Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 150: Congratulations


Qin Rou's family returned to the island by boat. As soon as they got home, Doudou Rongrong went to pick up her little pigeons.

The pigeons still recognize people, and goo goo flies around them.

Liu Tiaotiao was very happy to see her two younger sisters back, "Tiaotiao Rongrong are back!"

"Miss Tiaotiao, have you watched the Spring Festival Gala? Can you perform acrobatics?"

"I can only perform somersaults and handstands for you." Liu Tiaotiao said that he didn't have that much ability.

"Doudou Rongrong, you guys are back." Zhang Dundun winked at the side, "Quickly call her Sister Yaoyao."

Six girls!

"Just call me Sister Tiaotiao, not Yaoyao." Liu Tiaotiao glared at Zhang Dundun.

"Sister Liutu."

Liu Tiaotiao made a face at him: "Brother Ertu."

"What Ertu, that's my nickname, but my big name is not dirty at all."

The heroine Rongrong said: "Sister Tiaotiao, Mother Huahua said that you lack soil in the five elements, and Brother Dundun has two soils."

"You add up to eight soils, 888, Fafafa!!" The people here like the number eight very much.

Liu Tiaotiao: "???" Eight dirts! ! !

"I'm Zhang Erheng, where did I get the eight?" Zhang Erheng said that he didn't take his name seriously at all.

He's not dirty at all.

Lu Weizhou took his younger brother Lu Weize to Wang Niannian's house to see the little orange cat, but... After a winter, the little orange cat basking in the sun can no longer be called "small".

The little chubby orange lazily basked in the sun and licked his paws.

Wang Niannian likes this kind of cat very much, so he has been raising it with delicious food and drink. In addition, the Lu Weizhou brothers also sent a lot of cat rations.

Lu Weizhou stretched out his hand to stroke the fat orange cat. The guy lazily turned over and let Lu Weizhou take care of it. Lu Weizhou smiled and said to Wang Niannian, "It's very smooth."

Wang Niannian smiled and nodded: "It's very edible!"

Lu Weize squatted down to study the fat orange cat: "Brother, we have only been away for a long time, why is it like changing a cat."

"Because Xiaoju has grown up." Wang Niannian also squatted aside and reached out to pet the cat.

The little fat guy called "Meow Meow Meow".

Lu Weize said: "You won't become a cat when you grow up, Wang Niannian, how did you raise it?"

Turned into a fat cat all the time.

Wang Niannian: "..." The second child of the Lu family is always difficult.

Lu Weizhou smiled softly: "Xiaoju looks more and more like my younger brother."

Lu Weize: "...Like me, isn't it like yourself? Would you like to look in the mirror?"

They both obviously look alike.

"You two don't look alike at all." Wang Niannian picked up the little orange cat's paw, "That's how your brother usually teases you."

Lu Weize: "...my brother teases you like this."

Wang Niannian: "How is it possible? You are his own younger brother. You brothers are of the same heart. How can I compare to you?"

Lu Weize: "????"

This Wang Niannian was just like the Uncle Wang in Uncle Zhang's mouth, always saying some strange things.

"I tease my kitten."

After Qin Rou returned to the island, she first heard the good news about Meng Lan. She and Cui Mingzhan planned to get married.

Mrs. Fu's sister-in-law was beaming. Even if it was a second marriage, she planned to have a big one.

Her daughter is getting married, and marrying a knowledgeable researcher is much better than Zhou He who was admitted to a junior college.

"Congratulations, Aunt Fu."

"Same joy, same joy, Xiao Qin, I really want to thank you."

As soon as she saw Qin Rou, Aunt Fu thanked her a thousand times. Thinking about these years, it was thanks to Qin Rou. If it wasn't for Qin Rou's persuasion back then, her daughter didn't know how to cheer up. Now Raising pearls with Qin Rou, and marrying a researcher at the experimental station, this is really a great thing!

Passion fruit is now planted in their village, and they can earn a lot of money all year round by growing simple and easy-to-care passion fruit. Now the conditions of every household are much better than before, and the children can still go to the new school.

"What kind of happy event? Aunt Fu, I don't have a big happy event."

Aunt Fu had a weird smile on her face, "Xiao Qin, you really have some skills in your body, you will know if you go to the Pearl Craft Garden to see."

"There are good things!"

Qin Rou didn't know why at first, and then she went to her pearl craft garden, and then she found that a small matchmaker square had been built near her pearl craft garden.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this matchmaker square. The point is that there is a matchmaker statue in this matchmaker square. In fact, it is nothing to have a matchmaker statue, but why does this matchmaker vaguely look like her, Qin Rou

Especially her iconic eyes, her eyes are very special, and it is rare for ordinary people to have eyes that are as charming and beautiful as hers.

Qin Rou stared at the matchmaker like big eyes: "??!!!!"

This shit...

Which genius came up with this thing

There is nothing wrong with this matchmaker, the point is why there is a monument next to it to introduce the source of inspiration. On the monument, Hu Tianhai praised President Qin Rouqin, the pioneer of South Island pearls. The reason for using her image is that Because... crackling a lot of pearls to witness love, matchmaker and so on...

Qin Rou can't stand it anymore.

"Whose idea is this?"

Xie Ru'an responded with a smile: "My idea! President Qin, look, now that there are more portraits, our Pearl Craft Garden has another direction of publicity, Pearl Love, Pearl Matchmaker!"

"My idea with Xiao Zhang from the TV station! Many couples want to have their photo taken in front of the matchmaker portrait!"

"It's really clever,"

Qin Rou's scalp was numb, thinking that people in this era really like to come up with some weird ideas.

"Remove this stele." The matchmaker statue cost a lot of money, and it was already publicized, and it was too late to drag it away, but this stele can't stay here, the copywriting written by that idiot? ! ! !

It must be the same person as the program copywriter last time. Qin Rou thought that she must inquire about this person in the future, and must remember this guy's name fiercely!

Being able to pull out such weird sentences, but being a copywriter is really wronged him.

"Withdrawn? Why?" When the program team heard this, they were very puzzled. Why did they remove the stele

Qin Rou said: "Are you happy to make a portrait of you here?"

"Happy, why not happy?!" These are only those who have the ability and contribution to stand up.

"If my mother knows that there is a portrait of me here, she will be so happy!"

Qin Rou thought about it, and came up with an idea: "Don't you think that a matchmaker is too monotonous? How can a matchmaker alone help so many men and women in the world, or add a few more, and combine you and the program group How about getting all the planned images here, how about forming a matchmaker group... "

"That won't work. This is Matchmaker Square, not a temple."

Under Qin Rou's eloquence, the stone tablet was removed, but the matchmaker statue remained. In fact, standing in front of this stone statue, as long as you don't associate it casually, you will not be able to associate it with Qin Rou.

After all, it has become a stone statue, and the facial features are quite distorted. Qin Rou suspected that they just wanted to make a matchmaker, but they didn't know what face to carve, so they made it like her.

In fact, I can't recognize it. The difference between this person and the stone statue is too great.

Fortunately, this is a portrait of a matchmaker, and it's not the Jade Emperor in Journey to the West. This person who played the role of the Jade Emperor, because of his good appearance, was... printed on the coin.

After thinking about it, Qin Rou also figured it out, but it's really nothing, anyway, this stone statue doesn't look like her at all.

After Chief of Staff Lu heard about the portrait of the matchmaker, he came over to have a look, holding back his laughter for a long time.

"Matchmaker, good matchmaker, our children won't have to worry about finding a match in the future."

"If you can't find a match, come here and beg your matchmaker to help you match up."

Qin Rou stared at him: "Lu Yan!!! Be serious."

"Daughter-in-law, I'm very serious, I'm very serious."

In the summer of 1984, Chen Jinghua and Chen Juanjuan finished their four years of university. Chen Jinghua was admitted to the school as a graduate student and planned to continue her studies. Chen Juanjuan was hesitant about where she would work, and she was assigned to be an English teacher.

Chen Juanjuan wanted to go back to the island.

The siblings of the Chen family graduated, and Chen Jingyi and Xia Mingxi took the college entrance examination. Chen Jingyi filled in the architecture departments of several schools, and Xia Mingxi filled in the medicine.