Raider System

Chapter 38: The sky-high price of the prince (1)


Just as Bai Luo woke up, his head was still a little confused, when he saw a bearded face with disheveled hair, his vision was shocked, he subconsciously turned his head away, and closed his eyes.

Just casually glanced at it, it was surrounded by a bed with a unique aroma of wood, and the curtains around it hung softly, exquisite and gorgeous. Bai Luo was startled and confused, where is he

Opening his eyes curiously, he saw the bearded uncle with tears in his eyes, looking at him tremblingly, as if he was about to choke up and cry.

"Who are you?" As soon as the words came out, many emotions flashed in the uncle's red eyes, and the eyes became even redder.

"Jimo song."

Lonely brother? What kind of gibberish name? Bai Luo recalled the lyrics that were popular in every campus back then, "Brother will not be lonely, because there is loneliness to accompany you." 'Suddenly laughed.

"Brother Lonely," Bai Luo called the stranger in front of him, still couldn't help laughing, looked around, and asked, "Where is this?" He wanted to sit up as he said that, but his body didn't seem to belong to him, and he didn't have any strength at all. No, I struggled and failed to sit up.

Jimo Ge stared at the smile on Bai Luo's face and was stunned. Seeing Bai Luo's movements, he hurriedly helped Bai Luo up nervously with half hugs and half hugs. After finishing this movement, he remembered Bai Luo He didn't like him touching him, so he froze, paying attention to the expression on Bai Luo's face.

Seeing that Bai Luo was looking at the room curiously, without any displeasure on his face, he was relieved and ordered the villains outside to invite the doctor.

Looking at the decorations around and the clothes worn by the people in front of me, it looks like ancient times. The doctors came very quickly, and it was Jimo Ge who arranged to live nearby to look after Gu Bailuo's well-known doctors. The doctor examined Bai Luo for a while, with a cautious expression. They discussed and exchanged opinions, and finally whispered to Jimo Ge from the outside, "I'll see the state of the king, and the poison of dreams has been cured."

Jimo Ge didn't have time to be happy, seeing the dignified expressions of the doctors, his heart tightened, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Through these years, most of Mimeng's poison has been cured, but Mimeng is domineering after all, and the remaining poison may have damaged Wang Fu's memory."

"What harm will that do to his body?" Thinking of Bai Luo not even sitting up just now, Jimo Ge's heart suddenly turned cold.

"There is no serious harm to Mrs. Wang's health. You can recover after careful treatment."

Jimo Ge was still worried, and asked about the situation just now.

"Standing for a long time hurts the bones, walking for a long time hurts the tendons, sitting for a long time hurts the flesh, and lying down for a long time hurts the breath. Mrs. Wang has been bedridden for several years, and the blood is weak. Weakness is inevitable. Be careful and adapt to exercise to recover."

Only then did Jimo Ge feel relieved, and when Bai Luo woke up, his mood was agitated, and with a big wave of his hand, he rewarded the whole family, especially several doctors, who received generous rewards. So several doctors watched Bai Luo's body more carefully.

On this side, Jimo Ge returned to the inner room, took the bowl from the maid's hand, and fed Bai Luo water with a spoon.

"Why am I here? What is this place?" Bai Luo asked the little girl just now, but the little girl faltered and hesitated to speak to him.

Jimo Singer paused, remembering what the doctor said about Bai Luo's memory loss just now, his eyes flashed, he looked at Bai Luo and said, "This is Prince Zhao's Mansion, you are Prince Zhao's husband."

Bai Luo was a little surprised, Mrs. Zhao? It turned out to be a man? If King Zhao didn't marry a concubine, would he have a husband? Bai Luo's heart trembled, it couldn't be the world of female venerables, could it? I heard that only the husband of the female queen world will be a man.

Seeing Bai Luo's indistinctly depressed expression, Jimo Ge's expression darkened. Even if he lost his memory, he still instinctively dislikes Prince Zhao's Mansion, don't you like him

"Who is that King Zhao?" Bai Luo looked at the people around him showing respect to Jimo Ge, and Jimo Ge behaved intimately and emotionally when he woke up, and suddenly his mind flashed, "Are you King Zhao?"

Seeing Jimo Ge nod his head, Bai Luo felt a little tangled, this King Zhao looks sloppy and ugly, should he be glad that he is not in the world of female lords, not a wife of a woman, or should be depressed, he is an ugly Where is the old man's husband

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Jimoge's mind, and they turned very quickly, "You are the prime minister's son. We have known each other since we were young, and we studied together in the academy. We have a very good relationship. I have admired you since I was a child. After you became the crown, we We got married naturally, and the relationship is harmonious." The more Jimo Ge said, the smoother he almost believed what he said, "It's all because I didn't protect you well, the assassin poisoned you and wanted to use this to poison me. But you would rather get hurt yourself and persist in refusing to poison me, that's why you've been in a coma for so long, and you've lost your memory because of it."

Bai Luo looked at Jimo Ge's face in disbelief, Jimo Ge's face was so unbearable to look at directly, how could he fall in love with him? But looking at Jimo Ge's nervous and worried expression after he woke up, and his sincere expression, it didn't look like he was lying.

Jimo Ge didn't know Bai Luo's depression, so he continued: "You've been lying down for too long," with a sad tone, I thought you didn't want to wake up, "You are weak, the doctor said, and you can recover by exercising carefully. It's all right."

Hearing this, Bai Luo was relieved, he didn't even sit up just now, he thought this body was disabled.

After Bai Luo drank some porridge, he saw a young servant bringing a bowl of black medicine. Bai Luo looked at Jimo Ge, and sure enough, he heard what he didn't like, "This medicine is specially prescribed for you. Bloody."

"No, my body has recovered slowly, and I don't need to take medicine." Such a big bowl, just smelling it is very bitter.

That's right, Bai Luo didn't like to drink medicine since he was a child, Jimo Lin pestered and coaxed him for a long time every time before Bai Luo frowned impatiently and finished drinking.

Jimo Ge wanted to coax Bai Luo to drink the medicine like Jimo Lin did, but he couldn't make Jimo Lin's gesture no matter what. After a moment of stalemate, he said discouragedly, "If you don't drink it yourself, I'll pinch your nose and drink it."

Bai Luo looked at Jimo Ge in surprise, his serious expression didn't look like he was joking. Looking at his physique and comparing it to his own physical condition, he reluctantly compromised. "Bring me the medicine, I'll drink it myself."

Jimo Ge was holding a medicine bowl and a spoon to feed Bai Luo. Bai Luo turned his head away, took the bowl by himself, and drank it all in one gulp. He's not stupid, wouldn't it be more bitter to drink one spoonful after another

When Bai Luo avoided him, Jimo Ge couldn't stop feeling disappointed. He forced Bai Luo to do something he hated, and he really got hated. That's right, after all, Bai Luo didn't like him all the time.

Jimo Ge helped Bai Luo up, put on the shoes for Bai Luo, and planned to let him stand for a while. As a result, as soon as Bai Luo got out of bed, he was about to fall.

Jimoge always paid attention to Bai Luo, quickly embraced Bai Luo in his arms, and supported Bai Luo. Bai Luo's body was weaker than he imagined, and he couldn't even stand up.

Jimo Ge hugged Bai Luo horizontally, returned to the bed, and comforted: "We are not in a hurry, take our time."

Being so close to a man made Bai Luo feel a little uncomfortable, but when he turned to think about their relationship, he felt relieved.

After waking up and tossing and tossing for so long, Bai Luo felt very tired, lying on the bed, and fell asleep not long after.

Jimo Ge looked at Bai Luo for a while, tucked in the quilt, and then went out quietly.

Jimoge took a shower, changed his clothes, asked the servant girl to clean up, looked in the mirror, and was startled, the person in the mirror was him? Ever since Bai Luo fell into a coma, his thoughts were all on Bai Luo and how to solve the dream, and he didn't know what he looked like now. After thinking about it, it's not an exaggeration for him to face Bai Luo like this all afternoon, and it's not an exaggeration to say that all thoughts are lost in an instant.

When Bai Luo woke up, the sunlight outside was already very weak, and it was almost evening.

While eating, Bai Luo couldn't help staring at Jimo Ge. Jimo Ge changed into black clothes with auspicious clouds embroidered with golden silk thread on the side, giving him a dignified atmosphere. Under the beard is a handsome and resolute face, with eyes that have faded from the red and are quiet and deep. The old man is not ugly, and he has the unique aura of a superior person. It seems that their love may be true.

Bai Luo's arms were already strong enough to use them flexibly and hold things tightly, so he ate with a bowl by himself. I don't know if it's Bai Luo's illusion, but he feels that Brother Lonely is still a little bit lost.

After eating, Bai Luo was supported by Jimo Ge's shoulder with one hand and his waist with the other. After standing still, when Jimo Ge let go of his hand, Bai Luo unconsciously wanted to fall, and fell back into Jimo Ge's embrace again.

This time, Jimo Ge really panicked, the hands supporting Bai Luo's shoulders were trembling, and he said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and invite the doctor."

For the first time, he thought it was because Bai Luo had been in a coma for a long time, his body was too weak to stand up, but now, Bai Luo's complexion was much better, and he could pick up a bowl to eat by himself, but his legs...

Seeing that others were so nervous and worried about him, Bai Luo was a little embarrassed, and patted Jimo Ge on the back, "It's okay, didn't the doctor say it, I will recover after a good exercise."

Jimo Ge was not comforted at all, Bai Luo didn't deserve to suffer, he should enjoy the best of everything, instead of being wasted in his splendid age.

The doctor inspected Bai Luo's legs in detail, and under King Zhao's fierce gaze, he carefully touched Bai Luo's bones, and finally came to the conclusion, "Ms. It’s no different from normal people.”

"Then how could it be," Can't walk? Jimo song can't say the rest.

The doctor heard Zhao Wang's unfinished meaning, but he was also puzzled. After thinking for a long time, he finally said: "It may be that the king has not walked with his legs for a long time, and it is possible to feel unwell for a while."

Bai Luo didn't care, he didn't really care about his legs, whether he could walk or not.

Jimoge turned his head and accidentally saw Bai Luo's indifferent expression, which made his heart ache even more. Bai Luo's heart is ashamed, he doesn't care about anything, even himself. Besides, didn't Bai Luo not remember anything