Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 143: headmaster


Qin Rou really didn't expect Sun Jin and the others to discuss the establishment of a chamber of commerce, and planned to elect her as the president of the chamber of commerce.

Even if you really want to form a chamber of commerce, it will have to wait until after the Chinese New Year in the first lunar month.

"Director Qin, don't refuse, the president of the chamber of commerce, who else is better than you!"

"Our chamber of commerce is different from other chambers of commerce. We are the South Island Pearl Chamber of Commerce. We have to choose someone who is capable and good-looking to represent our Pearl Chamber of Commerce."

"No one else can do it except you!"

Sun Jin talked to Qin Rou for a while, and several other persons in charge came, including Zhang Xiesheng, the owner of Xiarou Pearl Farm. Simple and honest, he always speaks with a three-point smile, and his tone is very kind. On the surface, he looks like a simple and honest person, but in fact... it is definitely not easy to do business.

People in his factory say that he has a good temper, never puts on airs, and jokes with others. His name is Zhang Xiesheng, but he has opened a shrimp and soft pearl breeding factory. Every time people see this name, they have to ask He: "Why don't you call it Xirou Pearl Factory, but Shrimp Rou Pearl Factory?"

Zhang Xiesheng could only grin and say, "Because I like to eat shrimp, and I don't like to eat crabs, which have a lot of shells."

Some people in their factory called him Boss Zhang, and some called him Boss Crab, but he didn't care, and he happily agreed to call him Boss Crab.

"Crab, walk sideways, who wouldn't want to?"

As soon as Zhang Xiesheng saw Qin Rou, he smiled: "Boss Qin, you have made me admire you for a long time, and women don't let their eyebrows..."

Qin Rou chatted with him a few words, this Zhang Xiesheng is very good at talking, just like those bosses who are good at doing business, he talks kindly to everyone, if you want to make a big business, you need to be kind and make money.

"Boss Zhang, I think you are also suitable to be the president of this chamber of commerce." After the Xiarou Pearl Farm bought the Guirou Pearl Farm, the scale of their farm was larger than that of the Xunrou Pearl Breeding Factory.

"No, no, no, I'm not smart enough to be the president of this chamber of commerce. I still need Boss Qin, a fool like me, just drink a sip of soup behind the smart people."

Qin Rou smiled, but she couldn't believe that this man was such a fool.

It's not interesting to fight against this kind of person, but at least it's okay to know that people make money with kindness.

It's just... He, a crab owner who runs a shrimp and pearl breeding factory, said that he wanted to drink soup, which really stumped Qin Rou.

Qin Rou joked with him: "Boss Zhang, you like to eat shrimp, why don't you open a shrimp chip factory?"

What is it called the Shrimp Rou Pearl Factory? It sounds like pearls are not beautiful anymore, so why not make a Shrimp Rou Shrimp Cracker Factory... This doesn't sound very tasty either.

"Hey! Boss Xiaoqin, you are indeed capable and thoughtful. Why didn't I think of it? Then I'll start a shrimp chip factory!"

"Sure enough, I have to follow behind you smart people to have a drink of soup. I can't figure it out myself."

Qin Rou: "..."

You can tell a joke!

Qin Rou thought that the Crab Boss was just joking with her, but she didn't know it at this time, and it was because of her two words that the famous "Shrimp Rou Shrimp Chips" came into being.

Lu Yan drove the family back to the family courtyard. In the evening, the sweet bean paste sisters picked carrots and cut a bunch of leeks, and the family simply made dumplings.

Now they can make dumplings very quickly at home, and the multiple rolling pins at home have their own uses. Brothers Lu Weizhou and Lu Weize can roll dough, and Qin Rou takes the sweet bean paste sisters to make dumplings.

The children in their family are all good at making dumplings.

The wrapped golden ingot dumplings were fat and bulging, and they were very attractive when placed on the curtain. Lu Yan took the two daughters to cook the dumplings, while Lu Weizhou and Lu Weize brothers whispered together. What a little secret between the two brothers.

The TV in the living room was turned on, and they returned to Qiongzhou Island. The TV here... I have to say that the TV here is not as rich as it was in Guangcheng. On the island, you can only rely on yourself.

The TV on Qiongzhou Island is usually the rebroadcast video of Guangdong Provincial TV Station. In August 1982, the local TV station was established. However, there are not many programs on the local TV station. It has just started at the moment, and everyone is still used to watching Guangdong Provincial TV Station. program.

Guangdong Provincial TV Station has introduced many foreign TV dramas, and the most popular TV dramas in the past two years are about playing volleyball.

There was also a volleyball trend in their family courtyard before, and volleyball games were organized. As for other factories, there were also large and small volleyball games. Qin Rou's Xunrou Pearl Factory also organized employee volleyball games.

"Mom!! Dumplings are cooked!!"

"Brother Dumplings, hurry up and serve the dumplings!"

Lu Weize snorted, "Brother Wei Ze."

Qin Rou said with a smile: "Brother Wei Ze, hurry up and serve the dumplings."

The father and son brought out a large pot of dumplings, and the six of them sat around in front of the TV to eat dumplings. They made several kinds of dumplings today, including those filled with carrots and shrimps, pork with leeks and shrimps.

All the dumplings were mixed together and boiled, Lu Weizhou and Lu Weize, the two children who used to yell about not eating carrots, can now eat carrots in peace.

Qin Rou likes to eat carrot and shrimp dumplings. The dumplings they make are thin and full of filling. When you bite open, the tender shrimp is mixed with the splashing soup, with a little sweetness of carrot, delicious and pleasant.

It is delicious with or without sauce.

"Mom, I will eat one more dumpling than my sister today!"

“I ate the most dumplings!”

"I eat the most dumplings."

"Only our dad is eating dumplings seriously."

Countless conversations were coming from the color TV not far away, and each character was reflected on the screen. The lights above the head were bright, and the faces of every family member could be clearly seen in the white smoke. Qin Rou showed a smile.

When the family sits together and eats dumplings, they are always very warm and happy.

Before going to bed at night, Qin Rou was holding a martial arts novel in her hand. Lu Yan walked into the room, turned off the headlights, and turned on the bedside lamp. When she sat on the bed, she hugged Qin Rou in her arms.

He stared at her silently.

Qin Rou put down the book in her hand, turned her head to look at him: "What's wrong? You keep looking at me like this."

Lu Yan kissed her on the forehead, "My daughter-in-law is really amazing, when I go out today, no one will praise my wife."

"I used to be an excellent announcer, now I am a powerful female entrepreneur, Comrade Xiao Qin, and in the future I will be President Qin of the South Island Pearl Chamber of Commerce."

"There is no sign of this chamber of commerce. You can tell me that President Qin is a joke." Qin Rou looked at him with a smile.

Lu Yan looked at her with a smile and said nothing.

"What's the matter? Looking at me like that? Do you think Shibie treats you differently for three days? Your daughter-in-law has quietly become so powerful?"

Lu Yan smiled and nodded.

"Is the Chief of Staff of our family inferior?"

"It's too late to be proud, it's nothing to be proud of."

Lu Yan seemed to have thought of something, and said with a smile: "Do you think I should go to the next door to have a laugh?"

"If Mr. Huang has any news, Lao Zhang will tell me about it."

"Then why didn't you tell him about your wife?"

"I can't bear to tell others about my good daughter-in-law."

Lu Yan pressed her under him, sniffing the gentle and warm fragrance of her body, feeling at peace in his heart, he gently bit her earlobe, and the hot air blew into Qin Rou's ears, "I'm very happy I'm stingy, such a good piece of fox meat, I'm afraid people will miss my little fox."

Seeing such a group of people surrounding his wife today, Chief of Staff Lu was really jealous.

"It's so sour. Did you pack the vinegar from the dumplings and bring it back to your room? I accidentally took a sip." Qin Rou hugged his neck, "I'm afraid that someone will miss you, today Wearing such a coquettish bag."

Lu Yan: "...you didn't ask me to wear it."

"It's okay if you regret it, I'll let you wear a sack next time."

Lu Yan couldn't help but lowered her head and kissed her lips delicately. Qin Rou hugged his neck and kissed him back. After so many years of kissing, she still didn't feel tired.

Occasional jealousy is probably a small episode in life.

The fire burns more vigorously at night.

After the New Year, in the spring of 1983, the newly built Pearl Primary School in Dajiao Village was put into use, and the children entered the brand new campus with their schoolbags on their backs.

On the first day of school, Qin Rou took the sweet beans and sisters to the opening ceremony, and also participated in the national flag raising ceremony with her sister Qin Mian.

Brother-in-law Chen Mian, as the school's new principal, was speaking on stage. He was wearing a suit, and he felt particularly awkward, regretting not changing into a Chinese tunic suit.

He has been rehabilitated a long time ago, and there is not much joy in his heart. Over the past countless years, the arrogance in his heart has long been smoothed away. Only today when he saw so many young children in front of him, did he burst out A burst of joy and contentment.

Over the years, many people have continuously invited him to leave elementary school to teach junior high school, high school, or go to university for advanced studies, but Chen Mian refused all of them.

He likes such energetic children. Although they are often noisy and angry, when they laugh and call him Mr. Chen, they are like sunflowers blooming towards the sun.

It makes people feel warm from the bottom of their hearts.

"Teacher Chen!"

"Principal Chen!"

When school started, Qin Rou and Qin Mian helped distribute the books. Qin Mian heard the voices of the students, Principal Chen, and couldn't help but said to Qin Rou: "Look at you, one is about to become President Qin, and the other is Chief of Staff Lu. , there is another Principal Chen here, am I going to get a job as well?"