Raider System

Chapter 23: Interstellar male son (2)


Lin Chenfeng saw that Sun Zeyu who was sitting next to him was a little puzzled, asked casually, walked in front of Bai Luo, and sat on the seat next to Bai Luo, "Look at the gift I brought you, do you like it?"

It was a very peculiar gadget, Bai Luo couldn't figure out how to use it. Lin Chenfeng took it from Bai Luo's hand, fiddled with it, and said: "I'm going to other galaxies these days, this is unique there, I want to bring it for you to play with. Put this in the soil, Just water a little every day, and it will bloom, and the flowers that bloom every day are different. It will also change colors in response to the mood of the owner.”

The consequence of over-developed technology is that the number of plants has decreased dramatically. Natural plants are rarely seen, and even the land has become a precious thing. Some plant decorations on the roadside are holographic projections.

Bai Luo was very interested in the things in his hands, and couldn't wait to go home and plant them.

Lin Chenfeng talked about some interesting things on the way, as well as the special habits and rules of the local galaxy. Lin Chenfeng's words were humorous and fascinating, and Bai Luo listened very seriously.

In the future, with Lin Chenfeng on the road, at least they will not be silent all the way, Bai Luo will always be amused by Lin Chenfeng's funny stories.

This morning, when Bai Luo woke up, he felt groggy and weak, so he went to the bathroom. After rinsing his mouth, when he looked up, he felt a whirl, and then he lost consciousness.

When Bai Luo opened his eyes again, he found himself lying next to the mirror in the bathroom. He was still a little dazed for a moment, not knowing when and where it was, and his previous memory was also blank. It took him a while to regain his consciousness. Passed out? Bai Luo thought in a daze, and saw the bathroom door was pushed open, and Jun Limo had a panicked expression on his face.

Before Bai Luo could speak, Jun Limo rushed over and hugged Bai Luo.

Bai Luo really wanted to refuse to be hugged by the princess, Jun Limo's arms were shaking, he carried Bai Luo to the bed, contacted the family doctor, and turned on the medical robot to check Bai Luo's body.

Male sons have low immunity, weak resilience, and are inferior to female sons, and are prone to illness. Although medical science is very advanced, it cannot change the male's inherently weak physique.

The robot quickly found out the cause of the disease. Suffering from the wind and cold, the righteous energy was insufficient, and the evil energy invaded the body and entered the spleen and lungs. The family doctor also arrived soon and came to the same conclusion, just take more rest after taking the medicine.

"I'm fine, you go to the academy quickly."

Jun Limo put the bowl on the table and packed his things, "I've already asked for leave."

When Bai Luo fell down, his arm touched the pool, and there was a big bruise on his arm. Jun Limo took the ointment and rubbed it carefully, as if he was rubbing some peerless treasure.

Bai Luo was made uncomfortable by Jun Limo's solemn attitude, "It's not a big deal, and it doesn't hurt, so don't worry about it." As he said that, he wanted to pull his arm back, but Bai Luo's body was limp and did not twitch, so he hesitated for a moment, Not wanting to lose face again, he left Jun Limo alone, Jun Limo applied the ointment, put Bai Luo's hand under the quilt, and tucked the corner of the quilt again.

After drinking the medicine, Bai Luo fell into a drowsy sleep. In a daze, he felt Jun Limo put an ice pack on his forehead to measure his body temperature. Jun Limo stood by Bai Luo's bed, always paying attention to Bai Luo's body data.

In the academy, Lin Chenfeng saw Sun Zeyu who was being bullied by everyone, and felt a little familiar, and remembered, isn't this the little Xiongzi who followed Bai Luo? Often fly home with them. For Bai Luo's sake, or perhaps out of protective nature, Lin Chenfeng stood out for Sun Zeyu and sent him home.

Lin Chenfeng has a strong background and is very good himself. He is also a well-received figure in Imperial College. Preventing a campus bullying incident is just a matter of lip service.

Sun Zeyu watched the tall and handsome female save him from fire and water while laughing and talking, with a warm smile on his face, like a ray of sunshine shining into his hazy heart.

Even though they were very dissatisfied with Sun Zeyu at first, Bai Luo protected him, he was Bai Luo's man, even if they disliked Sun Zeyu again, they would not trouble him again, so as not to annoy Bai Luo. But today, Bai Luo didn't come to wait for Sun Zeyu to leave class at all. He obviously didn't like Sun Zeyu anymore. In the past, he just disliked Sun Zeyu. A common man with no background broke into their circle. Now, this little guy dared to do it How could they accept Bai Luo's blue eyes, and their resentment towards Sun Zeyu intensified, and it was only then that the scene that Lin Chenfeng met appeared.

Lin Chenfeng thinks that Sun Zeyu is very interesting, he has not had much contact with him before, and he doesn't know much about him. After this incident, Lin Chenfeng feels that he is different from the males he has seen before, strong and independent, not like the delicate ones he knows Wayward male. When something goes wrong, she will be snarky and make a small temper, and the savagery is a headache, and she is spoiled by those women.

Jun Limo stared at Bai Luo's sleeping face, his facial features were handsome and gentle, but when he woke up, his expression was extremely cold, his face was pale, and the shadows cast by eyelashes on his eyelids showed a fragility. He presented the best thing he had in order to win Bai Luo's smile. She even wants Bai Luo to accept him and protect him. There was an incoming call from Bai Luo's father in the personal terminal, which interrupted Jun Limo's thoughts. Jun Limo walked out of the door and clicked through.

"How is Luo Er's health?" A refined and handsome face appeared on the video screen.

"Drinking the medicine, I have fallen asleep, my body data is stable, and I am recovering."

"I'll be home tomorrow morning after finishing what I'm doing."

"You're busy, I'll just take care of Bai Luo."

Bai Luo's male and female fathers are very busy, with many and trivial business matters. They often go out on business to discuss project contracts, and are not often at home. Bai Luo's father and father nodded, "I am relieved to have you taking care of me." Jun Li defaulted to listening carefully, and wrote down one by one.

After resting at home for two days, Bai Luo had almost recovered, and Jun Limo also stayed with him for two days. Bai Luo put on the clothes that Jun Limo gave him. Jun Limo's major is military officer training, with strict requirements and fierce competition. It doesn't matter if he skipped two days of class, but he doesn't know Jun Limo...

"You missed the class for two days, is it okay?"

"My grades are A+ in every subject, my physique is S-level, and I am ranked first in the department. If I don't go to class, no one else can compare to me."

Bai Luo could see a hint of showing off from Jun Limo's expressionless face, and always felt that Jun Limo was wagging his tail triumphantly. This person has always said little, and he thought he was low-key and humble.

Jun Limo looked at Bai Luo eagerly, and Bai Luo could almost see that he was asking for praise from his eyes, "Well, you are very good." Sure enough, after hearing these words, Jun Limo radiated from head to toe. A very pleasant breath.

Recently, an unimaginable event happened in the academy. Lin Chenfeng got very close to that commoner man, and often sent him home. In the academy, he was often seen together with that man.

How could this be, that female son belonged to senior Bai Luo, even if senior Bai Luo didn't like it, she wouldn't allow others to touch her, not to mention she was an unremarkable male son, it was an insult to senior Bai Luo.

Several male sons led their followers and squeezed Sun Zeyu into a remote corner, preparing to teach him a lesson and tell him who he should not touch.

Several people pushed and shoved Sun Zeyu, tearing his clothes, "What the hell, you deserve to touch Senior Bai Luo's daughter."

"I want to see how big your capital is."

When Lin Chenfeng got the news and rushed over, Sun Zeyu was fighting with a group of people, even though Sun Zeyu was provoked fiercely, but after all, there was only one person, with many injuries on his body, and his face was also green and red. The clothes were torn piece by piece and hung on the body.

Lin Chenfeng looked at Sun Zeyu like this, and suddenly felt something hit his heart, only felt a kind of pity and protection rushing out, making him just want to protect people in his arms, so that he doesn't have to face the outside world alone. These hurt.

After Lin Chenfeng's investigation, he found out that these people troubled Sun Zeyu because of Bai Luo, and even regarded him as Bai Luo's property. He felt very embarrassed and disappointed in Bai Luo. Bai Luo is also like those unruly males, self-willed and domineering. He always thought that Bai Luo was kind, but he didn't expect that he just hid it well.

Bai Luo was drawing a design when Lin Chenfeng rushed over, looking at him with disappointment in his eyes, he said sadly: "Bai Luo, I thought you were different from other males, you are so vicious, how could you become like this, This kind of you is too scary. Even if your origin is nobler than that of Choyu, those are all given by your male father and female father, apart from these, what are you left? How can your soul and character be better than him?" Lin Chen Feng shouted all this excitedly, as if he didn't want to look at Bai Luo again, he turned his head and left.

Bai Luo's hand was frightened by Lin Chenfeng, ruining more than half of his completed design draft, there was no way to fix it, he could only draw from scratch. Bai Luo looked down at the design draft with a dejected look on his face. He could hand in his homework with ease, but after such a ruin, he would definitely have to stay up all night to catch up with the design draft.

Jun Limo came to look for Bai Luo after training, and just heard the second part of Lin Chenfeng's words, and then saw Bai Luo's expression was down and sad, feeling pain in his heart, he went after Lin Chenfeng and challenged him.

Lin Chenfeng was full of disdain, "Jun Limo, I won't compete with you for Bai Luo, that kind of male, you can do whatever you like."

"You made him sad."

Lin Chenfeng looked at Jun Limo full of pity, "Looking at our friendship since we were young, I kindly advise you, Xiongzi, especially the one who was spoiled and raised like Bai Luo, you should follow him as a servant. You will suffer in the future."

Lin Chenfeng was punched by Jun Limo before he could finish his sentence. Lin Chenfeng's strength was not as good as Jun Limo's who trained all day, and his face was beaten many times, his face was bruised and purple, and he could hardly recognize his original appearance.

Lin Chenfeng couldn't go out and hid at home to heal the wound on his face, so he blamed Bai Luo even more for this matter. When Sun Zeyu came to visit him, Lin Chenfeng was very touched. The male son always enjoys the indulgence and hospitality of the female son unscrupulously. The male son always accepts it with peace of mind. Sometimes when he is in a bad mood, he will throw it away like a shoe The dog seems to have to call back and forth. There has never been a male son who is so considerate and gentle like Zeyu, who cares about the female son.

The wound on Lin Chenfeng's face has been treated in the medical machine, Sun Zeyu looked at the horrific wound and bruise on Lin Chenfeng's face, tears were in his eyes, almost falling down, which made Lin Chenfeng feel distressed. Busy coaxing and comforting.

Sun Zeyu took the medicine and applied it to Lin Chenfeng clumsily, blowing on the wound from time to time.

Lin Chenfeng felt pain and refreshment in his heart. He should have healed after the treatment, but it looked scary. Now Sun Zeyu rubbed it indiscriminately. The recovery time was not enough, and the desired effect was lost. After rubbing, it became much more serious, but Lin Chenfeng was very relieved by Zeyu's kindness, and secretly held back the pain, allowing Sun Zeyu to move on his face.