Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 153: beauty pageant


Chen Juanjuan took Feng Yulan home by car. When Feng Yulan got off the car, she didn't really want to leave, because the scenery by the beach was very beautiful, the sun was shining brightly, the blue sky was very beautiful, white clouds condensed in the corner of the sky, and the sea water Scrub the sand quietly.

Feng Yulan on the ship was as motionless as a dead fish. After getting off the boat, she immediately turned over, full of curiosity about the island she was on.

— This is a tropical island!

Everything I see feels fresh.

The comfortable sea breeze was blowing on her face, and her hair was flipped playfully with the wind. Feng Yulan raised her hand to her forehead and looked into the distance.

"Is there a coconut grove on the beach? Juanjuan, let's go and see it!" Feng Yulan immediately felt refreshed when she thought of the Ten Mile Silver Beach in the photo.

"Didn't you say there are still macaques? How can there be monkeys? Is this the Dongsheng Shenzhou in Journey to the West?"

"Oh, there are still people going fishing over there! There must be too many fish!"

Chen Juanjuan: "..."

Chen Juanjuan was speechless, she was the one who cried on the bed just now and said that she was going to sleep to death, and now she is the one who is going to wander around in high spirits.

"Today is too tired, let's go back to my house to rest first." Chen Juanjuan bought two sun hats from a local in Lucheng, and put one on for herself and Feng Yulan.

Because there are many foreign tourists coming and going to Qiongzhou Island, their sun hats are very popular. There are several sun hats near the port. They are different from the simple straw hats worn by the islanders themselves. These sun hats for foreign tourists are very beautiful. , Many have silk flowers and bows.

Chen Juanjuan chose a sun hat decorated with shell carvings. Feng Yulan especially likes this sun hat.

"Grandma, is your hat selling well?"

"If there are many tourists, the sales in a day are not bad."

Chen Juanjuan bought two coconuts, and took the car home with Feng Yulan. Feng Yulan was sitting in the car, drinking the sweet coconut water, and saw the green fruit trees outside through the car window, and there were trees The tall coconut trees make amazing exclamation sounds from time to time.

You know, many trees in the north are bald at this time, but the hair on the trees here is still lush.

"Juanjuan, do you think the north is better or the south? It looks really good here in winter."

"Each has its own way. The air here is good, but it's too humid. There are many snakes, insects, rats and ants."

When Chen Juanjuan and Feng Yulan arrived at Chen's house, Qin Mian was very happy to see her daughter back, "Juanjuan, are you back? School is over? Why didn't you come back with your brother?"

"This is your friend?"

Chen Juanjuan introduced her good friend Feng Yulan to Qin Mian, saying that she came to the island to play and entertained her by herself, "Yulan, go take a bath and rest for a while."

The two washed off the dust and changed into light gauze skirts. Qin Mian smiled and showed her some shawls: "If you go to the beach to play, you should also bring a shawl. It's cold when the wind is strong."

Chen Juanjuan nodded. It was not until the next day that she told Qin Mian that she had quit her job as a teacher, which made Qin Mian very angry.

"Isn't your job as a teacher very good? What a good school. This is a school in the capital. You went to a university and assigned you such a good place. If you don't want it, don't you?"

"Then is it possible that your university studies are for nothing?" As a girl from the mountains, Qin Mian felt that it was something to be proud of her daughter to be an English teacher. What a decent job! But this smelly Juanjuan said she would quit and quit.

She quit her job as a teacher!

Qin Mian was furious, but Chen Mian, who had experienced so many ups and downs for so many years, was quite open to it: "My daughter doesn't want to be a teacher, so it's not right. I've heard people say that many public employees have resigned recently..."

After the opening of the economy, many public employees intervened in business operations, which caused dissatisfaction among the public. Since 1984, various policies have been stipulated, either to keep the public office or resign to start a business, and the two must not be mixed.

Therefore, at the end of this year, there was a wave of resignations of public officials. Some decided to keep their public jobs, while others resigned from their permanent jobs and chose to go to the sea completely.

There are not a few people who resigned like Chen Juanjuan.

Whether this choice is right or wrong is not clear for a while. Chen Mian has been a teacher for so many years, but he does not require his children to inherit their father's career as a teacher.

In fact, being a teacher is a job that requires a sense of responsibility and patience. If you don’t want to be here and don’t love the job of teaching, don’t force yourself to be a teacher. This is not only irresponsible to yourself, but also irresponsible to the students. .

Qin Mian asked Chen Juanjuan, "You said you're not a teacher anymore, so why do you want to come back?"

Chen Juanjuan said: "It's a big deal to sell pearls to our mother and aunt!"

"Selling pearls? I'll beat you." Qin Mian laughed at her casual tone, "Your aunt graduated from business management. She opened a factory, managed it well, and formed a chamber of commerce. What about you, you are studying English, what do you want to do?"

"You can't study well for four years, and then you don't earn anything, and you don't need the assigned work. Isn't the knowledge you have learned for so many years wasted?"

"You still talk about selling pearls. Do you know how pearls grow seedlings and insert seeds?"

"You don't know anything, and you're still talking here. At worst, I'll sell pearls. Do you think selling pearls is so simple?"

Chen Mian smiled: "Look, your mother is also talking about the truth now."

"Mom, there are so many foreign tourists on the island now. I speak English well, and I also studied a few other foreign languages at the university. I don't say I am proficient. Basic communication is no problem. I think I have more advantages on the island than being a teacher." space to develop your abilities.”

Chen Juanjuan's choice to return to Qiongzhou Island is definitely not willful. She has learned foreign languages well in the past few years, her spoken English is standard, and she can communicate with foreigners normally. She has learned not only English, but also several foreign languages.

For the knowledge and skills learned, if you don’t use them in the future, you will forget them over time. If Chen Juanjuan chooses to be a relaxed English teacher, although educating people is very fulfilling, but apart from the knowledge in English textbooks, , the skills she has learned will gradually become obsolete...

After just one semester, Chen Juanjuan feels that her foreign language level has lagged behind a lot, and she spends more time worrying about her children and teaching work every day. If she continues to have children honestly in the future, she will be a good wife and mother in the Sun family , then she will gradually become a person who only knows that her parents are short-sighted, and complains to her colleagues and friends about her mother-in-law, husband, and children every day. Maybe she gave birth to a boy, and her husband's family is very satisfied, allowing her to live a pampered and boring life. Showing off to colleagues every day, or moaning about nothing... This is not what she wants to live!

"I can do foreign trade business, I can work in a travel agency... I can also be a tour guide!"

Chen Juanjuan feels that there are many places where she can give full play to her learned abilities.

The niece came back, and Qin Rou went to see Chen Juanjuan at her sister's house. As soon as Chen Juanjuan saw her aunt, she immediately ran over and took Qin Rou's arm: "Auntie, hurry up and persuade my mother."

"I quit my job as a teacher, and now she stares at me every day with her nose instead of her eyes."

Qin Mian glared at her: "You just told me to quit your job yesterday, and it's only been two days since I've been working hard and calculating, and I can stare at you every day? Do you not learn math well?"

"The murderer, our mother is the murderer!" Chen Juanjuan sighed, and winked at Qin Rou: "Look, auntie, your elder sister is the murderer!"

Qin Rou smiled: "Juanjuan, don't you want to be a teacher?"

Qin Rou knows that her eldest niece has her own opinions and is also stubborn. She can't bring back a cow for what she believes in. It's the same as when she took the initiative to change her name and changed Chen Jingxi to Chen Juanjuan when she was a child.

In the year of her college entrance examination, Chen Mian and his wife asked her if she wanted to change her name back, and Chen Juanjuan said no, it was a done deal, and she was used to it.

Besides, there is Chen Jinghua and Chen Jingyi at home, her name is Chen Juanjuan.

— She wants to be a distinctive older sister.

"Auntie, I don't want to be a teacher, I want to start a business!"

Qin Mian was helpless: "Amei, take a look at this child, I can't do anything about her."

"Juanjuan, is this your aunt?" Feng Yulan came down from the stairs. She had a ponytail, big eyes and high nose. Sitting on pins and needles.

Before coming to Qiongzhou Island, Feng Yulan expected this kind of situation. Chen Juanjuan's parents would definitely be dissatisfied with her resignation, and she would help her. The family can't be rough on her.

Before coming, Feng Yulan was thinking in her heart: If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? For the sake of sisterhood, even in the face of embarrassing situations, I have to persevere and never give up.


Feng Yulan didn't expect the Chen family to be quite reasonable. Chen's father neither supported nor opposed her daughter's choice, but just told her to be responsible for her actions; Chen Juanjuan's mother, although very angry, did not look particularly angry. Very understanding.

Qin Mian said a lot of things with all her heart and soul, and felt that her quitting her job was too hasty. Although Feng Yulan supported her little sister in her heart, she also thought that Qin Mian's words were good, so she wavered between two sides, not knowing whether she should help her. who.

The public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is right.

Now Chen Juanjuan's aunt is here.

When she went downstairs and saw Qin Rou, a flash of surprise flashed in Feng Yulan's eyes. Chen Juanjuan's mother and daughter were very beautiful, but the woman in front of her was even more eye-catching. She had a special temperament on her body, and her beauty was even more beautiful. It was aggressive, as if... even if there were a crowd of beauties standing together, she would definitely be the brightest and most eye-catching one in the crowd.

"Juanjuan, your aunt is so beautiful! I have never seen such a beautiful woman before!"

"You're such a nice kid, and you're even more beautiful! Juanjuan, your brother didn't bring back his partner, but you brought back a beautiful woman."

Feng Yulan blushed: "I'm not some great beauty, I'm just an ordinary person."

"Juanjuan is beautiful, many people chase her at school."

Chen Juanjuan: "I'm not as beautiful as you."

Qin Mian smiled and said, "They're all beautiful. Our family is a group of beauties. Let's go to the beauty pageant on the island next year."

Both Chen Juanjuan and Feng Yulan were surprised: "Beauty pageant!"

"That's right, Juanjuan, if you stay on the island and have nothing to do, you can choose a beauty too. Although your appearance is a bit lacking, beauty contests also require culture. Maybe you can rely on culture. Catch up..." Qin Mian joked.

Chen Juanjuan: "..."

Feng Yulan was even more curious now, she had never heard of any beauty contests in China: "Is there really going to be a beauty contest on the island?"

"Your aunt is so beautiful, she will definitely win the first place in the beauty pageant."

"That's right, I also think that my aunt has been good-looking since she was a child!"

Qin Rou said: "Don't make fun of your aunt, it's up to you young people to participate, and I'm the judge of your aunt."

Chen Juanjuan: "Wow!!!!!!"

Feng Yulan: "Ah!!!!"

"It's the right time for me to come back!" Chen Juanjuan's eyes lit up, it's a beauty contest! It sounds like a very interesting and lively event. When she returns to the island, she can still catch up with such fun events.

Seeing that the two of them were interested in the beauty pageant, Qin Rou told them in detail about the situation of the South Island Tourism Miss Beauty Pageant.

Qin Mian put her hands on her chin and said, "Juanjuan, if you don't want to be a teacher, you can become a stewardess. Your parents haven't been on a plane yet."

Chen Juanjuan shook her head: "I've never been on a plane either."

Feng Yulan: "Me neither."

"Think about it, if you want to participate in the beauty contest, both of you have the right conditions."

Chen Juanjuan shook her head: "I'm not going to participate in any beauty pageant, auntie, you said that this Miss Tourism beauty pageant is over, what kind of TV series do you want to make, a story about a travel agency?"

"What do you think I should do as a travel agency? I can also train our local tour guides. My foreign language skills are good, so I can train our local tour guides!"

Qin Rou thinks it is feasible: "That's good, Juanjuan, you can write some English introductions about various scenic spots."

"If you have nothing to do for the time being, why don't you go to my pearl craft garden to promote pearl necklaces to foreign tourists?"


Feng Yulan held back for a long time, she was interested in the TV series that Qin Rou mentioned, it was a "TV series"! ! !

In China, TV is a new and popular thing, and TV dramas are even more trendy gadgets that everyone rushes to watch.

"Aunt Qin, I, I really want to call you sister Qin."

Chen Juanjuan said: "You can't call her Sister Qin, or you will mess up your seniority, are you trying to take advantage of me?"

"Haha." Feng Yulan smiled: "Aunt Qin, I-I'm just curious about the creation of TV dramas. How do you make TV dramas? Do you want to write scripts or something?"

Qin Rou asked curiously: "Yeah, why? You can also write something?"

Chen Juanjuan said: "She used to like to write something, she even published articles in magazines, she is a great writer."

"I'm not a great writer, it's purely a fluke."

Qin Rou knows that Chen Juanjuan's good friend has a good level of education, and maybe she is really creative. Their travel agency story is still being created, but they can add some fresh blood to brainstorm. "Our island is not big, you can go to the TV station to visit, and you can also watch the blind date shows on our island."

"Yulan, if you're thinking about it, write a few stories about tour guides and tourists and show it to Xiao Zhang on the TV station."

"You are coming to Qiongzhou Island for the first time, so you can just stand in the perspective of tourists..."

Qin Rou had a meal at Chen's house and went back. Qin Mian went back to her room to make clothes, not caring about her troubled daughter.

The little sisters Feng Yulan and Chen Juanjuan are very excited. There is a TV station on the island, and there is a beauty contest on the island. Chen Juanjuan's aunt is the judge of the beauty contest...

How could the young girls not be excited when these things that were once extremely distant from their daily life appeared in their lives at close range.

Chen Juanjuan's aunt has been on TV many times!

That's on TV!

"Juanjuan, I've come to the island with you. I really saw a lot of things that I didn't see before, and I gained a lot of knowledge."

Chen Juanjuan nodded: "I also think it's good to be back, but it's annoying for my mother to talk about it every day."

"You see she talks about me every day, saying that I wasted a good job, and I will definitely regret it later."

"It's making my head hurt."

"You are good at writing, you have ideas, please say a few words to comfort me."

Feng Yulan was silent for a moment, then said, "I think you're fine if your mother didn't beat you to death."

Chen Juanjuan: "..."

Although this sounds a bit comforting, is it too strange

This sister often speaks surprisingly.

The time entered 1985, in April, after registration and several rounds of competitions, a total of 16 contestants participated in the final final.

Ever since the beauty pageant started publicizing and registering on the island, it has caused a great commotion, and everyone on the island wanted to come and watch the beauty pageant. Everyone has a love for beauty, who doesn't want to see big beauties? I feel happy after seeing too many beauties.

"Miss South Island Tourism? We are going to hold a beauty pageant on our island?!"

"Our local TV station in Qiongzhou Island broadcasts the beauty pageant throughout."

"Can I watch it in person?"

"Can I sign up?"

"Young, unmarried women can sign up!"

"Then I sign up! I sign up!"

The venue for the finals was the Blue Sky Sea View Hotel on the edge of a certain bay. This Sea View Hotel was built by Qin Rou. After this beauty pageant is over, the hotel will begin to open to the public.

This time the beauty pageant is also a publicity for the hotel. Qin Rou believes that after the beauty pageant is over, there will be more people with good intentions coming to the hotel to live and visit.

She attached great importance to the final agenda of this beauty pageant, and came to the hotel a few days in advance to make preparations. On the day of the final, everything was ready. Qin Rou stood in the room, opened the curtains, and the bright sunlight shone in.

Through the glass window, you can see the beautiful scenery in the distance. It is the endless blue sea, and the little waves wash up on the beach. The fine warm sand is a kind of light gold that makes you feel comfortable and beautiful, and it is decorated with tall coconut trees. Fresh green.

so beautiful!

Qin Rou felt sincerely in her heart that a house with a sea view is beautiful, but such a house is only suitable for taking pictures, not for long-term living.

After entering the typhoon season, it will take a lot of time and energy to maintain the sea view room.

At this moment, the contestants and makeup and clothing teams have all arrived in the hotel and are already preparing for it.

The TV station person stretched lazily: "Living in this seaside house is too comfortable and beautiful!"

"When I wake up early in the morning and see the sea, I feel beautiful."

"It's a real pleasure to live in a house like this."

"When my mother comes, let her stay in this hotel..."

Many contestants are also discussing:

"Participating in this competition is really worth it!"

"Eat and drink every day, and have beautiful clothes to wear, and live in such a beautiful place."

"Today we will choose the champion and runner-up of Miss Tourism on our island..."

"Are you all excited? Who can wear the pearl crown!"

When Qin Rou got dressed and came out, all she could hear were discussions everywhere, and she also ran into a girl who hurried over. The girl saw her in a hurry, and was a little surprised: "You are also a contestant? Is there still time? "

Qin Rou shook her head with a smile, and watched her go to the preparation area.

In my impression, this girl is called Xiao Yu, and she is quite a girl with distinctive features. Qin Rou has some impressions of her. After meeting her up close just now, she finds this girl's face even more pleasing.

She is not necessarily the prettiest, but she is very cute.

Xiao Yu ran into the preparation area, and the people next to him chattered and said:

"Xiao Yu, I almost thought you would be late."

"Something happened at home, I went back for a visit."

"Your father still doesn't agree? You have found us on the island. Do you think you are showing your face by participating in this beauty contest?"

Xiao Yu nodded. Her family was relatively conservative. She was originally a student who was admitted to a university in a rural village. Although she was admitted to an ordinary university, she was a sensation in the village and made her parents look good in the village.

At this time, when the girl is admitted to university, the people around her are envious, but some people will gossip, saying that his parents are too stupid to send their daughter to study, and that the daughter should replace it with a dowry, and make a lot of money when she marries her... But these, her parents ignored, still send her to read the university.

After finishing university, Xiao Yu was assigned to work on Qiongzhou Island. Although she had never been to this island, she had finally walked out of the countryside and the land, and had a formal job that everyone in the village envied. The employees of the unit have a salary of tens of dollars a month.

Her parents were very happy, Xiao Yu also wanted to honor her parents, and sent most of the money back home.

This year, the island suddenly started to hold a beauty pageant. Xiao Yu didn't pay attention at first, but came with her colleagues. The colleagues dragged her to sign up together, and heard that if she can get the ranking, she might have a chance in the future As a flight attendant, you can still fly!

These words were very unfamiliar to Xiao Yu, so she signed up just for fun, but she didn't expect to advance all the way, and she actually reached the final.

People in my hometown saw her on TV in Guangdong Province, so they told her family about it, and all the way back, everything changed, and people in the village chewed their tongues very badly.

Obviously she was participating in a beauty pageant, but she said that she was a good college student, willing to degenerate, and went to sell her body as a showgirl and dancer in the old days... It was ugly and made her parents feel ashamed and anxious.

"You are a well-graduated female college student, don't do this kind of thing that shames the family."

"I gave birth to such a good daughter, why did she change?"

"Quickly quit! Go back to work in your unit!"

Xiao Yu tried her best to explain to her parents on the phone, but her parents didn't believe her as a daughter, they only believed in other people's words.

At times like this, no amount of words are worthless.

Her parents asked her to withdraw from the competition, but Xiao Yu did not agree. After participating in the beauty pageant, Xiao Yu saw a brand new world. She had various novel experiences and saw a bigger and broader sky. She wanted to make money! She wants to live a better life, and she wants to seize this rare opportunity!

Before participating in the finals, her parents in the countryside couldn't bear it any longer. They trekked all night to the island to find her. They arrived on the island yesterday. Xiao Yu exhaustedly arranged for her parents, but still refused to give up the finals.

"Dad! Mom! It's already the final. I'll tell you more about it after the final is over."

Even if she can't get the ranking, she still wants to participate!

All the finalists put on elegant and beautiful dresses. Xiao Yu held up the hem of her skirts and quietly looked at herself in the full-length mirror. A pair of beautiful pearl earrings shone brightly.

She felt that she had transformed step by step from a country girl full of dirt into a princess in a children's fairy tale.

Whether there is an ending or not, she wants to wear such clothes and be a princess once.

Xiao Yu stepped onto the stage in high heels.

When she walked onto the stage, she saw Qin Rou sitting on the referee's seat. It was the beautiful woman she bumped into when she came in. She only remembered that she was very familiar, but she didn't expect that she was the referee.

Xiao Yu froze for a moment, but continued to walk forward.

Qin Rou sat on the referee's seat and watched the beauties. Not to mention, it was indeed a pleasing thing to see so many beautiful beauties in front of her. The audience who came to watch the game today was also in full swing.

There is a catwalk show, and there is also a question and answer session...

In a tense atmosphere, the finals were over. Not long after, the results of the competition were announced. The champion Xie Ziyi, the runner-up Chen Qianqian, the third runner-up Zhang Fang... Xiao Yu came in fourth, just happened to have no ranking.

Standing behind the stage, Xiao Yu saw the three wearing gold or silver pearl crowns.

The result of the competition came out. Although she felt regretful, she did not regret participating.

The final of the beauty pageant is over but not over yet. Qin Rou, president of South Island Pearl Chamber of Commerce, invited sixteen finalists to participate in the "National Style Pearl Exhibition" held by South Island Pearl Craft Garden. At that time, they will wear cheongsam, wedding dress, Chinese style Pearl jewelry exhibitions such as wedding dresses and skirts are held in the Pearl Craft Garden.

They can still get fifty-one days' salary, which can be equivalent to their one month's salary!

Xiao Yu naturally signed up to participate, and the other fifteen people also agreed to participate in the pearl jewelry exhibition.

After the finals, Qin Rou returned to the family courtyard by car. Since the beauty pageant started, Qin Rou has also become a big celebrity in the family courtyard, and the sisters-in-law of the family courtyard are also paying attention to the beauty pageant.

"Sister-in-law Qin, you're back, we saw you on TV!"

"Those girls have such beautiful dresses!"

"You, the judge, are prettier than other contestants!"

"Sister-in-law Qin, your loss is that you married early! You didn't catch up with the good time!"

Qin Rou talked and laughed with them and returned home. The sweet bean Rong sisters at home were excited when they saw her: "The mother on TV is back!"

"Mom, I want to wear a beautiful dress too!"

"I want to wear a little crown!"

"I'll wear shell crowns for you next time." Qin Rou teased the two sisters with a smile. The two children were only in primary school, and Qin Rou didn't dare to let them wear a bunch of valuable pearls. Danger.

Around the 1980s, there was some chaos in the society, and all kinds of sneaky fights appeared. After the crackdown the year before last, the atmosphere has improved a lot in the past two years.

Of course, the sweet bean curd sisters are currently studying in the elementary school affiliated to the army, and it is very safe to return to the family courtyard after school.

Not long after Qin Rou came back, the two brothers Lu Yan and Lu Weizhou also came back. The two brothers played ball in school. When they came back, they were dripping with sweat. Qin Rou handed them a towel and asked them to wipe off their sweat and go take a bath.

Lu Yan was at the back of the queue, so she simply hugged her daughter-in-law and was sticky first. Before Qin Rou went to the hotel to get ready, they hadn't seen each other for several days.

Qin Rou smiled and told him about the beauty pageant final.

"Would you like to live in the sea-view room built by your daughter-in-law? They all said that when they woke up early in the morning and saw the sea, they were in a beautiful mood!" Qin Rou was tightly held in Lu Yan's arms, and she smiled at him Pushing his chest up and down, he joked.

For so many years, Comrade Lu Yan can see the sea most of the time when he wakes up. This is really not a beautiful thing. If there is a mission to go out to sea and float on the sea for a month, it will be nothing but the sea...

"I don't want to see the sea, I just want to see you." Lu Yan smiled and said, "I'll take you with me next time I go to sea."

"Bring me? Is there room for me on the warship?"

"Hang our comrade Xiaoqin on the stern of the boat, and wash it with sea water when it gets dirty."

Qin Rou snorted: "Is it possible to catch sharks when you have nothing to do?"

"The shark probably won't be able to catch it. Your Chief of Staff Lu loves you so much, so you can help with the laundry there. White clothes are hard to wash..."

Qin Rou heard the movement downstairs, and the two children came out, so she stopped bickering with Lu Yan: "Go take a bath!"

In May, the 16 finalists held a national style pearl exhibition in the Pearl Craft Garden. The TV station also recorded the whole process and edited and broadcasted it in prime time.

This time, the Qiongzhou Island beauty pageant was not only extremely sensational on Qiongzhou Island, it was frequently published in local newspapers, and the southern newspapers even published it several times. It also aroused great attention and repercussions in Guangdong Province and Hong Kong Island. There will also be a beauty pageant to follow.

At this time, the scripts of the first ten episodes of "The Story of the Travel Agency" prepared by Zhang Yuanjun and others had come out. This was the result of their brainstorming, and Feng Yulan joined the script creation team.

This girl is very interesting, and she came up with a lot of funny dialogues. Director Wu made an exception and invited her to join Qiongzhou Island TV Station.

"Comrade Xiao Feng, we need talents like you for the development of our TV station!"

Feng Yulan originally planned to travel to Qiongzhou Island, but she did not expect to settle for a job here. This was the ending she never expected.

"When I came here, I thought I would come to see the winter in the southern country, but I ran into someone's beauty pageant, and I was reluctant to leave. I was writing a TV script over there... This script writing is so interesting..."

"My parents told me to go back to work."

Chen Juanjuan asked her: "Then what do you mean?"

Feng Yulan hesitated and said, "I'll work here for three years first. I told my parents that I'll work for three years first. I think I'll feel at ease after the filming of this script is completed and the TV series is successfully staged. .”

"Then what do your parents think?"

"They couldn't hold me back and told me not to find a partner on the island. I promised them that I would never find a partner on the island."

"I'm very interested in script writing and TV drama shooting now. Since Qiongzhou Island TV Station has given me this opportunity, I will firmly grasp it!"

Chen Juanjuan said with a smile: "You are not allowed to find a partner because you are afraid that you will not go back after marrying on the island."

"I told my parents that I will work for three years first!" Feng Yulan smiled: "I guess I will leave after only two or three years. In these three years, we will spend more time on the island. We can chat and play together."

"That's right." Chen Juanjuan nodded: "Work in this TV station for three years, after that you can go back to the local TV station."

"That's right, I want to see the TV show start!"

The script came out. As a small-budget sitcom, there is nothing else to prepare. The venues such as travel agencies and scenic spots are all ready-made, because it is a daily tour, and the costumes are also ready-made. Now we only need to find suitable actors. .

Qin Rou chatted with the top eight contestants in the beauty pageant and asked them if they would like to participate in the filming of a TV series.

"Filming a TV series?!"

"We can make TV series!!!"

After learning that they could make TV dramas, these young girls were very excited. Ordinary people can’t make TV dramas these days. For example, the actors in those countries who are preparing to shoot TV dramas are all actors from various domestic art troupes and repertory troupes. Really can't choose.

These contestants who participated in the beauty pageant showed their faces in front of many TV viewers, and people had an impression of them. Qin Rou TV station wanted to make them all appear on camera, so as to commemorate the first Miss South Island Tourist Contest.

"I would like to participate in a TV series!"

"The story of the travel agency, is it going to be a tour guide? The heroine should be chosen from among us?"

As the champion of the beauty pageant, Xie Ziyi almost acquiesced that she was going to be the leading actress. As the champion of the competition, how could she not appear in this travel-related TV series.

The TV station has also confirmed that she will participate, but the specific role has not yet been decided.

Xie Ziyi made a request to the TV station: "I can participate in the filming, but as the first place in the competition, I want 500 yuan per episode."

The bidding price for the champion was so high, and the other girls followed suit. They didn't want a few hundred yuan, but one or two hundred yuan. After this trip, not only can they be on TV dramas, but they can also make a lot of money.

The people on the TV station were shocked: "Five hundred yuan? This is too high!"

You must know that most people are paid about 40 to 90 yuan per episode for filming TV dramas at the moment, which is almost a month's salary for ordinary people. It can be said to be a sky-high salary.

Nowadays, there are few TV dramas in China, and everyone regards filming TV dramas as a very sacred artistic job, including directors and costumes Daohua, who strive to pursue the perfection of details. Therefore, in the TV drama shooting budget, personnel travel expenses, live shooting, props and clothing 1. The consumption of scene layout accounts for the vast majority, and the cost of actors only accounts for a small part.

If the cost of the actors is raised, then their budget is indeed a bit stretched.

"Several domestic TV series are filmed, and the actors are only a few dozen yuan per episode, and the extra ones are more than a hundred..."

"They are actors of the repertory theater troupe, and they are paid by the troupe themselves. With the contribution fee for this episode, they are of course better off than us."

"But your price can't be higher than theirs. They are still actors with professional skills, and they charge such a high price."

The TV station had a discussion with Qin Rou on how to deal with this matter. Several people's hearts were fluctuating, eager to make a lot of money, especially the top three. As the champion, runner-up and third place, the TV station will definitely do everything possible Let them appear in TV shows.

The TV station can't find a bunch of people without rankings to make some travel agency TV series, right? Where is the face of the Miss Tourism Contest

"Don't worry, we're determined, at least three hundred and one episodes."

"Look at the pearl craft garden, there are so many pearls, President Qin does not lack the money."

"They must invite us to make a TV series."

Qin Rou and the people from the TV station have decided that the leading role will be paid a maximum of 80 yuan per episode, and the remuneration at this moment is called manuscript remuneration, and this price is not too low.

The remuneration is similar to that of other cast members in China, or even more. After all, they are a sitcom and don't need to wear weird makeup.

If it really paid a high price and publicized it, what would the other actors who worked so hard to make TV dramas think? These contestants don't even have any theatrical performance skills.

"There are still many actors in our art troupe. If you want to make a movie, you don't have to choose..."

If it is not for the gimmick of the beauty pageant, there is really no need to invite contestants to participate in the filming of sitcoms.

First of all, it must be said that they have no experience in filming. During the filming process, they have to spend a sum of money to hire a group of experienced masters in the troupe to guide and train, which is also a big expense.

"President Qin, I want to make a TV series, but I don't have to pay for it!"

Qin Rou looked up and found that it was Xiao Yu.

Infinite hope flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, she clenched her fists tightly, she wanted to make a TV series, even if she didn't have to pay for it.

Xiao Yu wants to see herself on TV, and wants the folks in her hometown to see where she works and understand her current life.

"I can let you try." Xiao Yu was one of the candidate actresses that Qin Rou originally chose in her heart. The heroine of a sitcom does not have to be the most beautiful, she has to be the most popular with the audience.

Qin Rou felt that Xiao Yu was lovable. She wanted to be on TV right now, so she must be a person who can work hard and will not slack off this job.

"If you are suitable for this role, the reward will be given to you according to the corresponding price!"