's been looking at us, why, why?"

"Why? Maybe it's because we are so handsome?" Luo Kechen was about to change the subject, when Zuo Yang's question came up, he turned his head excitedly to talk.

Zuo Yang was silent for a while, then glanced at him involuntarily.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? Are you looking down on me, little Yoko!" Luo Kechen hooked his neck in dissatisfaction, and said earnestly, "You have to have some confidence in yourself, although you are not handsome, but you look good. It has a personality and is still very attractive!”

Zuo Yang: "..."

"If you don't believe me, ask Brother Yan Yu, brother, do you think so?" Mistaking her friend for not being confident, Luo Kechen asked for advice, and said to Sheng Yan Yu, who was still smiling and looking at the boy.

Sheng Yanyu was too lazy to care about them, he raised his eyebrows, tried his best to soften his face, then looked at the boy who was about ten meters away from him and stood still, and asked softly, "What's the matter with you? ?"

The elf-like boy tilted his head slightly, his face was too calm, "You guys, stand in the way."

His voice was soft and ethereal, as pleasant as the sounds of nature, so even if he said some excessive words, it was completely unpleasant.

"I don't have long eyes, hurry up and make way for others."

So under the shocked eyes of Zuo Yang and Luo Kechen, Sheng Yanyu moved to the side with a good temper. When he found that the boy still didn't move, just moved his lips but didn't say anything, he seemed to notice something, and when he turned his head, he saw that the two petrified people were still blocking the middle like two two fools, and he couldn't help but stretch out and kick lazily. They clicked twice, signaling to hurry to the side.

Zuo Yang was okay, although he was kicked twice to make way for others, he was only sneaking out of the corner of his eye to see what the boy was doing. But Luo Kechen was different. He looked at the handsome man in shock, and the small theaters in his mind were already one after another.

When did the Great Demon King speak so well? After being said so mercilessly by others, he was not only not angry, but he really followed others' wishes and made way

This is definitely not the character of the Great Demon King! ! !

"Look at what I'm doing? Is it because I don't think I've done enough training?" Touching his chin, he watched with interest as the boy walked past him and walked into the door calmly. Sheng Yanyu's face remained calm. asked.

Luo Kechen: "...!!!" Sometimes I really wonder if the big devil has two pairs of eyes! Why did he know everything without looking at himself? !

Sheng Yanyu didn't know what he was slandering himself just now, but he secretly scolded himself a few big devils in his heart, and it didn't hurt or itch anyway.

He pondered silently in his heart, although he had done a lot of such rescue-like tasks, but the premise was to let others live happily, which seemed to be really embarrassing for a person with a bumpy life.

But since he has already taken over this kind of task, he can only bite the bullet. Sheng Yanyu said to himself in such a high-sounding manner that he refused to admit that he also had the urge to see what the young man looked like when he laughed.

Well, if people must be happy, then the first one must not go against his will, so just follow him like this, as long as he helps him to do everything he wants to do, he should be happy, right

Sheng Yanyu thought uncertainly, then raised his eyes to look at the young man who had disappeared inside the door. He just obeyed his wishes, would he feel a little relieved

[Master, it's time for the task object to take the stage. ] System 1012 is watching the movements of the task object in real time, seeing that the boy is already sitting in the waiting room, looking up at the group performing on the stage on the screen with calm eyes, and reminds him aloud.

Sheng Yanyu raised the corners of his lips lazily, kicked Luo Kechen who was in a daze next to him, and said in a hoarse voice with a grainy smokey voice, "Let's go, it's time for us to go in."

Luo Kechen, who was innocently kicked, was stunned, but in the end, he followed up with a bitter face. He couldn't help but murmured in his heart. It was him who said he was not in a hurry, and now it is he who is urging him to leave! Say it, big devil! why! so tough! wait! wait!

The time for Sheng Yanyu to pinch was just right. When they walked to the waiting room under the leadership of the staff, they happened to pass Jun Moyu once again.

Knowing that Jun Moyu saw him, he evoked a lazy smile, as if he patted his hair naturally, "Come on, little guy, I believe you can do it."

The elf boy who was just passing by but didn't want his hair to be ruffled suddenly: "..." with a confused expression on his face.

Before he could reject the rejection, Sheng Yanyu had already withdrawn his hand, looking at the unconcerned look on his face, as if he was just cheering him on on a whim. Jun Moyu hesitated for a moment, her pale pink lips twitched, as if she wanted to respond, but in the end she didn't say anything, and then under the urging of the staff, she just lowered her head and hurried forward.

Only Sheng Yanyu was left with his pocket in his pocket and continued to walk to the waiting room, and Luo Kechen's mockery kept coming from his ears, "I said, brother, you are suddenly so active to cheer others on, everyone will be shocked. ? All of a sudden, you are not familiar with you, shouldn't people be vigilant?"

The imposing man squinted at him, those sea blue eyes clearly contained a faint smile, but he was stunned to make the talkative Luo Kechen subconsciously shut his mouth, and put his hand in his mouth very obediently Made a zipper action.

Zuo Yang shook his head helplessly, and couldn't help but muttered in a low voice, "You said, why do you always love to die so much? You have to be taught by Brother Yan Yu every time before you know how to restrain yourself."

"This is my love communication with Brother Yan Yu, the more Brother Yan Yu teaches me, the happier I will be!" Luo Kechen, who refused to admit that it was her own death, opened her eyes and spoke nonsense, using her last stubbornness to say such words against her heart.

Ignoring the strange expression on Zuo Yang's face, which seemed to be nauseous and indescribable, Luo Kechen nodded affirmatively, "You know that if others want Brother Yan Yu to say a few words to him, there is no chance to give him any pointers, I am With such a special way of communication, Brother Yan Yu was impressed by me!"

Generally speaking, this kind of disobedience will be believed even when she says it. Luo Kechen is moved to sing praises of her own greatness and difficulty in her heart, and the cowhide is quickly blown away.

"Oh? So you think so, Ah Chen. It seems that you are very satisfied with our communication method?"

Sheng Yanyu was sitting in the position where the teenager had sat before, and when he looked up to watch the performance of the teenager who was already standing on the stage on the screen, someone's bragging voice kept coming from his ear, and the upward arc of his lips could not help but slightly converge. After a while, he turned to look at the two of them.

Forgetting that the other person in the conversation was here, Luo Kechen's face froze suddenly, and just when he was about to embarrassedly pull off the topic, he heard the man laugh slowly again.

"I didn't even know that you wanted my attention so much, Ah Chen. This kind of spirit of wanting to be scolded but also learning really impressed me, and I will continue to keep it like this in the future, Ah Chen."

Facing the Great Demon King's seemingly gratifying but threatening gaze, Luo Kechen had a stiff smile on his face, his mind went blank for a long time, and then nodded stiffly.

"… ok, I'll keep the QAQ"

And Zuo Yang, who was watching the play on the side, suddenly noticed the look of the Great Demon King slowly falling on him, his body froze, and then silently, silently moved a step to the side, keeping it difficult for people to notice. The pace of reaching, a little distance from someone who loves to die, for fear that he will hurt him again and he will be trained again.

After all, the big devil has always liked to sit together. In the company, they were often a classic example of "one person kills the whole team".

"Ah, it's that boy! He's starting to perform!! Brother, brother, look! What kind of show is he going to perform?"

Zuo Yang was praying silently not to be seated together when he suddenly heard Luo Kechen's exaggerated voice, and rolled his eyes subconsciously. Isn't this way of changing the subject too clumsy? Did he look down on the Great Demon King or the Great Demon King? !

"Hey, so his name is Jun Moyu? It turned out to be from Nebula Entertainment! Isn't that the opposite of our company?" However, Luo Kechen was still trying his best to attract the attention of the Great Demon King, exclaiming exaggeratedly, "I When I saw him before, I thought he would be our biggest opponent, no wonder, it turns out that we don’t even deal with the company we belong to!”

"To shut up."

The man's impatient voice finally managed to silence someone who was noisier than five hundred ducks. Zuo Yang breathed a sigh of relief and was glad when his ears were clear, but he couldn't help but gloat at misfortune. He just said, how could the Great Demon King be forgiven by such a clumsy change of topic—

"Show me quiet, don't make a sound."

Zuo Yang: "..."? ?

Brother, are you serious

The author has something to say: Correct the typo~ It seems that I am really in love with the last attack. Hhh I have never missed the name before, only this time I made a mistake hahahaha

Damn, today is really scary, almost missed QAQ

In the evening, my mother was in a bad mood and made a video call with me, and I didn't have a code, and I thought it was over [cover face]

Well, at first I wanted to write that the cuttlefish was Britney, but I thought it was melancholy and world-weary at first, and then I was spoiled by the Raiders and gradually turned into Britney, which is more fun =w

The Raiders just feel that they have to follow Mo Yu's will, and then they are pets in the eyes of others~

After confirming your mind later, you will be madly spoiled, and then in the eyes of others... Probably just showing affection hahaha