Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 147: Thank you


Liu Huaying, the deputy director of Qiongzhou Island TV Station, is the director Liu whom Qin Rou once met in the radio station. There is also Zeng Xueqing, who is also an announcer, beside her. She has been transferred to the TV station at this time.

"Sister Xueqing." Qin Rou greeted them with a smile.

She and Zeng Xueqing used to broadcast together at noon, and they were very familiar. Zeng Xueqing looked at Qin Rou and smiled: "It's been so many years, Xiao Qin, you are now the president of the chamber of commerce."


Deputy Director Liu said from the side: "Our Broadcasting Bureau is a talented person who has gone abroad."

Director Wu of the TV station came to Qiongzhou Island recently. When he heard them chatting, he hurriedly asked, "Why, do you all know President Qin?"

He looked at Qin Rou, thinking that this is a beautiful and powerful woman, who should not be underestimated, who can make her career so big.

"Xiao Qin used to be an announcer in our station. She was admitted to Lingnan University in 1977. She is an excellent female comrade."

Zeng Xueqing said with a smile: "It's more than that. When I was an announcer in our station, I got excellent every year. If Xiaoqin didn't go to college and stayed in our station, maybe he would be transferred to the TV station as an announcer." host."

"The image is good, and the voice is good."

In recent years, with the gradual popularization of television, besides the announcer, there is a new industry called host.

The first host in China is the host of a question-and-answer show.

"Really? It's a talent who has gone out of our stage." Director Wu was really shocked, "Is Xiao Qin married?"

Seeing that Qin Rou was young and beautiful, he thought she had just finished college in 1977 and was not married yet.

This will start to advocate late marriage and late childbearing, and there are not a few people who get married after finishing college.


"Her, her son is ten years old."

"Really? It's too early to get married."

"Her husband is the chief of staff of the detachment of the base on the island. Both husband and wife are excellent..."

Qin Rou briefly chatted with them, and immediately returned to the event site. She still had to speak on stage. As the newly appointed president of the chamber of commerce, she had many things to deal with.

After working for a long time, the inauguration ceremony can be regarded as over. People from government departments, heads of major breeding factories, and people from TV stations went to the state-run restaurant for dinner.

After tea and dinner, when Qin Rou was about to leave, Director Wu of Qiongzhou Island TV station called her: "President Qin, you have ideas, can you give us some ideas for the TV station."

Director Wu was thinking about this matter when he was eating just now. He has just taken over the important task of TV station director and has no experience before. Domestic TV stations are all groping for stones to cross the river, and everyone is ignorant.

Now the ratings of Qiongzhou Island TV Station are not good, and basically not many people watch it. Director Wu wants to change the current situation and increase the audience of the TV station.

Today he met Qin Rou and learned that she used to be an announcer, later she was admitted to Lingnan University, and now she has expanded the pearl farming industry, and even became the president of the chamber of commerce. Director Wu thought she had an idea , and understands management and the broadcasting business, maybe he can give them some advice on the development of their TV station.

Director Wu smiled wryly: "Since our TV station was established, not many people watch our TV station every day, and the ratings are too low."

"President Qin, I heard from Xiao Zeng that you used to broadcast cultural programs, and many people liked to listen to your cultural programs. Now our TV station has broadcast a cultural program before, but I don't know if it's boring or what. People watch."

"All watch other TV stations, why don't you watch our TV station."

Zeng Xueqing smiled wryly at the side: "Xiao Qin, I don't know if you've seen it, but I hosted that art show."

Now this era is different from before. In the past, state-owned units allocated funds to receive wages. Now many of them are operated independently by the localities. Many art troupes have been contracted out. If their TV stations want to do well and become stronger and bigger, they must increase the number of viewers watching their TV stations. , increase revenue.

Qiongzhou Island TV Station has not had many viewers since it started broadcasting, so it can't stay in a downturn forever.

Because no one is watching, the people in the station are not very motivated to work.

No one wants to toss about on the stage for most of the day, but no one is watching.

"Really?" Qin Rou was surprised, "I haven't seen it."

"You're right if you haven't seen it, and most people on the island haven't seen it." Even on the island, no one has seen it, let alone other places.

It is difficult for their TV station to develop! It was difficult.

"Xiao Qin, you have been studying for so many years, give us an idea for the TV station!"

Qin Rou thought for a while, and she suggested: "Why don't you attract investment, and introduce a few more popular TV series from Hong Kong Island or abroad to increase the audience's ratings."

"There is no money in the station. How can we introduce TV dramas? Now our TV station has few people watching it, let alone attracting investment. People don't come to our TV station for advertising."

"There are not many people watching, so what kind of advertisements can we advertise?" Television advertisements in other places have already appeared, and the effect is outstanding.

And their TV station, no one cares about it.

"We can only make a simple cultural program now, but this cultural program is not attractive." In addition to cultural programs, it is news and weather forecasts, because the TV station has just started, and it is almost a variant of the previous radio programs. It's just that the announcer's picture has been added to the TV.

"Now that the broadcast radio has become a TV with a picture, we don't know how to innovate theatrical programs, Xiaoqin, what do you think, you used to be the announcer of theatrical programs, how do you think our cultural programs can be changed? attracted to someone?"

Qin Rou thought for a while and asked, "Are you trying to increase the ratings?"

"Yes, of course I hope that the more viewers who can watch our TV station, the better."

Qin Rou made a suggestion to Director Wu: "Master Wu, do you want to consider adding a children's program, and a... blind date program."

Now the program format of the TV station is too simple, in addition to the news and weather forecast, the others are TV dramas and advertisements, as well as the previous art programs... Only TV dramas are the most attractive, but the cost of introducing TV dramas is too high and impractical.

Unearthing homemade TV shows is the cheapest way to attract viewers.

Qin Rou thinks that a children's program suitable for parents and children can be added in the evening. In addition... In order to increase TV viewers and make quick money, a gossip dating program that everyone loves can be created.

In addition to dating shows, there are programs like emotional mediation.

—The audience really loves watching such emotional melon-eating shows.

These are considered low-cost programs, and there are also programs such as "Crossing Levels with Prizes" and "Smart Questions and Answers", which are suitable for the start of a TV station.

Director Wu was stunned: "I know a little bit about children's programs. They are for children. This... what does a blind date program mean."

Vice-President Liu said: "A man and a woman are going on a blind date?"

"Aren't all blind dates at home? How can it become a show?" Zeng Xueqing was also confused by Qin Rou's words.

Qin Roudao: "The format of the blind date show is... You find a few unmarried men and women and let them go on a blind date on the show."

Deputy Director Liu was puzzled: "... Will anyone come to see this?"

Qin Rou: "What do you guess?"

When she and Lu Yan went on a blind date, a group of plastic sisters came to watch the show.

"Think back to the reactions of the people around them when men and women go on a blind date and talk to each other."

"Your idea is good! I think it's feasible!" Director Wu's eyes lit up, "Think about it, when you go on a blind date in the village, is it a group of people to watch the fun? Inquire about each other's news in private, and talk about it behind your back. A couple or not, the man and the woman are not compatible... "

Deputy Director Liu came back to his senses, "That's really the case."

"Indeed." Zeng Xueqing couldn't help but nodded, "If you say that, I really want to see how this little man and woman are now on a blind date."

"The audience can also use the program to learn about the conditions and requirements of this blind date."

"Those who have never talked about a partner can watch the show to learn how to please and pursue a lover."

"Xiao Qin, do you want to talk about it again, what other exciting things can this kind of blind date show do?"

Qin Rou said with a smile: "Your blind date show advertises our South Island pearls, and the show will add the name of our South Island pearls. If the show matches a couple and gets married, we will give you a pearl necklace when they get married."

"Everyone's enthusiasm for watching will also increase greatly."

"By the way, when they go on a blind date, choose a place with a good view!"

The more Qin Rou thought about it, the more she felt that their South Island Pearl Chamber of Commerce could cooperate with TV programs. The blind date program is most suitable for the promotion of pearl jewelry and wedding photos.

"Okay! Can the pearl costumes we saw today be worn by the blind daters participating in the show? This dress is really beautiful..."

Once they had an idea, everyone's minds were opened up, and they all felt that this blind date show had a lot to do.

Director Wu was very grateful: "President Qin, thank you so much, you have done a great favor to our TV station."

Qin Rou smiled: "If your program is liked by the audience, you must help me promote my pearl craft garden."

"That's it! That's it!"

"If there are more viewers watching our TV station, I will definitely help you promote it!"

Director Wu remembered this feeling, thinking that if their TV station can develop through this, they must remember to be grateful to President Qin.

Help her spread the word!

Director Wu and others acted very quickly. It didn't take long for them to find personnel and start filming the first episode of the blind date show. Soon, a promotional sign was placed at the gate of the Pearl Craft Garden to promote the upcoming blind date show. : "Heart Connected".

People who came to Pearl Crafts Park saw the billboard and asked in confusion, "What? A TV dating show?"

"Blind date on TV? Blind date can also be blind date on TV? Isn't it in movie theaters, restaurants and at home?"

"If a man and a woman are matched on a blind date and get married successfully, they will get a necklace worth XX... Viewers who guess correctly in advance can also draw a necklace worth XX..."

"This dating show seems interesting, when will it start?"

"Broadcast on Qiongzhou Island TV station."

"Hey? We still have the island TV station?"

"It will be broadcast at 8 o'clock in the evening, and it will be broadcast at 8 o'clock on Wednesday night. I still want to watch TV dramas."

"Try watching an episode of this dating show."

Qiongzhou Island's first dating show "Heart Connection" started broadcasting. When it first started broadcasting, there were many viewers who were waiting to watch in advance. People from the TV station looked at the data behind it and couldn't help clenching their fists.

Compared with usual times, this is already a peak that has never been reached.

"Increase! Increase again!"

"There are more and more people watching!"

"Don't get excited, this is only the first episode! I don't know if there will be any audience to watch the follow-up!"

After the first episode of the dating show aired, by the second episode on Friday, the number of viewers watching the show had exploded.

Many people gathered in front of the TV and waited to watch the "Heart Connected" dating show.

"This show is very interesting. Who has ever seen a blind date on TV? Anyway, I haven't seen it. If you watch those men and women chatting, it's even better than TV dramas."

"This girl's past experience told me tears flowed down my face. She is so similar to me. I hope she can find a suitable man. I think No. 3 is quite suitable for her."

"So this is how blind dates work? Do you still need to pay attention to these issues?"

Qiongzhou Island's "Heart Connected" dating show has become popular, and several merchants have come to the TV station to advertise. Qin Rou's South Island pearls have been widely promoted on the show. These days, Qin Mian's wedding dress There are more and more couples taking pictures in photography shops.

Even in Guangxi province on the other side, there are many people watching their blind date show! ! ! !

The TV station has received many letters from viewers, and the viewers have expressed their love for the program in the letters, and more people want to sign up for the blind date program... After the TV promotion, many people have recently traveled to Qiongzhou Island for tourism .

They want to see the blue sky, white clouds and coconut grove beach here, the pearl craft garden here, the pearl wedding dress on the beach, and also want to taste the fruit tea and various delicacies that the blind date guests drank on the show...

"We have the funds to introduce TV dramas!"

After getting money, Qiongzhou Island TV introduced a Hong Kong TV series and a TV series filmed in the Mainland, because they didn't have many TV series, so they just played back and forth.

Director Wu was excited. Their TV station had finally started to take off. Every day, more and more viewers watched the TV station, and the staff of the TV station were more motivated than before.

The ratings are high, and their bonuses are also high.

"I want to thank President Qin. If she hadn't come up with such a good idea for our TV station, and even supported the development of our TV station, our TV station would not be where it is today."

"On the show, we must thank our President Qin."

At the end of December, Qin Rou watched an episode of "Heart Connected" dating program at home.

It is said that the ratings of this show are rising steadily, and many people are discussing this blind date show at home.

And this conscientious blind date program has contributed to several new couples.

The host of "Heart Connected" program on TV said affectionately:

"The newlyweds on the program would like to thank our matchmaker Qin Rou deeply. Without the strong support of Ms. Qin Rou, the president of South Island Pearl Chamber of Commerce, we would not have our heart-to-heart program today. This string of pearls It represents Chairman Qin's best wishes to the two newcomers, and I hope these beautiful South Island pearls can witness the love between the two of you... "

"On this day, we will call her Qin Hongniang kindly. You are the initiator of our South Island pearl industry, and you are the matchmaker behind our heart-to-heart show..."

Qin Rou sitting in front of the TV: "..."

Fog Grass!

Which genius came up with this copywriting? ! !

Take her name like this? ! ! !

Want her to go and say thank you to that genius? ! ! !

Doudou and Rongrong said excitedly: "Mom, you are on TV! They all thank you!"

Lu Weize wondered, "Our mother is a matchmaker? Mom, how did you come up with this blind date show?"

Lu Weizhou guessed, "Because of our father."

Lu Yan was very happy when he heard his son's words. He smiled and said, "Your mother and I organized a blind date to get married." He smiled and hugged Qin Rou's shoulders, and said happily, "This is a good memory of your mother. Back then, when I had a blind date with your mother, it was much more exciting than on this show."

Qin Rou: "..." There is absolutely no such thing.

You dare to bring up the past blind dates in front of your children, you are too confident for a bad blind date.

Doudou and Rongrong exclaimed: "Wow!!!"

"Dad and Mom are so romantic!"

Lu Yan said, "It's hard for your mother to remember until today."

"Comrade Lu Yan, are you drifting away?" Although she thought of this blind date show, she did recall the scene back then, but what she thought of was the group of sisters watching the good show.

"If it floats, it will float. Isn't my other end of thread still entangled in your hand? Daughter-in-law, you have to pull it well, remember to pull it for a lifetime, your comrade Lu Yan will not float away."

Lu Yan leaned close to her ear and whispered, "When I was floating in the sea, I thought about you every day."

Qin Rou's cheeks were flushed by his hot air, she was angry and funny, and there was a heavy happiness filling her chest.

"Don't daddy miss Doudou and Rongrong?"

Lu Weize propped his chin: "Don't you miss your favorite dumpling?"

Lu Weizhou: "..." He didn't know what to say, he ate a dumpling.

"I want to go home and sit next to your mother and watch you eat dumplings, is that okay?"

"Okay, okay." Rongrong lowered her head and ate a dumpling, and asked, "Where's Mom? Mom, do you miss Dad?"

Without waiting for Qin Rou to speak, the little girl Rong Rong asked and answered by herself: "Forget it, Mom must miss Dad. Rongrong often sees Mom peeking at Dad's photos..."

Qin Rou became angry from embarrassment, turned her head and pinched Lu Yan's handsome face, and said in disgust, "Look at the children you teach!"

"Are you peeking at my photos at home? You don't need to look at the photos now, feel free to look at me more."

"Walk around, don't look at you."

"How about letting Zhang Yichao next door come back from his studies and let him take a video for us? Then you can see the photos and watch the video."

The work of the "Heart Connected" program group is not over yet. The influence of this program is getting bigger and bigger. There are many family members in the family courtyard who are waiting to watch the blind date program. They have seen the promotion on the program.

The next day, they discussed curiously:

"Sister-in-law Qin is a matchmaker?"

"Isn't that right? She and Chief of Staff Lu's husband and wife have made several couples. It is said that Lao Wang has to thank them both for getting married."

"That old Zhao said the same thing before."

Leaving aside the discussion in the family court, some soldiers came forward to recommend themselves:

"Sister-in-law Qin, can you introduce us to someone?"

"I want to be on a dating show too!"

Qin Rou: "..."

Help, help!

She really doesn't introduce anyone! ! ! !

"I lost."

The blind date program on Qiongzhou Island TV station was popular, and Zhang Chengbei and his wife next door also watched the blind date program.

Now he even knew that this blind date show was actually the idea of Xiao Qin next door.

"What did you lose?"

"This heart-to-heart blind date show is an idea that Xiao Qin came up with. It is said that it is to commemorate her and Lao Lu's blind date and marriage under the introduction of the organization..." Zhang Chengbei spoke sourly, although he and Mr. Huang also met on a blind date. , but they talked about their partner for more than half a year, and finally got married.

How fast is Xiao Lu and his wife next door. It is said that they got married the second time they met.

Now, in order to commemorate the romantic past, people even created a blind date show to give back to the masses.

"Didn't we also get married on a blind date? Didn't so many people get married on a blind date back then?"

"Now it's popular to fall in love freely and pursue freedom."

"You can't fall in love freely because of a blind date? I think people are quite free on the show. If you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it..."

"Dundun." Zhang Chengbei called out to his son, "In the future, you can go on blind dates too, and let your dad watch you on TV."

By the way, learn about the situation of the child's talking partner, and know who the woman is in advance.

"You let my brother go on a blind date, why should I go on a blind date?"


Zhang Chengbei thought to himself that there was a pair of beautiful sisters in the house next door, and Lao Wang's family also had a beautiful lucky daughter.

Maybe the son has already found a partner in the family courtyard.

"There are so many girls of similar ages in our family courtyard, maybe our children don't need to go on a blind date, and just find a partner among playmates."

If he could marry back the daughter of the old Lu family, he would die laughing.

On the day of the wedding, the old Lu next door will have to cry, his son married back one of his precious daughters.

Then he will win! Big win!

Dundun's child is the most suitable for the little sisters of the sweet bean paste next door. One of their families is too big, and the third is too small. Dundun is three or four years older than the sweet bean paste.

When it comes to marriage, it is better for a man to be older than the woman. Otherwise, the legal age for marriage stipulated by the state is that men are two years older than women. It is also said on this dating show that older men love others more .

For example, Liu Tiaotiao is only a few days away from his family Dundun, and the two are not far behind, which is inappropriate.

Zhang Dundun was silent for a while, thinking of his playmate Liu Tiaotiao, his good buddy, so he couldn't help raising his head and said sincerely: "Dad, rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests."

Marry no one and marry Liu Tiaotiao.

Would his father want him to marry Liu Tiaotiao in the future

Zhang Dundun panicked, thinking that his father liked Liu Tiaotiao so much, and Liu Tiaotiao was still a playmate in the family home of his age, and the two were born within a few days of each other.

Zhang Chengbei: "..." You, you child also know that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests.

Forget it, it's fine if the rabbit doesn't eat the grass beside the nest.

There are not many childhood sweethearts in this world.

Li Qinghua's family is also a loyal audience of the dating show "Heart Connected". In their family, it's not that Li Qinghua likes to watch it, but her eldest son Liu Yue likes to watch the blind date show.

He really likes to watch the relationship between these men and women. The stories he wrote before, the relationship is also very... well, complicated!

Liu Tiaotiao said to her own mother: "Mom, is our brother preparing for a blind date in the future?"

Li Qinghua: "Who knows."

Huahua's mother is not interested in taking care of it.

Liu Yue said: "Tiaotiao is the only one who needs to be on this kind of blind date show."

"Do I need it?" Liu Tiaotiao thought to himself that there are so many excellent boys in their compound, such as the Lu family brothers, and some who played with the Lu family brothers, and even her good buddy Zhang Dundun ah.

Their biological father Liu Kai said: "You both need it, and your mother and I also met each other on a blind date."

Li Qinghua: "The children in our family should find someone with a similar age."

Liu Kai: "???!!"

"Do you dislike me for being ten years older than you?"

"What's the matter with being older? You can see that it is said on the dating show that only older people will love others."

"Our Tiaotiao will find someone who is bigger than her."

What Qin Rou didn't expect was that in addition to nominating and thanking her in the show, the program team also made a big surprise near the Pearl Craft Garden.

A statue of a matchmaker.