Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 12: Set off


After resting for the night, Lu Yan hurried back to school the next day, while Qin Rou stayed at her sister and husband's house, and her sister Qin Mian looked more and more satisfied with her, as if she was watching a pig being slaughtered.

Ever since the two sisters slept together last night, Qin Mian has been looking at her like this, making Qin Rou's hair stand on end.

Qin Rou hugged Xiao Jingyi in her arms, picked up his paw and waved at his mother: "Sister, don't look at me, look at your son."

The two children Jinghua and Juanjuan couldn't be idle at this age, and they didn't know where to go to play anymore. The brother-in-law went to work, and the two sisters stayed in the house, and the elder sister, Qin Mian, was going out soon.

Qin Mian smiled brightly, and cast a reproachful glance at Qin Rou: "Sister is going out, help me take care of Jing Yi."

Qin Rou is at home after being discharged from the army, and she will have to wait a week or two before leaving for Qiongzhou Island, until Lu Yan finishes her school work, so she stays at her sister and brother-in-law's house to help take care of the children.

"Sister, don't worry."

Qin Rou guarantees that she graduated from preschool education and specializes in childcare.

When her sister Qin Mian left, Qin Rou was left with her little nephew... the little nephew was at home, Qin Rou looked at the quiet little guy in her arms, the former Qin Rou thought this was her little nephew, but she thought about it carefully , It should be the little nephew.

But for Qin Rou's hometown, there is generally no distinction between aunt and aunt in terms of address, and they are collectively referred to as xiaomaimai and the like, so they are not sensitive to these relative words.

"Jing Yi, be good, look into Auntie's eyes."

Chen Jingyi is very quiet all day long. He alone can be a little mushroom in a corner, the kind of little mushroom that doesn't even bother to spray bubbles.

Most people take care of such a child, and adults may feel relaxed, because apart from being unable to take care of themselves, they will be dressed and fed with good food, and the rest of the time will be quiet and quiet.

Qin Mian didn't have much time, so she just raised him like this.

But Qin Rou knew that she couldn't let this little guy be a mushroom in the corner, so she patiently talked to him, asked him to look into her eyes when he spoke, told him stories, taught him paper-cutting and painting, taught him how to use chopsticks and spoons, and wanted to Ways to exercise his finger coordination ability.

"Jing Yi?... Jing Yi? Kid Jing Yi?"

Chen Jingyi is not very sensitive to other voices, but he likes Qin Rou's voice very much. He usually seldom responds when others call him, but when Qin Rou calls him, he will be stunned for a moment and release from the mushroom state.

Qin Rou knelt down, called him patiently, and let the little guy look at her. After a day or two, Qin Rou also developed a conditioned reflex. As long as Qin Rou called him, he would look at Qin Rou .

Two words will pop up: "... Auntie?"

The voice was waxy and very vague, and he still couldn't articulate his words clearly, but as long as he was willing to speak out, Qin Rou would accompany him and repeat.

"Jing Yi, Bao, Auntie..."

"... Auntie... Well, Mom?"

Gradually, Chen Jingyi's intermittent words became more and more. When Qin Mian heard her son's voice, her eyes were warm. The child was willing to talk, and she was indescribably happy.


Qin Rou walked into the room after taking a shower, the little guy who was still squatting in the corner of the bed jumped towards her lap like a little duckling, Qin Rou smiled and hugged him into her arms .

Chen Jingyi looked at her very happily, showing a mouthful of small white teeth. His facial features are delicate and gentle, partly like Qin Mian, partly like his refined and gentle father, his eyes are big, and when he smiles, his eyes are very beautiful, pure black Her pupils are like black gemstones, without any impurities.

Qin Rou personally cut a cute little watermelon head for him yesterday. When she combed her hair clean, she looked like a good and soft little watermelon.

Squeezing his little face, Qin Rou put the little guy on the bed, covered him with a quilt, and lay down beside him.

— This little mushroom has completely stuck to her.

I have to sleep with my aunt at night.

"Okay, dear Jingyi, let's sleep."

Now Chen Jingyi is very clingy to her. Every morning when he wakes up, he must see his aunt to feel at ease. Wherever his aunt goes, he will follow like a little mushroom spirit.

This feeling is very strange.

Raising children is sometimes like raising pets. In their world, your existence is extremely important. As long as you are willing to accompany them and play with them, they will be very happy.

The little ones are all about you, and when you get along with them, you will feel the satisfaction of being needed.

Zixuan, Zixuan, Zixuan, Zixuan...

With her chin in her hand, Qin Rou left the Yiying Plastic Sisters of the Art Troupe and took care of Jing Yi for a while, but Qin Rou actually began to miss the days when she was with the children in the kindergarten.

This is probably the far fragrance and near smell.

The little devils have become cute in memory.

Qin Rou thinks that she still likes children. If she doesn't like cubs, she won't choose to be a kindergarten teacher after graduation.

Chen Jingyi's condition is getting better and better, but she is also becoming more and more clingy to her, but Qin Rou is about to go to Qiongzhou Island with Lu Yan, and this matter can no longer be regretted, so she has an idea in her heart, she told her sister Qin Mian that she wanted to take the scene Yi went to Qiongzhou Island together.

Not only that, if she can settle down in Qiongzhou Island, Qin Rou wants her sister, brother-in-law and their family to move to Qiongzhou Island.

Of course, these are all things to come. It is still uncertain whether they can settle down on Qiongzhou Island.

Qin Mian was taking care of his sick father-in-law Chen Yubai these days. Hearing Qin Rou's words, after hesitating for a while, he finally agreed.

"Jing Yi, this child likes you, and can't live without you." Qin Mian can see the changes in the youngest son during this time. She still has to take care of her father-in-law and husband, as well as the two older children. son.

In addition, Qin Mian felt that what happened in these years had affected Jing Yi, and she was unwilling to let Chen Jing Yi continue to stay in the environment like the farm.

"You take Jing Yi, where is Xiao Lu?"

"I called him and he didn't mind."

Qin Rou tried her best to dispel her sister's concerns. She wanted to take Chen Jingyi away, partly to take care of him, partly because she wanted to use it as an opportunity in the future to let her sister's family go to Qiongzhou Island, and the last point was her selfishness.

Although Lu Yan's body shape and appearance are her ideal boyfriend template, she is really fond of dragons, and thinks that such a template can only be seen from a distance and not played with.

Every time I think of being alone with Lu Yan, there is always a kind of inexplicable panic and fear.

If she can have a child next to her as an atmosphere group, she will feel more secure.

Perhaps it is not a sense of security, but courage

Having a weaker existence beside her will also arouse her courage and desire to protect. Even now, Qin Rou doesn't know why she had the courage to rush forward that day. It may be out of love and protection for the child.

When it was time to leave, Qin Mian sent her and Jing Yi to the bus. Qin Rou didn't bring much, just a suitcase and a big bag, because it was still summer, so she didn't need to bring winter clothes. As for Qiongzhou Island, then No need for winter clothes.

The journey is long, travel light.

When she got to the train station and got off the train, Qin Rou saw Lu Yan with a handsome face and a frosty face, with a little chubby in his arms.

It was a little boy of four or five years old, chubby. If Jing Yi had thin arms and legs, he would have fat arms and legs, with two fat bumps on his small face, which belonged to a rare chubby boy in this era.

The little chubby who was caught struggled shaking his arms and legs.

Qin Rou: "..."

I brought an atmosphere group, and he also brought an atmosphere group? ! !

There are now two atmosphere groups? ? ! !

Lu Yan said lightly: "This is my nephew Xia Mingxi, take him to the South China Sea and hand him over to my third sister, who is his mother."

Qin Rou took Chen Jingyi's little hand and introduced: "...this is my nephew Chen Jingyi, Jing Yi is good, his name is little uncle."

Chen Jingyi's black eyes were dark, and he said, "Auntie."

Qin Rou: "..."

It's already a face-saving thing to be able to call out, so save a word if you save a word.

"Little aunt!! Little aunt!!! Little aunt!!!!"

There were pig-killing cries louder than pig-killing crows at the gate of the train station. No one needed to be reminded at all. This little chubby guy didn't know where the loud voice came from, and he sang a little aunt.

Originally, Lu Yan and Qin Rou, a handsome man and a beautiful woman standing here already attracted attention, but now they even attracted everyone's attention.

"Little aunt!!! I want little aunt!!!"

The little chubby pier who was caught was like a caterpillar, struggling and wriggling while screaming.

If people's anger could be visualized, the word "well" was already appearing on Lu Yan's forehead.

He was simply tricked by the fourth brother.

This little chubby was originally raised by his parents. After the fourth brother Lu Xiao knew that he was married, he was left as an old bachelor at home. He passed by the house on a business trip and was urged to marry him. Do things.

Threatening the little chubby guy to go to Nanhai, he was supposed to drop by to send the child to the third sister, but now he even kidnapped and sold the child to someone to force the child to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan is just newly married, and originally wanted to spend some time with his wife and daughter-in-law while traveling south, but unexpectedly, there were one... two little guys out of thin air.

—I really want to convict this group of people of destroying a military marriage.

"Don't hug the child like this, it's uncomfortable for him." Qin Rou couldn't see the hugging posture, so she said out loud.

Lu Yan put down the chubby man who was holding her.

The little chubby man stood still, stood at attention after a while, turned left and turned right, looked at Qin Rou and saluted, "Report to the chief! I came with a mission!"

Qin Rou: "..."

Lu Yan: "..." Who taught this kid

Chen Jingyi looked at him curiously. Originally, he lowered his head and his thoughts diverged, and he didn't want to talk to anyone except his aunt, but this startled little chubby man really attracted attention.

Little Fatty looked back at his little uncle, and asked in a low voice, "Little uncle, do you have candy?"

Lu Yan folded his arms and said coldly: "No."

Hearing this, Little Fatty immediately let out a "hiss" with an exaggerated expression on his face, and he took a breath, hating iron for being weak: "Little uncle, you have to tell little aunt that you have a lot of candies, or else little aunt She doesn't like you!!"

In the eyes of the young Xia Mingxi, only a man full of sugar is full of charm.

Lu Yan: "I have no sugar."

If this wasn't his own nephew, he would have thrown away this poor kid long ago.

"How can you marry a wife if you have no sugar?!"

Lu Yan: "..."

No, he has to hold back, he has to be silent, and he can't get angry.