Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 135: reserved


After so many years, Qin Rou also heard callus in her ears about Comrade Gu Cheng's question of choosing a spouse. Comrade Gu Cheng himself is unwilling to find a spouse. The emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuchs around him are useless.

Old man Gu can't even push him, and he is currently lying flat, so what use are they outsiders

So Qin Rou followed Xie Rongyi's words and joked: "My classmates? Of course there are."

"Next month, our school teacher will bring a few classmates to visit our factory. Let Lao Gu go and meet with him. Maybe someone will find something right."

That's what Qin Rou said casually, because she knew that Gu Cheng wouldn't go to meet people to talk about a partner. Comrade Gu has always been indifferent to things like finding a partner.

After so many years, he is already a single person who has succeeded in not finding a partner, let alone a sister-in-law like Qin Rou, those matchmakers and sister-in-laws in the family courtyard who are very skillful in introducing partners to urge marriage, can't handle this. Hard nuts to crack.

Qin Rou doesn't think she can successfully make a match, although the old man of the Gu family promised that as long as Gu Cheng can find a partner, he will be very grateful to the couple.

But it's useless, a bad guy can't be saved.

Although she didn't intend to really introduce someone to others, what she said was true. In the last academic year of the university, many people were planning to go to various units for internships. The teachers at the school also knew about Qin Rou's pearl. The farm, let her manage the pearl farm, and her graduation thesis is also about her pearl factory.

Because her pearl breeding factory model is very successful, it was also featured in the news last year, so the school teacher also said to take the students to visit. Many people have never been to Qiongzhou Island, and they also want to pay their respects. The tropical South Island style here, Qin Rou accepted the school's love and planned to entertain them well.

"Really? Do you have teachers and classmates coming to visit? Are there many female classmates?"

"There are a few who are not married."

Xie Rongqian made a final decision: "Gu Cheng, you have to go and see him. It is urgent to organize and solve the personal marriage problems of comrades!"

"Xiao Qin, when is it? At that time, I will apply for two days' leave separately for Gu Cheng, so that he has to meet him. This is a college student from a prestigious university!"

"If you don't go to see me again, that old man Gu in your family wants to call me again. Hey... why didn't your old man call Lu Yan, but he wanted to call me?"

Lu Yan: "It's probably because I'm afraid it might backfire."

"Lu Yan, you should restrain your temper, take good care of our little comrade Gu, and help him solve his personal marriage problems. This is not a trivial matter."

"Gu Cheng, what do you mean?"

Holding the card, Gu Cheng raised his eyebrows: "Then go and see."

Anyway, this holiday is not for nothing, not for a fool, stealing half a day of leisure, not looking for a partner, but also going to see other people's pearl breeding factories.

Now that things are going on, Gu Cheng is also an old blind dater. If he should take advantage of it, he will not take it for nothing. If he takes advantage of it, I will not find a partner!

"Then let's do this!"

Xie Rongqi hopes that this guy can solve his personal marriage and family problems as soon as possible.

Teacher Lin, the leader of Lingnan University, came with seven or eight students, including Chu Ge. She specially signed up to visit Qin Rou. They are sisters in a dormitory.

Qin Rou went to the port to pick up a group of them, and took a car to Linshuixin Village, which is where her Xunrou Pearl Farm is located.

Teacher Lin said to Qin Rou: "You student is really capable!"

"Yeah, the pearl breeding factory run by Qin Rou was in the newspaper last year! A string of pearl necklaces can sell for thousands of dollars!"

"It's unbelievable. I didn't expect that such a beautiful thing as pearls can be cultivated artificially."

"What is the difference between cultivated pearls and pure natural pearls?"

"When the time comes, you will know when you go to see it."

When Qin Rou came to pick them up, she asked her elder sister Qin Mian to bring the Doudourong sisters there. After all, the pair of Sweet Dourong also wanted to visit their mother's pearl breeding factory, and they also wanted to see Aunt Chuge.

"I brought a gift for Doudou Rongrong!"

Chu Ge specially brought special gifts from her hometown to the cute little sisters.

Qin Rou smiled and said: "They must be very happy to see them. I will thank Aunt Chu on behalf of the two little ones in advance."

"Thank you, it's just a small gift, as long as the children are happy."

Teacher Lin said from the side: "It's not easy for Chu Ge to bring this gift from thousands of mountains and rivers!!"

"It's really not easy! Haha..."

At this time, Qin Rou's sister, Qin Mian, took the sweet bean paste sisters and Gu Cheng, a fisherman who stole a car and spent half a day free, to the pearl breeding factory in Linshuixin Village.

"Uncle Gu, Uncle Gu, do you want to see Zhuzhu too?"

Gu Cheng happily teased the two little girls of the Lu family: "Yes, Uncle Gu will go to see Zhuzhu with you."

Comrade Gu thinks that the Lu family is just as likable as the lovely young daughters of the Lu family.

Stealing Fusheng for half a day's leisure, and being able to tease two cute little girls, such a big deal, it's better not to get married and not to talk about someone.

This time, he didn't come here to look for someone grandiosely, he just went for a stroll and walked back, relaxed and leisurely.

Qin Rou and her team have already arrived at Xin Village. Qin Rou took them to visit her Xunrou Pearl Factory. When they walked to the bay, they had already seen large and small pearl breeding factories.

Over the past year, pearl breeding factories in Linshui have blossomed everywhere. Among them, the most magnificent factory buildings are the local state-owned pearl breeding factory and another Hong Kong-funded Xiarou pearl breeding factory.

Teacher Lin: "... Xiarou Pearl Farm?"

"Sounds quaint."

"It's all kinds of softness. The name of this island is very interesting."

Qin Rou: "I shouldn't have been named Xunrou in the first place."

Chu Ge laughed loudly: "Just because your name is Xun Rou, they want Rejoice, Beauty Rou, Shrimp Rou... Now that you are Xun Rou, which Rou are you looking for?"

Someone next to him joked: "The one I'm looking for is naturally Qin Rou."

Qin Rou led them to briefly watch the pearl cultivation process. After Qin Mian came, she introduced the pearl wedding photos. These students were all amazed when they saw the beach wedding photos.

"It's so beautiful to take pictures by the beach!"

"Wedding photos!"

"This is also wearing a pearl necklace, wow!! This veil is full of pearls, so beautiful!"

Qin Mian told them generously: "If you want to get married in the future, you can also come to our island to take wedding photos. We provide wedding jewelry and makeup..."

"Really! How much!"

"In the future, I will take a wedding photo with my partner."

Qin Mian took the initiative to promote the pearl wedding photos with others. Qin Rou picked up the sweet bean Rong sisters here, and there was an uncle Gu Cheng who was watching the fun, "Mom, mom!!!"

"Let's watch Zhuzhu with Uncle Gu!!"

"Uncle, can I give you a hug?"


While Old Comrade Lu was not here, Gu Cheng hugged his two lovely little daughters one by one. He had wanted to try this feeling for a long time. He used to see Lu Yan hugging his daughter like this every day in the military academy.

Lu Yan, a cheapskate, doesn't allow others to hug his daughter.

Now it finally fell into his Uncle Gu's hands.

"Your Auntie Chuge brought you a gift."

"Wow!!!" The sweet bean rong sisters broke away from Uncle Gu's arms and fell to the ground to watch the gift brought by Aunt Chuge.

What Chu Ge brought to the two of them was nothing else, but two... Now it has become three little pigeons.

Little pigeons brought from the capital.

Chu Ge said in embarrassment: "Originally I brought two pigeons, but a lost pigeon came halfway. I don't know whose pigeon it is. It should be raised by someone else. It ran away with these two pigeons."

Qin Rou: "... just ran away with others so casually?"

No wonder it is said to release pigeons and release pigeons, and the released pigeons ran away with others.

"It can't be said to be casual. In the past, some people often domesticated a group of pigeons on purpose and released them to lure other good pigeons back."

"But my two pigeons... don't know how it followed."

Qin Rou speculated: "You brought two pigeons, one male and one female, and halfway a male pigeon fell in love with a female pigeon?"

This relationship is actually easy to speculate.

Chu Ge was even more embarrassed now: "Oh, I really wanted to take a male and a female pair of pigeons. Who knew, a male pigeon naughty squeezed over, and I found out that I was bringing a pair of male pigeons when I went out."

"Then this is a hen pigeon that fell in love with a male pigeon halfway?"

Chu Ge: "NONONO, these three are male pigeons."

Qin Rou: "..."

"If you want to breed, remember to find a hen to separate them. Male pigeons and male pigeons will also step on their backs!" Chu Ge didn't think why he brought the wrong bird, so he brought these three stupid pigeons.

Birds step on their backs for mating. Birds sometimes step on each other's backs, sometimes between males and males, and between females and females. Male pigeons step on each other's backs and build nests together. Lay eggs, but the two stupid birds don't know that they can't lay eggs; the hens step on each other's backs, and the sisters will lay white eggs together, that is, white eggs that cannot be hatched without fertilization.

Qin Rou: "..."

Doudou and Rong Rong didn't know this, they happily teased and fed the three cute little pigeons.


"It's Pigeon!!!"

Gu Cheng stood beside the Tiandourong sisters, but he didn't look at the three pigeons, nor did he look at the Tiandourong sisters, but couldn't help but look at Chu Ge standing beside Qin Rou.

Chu Ge had untied her braids long ago when Qin Rou first met her, and she didn't have curly hair at the moment, but had the fashionable mid-section shawl hair, wearing a white shirt and a lotus leaf skirt , looking pure, energetic and beautiful.

When she spoke, she was sonorous and forceful, with a touch of liveliness and playfulness in her tone, so Gu Cheng couldn't help but prick up his ears to listen to her.

Although Gu Cheng's face was calm and motionless, he was very reserved waiting for Xiao Qin's sister-in-law to make an introduction.

After all, he has seen many blind dates like this. Every time he goes on a blind date, he pretends to be an uncle, waiting for his enthusiastic sister-in-law to make various arrangements and introductions.

Gu Cheng is used to it, and this time he waited the same way.

It's just that Gu Cheng waited for a while, and Qin Rou gave them a brief introduction, and then went to chat with Chu Ge with her little sweet bean paste daughter.

After all these years, Comrade Xiao Qin also knows that Comrade Gu Cheng is a senior blind date showman, just going through the motions, and she doesn't force others to make things difficult.

Gu Cheng: "..."