Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 151: Parade


In August, the admission notices of the students who took the college entrance examination this year came one after another. The first to come was the admission notice of Liu Yue from Huahua’s mother’s family. , but Li Qinghua couldn't do it happily.

"Our family finally has a college student!"

"My son is a college student!"

Her husband Liu Kai snorted: "Aren't I a college student?"

"Did you take the college entrance examination? Do you have a son with so many points?" Her husband Liu Kai went to university in the army, and her own son actually took the college entrance examination!

"Look at them, many of them haven't passed the exam after five or six years. Our son passed the exam the first time. He must have followed my goddamn cleverness." Li Qinghua boasted.

Liu Kai: "..."

He thought to himself that your cleverness is cleverness, but this cleverness should never be on the right path.

In this day and age, no matter what university you are admitted to, it is a happy thing.

Zhang Chengbei came to congratulate them: "Brother Tiaotiao has been admitted to university?"



Qin Rou, sister-in-law Xiao and many other family members came to congratulate Liu's family, and sister-in-law Xiao said: "Your Liu Yue has really changed a lot these years."

"Isn't it?" Li Qinghua sighed to herself: "It is said that women have changed their minds by the eighteenth century, and our men have changed by the eighteenth year. My Liu Yue used to be a little black monkey, but now—the skin is like an egg that has been peeled off its shell. "

He used to be a red-faced Guan Gong, but now he has become a white-faced scholar.

Sister-in-law Xiao looked at Liu Yue. This young man was thin and tall just like his father, but his facial features looked more like Li Qinghua's. He used to be skinny, dark and thin when he was a child, but now he has become white and thin. Yes, there is a quiet and introverted temperament on her body.

"Isn't it? Hey—" Zhang Chengbei deeply felt the same way. He thought to himself that his own Zhang Yichao, a white and clean young man who loved to read books and wore glasses when he was a child, turned out to be black and strong like a cow when he grew up.

Li Qinghua smiled and said, "Your children have also changed a lot."

Zhang Chengbei: "... I hope that your Tiaotiao will not change when it grows up, it's just right and lively as it is now."

"Pi, she's skinnier than her brother when she was a child, and she's still like this when she grows up. Let her in-laws worry about it in the future."

In the past, Li Qinghua and Liu Kai were worried about their daughter, but when they thought that there are still parents like Zhang Chengbei in this world who like lively and naughty girls, Li Qinghua felt relieved.

Li Qinghua turned to her son Liu Yue and said, "Liu Yue, quickly call your Uncle Zhang twice, he will help you take pictures."

"Mom, I don't take pictures!" Liu Yue held the admission notice in his hand, the freshness and heat hadn't passed yet, and when he looked at the things his mother had prepared, he wanted to run away.

But surrounded by a lot of watching uncles and aunts.

Zhang Yichao came back from the summer vacation and followed his father to watch the excitement. He whistled and winked: "Liu Yue, hurry up and take pictures."

"A happy event, a great happy event!"

Li Qinghua took a big red flower and put it on Liu Yue's body. A horse was rented outside the family courtyard. Pushed by everyone, Liu Yue with a big red flower was pushed out to parade through the street.

The soldier guarding the gate also snickered and watched the excitement.

"Hurry up, hurry up, get on the horse, your mother, I will find a borrowed horse." Li Qinghua believes that people nowadays have to parade in the streets when they are admitted to the university, just like people in ancient times were admitted to the number one scholar!

This is a big event in life!

Qin Rou watched the fun with her four children, thinking that Hua Hua's mother had a big brain.

The Liu family's child may not be the best in school, but he must be the most ostentatious.

Of course, because there are too few people who are admitted to college now, as long as someone is admitted to college, it is not uncommon for people in a village to hold a banquet to celebrate.

"Hurry up, Liu Yue gets on the horse! Brother Zhang, I'll videotape the whole process for you."

"It will be made into a videotape later."

Li Qinghua was surprised: "Oh, I can still make video tapes!"

"Of course, you can watch the video for decades to come."

"This relationship is good, Liu Yue, get on the horse, this is a great thing for you!"

Liu Yue was about to call for help, but it was useless to call for help. Liu Yue, wearing a big red flower, rode on a horse. The horse flicked its tail and pattered on the spot, and then there was a clicking sound.

"Liu Yue, raise your head up, you are the number one scholar now, don't be afraid to hold your head up!"

"That's right, Liu Yue, look up!"

Liu Yue took the reins: "You guys! I will remember all of you guys. When the children in the courtyard are admitted to college, all of them will come out for me to ride horses and parade through the streets!"

Liu Tiaotiao said: "Brother, don't be ignorant of your blessings, this is a grand occasion specially prepared by our mother for you!"

"Mom, I don't want this kind of ostentation when I dance. When I am admitted to university, I can go to Uncle Cheng and borrow two macaques to come and play drums and drums for me." It's beating gongs and drums.

Li Qinghua nodded after listening: "You have a good idea."

Liu Yue: "??!!!!!!"

Zhang Yichao said with emotion: "My parents are honest, I was admitted to university, and they didn't celebrate anything."

Zhang Chengbei said: "If you want to celebrate, Liu Yue will come down later, you go up, your father and I will take some photos for you personally."

Zhang Yichao waved his hand: "Forget it, forget it, time has passed, what's the point of doing it again?"

"Let's just watch Liu Yue roam the streets!"

"Speaking of monkeys beating gongs and drums, let's find someone to borrow some gongs and drums." Sister-in-law Xiao is very popular, and she actually found someone to borrow gongs and drums on the street. Bang!" A gong sounded, and Zhang Dundun played drums beside her playfully: "Boom, boom, boom!"

Liu Tiaotiao shouted: "The number one scholar is here!"

The two children happily led the way, and Liu Yue immediately wanted to lower his head and cover his face, "..."

He has grown up, he needs face!

A parading team was bustling away, the sound of firecrackers in front, crackling mixed with gongs and drums, the red firecrackers shattered and scattered, and children ran out laughing from the white smoke.

"Riding the horse!"

"Ride a horse!"

Qin Rou put one hand on the shoulder of one of her sons, and said with a smile, "What kind of pomp do you want when you go to university in the future?"

Lu Weizhou and Lu Weize: "..."

Thinking of Liu Yue's loveless appearance just now, both brothers felt suffocated for a while.

Lu Weize said: "Mom, what happened to you back then, let my brother and I do what we did. Let's learn from you."

When Qin Rou was admitted to university, she basically didn't celebrate.

Qin Rou raised her eyebrows: "Really?"

Lu Weize leaned over and rubbed his hands secretly: "Mom, my brother might be able to get a provincial champion. Then let him parade around the streets on a tall horse like this."

"Ask our sister to dance swords in front, there must be a group of people watching."

Qin Rou thinks that you, little dumpling, are very good at making ideas.

Lu Weizhou calmly said: "Brother, we two brothers look the same, when the time comes, you will show off the limelight on behalf of your brother."

"Brother, you still come, you come..."

Qin Rou smiled and said, "When the time comes, your mother will think of a special way for you to celebrate."

"Mom, help, please spare us."


Chen Jingyi received the admission notice from Huaqing University's Department of Architecture. His sister Qin Mian was very excited, and Qin Rou brought a few children to watch the excitement. There were even more battles on Chen Jingyi's side, and that was Huaqing University!

Everyone in the village came to congratulate, not to mention Chen Mian's students. Although Chen Jingyi didn't have the ostentation of wearing a big red flower and riding a tall horse, he was not bad.

Qiongzhou Island TV station also sent someone to interview, knowing that Chen Jingyi is Qin Rou's nephew, they even exclaimed: "They are all acquaintances, acquaintances!"

The leaders of the Education Bureau were also alarmed. In addition to the recent improvement in finances, Dajiao Village also built a Pearl Primary School, so they planned to take this opportunity to publicize it: "I heard that there were people riding big horses and wearing red flowers on Lucheng Street. Don’t you want to take a tour too?”

People from Qiongzhou Island TV Station are more fashionable, and they suggested: "Riding horses is too outdated, let's wear red flowers and sit in Santanas these days!"

So the students who did well in the exam, Dai Honghua took a government car and went out to parade the streets.

There are also people from the TV station who videotape and shoot the whole process, which will be broadcast on local TV stations.

"Mom! Mom! Look, cousin Jing Yi has come out!"

"Cousin is on TV!"

Lu Weize said: "Look for it quickly, we are also on the side of the road, where is our mother?"

"I haven't seen it yet, I should see it later!"

Qin Rou's family saw Chen Jingyi parading around the street with a blank face and wearing red peanuts on TV.

Chen Jingyi is now a handsome young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing shirts and trousers, his hair is different from the curly chow chow head that is popular now, but clean and fine black hair that fits close to his ears, his eyes are very black. Especially among several students.

Of course, he is not the most conspicuous one. There is always a shortage of social cows in this world. There was a student with a shaved head who was very happy that day. It is said that he was going to a perm shop to perm his hair in preparation for a parade, but he accidentally gave it to him. It was burnt, so he simply asked the barber shop to get a bald head and put on a hat.

He was very happy in the car, with his head and hands stretched out to greet people along the street.

"Hi everyone! Hello everyone!!"

"Comrades have worked hard!"

It's a bit of the carnival of Little Swallow parading the streets.

Lu Weize said: "Brother, after you... you should take a look, you will be treated like this in the future."

Lu Weize: "This treatment is given to you, can you get the little dumpling?"

"I'll just forget it."

"Mom, how do you think they do all these fancy things?"

Qin Rou spread her hands, thinking who knows.

It's a good thing that she didn't get the treatment of parading in the street when she was taking the university entrance examination.

"Jing Yi? This kid has been shutting himself in the room since he came back from parading around the street. He didn't see anyone, haha, don't laugh at him." Qin Mian thought of his son's loveless appearance, and felt "Guang Yao" Lintel" felt funny again.

"Brother Jinghua and Brother Juanjuan both called back, and they were all lamenting that they didn't have this kind of treatment back then."

"Can sit in Santana!"

"They didn't get on this motorcycle."

Qin Rou said with a smile: "There is also a horse rider in our family's courtyard."

At this moment, everyone's financial ability is getting better and better, and naturally they start to come up with all kinds of weird ways to celebrate.

"A horse rider?!" Qin Mian was surprised, "The people from the TV station should take pictures."

Qin Rou and Qin Mian chatted for a few words, and the phone rang over there. The two sisters now have phones in their homes.

After answering the phone, it was from Lu Xuan, and Xia Mingxi's voice came out: "I saw Jing Yi on TV!!! Hahaha, he's so handsome!!! I'm so envious of him!"

"Little aunt, you're here too, you must tell Jing Yi that his little brother Ming is so envious of him!"

"I was admitted to the University of Medical Sciences, but the TV station here won't film me..."

Qin Rou thought to herself, I'm afraid only social bulls like Xia Mingxi like this kind of opportunity to be on TV.

"It's more than that, you know Liu Yue, right? His acceptance letter has arrived, and he's riding a horse through the streets wearing a big red flower."

"Wow!!!" Xia Mingxi exclaimed, "This is amazing!"

"In the future, my brother Hong Hong will also make this scene for him when he is going to college!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Mian smiled softly, with a bit of reluctance. She told Qin Rou, "Now the last child will leave his parents and go to college. From now on, only me and Principal Chen will be left at home..."

Mr. Chen is gone. The eldest daughter and the eldest son went to college earlier, and now the youngest son has also been admitted to college. From now on, the husband and wife will be left in the family.

"When the child is there, the child is too noisy, but after the child is gone, it is too quiet."

Qin Rou nodded: "When children grow up, they will always leave their parents and fly in their own blue sky."

"My sister, you are still early. The Doudou Rongrong sisters are only seven years old, and there will be plenty of time to accompany you in the future."

"Young couples come to accompany you all the time, and at the end of the day, your wife will accompany you."

"Sister, how old are you to express such emotion?" Qin Rou smiled: "Did you forget that there are so many children waiting for you in Principal Chen's school?"

"Yes, yes, the children in this school are like leeks that can't be harvested. One crop grows, one crop is cut, and another crop comes. After sending out one batch of graduates, another batch of graduates comes."

Chen Jingyi, Xia Mingxi, and Liu Yue have gone to other places to study, Lu Weizhou and his brothers are in junior high school, and they will be admitted to university in a few years, and Lu Siyao and Lu Sining are in elementary school.

Lu Siyao learned the violin from a teacher, while Lu Sining was attracted by the Cantonese opera troupe, and practiced basic skills in the Cantonese opera troupe every day. She likes sword dancing and practiced at home when she had nothing to do.

Throwing sword, cloud sword, drawing sword and flower... A set of movements is smooth and flowing, really like a martial arts master. Of course, the premise is that she doesn't make mistakes. If she makes mistakes, the picture will be quite funny.

Qin Rou looked amused, and asked her little Rongrong to teach herself how to throw the sword: "How should I throw it?"

Qin Rou felt that the movement of throwing the sword was very handsome, so she just threw the sword in her hand upwards, and then caught it gracefully. Qin Rou tried to throw it, but she subconsciously avoided it.

"Mom, don't hide, just throw it up like this, you can catch it with your eyes closed!"

In order to show himself, Lu Sining threw the sword in front of his own mother, but in the end... he didn't catch it.

Make a mistake.

Qin Rou: "Our female heroine Rong Rong should practice hard."

Lu Sining was so angry that he stepped on the wooden sword on the ground several times.

Qin Rou smiled: "Mom will buy you a new one if you step on it."

"Mom, I want to act in martial arts TV dramas in the future, and I want to be a martial arts master."

"Then hurry up and practice your basic skills."

At the moment, whether it is filming or filming TV series, the requirements for acting are very high. The actors all have martial arts skills, and many actors are even opera actors.

"Don't open your throat at home, go out to practice like your sister."

Doudou Rongrong's two daughters, one learns the violin and the other learns to sing Cantonese opera, which is different from others who learn to dance. Both of them are behaviors that generate a lot of noise.

When Lu Yan returned home, he told Li Youtie of the submarine detachment, "My two daughters are probably going to be admitted to art school in the future."

Li Youtie still wanted to hear the Zhou Zhou Dumpling brothers sing, thinking that the brothers were going to study art, but who knew that these two brothers... didn't have the slightest musical ability in their bodies, which was very different from their mother who was born in an art troupe.

Li Youtie still laughed at Lu Yan behind his back several times, but he didn't expect that a pair of beautiful and cute little girls with good voices appeared in a blink of an eye.

"You must teach me well. Your daughter is so beautiful. She might be able to act and make movies in the future." Li Youtie's tone was quite sour. This old Lu is really the most enviable man in the family courtyard. They are beautiful, have sons and daughters, and they are all in pairs.

"You old Lu can watch his daughter on TV."

Lu Yan raised her eyebrows and smiled: "What? Are you envious?"

"Hmph." Li Youtie snorted softly, "It's not that I don't have a daughter, but I still envy you?"

"Does Lao Zhang next door envy you, Lao Lu?" The two of them had already reached the door of Lu Yan's house, Li Youtie was talking, and even glanced into the yard next door.

Sure enough, Zhang Chengbei heard their conversation: "How can I envy him, Lao Lu? I have three sons, and Liu Jiatiao is my goddaughter!"

Li Youtie laughed: "In the future, when your goddaughter marries your son, you will be double happiness, Old Zhang, good thing! Good thing!"

"My family enters my own door."

Zhang Chengbei was furious: "Don't ruin Tiaotiao's reputation, how can you make such a joke?"

"Yes, yes, I was wrong too, I was wrong." After Li Youtie finished speaking, he left with a smile.

Lu Yan looked at Zhang Chengbei and smiled slightly: "Old Zhang, isn't this a good thing? Why are you so angry?"

"Aren't you going to get angry when you marry your daughter in the future?"

Lu Yan said "tsk tsk" twice: "You, you can go and talk to Lao Wang more."

"One by one worried about marrying their daughters."

Lu Yan shook her head, and walked back to her yard. Qin Rou was going out with a basket at the moment, and she stopped Lu Yan, and the couple picked tomatoes and cucumbers together.

Lu Yan hugged her waist from behind, put his chin on her shoulder, and the couple whispered: "After the children leave, we will be left..."

"What? Are you reluctant?"

Lu Yan laughed: "I mean - we are the only ones left to be happy."

"You cruel father, can't you wish to kick the sons and daughters out of the house as soon as possible?" He is almost forty, and he still wants to live in the world of a husband and wife.

Needless to say, Qin Rou also thought about it.

"I just got married and brought two children. We haven't had a few days to get along with each other. Send away the Zhouzhou dumplings, and then send away the bean paste. It's just the two of us. When the time comes, your family Lu Brother can also go home to accompany you every day, and when he retires, he will accompany you every day."

Qin Rou turned her head and held his face, and said with a light smile, "Just look at each other every day, from seeing each other with distaste until seeing each other with distaste? Then you hate each other?"

"Your Brother Lu will definitely not dislike you."

Lu Yan smiled and kissed her face, and put his snow-white hat on her head.

"Just watching it every day, it will definitely be annoying, and occasionally you have to say goodbye to the newlyweds."

Lu Yan rubbed her face, looked at her tenderly: "I can't bear to part with you."

"You can talk a lot more now than when you were young." Before, she couldn't say a single love word for most of the day, but now sweet words come out of her mouth.

"It's still the same sentence, don't treat me with admiration for three days, Comrade Xiaoqin."

The time is fast approaching October, and Qin Rou went to Zhongying Street in Shencheng with a few people from the Pearl Farm. They walked around the street. Apart from selling all kinds of imported goods, there were more gold shops. Even the people on the street here are saying: "More and more people come to buy gold jewelry."

At this time, gold jewelry is about forty-five to seventy grams per gram, and gold bracelets are large pieces. Compared with gold necklaces, gold earrings, and gold rings, gold bracelets that exceed at least a dozen grams are extremely expensive.

Ordinary gold rings and earrings are much cheaper. Three or four grams of gold rings are very beautiful to wear on the hand.

Many people may think that the color of gold jewelry is vulgar, but gold is really beautiful and has a good gloss, which is unmatched by other metals.

People with fair skin look very good in gold jewelry.

"Here, look over there, two more gold shops will be opened."

Qin Rou followed and looked into the corner, and sure enough, she saw that two more gold shops were about to open.

Since last year, the gold business in Zhongying Street has become more and more popular. Because of domestic policies, private individuals are not allowed to buy and sell gold freely, and the gold here is of good quality and low price, and it has become the first choice for domestic people to buy gold. .

Qin Rou wanted to cooperate with several gold shops to sell pearls. She took Xiao Yang, another person in charge of the breeding factory, to ask some hot gold shops. Who knew that the gold shop said: "The gold in our shop is all I can't put it down anymore, so there is no place to sell pearls."

"People are here to buy gold."

Selling gold is obviously more profitable than selling other things.

The gold here is not worried about selling at all, it will be sold out in a few days, and there is no need to discuss cooperation with others. People come to the gold shop to buy gold jewelry, right

In the end, after asking around, Qin Rou finally found a suitable partner. It was a newly opened gold shop. It used to be a grocery store, but it was recently changed into a gold shop.

The name of the gold shop is Longxingji Gold Jewelry Store, and the owner of the gold shop is Huang Xingqiang. Not long after he changed his career and decided to start a gold shop business, he also recruited several goldsmiths.

"Your pearls are really beautiful." Huang Xingqiang saw the seawater pearls they brought over, and the more he looked at them, the more he liked them. His wife said from the side: "I think it will be very beautiful to make jewelry with gold."

Qin Rou nodded: "When we came here, we designed a few sets of jewelry with gold and pearls. Would you like to take a look?"

When Qin Rou came this time, she also wanted to buy a few sets of gold and pearl jewelry back home, which would be exhibited in the pearl art garden on Qiongzhou Island, not for sale.

Huang Xingqiang and his wife looked at the design drawings one by one, and his wife's eyes lit up: "This looks good together."

His wife was referring to the necklace of gold feathers and pearls. Just looking at the drawing, he could already imagine how beautiful it would be.

"Can I buy you a string of pearls? I think it looks great with my red dress."

"I have seen pearls before, but I have never seen such a beautiful one."

"Your pearl earrings are beautiful."

Qin Rou took out a pair of pearl ear hooks to Huang Xingqiang's wife. These pearl ear hooks are made of seawater pearls of about nine to ten millimeters. They are bright in color and have an extremely soft halo. When worn on human ears, they look gentle and temperamental. .

Huang Xingqiang's wife fell in love with it as soon as she put it on.

"As soon as I wear this pearl, people become gentle."

His wife was smug in the mirror, while Huang Xingqiang said from the side: "Isn't it? Once you wear this pearl, the dominatrix will become gentle."

"What did you say?"

After negotiating cooperation with the Huang family couple, they left a person and a small batch of pearls here. Qin Rou also ordered the gold jewelry she wanted to sell, and went back to Qiongzhou Island by boat.

As soon as she got back to the island, the people from the TV station came to contact her personally, saying that she planned to hold the Qiongzhou Island beauty pageant next year.

Director Wu invited Qin Rou to be a judge.