Raider System

Chapter 74: The Beginning and the End (1)


The clothes on Bai Luo's body couldn't see the original color, they hung in tatters, Bai Luo struggled to wake up, hungry and dizzy, and didn't even have the strength to stand up.

This is a medium-sized small town, and you can hear all kinds of cries in the distance, the walls of green bricks and green tiles, the coarse linen clothes of the roadside vendors, and there are also rich and noble children wearing silk and satin on the road, shining brightly, and both men and women have long hair waist.

Bai Luo tried his best to stay awake, leaning on the wall and moved step by step to the stream outside the town, washing his hands and face.

There are few people here, so Bai Luo took off his shapeless coat, washed it with water, and hung it on the stone. Fortunately, it's early summer, and it's not too cold. Just after entering the water, Bai Luo couldn't help shivering, and washed his body and hair roughly.

Only washing with water, the dirt on the hair is not washed, but there is no other way.

What is different from the past is that he can clearly receive the previous memory of this body.

As long as I can remember, I have been an orphan and have no memory of my parents. Survived by people's charity, hunger and full, if lucky, find food to eat, bad luck, may not have food for a day or two, only drink some water, pick the tree on the side of the road Sour fruit to eat, is a little beggar no one wants.

Bai Luo couldn't find any information about his birth date and age from his memory. Judging by his stature, he was probably five or six years old.

There was still half a dry steamed bun in his pocket, and Bai Luo ate it slowly with the water in the stream. If he didn't eat any more, he felt that his body would starve to death.

Slowly drying his hair and clothes in the sun, Bai Luo was thinking about what to do in the future.

There are not many useful things in memory, most of them are wandering in the street, and occasionally passers-by give some food and money. There are also several experiences of being robbed of things by beggars older than him. The memory is full of expulsion and charity, beating, scolding and contempt. Living in no fixed place, wandering without support.

The clothes and hair were almost dry, Bai Luo smoothed his hair with his hands, tied it up with cloth strips, put on his clothes, and thought about solving the problem of eating first.

Before entering the restaurant, the waiter at the door of the store raised his hand to drive him away, his eyes full of disgust, "Go, go, go up, don't disturb the guests eating. Go up and beg for food."

Bai Luo looked at that he was only as tall as his waist, and didn't insist on going in.

What can he do at his age? Physical work is not enough, this body is too small. No one hired children, even if they were looking for work.

Maybe it was because he stood beside the bun shop for too long, the boss gave Bai Luo a bun, even though he didn't speak, Bai Luo could understand what he meant, and went to eat it. He was too close to the shop, and customers avoided him to buy buns.

Bai Luo paused, took the buns and walked to the corner of the alley.

The place where I slept at night was in a dilapidated ruined temple, half of which had collapsed, and I could see the shining stars in the sky when I looked up. At least the intact half of the corner can block the wind, and it can also block the wind and frost above the head.

Bai Luo discussed with the boss that he could clean up the tableware and wipe the table for him in exchange for corresponding food. The boss looked at his little arms and legs, gave him an ugly bun, and refused.

There were laughing voices from other customers in the shop, "You have to be on guard against this kind of thing. I'm most afraid of luring wolves into the house. If you don't know for sure, you will steal money and run away. The reporter doesn't know where to arrest people, so you can only admit that you are unlucky. "

"Yeah, these little beggars like stealing the most. They don't learn well at a young age. Don't get too close to them, so as not to get caught in a mess."

"Boss, I advise you not to be so kind. Be careful that these little beggars rely on you and come to you every day for food."

"No, this kind of person is the best at climbing up with a stick. Once I gave away a few bowls of leftover rice, and guess what, good guy, he squatted at the door of my house when it was time to eat, waiting to beg for food from me every day. After being chased away with a broom, I never came back."

Lightning and deafening roars suddenly flashed across the clear sky, and there was a deafening sound of a mountain collapsing in the distance, and the entire ground shook endlessly.

Bai Luo ran to an open place, "This is, is there an earthquake?"

There are panicked people everywhere, kneeling on the ground, shouting loudly, "The immortal has descended to earth." "The immortal has mercy." Words like that.

Bai Luo looked in shock at the man wearing the fairy robe with wide sleeves, standing on a huge sword and flying past his head.

Too, too fantasy! What kind of world is this

The fairy stopped for a moment when he passed by Bai Luo, and took a careful look at Bai Luo, surrounded by people kneeling tremblingly, Bai Luo standing alone seemed unique.

"Would you like to follow me into the sect to cultivate immortals?"

What the hell is Xiuxian? Complaining inwardly, Bai Luo bent down and gave a salute, "I am willing."

Bai Luo watched helplessly as the normal-sized sword in the immortal's hand grew larger, then stepped on it and looked at him. Bai Luo tentatively stepped on it, and then rose into the air. The mountains, rivers and trees passed by at a high speed, and the rivers were like belts, entangled in a piece of emerald green.

He could feel the clouds next to him, and although the speed was very fast, he didn't feel a little wind. It's amazing.

A look of satisfaction flashed in the immortal's eyes. This child was calm and stable, with a mature mind. It wasn't until this moment that the expression in those bright eyes showed a bit of childishness. But there is no two wars of fear, but more excitement.

In a blink of an eye, I arrived at the foot of a mountain. The mountain was so high that I couldn't see the top of the mountain. It was shrouded in smoke halfway up the mountain, which had a somewhat mysterious color.

"Now is not the time to choose disciples, whether you can go up or not depends on your fate." After finishing speaking, he disappeared.

Bai Luo looked up at the winding stairs with no end in sight, and stepped up. The air on the mountain is fresh, and just being in it will give you an indescribable sense of comfort throughout your body, and your fatigue will disappear. Bai Luo guessed that it might be the reason for the abundance of aura here, but he is now a mortal and cannot feel the existence of aura.

Bai Luo's legs were trembling, his body was so numb that he couldn't control it, Bai Luo only knew how to lift his feet and walk up. There seemed to be a heavy weight on his body, his legs couldn't stand straight, and he wanted to kneel down.

That's it for now, you're already great.

Finding a stable job, a virtuous and beautiful wife, surrounded by children and grandchildren is the real happiness.

Isn't an ordinary life very happy, why bother to pursue those illusory things, in the end it is not empty.

The above is just a more difficult life, and few people can find the way after spending a lifetime, but it is a waste of life.

It seemed that many people were persuading him in his ears, teaching him diligently as someone who had experienced it.

Bai Luo smiled, he wanted to go to the unknown world to learn more. Life is an upward process.

If you choose a stable life, although there are not too many hardships and setbacks, you can live in peace and enjoyment. However, at the moment he made a good choice, his life was already coming to an end. To die from birth is to follow the rules and go in the direction of death without any waves.

After his legs and feet became weak, Bai Luo almost used both hands to climb up.

These pictures appeared on a water mirror, and one of them was the immortal who brought Bai Luolai.

"This son has a firm mind and is not disturbed by external things. He is also a rare single spiritual root with extremely high talent. It is no wonder that Xuanqing, who has always disliked ordinary things, brought him back."

"If he passes the Way of Asking Heaven, I will accept him as an apprentice."

"It's rare for you to go down the mountain to kill monsters, and you happened to meet him. It's also his rare fate. The fairy fate is not shallow."

Bai Luo climbed to the top, and only had time to see a piece of green surrounded by fairy mist. As soon as his eyes went dark, he fell down. The last scene was a snow-white robe and hands as white as jade.

When Bai Luo woke up again, he was on the bed, and in front of him was a little boy with a bun, "You woke up, the elder told you to go to the main hall to meet him after taking a bath and eating."

"Okay, thank you for conveying."

The little boy blushed, "No, no, this is what I should do. You are too good. I heard that you are the first person in the past hundred years to completely pass the way of asking heaven. The last one was Xuan Qingzhen hundreds of years ago. people passed."

Bai Luo managed to get rid of the little boy who was adoring him, took a good bath, and felt that his body and mind were much cleaner. Putting on the robe that was prepared for him, this was the first meal Bai Luoan ate, although it was bland, it was very clean.

Bai Luo followed the instructions and came to the main hall. The people sitting above were wearing feather crowns, with long hair reaching their waists, and wearing gorgeous white robes. Their noble and holy postures really resembled the legendary immortals.

Bai Luo finally saw clearly the face of the man who brought him here. He had silver hair, but his face was very handsome and cold, and his voice was also very cold, like crushed ice.

"Would you like to worship me as a teacher?"


"Brother Sect Leader, shouldn't you test the doll's spiritual roots first to see what kind of spells he is suitable for practicing and then belong to his sect?"

It seemed that other people did not dare to refute the words of the Master Xuanqing. A magnificent female cultivator raised an objection to the head of the sect, and the others agreed one after another.

The headmaster smiled, "Alright, bring the attribute stone. The rare single spirit root has passed the Wentian Road again. I know that all real people will be happy to see it. Then let's test it."

Someone took a transparent stone and put it in front of Bai Luo.

"Put your hands up, without distracting thoughts."

Bai Luo Yiyan put his hand on the stone, and after a while, circles of dazzling black halos flashed on the stone, expanding from the center of the stone circle to circle, until the entire stone was shining black.

After seeing the flying sword, Bai Luo didn't feel strange about these things anymore, and even felt that it should be like this in the first place.

Several cultivators looked at Xuan Qing with envy and jealousy, "No wonder he has never accepted disciples, and he has not gone down the mountain for hundreds of years. When he came down the mountain, he encountered a heavenly water spirit root. It's good luck."

The headmaster looked at the crowd and announced: "No one has any objections now, after training Qi into the body, we will hold an apprenticeship ceremony."

Master Xuanqing looked at Bai Luo and said, "No need."

The author has something to say: Don’t do textual research on imprecise cultivation papers, because after checking the relevant information, the author can’t figure it out either, oh ho ho ho~ thank you~