Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 126: blossom everywhere


Linshui Pearl Cultivation Experimental Station.

The faces of all the researchers at the experimental station showed excitement and joy. They actually cultivated a super giant pearl. The size of this pearl is 15.6x19.2mm. There is also a small bead attached to it, which looks like a small gourd, which is both blessed and divine.

All researchers are obsessed with its "beauty", and everyone's eyes are as bright as seeing the divine light in the dark night.

They found the light in the night, they saw the light!

This is the first time that they have successfully cultivated a super giant pearl using the technology of inserting the mother-of-pearl oyster. The pearl they cultivated was one gram heavier than the largest pearl in the world at that time.

"Success!! Success!!"

"This is the Pearl King!!"

When the researcher Yao Changtai saw the pearl, his whole hand was shaking, and they didn't dare to touch the big pearl that was as magnificent as a gem in their eyes.

"Big news, big news, the Pearl King was bred on Qiongzhou Island!"

Reporters from various newspapers are rushing to Qiongzhou Island. They are going to the experimental station for interviews. They want to take pictures of the Pearl King. Very curious.

This Pearl King is preserved in the experiment station, and the researchers of the experiment station come to pay respects to it every day. In the past few days, the personnel of the experiment station have received several researchers of various kinds who came from other places. Introducing this one magical pearl.

Villagers from Linshuixin Village also came to the experimental station to see the so-called Pearl King, but they were not interested in this pearl and did not understand the excitement of the researchers at all.

"Isn't this a beautiful stone?"

"It doesn't seem very good-looking."

"It can't be eaten as a meal. What's the use of these researchers studying this all day long?"

The villagers are not interested in this so-called pearl. They don't know the significance of the birth of this pearl, and they don't know how much changes will happen in their village in the future.

When Qin Rou heard the news of the birth of the Pearl King, she returned to Qiongzhou Island from Guangzhou by boat, and came to her pearl breeding factory.

Not only the researchers at the experimental station were overwhelmed with excitement, but even the people in their pearl breeding factory were equally excited. The first batch of pearls from their Xunrou breeding factory was about to come out.

"Open the pearl!!"

The people in the breeding factory are working overtime to open the pearls. The first batch of pearls produced in the breeding factory is not many, about three hundred catties, and some of them are produced by the mother-of-pearl shells salvaged from the deep sea by the fishing boat contracted by Qin Rou. Natural pearl.

These natural pearls are precious and extremely rare.

"It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful!! These are all pearls! Pearls!!!" Meng Lan's expression was extremely excited. Before her eyes were baskets of beautiful and dazzling pearls. The pearl was shaking so hard that she couldn't keep her eyes open.

What a gorgeous light it is! Bring the light of hope! How could there be such a beautiful thing in this world! !

Tears welled up in Meng Lan's eyes, these were the pearls they had worked so hard to cultivate every day.

The work of opening the pearls is still going on, and Qin Rou is also opening the pearls by herself, and they also asked a few villagers to help.

"Uncle, where's the pearl in your hand just now?" Qin Rou stood in front of a forty or fifty-year-old uncle with a very serious expression.

In the process of opening pearls, it is inevitable that some people secretly hide pearls, thinking that they can fish in troubled waters.

The uncle coughed and took out a pearl from his pocket, "Here it is, isn't it here..."

"You have produced so many pearls here, so what if you take one or two away, you girl is so stingy."

"Isn't it just a broken rock, and you have to work so hard to dig it out, and you have nothing to do when you are idle."

"Uncle, we don't need you to work here."

Ah Shi took a brother and invited the uncle out, and paid him a day's wages.

"Bah! Isn't it just this broken stone!" Uncle Asun, who was kicked out, regretted it. He wanted to earn some extra money, but he was kicked out without making much money.

He just saw that these pearls were beautiful and wanted to take a few back. Who knew that the people in this factory were so stingy.

Working in a factory, who wouldn't secretly take some back to subsidize the family.

"It's not in the cannery. I don't want to take this kind of broken stone."

"Be careful, you can't steal the pearls, the factory manager, you must send a few people to guard the pearls when you open them, and count them carefully."

Qin Rou nodded, she was very satisfied that Ah Shi's management of the factory was very strict.

Thousands of pearls are opened, and then there is a very careful and complicated classification of pearl grades. They have to carefully identify large and small pearls, not only by size, but also by the quality of the pearls.

The quality of pearls is extremely important, size, shape, flaws, luster... These all affect the evaluation of the grade of pearls. For the time being, Qin Rou simply defines five grades of pearls. The first grade of pearls is the best quality of this batch. quality pearls.

There are not many high-quality flawless pearls, but each one is exquisite. Looking at the box of high-quality pearls in front of her, Qin Rou's eyes shone brightly.

Her fingers are white and beautiful, and gorgeous pearls are spread out in her palm. Qin Rou's movements are extremely careful, for fear of damaging these beautiful little things.

"It's so beautiful!" Qin Rou said with emotion from the bottom of her heart.

These pearls are round and flawless, almost invisible to the naked eye, and they are perfect and amazing. A pearl necklace made of such pearls will also be a high-quality pearl necklace.

Pearls of the first, second, and third grades are all pearls that can be used to make jewelry, and the remaining pearls of the fourth and fifth grades can only be used for grinding pearl powder.

"So many pearls!" Meng Lan found herself surrounded by so many pearls, it was like a dream.

These gorgeous jewels from the sea surrounded her like this, which made her a little at a loss. She had grown fields and fed pigs since she was a child, but... she didn't know how to get along with these beautiful beads.

"Sister Qin Rou, with so many pearls, will anyone come to buy them?" This is a question that has always been buried in Menglan's heart.

These pearls are beautiful, but is anyone really willing to spend money on these things

I have never heard of how to sell pearls in the past. They can't even eat, so what's the use of pearls

If pearls are to be sold, how should the pearls be sold, and to whom should they be sold

If they cannot be sold, these beautiful pearls can only be piled up in a simple warehouse.

"Don't worry, it will definitely be sold!!"

Qin Rou is confident that these pearls are not difficult to sell, but in fact they are. What is the difference now, a company in the future needs tons of pearls, and these pearls are easy to sell.

What's more, the seawater was not polluted at this time, clean and pleasant, the marine life was diverse and vigorous, and the nutrients brought by the tide were rich. In addition, their family cultivated pearls near the harbor, so the pearls raised in such seawater were of high quality.

The news that Qiongzhou Island has cultivated the Pearl King has spread everywhere, and many people have visited the island to see this rare super giant pearl.

Gao Le is a Chinese from Southeast Asia, and he often travels to and from Europe and the United States to do business. Now that China's policy is open, there are many preferential policies. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is an opportunity to make a lot of money. He is also taking advantage of the opportunity to invest in the coastal areas. factory.

His clothing factory has been established. Gao Le heard that giant pearls were cultivated on Qiongzhou Island, so he came to watch the fun. Gao Le was originally a pearl lover and knew all kinds of pearls, so he came to see this place. What about the pearls cultivated on the island

Gawler first went to the experiment station to see the sensational pearl king. This pearl is beautiful and rare, and it has great significance. It is estimated that it will be kept in the museum as a collection in the future.

"There is also a pearl breeding factory here?" Knowing from the researchers that there is also a pearl breeding factory on this island, Gaule wanted to go to the pearl breeding factory to see the quality of the pearls produced here.

Gao Le came to the Xunrou Pearl Farm, his brows slightly frowned.

I have to say that the breeding factory in front of me is really too simple. Although it is not dilapidated, these simple houses... don't really look like a serious breeding factory.

"I want to see the pearls in your factory."

It happened that Qin Rou was in the factory, and she received this foreign businessman, Gao Le. Qin Rou saw his attire, knew how many continents he had been to, and was doing foreign trade business, so she immediately moved her mind.

Qin Rou took out a string of pearl necklaces, this string of necklaces is different, it is the highest quality pearls in this batch of output, each one is round and beautiful, even you can't find any flaws in it.

This can be said to be their "treasure of the town factory".

In addition to this string of pearl necklaces, Qin Rou also took out more than a dozen beautiful natural seawater pearls. These are all natural pearls. Just because of their meaning, people are amazed and like them.

"This... this is the pearl you cultivated!!" Gaule was a knowledgeable man, he was completely overwhelmed when he saw this string of pearls, this... this... this was something he saw in a simple factory building.

Shouldn't such a precious necklace appear in the noble gatherings of the gorgeous castle

Now it was lying on his hand so quietly.

God! ! ! !

"Have you sold your pearl necklace? I want it!! I want it!! Do you have any other pearls here? Show me all of them!!"

Gao Le couldn't restrain his excited expression at all, such a high-quality pearl, this is going to be taken... He's going to send it! ! !

The string of pearl necklaces was taken away by Gawler at a price of 5,000 U.S. dollars. At this time, the ratio of U.S. dollars to domestic currency was 1:1.49, which means that one U.S. dollar can be exchanged for about 1.49 yuan in domestic currency.

Compared with other luxury goods, this is not a particularly high price. Nowadays, a domestic motorcycle costs about 8,000 to 10,000 yuan, and an ordinary car costs tens of thousands. As for international luxury cars, it is even more expensive. Hundreds of thousands.

The super giant pearl cultivated by the experimental station is even more precious. Such a super giant pearl can fetch a high price of 30,000 US dollars in the auction house.

With a wave of his hand, Gao Le packed and bought the first three grades of pearls that could be seen in the Xunrou Pearl Factory. They sold a total of 60,000 US dollars, which is about 80,000 to 90,000 in domestic currency. Than is a natural pearl.

"These are pearls cultivated by our Nandao Xunrou Pearl Factory, and more high-quality pearls will be produced next year."

Such a large international order stunned the local government! !

Can pearls be sold at such a high price? ! ! ! And they can grow pearls here? ! ! ! ! !

The entire Qiongzhou Island and even Guangdong Province became a sensation.

"Oh my god!!! The pearl necklaces from their pearl factory sold for thousands of dollars!!"

"Pearls are sold one by one!"

"Qiongzhou Island has bred pearl kings, and Linshui is a treasure land of geomantic omen, and the pearl necklaces raised can sell for thousands of dollars!!"

All kinds of explosive news came out one after another, constantly scouring people's cognition, and even the people in the experimental station were shocked. When they were doing research, they didn't know the value of pearls, but now...

Pearls are so valuable! ! !


Not only the outsiders were shocked, but even the people in Xunrou Breeding Factory were stunned. Hearing that astronomical figure, Meng Lan felt as if she had never learned mathematics, and she couldn't explain it clearly.

These pearls are like the stars in the sky! ! !

"It's a dividend!!!"

After earning money, Qin Rou was very happy, and gave thousands of high dividends to the backbone of their breeding factory. Menglan was very excited holding the money. With so much money, she could buy beautiful clothes and shoes for her daughter, and then save , Their family can build a house! !

Ah Shi collected the dividends. Although he was silent and didn't say anything, his eyes were extremely shining.

Their pearl farms are making money! ! !

For the people in Xunrou Pearl Farm, their happiness comes not only from making money, but also from various newspaper reporters vying to interview them first. Qin Rou didn't show up and asked Menglan to speak to the reporters as a representative.

It was the first time for Menglan, a country girl from the past, to face so many reporters. Although she was very apprehensive, she knew everything about pearl cultivation in her field of expertise.

She took a lot of photos with the reporter, and soon after, this report appeared in the newspaper.

"Thousands of dollars for a string of pearls!"

What happened at their pearl farm was widely circulated.

"Crazy, everyone is crazy now!!"

First of all, the villagers in Linshuixin Village are all excited. Raising pearls is so profitable, they also want to raise pearls! !

They surrounded the experiment station, "We also want to learn how to grow pearls!!"

"Don't be impatient, everyone, first learn in the pearl breeding factory. The government will soon open a state-owned pearl breeding factory..."

"I should have stolen a few if I knew it earlier!" Uncle Asun, who was kicked out, was even more annoyed now.

Unexpectedly, the price of broken stones like pearls was so high, he should have tried his best to steal a few.

If he can steal a few, he will send it! !

Uncle A'sun's eyes were bloodshot, he missed so much money in front of him.

Those pearls can be turned into dollars! U.S. dollars!

Uncle Sun, like everyone else, thought that a pearl could be sold at a high price, but in reality, only high-quality and good-looking pearls can be sold at a high price.

After the first batch of pearls were harvested, Qin Rou’s pearl breeding factory decided to expand reproduction and increase the scope of pearl cultivation. At the same time, more and more ships traveled between Guangdong Province and Qiongzhou Island. Many people who saw the report went to Qiongzhou Island Linshui, they also want to engage in pearl farming! !

Not only the state-owned pearl breeding factory has been opened, but various joint venture individual pearl factories are also blooming around. The state-owned pearl factory is called Hairou State-owned Pearl Farm. Rou and several other pearl breeding factories surrounded Qin Rou's "Xunrou" pearl breeding factory.

During the previous interviews with various reporters, Qin Rou asked Menglan and the reporters to focus on increasing the public's attention to the "Xunrou Pearl", and took the lead in trying to make their brand effective, so that everyone around them knew that there was such a "Xunrou Pearl". soft pearl".

As a result, the effect of Xunrou pearls in the South Island was achieved. The Xunrou Pearl Factory, which "sells pearl necklaces for thousands of dollars", is extremely eye-catching, but this also means that various follow-ups are coming.

Isn't your name Xunrou? Then my name is Rejoice, Extremely Rou, Meirou...

Qin Rou: "..."

Comrade Xiaoqin looked at those "factory brands" in a daze. Before the pearl breeding factory opened, they were already preempting the name in advance. Let's take the name first. The factory building is not built, so the brand is hung up and made public. Let the people around you know, don't run into names in the future.

Qin Rou knew that after her pearl factory became famous, other people would definitely follow her to open a pearl breeding factory, but she didn't expect that the name she chose at will could cause such a butterfly effect.

Qin Rou clutched her forehead, oh my god, in the future, all kinds of pearl breeding factories will bloom everywhere in Linshui, and all kinds of "softness" will bloom everywhere in the same way.

She regretted it, she shouldn't have chosen "Xun Rou" who was similar to her own name.

Sure enough, the most indiscriminate thing in this world is the name.

"Sister Qin Rou, it seems that they are going to open the Xiarou Pearl Factory again?" People like Menglan also noticed the lively atmosphere of the factory opening, and the people in their factory also went to investigate the situation.

"What? Xiarou?" Qin Rou was really speechless. You said that it's fine to love Rou Rejoice and Hairou, but now you have pulled out a Xiarou pearl factory.

"Shrimp from prawns, shrimp from sea shrimp, Xiarou Pearl Factory! It seems that it was invested and opened by a Hong Kong boss. He loves to eat shrimp, so he called it Xiarou."

Qin Rou: "..."

Qin Rou thought that choosing her name was casual enough, but she didn't expect that there would be someone more casual than herself.

This soft pearl doesn't sound like a beautiful pearl, and it has nothing to do with women's jewelry, but it looks like a snack like shrimp crackers.

God fucking shrimp soft pearls.

Qin Rou was speechless.

Menglan saved her dividends. Although she got so much dividends, she was very worried at this moment: "Sister Qin Rou, you said that there are so many pearl breeding factories around, will it affect our factory?"

"What are you afraid of? Our factory will be opened first, and we will be one step ahead of the people around us. Now our factory is also stepping up its efforts to recruit more people. We must recruit people with good character and strengthen the management of the breeding factory." Qin Rou had already expected such a scene. However, as long as pearls are known to people, there will naturally be an endless stream of people raising pearls, and more and more people will open pearl breeding factories here in the future.

At present, they need to take up the word "first". Pearl cultivation is calculated on a yearly basis, and it cannot be cultivated in a day or two.

After more people enter the market to raise pearls, they will enter a mixed market. If they want to stand out at that time, they need to work harder to build the reputation of their Xunrou Pearl Farm.

"Our Xunrou Pearl Farm must pay attention to the quality of pearls!"

Qin Rou's goal is to make money in the mixed market in the future, and to keep it in the countless years to come, so as to start her brand of looking for soft pearls. When they look for soft pearl factories, they must produce high-quality pearls!

If you want to build a pearl brand, you must ensure the quality of the product and fight the battle of quality defense. This is one of the difficulties in the development of their breeding factory in the future.

When more and more pearl farmers appear in the future, the reputation of South Island pearls will spread, and more people will come to fish in troubled waters with "fake" South Island pearls, and because of the pearl breeding factories, the originally clear and clean seawater will also Affected, as well as those caught deep-sea pearl oysters...

In today's era when the market is not standardized, many industries will adopt this method of fishing for thirst. After ushering in a huge period of prosperity and wealth, they will eventually end in dismal.

But no one can stop it, because you can't stop people from making quick money. In the past, everyone was afraid of poverty. Now that they finally have a way to make money, the most important thing right now is to make money.

Now the government also encourages everyone to make more money. If more cultured pearls are exported, more foreign exchange can be earned.

"Well, our Xunrou Pearl Farm will definitely get better and better!!!"

Looking at the prosperous scene, Menglan smiled joyfully. She is no longer the country girl she used to be. She has dealt with foreigners, she has started to learn English, and she has received US dollars. She's been in the papers! !

They said she was even better than those college students! !

"Menglan, congratulations to your factory." Cui Mingzhan, a researcher at the experimental station, came to the breeding factory, and seeing the young island woman in front of him, he couldn't help sending his blessings.

During this year, because he often came to the factory to do pearl cultivation exchanges, Cui Mingzhan had a lot of contacts and exchanges with Menglan. He felt that the girls on this island were shy and enthusiastic, and they were very tenacious, and they worked tirelessly to take root in pearl cultivation. Above, let him admire very much.

"Thank you, this is the pearl I raised, I will give you one."

"Thank you for teaching me how to study textbooks before!" Menglan gave Cui Mingzhan a beautiful seawater pearl, and without saying much to him, she turned her head and went back to work in the factory.

"Our factory sold pearls, and my mother and daughter were both happy."

In fact, Menglan faintly felt some ambiguous feelings between herself and Cui Mingzhan, but she knew that the relationship between them was impossible. She was a woman who had been abandoned by men, and she had a daughter with her. She was a well-educated and knowledgeable person. How could the family accept a woman like her

So Menglan has now distanced herself from Cui Mingzhan.

She doesn't want to think about other things now, and she doesn't want to find a man anymore. She just wants to work with Sister Qin Rou to set up the pearl breeding factory, take good care of her parents and her daughter, and in the future, she will take care of herself Send my daughter to college!

Cui Mingzhan clenched the pearl in his hand tightly. When he looked at Menglan's leaving back, his eyes looked a little more disappointed. He already felt Menglan's avoidance.

And he himself didn't know what he was thinking.

Cui Mingzhan's ears were extremely uncomfortable hearing the daughter Meng Lan had emphasized just now, as if Meng Lan was deliberately pulling her away from her.

"I would like to admit defeat, Cui Mingzhan, I treat you to dinner."

Lin Guisheng still remembers his bet with Cui Mingzhan. Lin Guisheng is also a staff member of the experimental station. Before Qin Rou wanted to open a pearl breeding factory, Lin Guisheng made a bet with Cui Mingzhan that Qin Rou's pearl breeding factory would not start. The famous pearl breeding factory actually grows high-quality pearls and sells them at an astonishing price.

He had to admire the woman named Qin Rou.

This woman is so powerful, she has her own opinions on pearl cultivation, and the pearls grown according to her experimental method are of good quality and beautiful.

"Let's go, go to the state-run restaurant to have a meal!"

Although depressed, Cui Mingzhan still smiled and went to have a meal with Lin Guisheng.

After eating, Lin Guisheng said to him: "Cui Mingzhan, I plan to quit my job at the experimental station, do you want to do it with me?"

Cui Mingzhan asked in surprise, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Guisheng had already made up his mind. He contacted his family members and former brothers in China. He planned to raise money to open a pearl breeding factory in Linshui.

In the past, Lin Guisheng always disliked the job on this island and planned to go to Guangcheng for a break, but now he found a business opportunity to make money on Qiongzhou Island, so he must grasp this opportunity.

"I want to open a pearl breeding factory. Cui Mingzhan, you can do it with me. We are all technicians and understand this technology. I believe that the pearl breeding factory we jointly opened will definitely make a lot of money in the future!"

This is why Lin Guisheng is willing to invite Cui Mingzhan to dinner. He wants to recruit Cui Mingzhan to do pearl farming with him, "Come with me to Guirou Pearl Farm!"

"Guirou pearls?!" Cui Mingzhan really didn't expect that Lin Guisheng had the idea of starting a new business. He wanted to leave his public job and start a pearl breeding factory.

"We are national scientific research personnel."

"What's the matter? Can you make a lot of money? Just get that salary? Why don't we open our own factories and make a lot of money? You don't want to buy color TVs and refrigerators to live a good life? Times have changed!!" Lin Guisheng tried his best to convince Cui Mingzhan and Qin Rou The two of them knew better about the cultivation mode of the pearl breeding factory, or rather—Cui Mingzhan knew better about the pearl cultivation mode of the Xunrou Pearl Factory.

Lin Guisheng didn't care about the pearl breeding factory at all before, but Cui Mingzhan got closer to the island girl named Menglan, and he knew better about the cultivation mode of the Xunrou pearl breeding factory.

As long as Cui Mingzhan is brought in, Lin Guisheng believes that his Guirou pearl breeding factory will make a lot of money in the future. He plans to put his own net worth into it, and he also needs to get a loan from the bank. The bank is now begging for a loan.

"Cui Mingzhan, let's make a lot of money together!"

Cui Mingzhan shook his head: "No, Lin Guisheng, I have to think again..."

Cui Mingzhan's mind is extremely confused now, starting a pearl breeding factory? This is something he never thought about before, besides, even if he wants to set up a pearl breeding factory, he still wants to...

Cui Mingzhan rejected Lin Guisheng's invitation.

"Cui Mingzhan, think again."

Faced with Cui Mingzhan's stubbornness, Lin Guisheng could only shake his head. Even if Cui Mingzhan was unwilling to join his pearl breeding factory, Lin Guisheng still had a way to grow pearls.

He is a technician and knows more about pearl cultivation than those amateurs. Lin Guisheng believes that the pearls he cultivated will be very popular and sold at an enviable high price! !

Aunt Fu's family is full of joy recently. The pearl factory where her daughter works has succeeded in raising pearls, and her daughter Menglan has even been featured in the newspaper! What a face! Smoke is rising from their old Fu family's ancestral grave! !

"Our family, Menglan, is promising! She raises pearls with others! The pearls she grows can be sold for US dollars!"

"I envy your family Menglan, can our family raise pearls together?!"

"Ask someone from the Chen family. The Chen family is Qin Rou's sister."

"Menglan also understands pearl cultivation techniques, do you know? Do you think that pearls can be grown by urinating casually? You need to understand the technology, otherwise what if the shell dies and you don't spit out pearls for you?"

"It's been said on the radio, what kind of station's technology is it, do we have any culture, what technology can we understand?!"

When Menglan returned home, she was surrounded by many people. She smiled and dismissed these villagers one by one. Now she has become more and more confident. Her mother, Aunt Fu, said that she is also like a beautiful pearl.

An aunt of their family came to visit her home and talked a lot with Menglan.

"Menglan, your uncle also wants to open a pearl breeding factory with someone, come and do it with your uncle!"

"Doing with outsiders is better than doing with your own family. Your uncle will never treat you badly."

Meng Lan shook her head and refused: "No, Auntie, I want to do it with Sister Qin Rou, I won't do it with anyone else."

"You child, why are you disobedient? Sister, why don't you take care of your daughter?"

Aunt Fu said indifferently: "Menglan has done a good job in her factory. If you want to open a factory, open the factory. Don't drag her into it."

Aunt Fu sent this relative out together with Menglan. In the past few days, many people came to try to get her to set up a pearl factory, but Menglan didn't agree.

"Yes, I can't agree. We must repay our kindness and work hard with you, Sister Qin Rou!"