Raider System

Chapter 61: keep the contract (1)


Bai Luo's current identity is an orphan, currently living in an orphanage, he is a thirteen-year-old boy who is in junior high school. Not only was he surprised to be back in his youth, but he was also surprised by his current status.

Although his experience in each life is quite sad, and he is a cannon fodder given to the protagonist as a springboard, but his identity in each life is both rich and powerful, and his family is prominent.

This was the first time that his identity was so pitiful and weak.

Because she is under 18 years old, she has no choice but to do something on her own and needs the consent of her guardian.

The dean is a very kind woman, and Bai Luo will help her take care of those children. Even though Bai Luo is still a young boy, he looks stable and mature. He is a young boy with a strong waist and a tall and straight waist. Every time he stands at random, he is a vigor and vitality.

The staff of the orphanage felt a little sad when they saw it. Most of those who came to adopt their children would not choose older children. Bai Luoduo's good child, if he was not a little older, he would have been adopted by a good family. gone.

On this day, Bai Luo helped distribute the clothes donated by the society, and the dean came to gather everyone to arrange cleaning and tidy up the dormitory, and repeatedly emphasized that everyone should behave well these few days. The Chu family will visit them in a few days.

The Chu family is well-off and has many chain industries. To them, they only know that they are a wealthy family. The local shopping mall is said to be the property of the Chu family.

The Chu family donates a large sum of money to the orphanage for charity every year, and the director is so solemn.

All the children in the yard cleaned up and put on the most appropriate clothes. On the day when the Chu family was about to arrive, the dean had brought people to wait in front of the door early, and several luxurious cars stopped at the door one by one.

A noble young man got out of the car, with a frivolous temperament, and the corners of his mouth curled up like a smile that wasn't a smile.

"Hi Dean Liu, I'm sorry to bother you today."

"Don't bother, don't bother, it's our blessing that the second young master can visit us in spite of his busy schedule."

"Dean Liu was joking."

Chu Ershao, that is, Chu Yifei, looked around for a week, asking some names as he walked, and asking what the usual situation was like.

Dean Liu's heart skipped a beat, and he smiled more sincerely, "Tell me carefully about the condition of the child who was asked." Based on this situation, is it possible that the Chu family is planning to adopt a child

Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard a loud voice not far away, mixed with the shout of 'Little Master'. The young man who had been careless just now suddenly changed his expression, and ran towards the noisy place, "Where's Xiaochen?"

The bodyguard on the side looked anxious, "The young master suddenly ran down from the car. We didn't dare to stop him, so the young master ran in. Some of us followed him."

Dean Liu didn't know why, so he only thought that Er Shao Chu was worried that the young master would get lost.

"Second Young Master, don't worry. Since you didn't run out of the yard, I'll ask everyone to help you find it. Children are lively and active, and they like to run around, so it's fine."

Chu Yifei didn't answer, and roared at the bodyguard: "Hurry up and contact the people who are following, and see where they are going."

"Yes." The bodyguard at the side asked with his mobile phone for a while, and then took Chu Yi to fly inside.

When the distinguished guests arrived, Bai Luo didn't go with the crowd to greet them, but hid in the shadow of a tree in the distance.

He experienced various worlds before, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong. He doesn't miss these worlds, and his short life is just the scenery he passes by.

Ever since I have a partner, I have been accompanied by him in every life, and now I feel empty and lonely when I am single. He doesn't know where to find that person, and now he has no ability, and he can't even satisfy himself with basic life.

If his guess is correct, after experiencing the rebirth, if Jun Limo is really gone, he cannot reincarnate with him in the rest of the world. What was the point of him being alone in these worlds

Bai Luo was thinking about the future when suddenly a child ran over and bumped into Bai Luo.

Because Bai Luo was distracted and couldn't dodge in time, he was bumped and took a step back, holding the child who bumped into him to stabilize their bodies.

The child reached his chest, and was hugging him tightly at this moment, and Bai Luo couldn't use his strength to break him apart.

A group of people came from the opposite side, and the ones walking in front were Dean Liu and Chu Yifei.

Chu Yifei walked in and saw Bai Luo who was hugging Chu Yichen, and immediately frowned, "Who are you? Let Xiaochen go."

Bai Luo's hands were hanging in mid-air, and it was the child named Xiaochen who buried his head in his chest, hugged his waist and did not let go.

Chu Yifei's eyes flickered for a moment, a little embarrassed, and then he looked up and down at Bai Luo, his eyes seemed to be able to take off his clothes, full of disgust.

"Is he from your yard too? How old is he?"

"Yes, I'm thirteen this year, very sensible and smart." The dean looked at the child wearing a famous brand holding Bai Luo, and said with a smile, "Bai Luo took good care of the other children in the courtyard and helped us He is very busy, and the children also like him very much, they often make noises about him wanting to play together, chasing after him to call him brother. Although Bai Luo usually doesn't like to joke, he is very patient with children, he is a very competent brother."

Bai Luo looked at the child in his arms. The child looked up at him, with bright black eyes, delicate and beautiful face, fair skin, like a beautiful little prince.

The child blinked and stared at Bai Luo, his eyelashes were thick and long, flickering, which made Bai Luo's heart itch, and he wanted to stretch out his hands to fiddle with it.

"Xiaochen, don't approach strangers indiscriminately."

The child named Xiaochen didn't seem to hear it, turned a deaf ear, just looked at Bai Luo and didn't speak.

Bai Luo held the child's shoulders, and retreated, the child hugged Bai Luo's arm tightly again, Bai Luo looked at Chu Yifei helplessly, this was not a child he abducted from another family, it was this The child tugged at him.

A group of people stood outside, and someone tried to smooth things over, "Go outside and go inside, the tea is ready."

Chu Yifei couldn't call Xiaochen, and stood there without leaving. The people he brought naturally followed behind him without moving.

Chu Yifei didn't even leave, and the dean and other staff naturally accompanied him.

Bai Luo looked at the crowd around him, and then at the child who was clinging to him, and then walked towards the hall with an oil bottle.

Xiao Chen put his arm around Bai Luo's and followed him step by step.

Dean Liu said from the side: "Bai Luo has always been very popular with children, and everyone likes to cling to him."

Chu Yifei followed Chu Yichen, and the rest naturally followed one by one, and finally sat on the chairs.

Seeing Bai Luo sitting on the chair, Xiaochen climbed up and sat on Bai Luo's lap. If it wasn't for the child's unusual background, his brother would have been watching him covetously. Bai Luo really wanted to take the child off his lap. up and down.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yifei stared at Bai Luo for a while, looking as if he couldn't let go of his anger, he stopped looking here because he was out of sight.

Chu Yifei went out to make a phone call, and looked in Bai Luo's direction while talking. Bai Luo guessed that the topic must be related to him.

After a few minutes, Chu Yifei and the dean had a private conversation.

Bai Luo looked at the child on his lap and saw that there was no one around them, so he secretly pinched the child's smooth and fair face, and the child didn't make any fuss, just looked at him quietly.

"May I have your name?"

"????" The child opened his mouth, but made no sound. After opening and closing his mouth a few times, he became a little anxious, and the corners of his eyes were a little red.

Bai Luo felt distressed when he saw it, and patted the child on the back, "No rush, no hurry. I heard that person called you Xiaochen, Xiaochen, right?"

Chu Yichen nodded, "Xiao, Xiaochen." His voice was a little hoarse and weak, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Is that your brother?" Chu Yifei looked seventeen or eighteen, because the people around him looked up to him, and his aura seemed a bit stronger, overshadowing his age.

Xiao Chen nodded, and Bai Luo could see that the child named Xiao Chen didn't seem to talk often.

After the dean came out, with a smile on his face, he said to Bai Luo: "Second Young Master Chu said just now that the Chu family wants to adopt you, Bai Luo, what's your opinion? The Chu family has a great career, if you become their adopted son , There must be more resources than here, you are a smart and motivated kid, and you are delayed here."

"Auntie Dean, did the Chu family say who is going to adopt me?"

"It's the second young master's father. The second young master came here today for this matter."

Bai Luo has doubts in his heart. There are three sons in this generation of the Chu family, why they still want to adopt a child, besides, they still choose him at such an 'old' age.

"Don't worry, I've already asked. The Chu family mainly wanted to find a playmate for Young Master Chu, the kid next to you. Young Master Chu was too introverted and quiet, so the Chu family thought about finding him a playmate of the same age." People accompany him, and you see, the young master has a good impression of you and only pesters you, and the second young master decided to adopt you after discussing with his family. This is also a good opportunity."

"Okay." Staying here, the scope of contact is narrow, and the resources he can get are too few. Going to school is a problem, and the most is to complete compulsory education. Even if he leaves the orphanage as an adult, he will not have a degree, and it may be difficult for him to find a job. It is even more difficult to start a business, with no funds and no connections.

If you go to the Chu family, since you are playing with the young master, you only need to take good care of a child. You can get much more than you pay, so it's not a loss.

After everything was discussed, Chu Yifei was ready to take Chu Yichen back, but Chu Yifei didn't let go of Bai Luo, and Chu Yifei was so angry that he jumped up and down, but there was nothing he could do.

"Tomorrow I will call a lawyer to handle the adoption procedures. You and I will go home obediently. He will come to accompany you in a few days, okay?"

Chu Yichen ignored him and only looked at Bai Luo.

Chu Yifei tried to persuade him, but Chu Yichen remained indifferent.

Chu Yifei's face turned cold, he hugged Chu Yichen and wanted to force him into the car.

In the end, Chu Yichen hugged Bai Luo desperately, crying heartbreakingly, Bai Luo subconsciously pushed hard, and hugged him from Chu Yifei's arms.

Chu Yifei's face was green and pale, "It was my fault, don't cry, don't cry." He was so guilty that he was going to die, if the family members knew about it, it would be all right if he didn't beat him severely. Not over. Chu Yifei wailed in his heart, seeing Chu Yichen crying like that made him feel very distressed.