Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 131: There are three


"Xiao Qin, are you back?!"

They didn't come back very often in the past two or three years, and the soldiers standing guard outside the family's courtyard were like fresh leeks, and they were replaced with new ones, and the green onions always came to stand guard.

The family members in the family courtyard have also changed a group back and forth. There are many old people and many newcomers.

Qin Rou and his wife took their children back to the yard where they lived before. Lu Yan originally belonged to the Qiongzhou Island Base. When he was studying abroad, he still belonged to the unit on the island, so the family room on the island has been kept. .

After three years of not taking care of it, the yard of their house has become... a barren yard... This is not true, the flowers and plants that need to be carefully cared for have all died, and the wild passion fruit has dominated most of the places. , Qin Rou didn't care about them, they just grew wildly year after year.

The once small lawn in the yard is overgrown with weeds, and the original thatched shed has been in disrepair for a long time. It fell under the typhoon last year. Except for the passion fruit, the lychee trees, green kumquats and yellow peppers are still alive.

The small tomatoes that used to hang fruitful every year in the vegetable field have long since disappeared.

"It's like a tragic typhoon passing by. Comrade Lu, four little comrades Lu, our yard needs to be repaired and repaired."

Compared with the Zhang family next door, this contrast is too tragic. The yard of the Zhang family next door is very beautiful, with newly built thatched umbrellas. Head Zhang, oh no, Zhang Chengbei, who is now the head of a certain logistics department, likes to tidy up vegetable fields , The small sapphire-colored bitter gourds he planted hang beautifully under the pergola. These bitter gourds are very beautiful, really like jade.

There are scattered flowers in his yard, and there are some strange planed holes.

"Received the command from the chief!"

"Received the command from the chief!"

Several children responded together.

After pushing open the door of the house, Qin Rou found that it was still too early to clean up the yard, and they had to clean up the house first.

Clean up first.

There are six people in their family. Zhouzhou and Jiaozi are both nine years old. They are older brothers who can take care of themselves. They clean up the house very quickly. After finishing the basic sanitation work, they start to arrange all kinds of furniture.

All the photo frames that were placed at home before were put away by Qin Rou, and now they are hung on the wall again, not only the black and white photos in the past, but now there are many color photos added.

In the living room there was a TV set and a double-walled green refrigerator, and a washing machine was installed next to the bathroom. By the 1980s, the water pipes had been connected to the house, and many people in the family courtyard bought refrigerators at home.

Living on the island, the refrigerator is a very important home appliance. Not only the refrigerator but also the freezer are needed. After all, they have to freeze a lot of salted fish, no, frozen seafood, frozen seafood and fruits can be stored for a longer period of time.

The old freezer in their home has been scrapped, and a new freezer has been bought and placed in the corner of the living room.

"Mom, turn on the TV, Mom, turn on the TV!"

"Don't turn on the TV first, let's tidy up the house."

All the furniture and appliances in the house were arranged, the stove was turned on, and they took turns to take a bath. Comrade Lu Yan was the first to take a bath. The men's battle baths were always fast, and they went to work in the kitchen after washing.

On the first day back to the family home today, I wanted to order a meal in the cafeteria, but neither Lu Yan nor the children wanted to eat in the cafeteria, so they started a fire at home.

When they got off the boat, they bought a lot of seafood and came back. After Lu Yan washed it, he steamed it directly.

After taking a shower, Qin Rou wrapped her hair up and came to work in the kitchen. There was a small oven in their kitchen, and there was a lot of fresh pork. Qin Rou planned to make salted egg yolk baked barbecued pork, and picked up a ball of tenderloin Poke a big hole in the middle of the meat, stuff duck egg yolks into the meat, and seal the opening with a toothpick to prevent the egg yolks from falling out.

Put ginger, scallion, soy sauce and other sauces to marinate the pork. Qin Rou puts the pork in the refrigerator to freeze overnight, and it can be put in the oven tomorrow.

They have fresh steamed seafood tonight.

Qin Rou loves to eat crabs, and Lu Yan steamed a lot of blue crabs. Looking at these blue crabs, Qin Rou misses eating butter crabs in summer very much. Butter crabs are the best among crabs. A special cream crab whose body changes after being exposed to the sun. Its crab paste melts into a golden yellow oil, which flows all over its body.

Even if it’s just steamed butter crab, it’s delicious. Once the crab cover is opened, the thick crab oil is fragrant and full of golden crab paste. It’s not only a visual stimulus, but also a taste bud stimulus.

When I was in college in Guangcheng, I ate butter crab once, and I never forgot it.

A large pot of steamed blue crabs was put on the table, as well as steamed oysters, salt and pepper shrimp, oyster vermicelli, shrimp with smooth egg, steamed grouper, besides these seafood, Qin Rou also cooked a passion fruit pork ribs .

Although this passion fruit ribs sounds like a dark dish like lychee stuffed shrimp, it actually tastes good. The cooked ribs are put into the passion fruit with honey. The ribs are tender and covered with sour Sweet passion fruit is a bit like sweet and sour pork ribs, but it has a more strange sour aroma than sweet and sour pork ribs.

There are too many passion fruits at home, so naturally we have to eat more.

Qin Rou also made passion fruit juice as a drink for several children. Bisheng Doudou and Rongrong prefer to drink coconut juice. The two little guys hugged a green coconut and drank coconut juice happily.

Lu Yan helped Qin Rou peel the crabs, and his crab peeling skills were getting better and better. Qin Rou was very satisfied. She ate a few bites by herself, and shared a part with the sweet bean paste sisters, and the two brothers Zhou Zhou Dumplings, they ate green Crabs and Pipi shrimp are much more refreshing. Peel the crabs by hand? Impossible, just chew it with your mouth!

"Mom, I want it too." Doudou hugged a big blue crab and gnawed it directly.

"Are you so young and ambitious?" Eldest brother Lu Weizhou broke open an oyster, picked out the oyster meat and put it into his sister's small bowl.

"Rong Rong wants too!"

"Eat Huang Huang!"

Lu Weize threw a steamed blue crab in front of Lu Weizhou: "Brother, peel it off for me."

"Don't you have any hands yourself? You need your brother to come."

"Brother, I'm doing this for your own good. Look, help me peel the crabs. Practice your crab peeling skills so that you can peel crabs for your future daughter-in-law in the future."

"Let Dad teach by example."

Qin Rou said with a smile: "Little Jiaozi, you are such a big kid."

Lu Yan: "There are two sons in the family, and the two brothers are very different."

Lu Weizhou said: "He is a slob who has become a genius."

"You should learn more about dumplings yourself."

"Peel the crab for your sister first."

Rongrong: "Don't peel it off, brother, it's so ugly."

"Father looks good."

"Some eat and still hate it? Two bad sisters."

After a simple dinner, the family rested early. The next day, Qin Rou woke up and baked the roasted pork with salted egg yolk, cut into beautiful slices, and the fresh and tender barbecued pork was wrapped in the egg yolk in the center. Like a little sun, Qin Rou divided it into several shares and sent some to her former friends and neighbors.

"Xiao Qin, your family's old Lu has returned from advanced studies."

"Now he is Chief of Staff Lu!"

Li Qinghua brought her daughter Tiaotiao to her home and gave her a big jackfruit. Tiaotiao is now seven or eight years old, wearing shorts and shorts, her hair is cut very short, her skin is tanned, and her black eyes are very shining Bright, like a playful tomboy.

"Auntie Qin!!"


"I'll bring you a thorn fruit."

Tiaotiao saw the Sweet Dourong sisters from the Lu family, and immediately showed off: "I'll show you somersaults!"

She turned several somersaults in the yard, and finally stood firmly, "drinking and drinking" and posed a few awesome poses. Li Qinghua sighed and stood aside.

She didn't even think about why her daughter became like this.

"Wow!! Handsome brother!"

Sisters Doudou and Rongrong were very supportive and applauded happily.

"Excellent, anyone who bullies you in the future will report your sister Tiaotiao's name!"

Liu Yaoyao, whose nickname is Tiaotiao, has been alive and kicking since she was a child.

Li Qinghua had no choice but to say to Qin Rou: "Yesterday, I was standing on my head with someone else."

"This kid in our family is tough, and he can be thrown."

"The skin is good, not squeamish."

Li Qinghua pursed her lips: "Lao Liu and I are afraid that she won't be able to marry in the future."

"Women's college has eighteen changes, how big is Tiaotiao, you just think about the future."

Teacher Huang from next door came over, "Xiao Qin, you will stay on the island after graduation next year, or do you want to go back to Guangcheng?"

"on the island."

"That's good, in case the yard next door to us has been deserted, I really can't get used to it."

Huang Xinying came, and so did her three sons. Zhang Yichao, the eldest of her family, was about sixteen years old, half a head taller than Huang Xinying, and wore glasses.

Zhang Erheng, also known as Zhang Dundun's kid, is eight years old now. He doesn't quite match his own name. He is black and thin, like a monkey child. He is a good buddy who can wear a pair of pants with Tiaotiao. Afterwards, the two buddies of the same age immediately hooked their shoulders together.

There is also a four-year-old son who is standing by his mother's lap. This little guy is called "Zhang Sanyou".

So the three brothers of their Zhang family are Zhang Yichao, Zhang Erheng, and Zhang Sanyou.

Three have means to have all.

The short and stubby Sanyou is a quiet and shy little guy who hides by his mother's lap.

Qin Rou was amazed when she saw the three brothers, "Is your family Yichao going to college soon?"

In the past three years, Zhang Yichao has grown rapidly. He was not that tall before, but now he is really a young man.

"Yeah, I'm going to go to university next year." Huang Xinying looked at her third son, who was arranged from high to low, and tried not to look away from her eyes, not to look at the sweet bean Rong sisters who were wearing light yellow skirts beside Qin Rou's legs .

These two little Dou Rong were different from Tiao Tiao, wearing beautiful skirts, with white and tender arms exposed, beautiful braids on their heads, and swaying butterfly hairpins.

When speaking, the voice was sweet: "Aunt Huang."

— is her dream little girl.

"This is Sanyou's brother next to him."

"Zhang Sanyou." When Zhang Sanyou was given a name, Zhang Chengbei and his wife had a headache. After all, they have a super-two balance. If the third child's name does not contain more than three, outsiders will not sound like their family. The one who was born in the Zhang family had to be named Zhang Sanx, so people thought, oh, it is a child of your Zhang family, and the names of the three brothers of the same family match very well.

Zhang Sanqiang, Zhang Sanhao, Zhang Sanjia... They have thought about these names, and finally they think that Zhang Sanyou is the most satisfactory.

I have everything I can have, and I have everything I can't have, but Zhang San has it.

"Hey brother!"

"Another brother!"