Raider System

Chapter 68: Keep the contract (8)


The house is being renovated, and Mother Chu has been keeping an eye on the progress and materials used. It doesn't take long to drive, and they can live on both sides.

It was a bit strange for Bai Luo to receive the invitation from the Chen family. He had no friendship or contact with the Chen family, and the two families had been at odds lately. Many incidents in the company were caused by the Chen family. I don't know what I want to meet him at this stall.

It was a small private room of a restaurant. Chen Zimo, the second child of the Chen family, was sitting by the side with a smile. When he saw Bai Luo coming in, he hurriedly got up to greet him, "I heard Director Bai's name earlier, and he really deserves his reputation."

"Excellent, Chen Ershao is also very famous, and everyone in the circle knows it." Chen Ershao is rich and handsome, has fun in the circle, has a lot of friends, it is said that men and women are not taboo, horse racing and racing various activities are involved.

After chatting for a while, and having a few glasses of wine, Chen Zimo began to call him a brother, "You are younger than me, and I treat you as a younger brother. Don't think I'm talkative, bro, I just said it because I really can't see it .Where can't you go with your ability, and be worthy of being a cow and a horse for the Chu family, dedicating your whole life? You also have to be a nanny every day without interruption, and let a fool call you around."

Bai Luo lowered his eyes, his face was a little gloomy, "The Chu family has raised and raised me for so many years, so doing these things is what I should do."

When Chen Zimo saw Bai Luo's expression, he was overjoyed. He just felt that he was talking about Bai Luo's embarrassment, and his tone became more and more indignant.

"Fart! They just treat you like a bun. I can't stand it anymore as an outsider. You have been serving that mentally ill young master of their family for almost ten years. You have worked hard without credit. They just pay you, you I have repaid so much, and the kindness has long since been repaid. I can't bear them because their son likes you, let you sacrifice your life's happiness to accompany you, and deprive you of the right and freedom to pursue happiness."

Is Chen Zimo here to sow discord? Bai Luo smiled playfully in his heart, looking a little lonely, "It's right to take care of him. I was brought out of the orphanage to take care of him. This is my responsibility. If he didn't need me, I didn't stay at Chu's house either. It's necessary."

"You are stupid," Chen Zimo reprimanded angrily, "You have been brainwashed by the Chu family. You should live for yourself, and your value does not exist because of that mental illness. The Chu family will allow you to marry a wife and have children As long as that young master still likes you for a day, you will not be able to have a normal life. You should want to have a family and have children more than others. Knowing that you long for the warmth of a family, you ruthlessly deprive you of the right to be a father , They are so selfish."

Bai Luo's expression showed a bit of struggle and pain.

Chen Zimo was overjoyed, and chased after the victory: "People have to bow their heads under the eaves. You have been living under the shadow of the Chu family, and your life is too depressing."

"But, where else can I go besides the Chu family? I grew up there, and I only know people from the Chu family."

"You are capable and talented, and you are regarded as a guest of honor in any company you go to. The general manager is definitely not a problem. Still need you to do chores for Chu Yixuan? You come to our house, and you will be the general manager based on your ability. It's nothing at all, and the annual salary will definitely be twice as much as that of the Chu family."

Bai Luo's eyes lit up when he heard the position and annual salary.

Chen Zimo kept his mouth shut, and when he finished his order, he drank with Bai Luo and chatted about other things. After a meal of wine, the relationship between the two became much closer.

Bai Luo loosened his tie, rubbed his drowsy forehead, and resumed his usual expressionless face. After returning home, he took a shower, drank the wine-relief soup, invited Chu Yixuan to the study, and narrated the conversation and scene with Chen Zimo.

Chu Yixuan sneered, "It seems that Chen Zimo not only wants to poach you, but also wants to put the name of the traitor on your head to disturb the sight. They kill two birds with one stone, and they have a good idea."

Bai Luo was concerned, "Only we know about Xiaochen's situation. Xiaochen is by my side, but he doesn't like to talk to outsiders. Other than that, there is nothing wrong with it. People who don't know don't know There is no abnormality, some people in the company and the Chen family are all mentally ill, I don't know how they know this."

"Xiaochen's situation is not a secret. People who are interested will always find some clues. It seems that others know very well about our family's situation."

"Second brother is very busy recently, so I'll leave these matters to second brother." Those servants who are not strict in eating and drinking should also be thrown out. Bai Luo still remembered that Second Brother Chu taught Xiaochen some nonsense words in a leisurely manner, so he should find something for Second Brother to do.

"Well. As for the Chen family, you can play with them if you are interested."

Bai Luo yawned, "Understood, brother, I'm going to bed, and you should go to bed early too."

The connection between Chen Zimo and Bai Luo gradually increased. Bai Luo coaxed Chu Yichen to stay at home, so that Second Brother Chu could be with him while handling matters at home. Bai Luo was too busy and couldn't spare any energy to look at Chu Yichen. Bai Luo was worried that his opponent would take advantage of him and hurt Chu Yichen when he didn't think about it.

While chatting with Chen Zimo, Bai Luo pretended not to care and followed Chen Zimo's words to reveal some internal information about the company. Chen Zimo went back and compared it, and found that the situation was similar to what he got from the other party. He only felt that the prey had taken the bait.

On Saturday, Chen Zimo invited Bai Luo to an entertainment club. He wanted to introduce more friends to him, and persuaded Bai Luo to have more private space, to live for himself, and not to be around the Chu family's company and the young master every day. , too selfless.

As soon as Bai Luo arrived at the door, the staff led him to the box. There was music playing inside. Two young people were singing hard while holding a microphone. A group of fashionable young people were sitting on the sofa.

"Bai Luo is here, come and sit here." Chen Zimo motioned to turn off the music, and introduced each other. "My elder brother is too busy. He wanted to meet you too. He kept hearing me mention you. He was very interested. But it's okay, there will always be opportunities in the future."

Chen Zimo ordered wine and food to be served, and set up a table. Then he said to the manager: "Call the top few of you here."

"Let's play, everyone, I'll treat you today." There was applause from all around.

After a while, the door of the box opened, and more than a dozen young and beautiful women lined up to enter, with coquettish makeup and different styles.

"Bai Luo, which type do you like? Take your pick."

"No need."

"Are you looking down on it?" Chen Zimo waved his hands and said to the others: "You guys play first."

Bai Luo looked around, almost everyone had one in their arms, and some had one on each side, drinking wine and teasing each other.

Chen Zimo made a phone call and said with a smile: "You probably don't like these things, let's play other things."

The room was full of smog, some were drinking, some were playing cards, and some were chatting. The strange lights shone in the room, like a group of demons dancing wildly.

Several of them are betting, and the lottery is to ask the other party to do something, similar to a big adventure. Several people were playing and touching the woman beside them.

Bai Luo glanced away before looking away. After a while, the person Chen Zimo called arrived, looking very beautiful. Hearing the discussion of the people next to him, Bai Luo knew that these two were artists. But Bai Luo didn't watch these TV dramas and variety shows, so naturally he didn't know them either.

Chen Zimo signaled the two of them to wait on Bai Luo, but Bai Luo put on a cold face and asked people to stay away from him. Under Bai Luo's stern gaze, the man who came didn't dare to get tired of him, and sat upright with a distance between Bai Luo and him. Next to it as a background board.

The others had a great time playing, and the atmosphere became more and more heated.

I don't know what the other party asked for, and there was booing and applause all around. The young man who lost was not annoyed, he smiled indifferently, leaned back on the sofa, and raised his chin to the people beside him.

Under the dim light, Bai Luo could only see a coat covering the man's legs, and a woman lying there with her head bobbing up and down. The teasing voice over there has changed its meaning.

I don't know who took off his coat, and the young man didn't care, and enjoyed the service calmly.

What the young man hit back at the other party was that the woman straddled the other party and put a balloon on the lower abdomen. They could not use their hands, but could only press their buttocks to crush the balloon. The woman sat on the balloon frequently, and her movements were very similar describe.

The door was slammed open, accompanied by the manager's apologetic voice, "Young Master Chen, I'm sorry, but this person insisted on breaking in. We didn't watch him for a while, so we'll take him away."

Everyone looked at the door, he was a delicate and beautiful young master, with immature complexion, innocent eyes, and anxious expression, his eyes were happy when he saw Empress Bai Luo in the box, but he didn't dare to move forward when he saw other people sitting next to him .

Someone whistled, "Who brought the little sheep lost?"

"Isn't this the young master of the Chu family?" Chen Zimo said with a smile to Bai Luo, "Sure enough, I have a deep love for you, and I have chased you here."

"I heard that the young master likes to run after men's buttocks the most. I'm afraid he misses men so much."

The others laughed when they heard this, their eyes were blurred after drinking too much, "I can't tell, Young Master Chu is still a beauty, why don't we play with Young Master?"

With a 'snap', a wine bottle brushed the speaker's ear and hit the wall, the surrounding was silent, someone winked, turned off the music, and it was very quiet.

Chen Zimo rounded the field, "However, this is also Bai Luo's man, he didn't let you move your paws."

The other person also said: "No wonder Bai Luo doesn't like the princess and the young master here. I just don't know how the real young master plays differently from those fake young masters?"

"If you want to know, you'll know if you let Bai Luo play for you once. Anyway, Bai Luo doesn't want it. I'm afraid I'm tired of it."

Chu Yichen shrugged his shoulders. He didn't listen to his brother and stayed at home, but ran out secretly. He was afraid that his brother would be angry.

"Come here." Bai Luo looked at Chu Yichen and said in a deep voice. Chu Yichen's face brightened, and he ran to Bai Luo's side and sat down next to him. The people next to him have already moved aside with winks.

Bai Luo looked at Chen Zimo with a strange expression, without any panic, and said casually: "Even if I don't want it, I won't allow others to touch it. Besides, I touched the most favored young master of the Chu family, the Chu family's most favored young master. Are you sure you can bear the anger? Now is the critical period, there is no need to create extra problems."

The author has something to say: I didn't say much, I didn't update as agreed, I apologize to the little angels.
