Rainbow Amber

Chapter 14


Zheng Yu'an didn't know why he walked over.

He was like stepping over a fast-flowing river. There might be stumbling stones in the river, blocking the way, hesitating and irritating.

"This is Zheng Yu'an, Mr. Zheng." Yan Shuwang introduced to the people around him, "Director of the company department of the JZ Park Branch."

Zheng Yu'an subconsciously showed a social smile. There were not too many flaws in this expression. The corners of his eyes drooped slightly, and the curvature of his lips was just right.

Several people chatted around him, looking at him or exploring, and most of them TAG him as if it was just an understatement.

When Yan Shuwang introduced the people on his side, his attitude was a lot more casual. He pointed his fingertips in a circle, and said lightly: "Li Shu, Boss Li, J**A, Lin Nianxiang, senior engineer from Future Media."

Zheng Yu'an handed over the business card in a kind manner. Li Shu is a beautiful man, probably because he is engaged in the media, and he is very good at dressing up like a model. Zheng Yu'an found out that he was wearing beauty contact lenses. Because the color is rare, Zheng Yu'an calmly looked at it more. Glancing at each other's eyes.

Lin Nianxiang has the most ordinary appearance among several people. He is handsome, smiling, comfortable and attractive.

"JZ Bank issued a set of commemorative coins a few years ago." Lin Nianxiang took the initiative to find a topic, "Mickey Mouse's?"

Zheng Yu'an smiled: "In the Year of the Rat, I bought Disney's copyright, do you want a set for Lin Gong?"

Lin Nianxiang also gave face very much: "Okay, let's take a look when the time comes."

The rest of the people, Yan Shuwang, only mentioned their names once, and Zheng Yu'an almost knew it. Li Shu didn't care much about people, but Lin Nianxiang was very kind and amiable.

"Colin mentioned you to us before." Lin Nianxiang looked at Zheng Yu'an and said, "He praised you for playing well."

Zheng Yu'an said modestly: "That's far worse than him, and I'm embarrassed."

Lin Nianxiang: "Colin won't mind, you look so good-looking."

Zheng Yuan blinked, he pursed his lips, seemed curious, and asked in a low voice, "Yan... Colin, what are all the boyfriends he's had?"

Lin Nianxiang: "He hasn't had a few boyfriends, and we've hardly met him anyway. He's not serious, and he won't bring it to us." Lin Nianxiang glanced at him narrowly, and suddenly said, "You are him. The first one who took the initiative to introduce us, even though he was a straight man."

Zheng Yu'an: "..."

Lin Nianxiang seemed to think he was funny, and greeted Yan Shuwang who was standing with Li Shu, "Colin, come here."

Yan Shuwang came over, Li Shu's expression was a little playful, and his eyes stayed on Zheng Yu'an's face for a few more seconds.

"Yu An asked about your boyfriend." Lin Nianxiang sold him thoroughly, "Do straight men also care about this?"

Zheng Yuan touched his nose embarrassedly. He was embarrassed to look at Yan Shuwang. After all, talking about people's private life behind his back is not a gentleman enough.

Yan Shuwang didn't show any offended expression, and only glanced at Zheng Yu'an somewhat unexpectedly.

"I'm single now," he said.

Lin Nianxiang laughed: "Where's Yu'an?"

Zheng Yu'an is very generous: "I don't have a girlfriend now."

Li Shu suddenly snorted: "Why are you in such a hurry to clear the relationship? Afraid that we will take action against you?"

Zheng Yuan was stunned for a moment, Xu Shi didn't expect Li Shu to be so aggressive, he asked himself that he was right, but it might not be smooth enough, so he couldn't explain more.

Lin Nianxiang hurried to smooth things out: "Yuan just said casually, what are you fierce?"

Li Shu wanted to shrug his shoulders without smiling, with a somewhat sarcastic expression, he said, "I'm going to have a cigarette."

Lin Nianxiang sighed: "I'll accompany you."

After the two left, Zheng Yuan was not so embarrassed when he faced Yan Shuwang alone. He looked at Yan Shuwang's face, and the other party glanced at him with a smile: "Ask my boyfriend what?"

Zheng Yu'an said the truth: "I'm a little curious."

Yan Shuwang was noncommittal.

Zheng Yu'an thought for a while, but still explained: "I used to study abroad and occasionally came into contact with your circle, but it is definitely not necessary to know more about it, but I am very..." Zheng Yu'an looked for a word, and used "appreciation" after deliberation. these two words.

"Admiring me?" Yan Shuwang really laughed this time, his eyes were thin and long, and his eyelashes were slender, like the most delicate tail feathers of a male bird of paradise courtship.

"What do you appreciate about me?" he asked.

Zheng Yu'an laughed in a low voice: "That's too much. If you want to listen to what I have to say, it's really endless."

Yan Shuwang seemed to be coaxed into a good mood by him. He approached Zheng Yuan, lowered his head slightly, and the hair on his shoulder fell into Zheng Yuan's neck.

Yan Shuwang pressed against his auricle and said softly, "You can tell me slowly, anyway, in the future... we will have more time."

It was impossible for Andai not to come to the pottery exhibition in Baijian. When she arrived, Yan Shuwang had just photographed a bottle of owl vase. Zheng Yuan also liked it very much, and held it in his hand to watch it together with Yan Shuwang.

When An Dai met Yan Shuwang for the first time, Zheng Yuan naturally wanted to introduce him. In order to avoid separation, he also called Yan Shuwang by his English name.

"Colin," Zheng Yu'an said, "this is the curator, Andai."

There are countless An Daiyuemei, but the best one like Yan Shuwang is one in a thousand. She is rarely a little shy, and she only greets with a "hi".

After Andai left, Yan Shuwang said, "She is very beautiful, and you have a good eye."

Zheng Yu'an was a little surprised and said with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, it's past tense."

"I didn't misunderstand." Yan Shuwang said lightly, "I know she is your ex-girlfriend."

Zheng Yuan was even more surprised. He was confused and asked a silly question: "How do you know?"

Yan Shuwang looked at him for a while, and suddenly raised his eyebrows childishly, he said, "I won't tell you."

Yan Shuwang didn't take the owl vase in the end, he gave it to Zheng Yu'an, Li Shu had an "I know" expression, but Lin Nianxiang smiled ambiguous.

"Let's play together in the future." Lin Nianxiang said to Zheng Yu'an before leaving, "Colin likes you very much, you are very interesting."

Zheng Yu'an didn't know where he was interested, but he didn't reject Lin Nianxiang's invitation.

Li Shu treats him generally, lukewarm, and seems to be very clear about Zheng Yu'an's TAG classification.

"You don't need to pay too much attention to Li Shu." Yan Shuwang said before leaving, "He himself is ignorant."

Zheng Yu'an smiled: "I don't care, it doesn't matter."

Yan Shuwang looked at him for a while, and suddenly called him: "Zheng Yu'an."

Zheng Yu'an: "?"

Yan Shuwang didn't speak. He took a few steps forward. Because he was too close, Zheng Yuan subconsciously wanted to step back, but the other party obviously didn't intend to give him this chance.

Zheng Yu'an only felt a tightness around his waist, and he was embraced by Yan Shuwang in his arms.

Zheng Yu'an: "..."

Yan Shuwang turned his head to the side, his lips pressed against his neck, with a slightly evil smile: "Relax, they are all watching."