Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 154: Artsy


The filming of "Story of a Travel Agency" has started, and the heroine is tentatively designated as Xiao Yu. The finalists of other beauty contests choose whether to participate in the filming of the TV series. If they don't participate, they don't force it.

After all, it's a sitcom, and it doesn't force too many beauties to be included. Even if it's not in the finals, characters with a suitable image can participate.

The people from the TV station have already formed a simple filming team, determined the candidates for the main roles in the first few episodes, and signed Xiao Yu and four or five other contestants.

Among the top three Miss Tourism, the champion Xie Ziyi and the runner-up Chen Qianqian did not participate in the performance. Chen Qianqian originally wanted to agree, but Xie Ziyi told her: "We are the first and second in the beauty pageant, we can't be like others. "

"The TV station will definitely ask us to be on camera."

Xie Ziyi felt that the people in the TV station would definitely regret it. Even if she was not allowed to make a TV series, she would have a second choice.

"I won the championship, and the boss of a factory asked me to shoot commercials. Chen Qianqian, do you know how much it costs to shoot commercials? He said that he can give this amount, and this is a fast-paying business."

"How long does it take to shoot commercials? Can he pay so much money? He only pays tens of yuan for an episode of TV dramas, and how to send beggars?"

Because she has seen the cost of shooting commercials, Xie Ziyi thought that she could get so much money by shooting a few minutes of commercials easily, so why bother to shoot TV dramas.

"We are champions and runners-up. Someone will definitely ask us to shoot commercials. TV stations don't ask us to shoot TV dramas. We just shoot commercials."

Xie Ziyi waited for the boss of Xiarou Shrimp Chip Factory who needed to shoot an advertisement to come to her to shoot an advertisement. After waiting for several days, there was no movement, so she had to take the initiative to contact Xiarou Shrimp Chip Factory.

"Didn't you say you wanted me to shoot commercials?"

The Xiarou Shrimp Film Factory replied: "You are Xie Ziyi? You didn't participate in the filming of the TV series? Our advertising crab boss has already made a decision to let the female lead of the TV series shoot."

"We thought you were the leading actress, but now you don't, so we have to find someone else..."

"People who participated in the filming of TV series are suitable to appear in our advertisements."

The boss of their Xiarou Shrimp Film Factory doesn't do business that loses money. The beauty pageant is over as soon as it is over, and the popularity gradually fades away. The TV series that is being filmed is a good opportunity and means to advertise.

The beauty pageant is only broadcast on one or two stations in Guangdong Province, and the TV series in the future can be sold to other TV stations across the country. At that time, more people will watch the TV series. Only by letting the leading actors of the TV series to shoot commercials can they greatly improve the quality of their products Reputation.

Xie Ziyi was stunned? ! !

Are you looking for the female lead of a TV series to shoot this ad? ? ! !

If she isn't a leading actress, why don't you ask her to shoot commercials? ! !

"I can shoot commercials too! I'm the beauty pageant champion!"

"Our commercial will be filmed together with the TV series..."

If the factory finds a female lead to shoot, who is the current female lead

Xie Ziyi anxiously contacted the TV station, this time she took the initiative to agree to shoot a TV series, but the TV station informed that they had already decided on a female lead, and the director and director were satisfied with the casting results, so there was no need to change roles.

The female lead was chosen to be the fourth place Xiao Yu!

"Xiao Yu is the fourth!"

"Xiao Yu is beautiful and has a friendly and lovable appearance. We all agree that she is more suitable as a leading actress..."

Several contestants sat on the ground and raised prices, and the TV station stopped contacting them. The filming of "Story of a Travel Agency" started smoothly. Because it is a sitcom, the filming was very fast, the plot was fast-paced, the language dialogue was interesting, and it was full of various jokes.

Feng Yulan followed the filming all the way, adding a few jokes from time to time. She and several other screenwriting teams kept changing the script, and at the same time, the actors brainstormed and discussed the plot together...

Not long after, the first 20 episodes were filmed. After the editing, Qin Rou watched the film one by one. Even after reading the script, she was overjoyed.

Qin Rou herself also played the role of the president of Passerby A Chamber of Commerce in the TV series.

Qin Rou: "..."

In fact, nothing else, but when the matchmaker appeared on the TV screen, she felt that she wanted to drive an excavator.

Although there are many strange places, but as a sitcom, it is very qualified. Qin Rou praised: "The filming effect is really good!"

"The standard of each episode will continue to be maintained."

The TV series continued to be filmed. When the twenty-five episodes were filmed, the people from the TV station approached Qin Rou and said that someone contacted the TV station and learned that they were going to shoot a TV series about Qiongzhou Island. They were very interested in it and even more willing Write two songs for TV series.

That person is called Xiong Mi, a songwriter who went out of the island. He once jumped in the queue in the rubber plantation of Qiongzhou Island. He has a lot of affection for the island. "You want to make this travel TV series, I like it very much."

"I can compose music for the TV series for free, can you add more chapters to introduce the rubber plantation on the island in the TV series..."

The people at the TV station saw Xiong Mi's composition and thought it was a good match for the TV series, so they agreed to Xiong Mi's request and asked someone to fill in the lyrics. Now it's just a matter of choosing a singer.

"Would you choose the local singers from our island art troupe? Or spend money to invite famous ones in our country?"

"Let's find someone from our island. The TV series are all about the scenery of the island."

"Then go to the Art Troupe to find a good local voice..."

Qin Rou followed the TV station and Xiong Mi to find a singer. Several singers from the troupe signed up to participate in the election. In the end, after many choices, Xiong Mi, the composer, accidentally chose Qin Rou.

Xiong Mi said: "After listening to it, I still think you have a good voice!"

Qin Rou was stunned: "Shall I sing?"

"I heard Mr. Wu say that you used to be a singer in an art troupe and worked in our Qiongzhou Island radio station for six or seven years. Oh, when I found out about this, I thought, Oh, no wonder I listen to your voice So familiar!"

"In those years, we all listened to your cultural programs!" In the cottages in the village, there were basically no entertainment activities, and the only literary pleasure left for the educated youths and farmers who went to the countryside every day was listening to the radio.

Qin Rou's voice is too familiar to them!

Qin Rou's afternoon cultural program has always been the favorite of many educated youths. Men and women gather together and sit in front of the loudspeaker to listen to her broadcast.

In the past, Xiong Mi only heard Qin Rou's voice on the loudspeaker, but now it happened in reality, and the memories of the past years washed over his heart like a raging heat wave.

"Yes, you sing, you sing the most suitable song!"

"Is the announcer of the radio station still there? Let's do the chorus together. Countless educated youth workers who came to the island in those years have returned to their hometowns. It is worthwhile to hear these voices again. What a joy!"

During those difficult years, the days may have been miserable, but in the pain, there were also blooming flowers that were nostalgic. With the familiar voice, I remembered the bits and pieces of those years.

"People from the radio station? Sister Xueqing is still there, currently on the TV station."

"Really? She has a good voice, too."

The people from the TV station and Qin Rou finally followed Xiong Mi's suggestion, and Qin Rou came to lead the opening and ending songs of this TV series.

Qin Rou didn't expect that after so many years, she would go into the recording studio to record and broadcast songs.


Xiong Mi babbled a lot, which aroused many people's memories of those years, and Qin Rou couldn't help opening the floodgates of her own memories, recalling the days when she worked at the radio station in those years.

She remembered that when Lu Yan came to pick her up from the radio station, the couple went home happily for the New Year, when the son was still in her belly; , Holding the leaves and circling around mother...

Although those years are gradually moving away, they are still clearly in my mind at this time.

— Those days in the past are indeed nostalgic.

Qin Rou decided to take over the opening song "South Island" and the ending song "See you later". Chairman Qin has also been busy recently, practicing singing every day, even at home.

As soon as Lu Yan came home, she heard her daughter-in-law humming and singing!

"Old Comrade Lu, do you know? This composer Xiong Mi is actually my audience, he should be a fan?"

"When I was broadcasting on the radio station, many people liked to listen to my cultural programs!"

Qin Rou couldn't help running to Chief of Staff Lu to show off.

Lu Yan looked at her with a smile and nodded, "I also like listening to your art shows."

"You don't hear it often."

"As long as I have a chance, I will listen to my daughter-in-law's broadcast." Lu Yan pinched her face, "My daughter-in-law's voice is nice, and it's nice to hum when nothing happens."

"That's it!" Comrade Xiao Qin, who raised his tail, nodded and admitted without shame.

Lu Yan leaned over and whispered in her ear, "It sounds better when you hum it at night. Fortunately, only I can hear it."

Qin Rou blushed, pinched his waist, and said narrowly: "Comrade Lu Yan, I think you are very talented, why don't you come and learn to sing from me at night."

"Shall I learn to sing from you? I'm afraid that after I learn to sing from you, you won't even know how to sing..."

Chief of Staff Lu personally taught you how to run and transfer to the vast ocean.

Qin Rou: "don't underestimate yourself."

"I sing as if I were sailing without a compass."

"You're being humble." Qin Rou patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Your old Lu family's men obviously can't find their way to sing."

"It's quite normal for you to whistle, how come you sing like this?" Qin Rou hugged his face and observed carefully. Their Chief of Staff Lu's voice is very nice, as long as he is not singing, his voice is very nice, especially When whispering in her ear, the low, sexy and magnetic makes people's body feel numb.

Lu Yan pecked her on the face: "It was passed down from the old Lu family."

"Thanks to my daughter being like you."

"That means my genes are very strong, and I have overcome the out-of-tune inherited from your old Lu family."

Lu Yan nodded: "The two sons cannot be rescued."

"Don't open your voice, both of them." Speaking of it, the two sisters of Tiandourong sing very well, but they don't sing much at home on weekdays. One likes to practice the violin, and the other starts to practice opera and posture in the troupe. As for their Zhouzhou Dumpling brothers, they like to howl when they go home and howl when they play.

Both of their brothers sing equally badly, and no one dislikes the other.

"Dad! Mom! What are you two sneaking about us brothers?"

Lu Yan lazily said: "Mom and Dad are concerned about you."

Qin Rou said with a smile: "Parents hope that you can protect your throats. How about we make Sydney stewed with rock sugar tomorrow?"

Lu Weizhou said, "Put less sugar."

Lu Weize said: "Mom, why don't you practice singing today?"

"Can you add a dumpling to the part of your chorus?"

Qin Rou: "..."

The child's father was quite able to recognize his identity, but the child was a little lost.

Lu Yan said: "Your dumpling is missing, so you can't add it, but Doudou and Rongrong can join the chorus."

Lu Siyao asked curiously, "What are you singing?"

"Does brother sing?"

Lu Sining said: "My brother has become a duckling now."


Lu Weize pulled her hair angrily: "You are the duckling."

"My brother's words are so ugly!"

Qin Rou said from the side: "Your brother has entered the period of changing his voice."

Brothers Lu Weizhou and Lu Weize have entered a period of voice change. Their voices may be ugly, but they are weird. It seems that listening to them is very difficult. The rustling duck voices of the two brothers are in stark contrast to the crisp and sweet voices of the two sisters.

"Do Doudou and Rongrong also have a voice change period? Don't—" the Tiandourong sisters covered their throats.

"The younger sisters will also have a voice change period, but it will not be as obvious as the elder brother."

"Listen to your sister's voice."

Rongrong heroine raised her head and said: "Every time I hear my brother talking to sister Nian Nian, it's like a duck talking to an oriole."

Qin Rou: "..."

"Lu Sining, don't you want to be beaten?" Lu Weize said fiercely.

"Brother Dumpling, you are so fierce, just like the villain in the TV series, the heroine Rong Rong wants to beat the villain..."

"You stinky Rongrong, you said yesterday that Brother Dumpling is your favorite brother,"

Qin Rou practiced the songs at home, and she sang the two songs over and over again, not only she could sing, but also the other five members of the family, and Lu Yan would hum a few times when kneading steamed buns.

The two elder brothers who are in the period of changing their voices will also hum a few times...

The sweet bean paste sisters will also hum a few times...

Even Zhang Chengbei next door would hum a few times...

After hearing too many men from the Lu family humming, Comrade Qin Rou felt that she should go to record as soon as possible.

Qin Rou went to record the opening and ending songs, including her lead singer, and the harmony part of the other staff of the radio station. The Tiandourong sisters also sang twice on the opening song.

The song has been recorded, and the first 25 episodes of "Story of a Travel Agency" have been filmed and edited, and there are 25 episodes left. I plan to wait until the first half of the test is completed before continuing to shoot the sequel.

This is the usual tactic of this day and age.

Although the completion of this TV series is not low, and it is also a low-cost sitcom, everyone is anxious and uneasy, wondering whether it will be liked by the audience after it is broadcast.

Just wait for the broadcast to wait for the audience's review.

Zhang Yuanjun sighed: "After writing the script, half of my hair has fallen out."

"How can there be so many stories in this travel agency?"

Feng Yulan explained to herself: "I thought I had too much hair, but now it's just right..."

The two troubled brothers and sisters talked very happily. When writing the script, Zhang Yuanjun and Feng Yulan formed a strong comrade-in-arms cooperation.

Zhang Yuanjun's eyes moved: "When the TV series airs, I'll treat you to a meal."

"Okay!" Feng Yulan agreed without hesitation.

"Are you looking for someone? The matchmaker on our island seems to be very effective..."

Feng Yulan: "..." It seems that I heard that the matchmaker looks like Aunt Juanjuan.

Would it be more effective to touch her aunt

"I'm not looking for a partner on the island! I have to go back to my hometown to work, just work in our TV station for two or three years, shhh, I'm only telling you this, don't let other people know..."

Zhang Yuanjun nodded.

When they were writing the script, they visited several travel agencies on the local island and in Guangdong Province, and cooperated with the tourism bureau. They got stories of various tourists who came to visit and travel, and they also communicated with those tourists.

Chen Juanjuan recently worked as a tour guide on the island. Because she is good at foreign languages, she often guides foreign tourists and has accumulated a lot of experience.

Chen Juanjuan also played the role of a tour guide in the TV series.

Qin Mian said with a smile: "When the TV series airs, you will be able to see Juanjuan on TV, right?"

Chen Mian said: "You want to talk about yourself, you mother and daughter are on TV together."

Qin Mian also starred in the TV series, as the manager of the wedding photography shop.

Because it was a TV series filmed on the island, the various scenic spots have hardly changed. If someone visits the scenic spots on the island after watching the TV series, he will find that the scenic spots he sees are the same scenic spots, and the people in the scenic spots are also from the TV series. people.

"Principal Chen, you were asked to film an episode as a fisherman and you refused to do it. Are you envious now?"

Chen Mian snorted: "I'm not envious."

In August, "The Story of a Travel Agency" was aired on Qiongzhou Island TV station in prime time, and the ratings were very hot. Because it was a TV series filmed by the company, it could be played in a loop as you like. This sitcom full of laughter and joy began to adorn the island. people's lives.

The ratings are rising steadily, and the TV station also sold this sitcom to several TV stations in Guangdong Province and Liao Province at a suitable price, and at the same time it was shown on several other TV stations one after another.

Compared with imported foreign TV series, the TV series produced by Qiongzhou Island are relatively cheap, and many TV stations are willing to buy the right to broadcast this TV series.

"Is your TV station cooperating with someone to make a TV series?"

"How much did it cost?"

"Let your small island take the lead! The beauty pageant was preempted by you, and now you are also the first to shoot TV dramas. It really did tricks for you!"

"The scenery on the island is really beautiful! Look at the colors, oh, what a pity, what a pity, what a pity that everyone is using black and white TVs, so you can't see such bright and clear colors..."

"The Story of a Travel Agency" was screened on several other TV stations. After it was broadcast, it was loved by a large number of audiences. This kind of relaxed and funny sitcom is like the language program of the Spring Festival Gala. It brings people happiness and makes people understand a A beautiful southern island.

This will determine that more tourists will come to the island.

"The scenery on this island is really beautiful. Is this from our country?"

"At the southernmost point, what do you think?"

"What a beautiful sea and coconut trees... It turns out that this is how pearls are produced..."

"Look how good they look in pearl necklaces."

"I like that sun hat."

As the TV series were broadcast on major TV stations, Qin Rou's singing also resounded all over the world.

"Is this the voice of Qin Rou? Is it Qin Rou singing?" Liao Province TV broadcasted a TV series, and many members of the art troupe who used to work with Qin Rou remembered the name.

"Qin Rou, she sang for the TV series! She even sang for the TV series!"

"After so many years, her voice is still so nice."

"Didn't she get married and go to Qiongzhou Island with the army?"

"Yeah, look, isn't this TV show just about the island?"

"God, there are so many fruits on this island!!! So many coconut trees!!!"

"How has she been living on the island all these years?"

Zhou Yuanfang, who was assigned to work in the factory after graduating from university, saw the familiar scene on TV, which was the scenery of Qiongzhou Island. Zhou Yuanfang couldn't help feeling curious while listening to his colleagues discussing the plot of the TV series.

"Zhou Yuanfang, you were an educated youth on Qiongzhou Island, right? Is the island so beautiful?"

"Beautiful is beautiful, but life was very hard back then—" Zhou Yuanfang looked at the TV series again, and saw a girl selling pearls. Does that person look like Menglan? ! !

"This island also produces beautiful and beautiful pearls."

"I've met my partner, and I want to buy a pair of pearl earrings."

"This pearl seller is really beautiful!"

Zhou Yuanfang stared blankly at the beautiful girl who sells pearls on TV. After all these years, she is still so young and beautiful. She wears a beautiful pearl necklace on her neck and hands. Although her skin is a bit dark, her hearty smile is like a bowl of tea in summer, refreshing and refreshing.

Counting carefully, seven years have passed since he went to college in 1978. In the past seven years, he got married after graduation and had his own child. After having the child, his relationship with his wife became worse and worse.

And the former Menglan, a country girl with little experience, has become so shining.

Zhou Yuanfang was smoking a cigarette. He didn't dare to watch this TV series, but this TV series was so popular that everyone around him was talking about the island. After learning that he had been to Qiongzhou Island as an educated youth, everyone asked him about the situation. .

Many past memories made him unable to avoid them even if he wanted to.

"I heard that the pearl seller is already married!"

Zhou Yuanfang panicked, and after a moment of stupefaction, he was hesitant and had a glimmer of hope. There was a daughter between them. Of course she was married, but the two of them didn't get the certificate.

What he has is a marriage certificate with another woman.

"It seems that someone who knows her said that she married a researcher at the island's experimental station, and this experimental station is the one that bred the Pearl King. Have you heard this news before?"

"Married to a researcher who cultivates pearls? No wonder she sells pearls. One of the couple researches pearls, and the other sells pearls. They got married because of pearls."

"It seems to be the little Cui in the TV series. He looks pretty good. He showed his face once."

Meng Lan married a researcher on the island

Zhou Yuan was like falling into an ice cave. He recalled Meng Lan's smiling face on the TV, and his whole body seemed to be overwhelmed by a thousand-weight mountain.

Lin Guisheng, who has already returned to his hometown, watched the TV series produced by Qiongzhou Island. He saw many familiar people in the TV series, including Qin Rou and Meng Lan, the owners of the Xunrou Pearl Factory, Zhang Xiesheng, the owner of the Xiarou Pearl Factory, and Cui Mingzhan, an acquaintance at the former experimental station...

These things seem far in the past.

Lin Guisheng sold his Guirou Pearl Breeding Factory. He first went to Guangcheng to start a business. The business had just started, but he met Road Hog.

He used to work at a research station, and the researchers he met were down-to-earth and even a little stunned "stupid people". Lin Guisheng always felt that he was superior and smarter than these people. I met a friend who spoke sweet words and deceived him completely.

Lin Guisheng returned to his hometown with the money he earned, planning to start some small business in his hometown, but who knew he saw the situation on Qiongzhou Island on TV.

The factory buildings of the original batch of pearl breeding factories have been refurbished, and a pearl craft garden has been built. The island even held a beauty pageant and filmed a TV series...

Lin Guisheng regretted it unceasingly. If his Guirou Pearl Factory persisted, would he still be able to appear on TV

—Do you want to go back and open a pearl farming factory

Xiao Yu finished filming twenty-five episodes of TV series as the leading actress, and she also took the commercial for Xiarou Shrimp Film Factory, earning a huge sum for her.

With excitement, Xiao Yu bought a black and white TV and a color TV to send home.

"Daughter, we saw you on TV!"

"You did a great job! The island is so beautiful, and the blue sky and white clouds are so beautiful!"

"Our family has a color TV, and many people come to our house to watch TV. They all say that my daughter is promising!! Now she is making TV series, maybe she will also make movies in the future!"

"If you want to make a movie, everyone in our village will go to the movie theater in the county seat, we don't watch outdoor movies! Go to the movie theater to buy tickets!"

After "The Story of a Travel Agency" was broadcast, the family members of the family courtyard were the most loyal viewers and supporters of this TV series, because most of the unemployed family members had participated in the filming of sitcoms.

Go to a film crew to act for a day, and you can earn a little money, without wasting time, and you can see yourself on TV! ! ! Why not do it

Even if there are not many scenes in the scene, he still adds background to his passer-by character: "Can you make me a particularly bad sister-in-law character, I will try to quarrel with my sister-in-law!"

"I want to be a daughter-in-law who bickers with her mother-in-law! Get me a husband who listens to me all the time. When I come to the island to travel, he will take care of me the whole time!"

Zhang Chengbei: "I just want to catch a shrimp by the sea."

Zhang Chengbei sighed unceasingly. He thought that his son had been admitted to be a director. After his son graduated to make a movie, his good friends would have to come to him if they wanted to appear in a movie.

But now... Passers-by who want to be on TV are all going to be the background board of Coconut Grove Beach.


Let the old Lu family next door take the lead. Isn't his family doing some pearls? Why did they suddenly engage in a beauty pageant and a TV series? My son has not yet graduated from directing, and they have already filmed a TV series.

Zhang Chengbei was determined not to be a passerby fishing in Lu's TV series, but Mrs. Huang was a traitor in the family, and she even went to play a passerby in two or three scenes in the TV series.

"Old Zhang, look, I'm pretty good on TV, right?"

Zhang Chengbei: "... your son will become a director in the future, and he will take better pictures of you."

"How long will it take for Yichao to graduate?"

"When the TV series was filming, Yichao also went to help the crew..."

Zhang Yichao returned to the island during the summer vacation, and also visited the filming of TV dramas, and learned a lot of experience.


He tanned himself even darker.

Zhang Chengbei thought to himself that my son would never come back for nothing

"Yichao, should you pay attention to your image?"

"Dad! Your son and I are now studying directing. What is a director? A director is an artist. Artists in this world are unrestrained and unique!"

"That's called personality!"

"Only an artist with individuality can create magnificent works of art history!"

"Dad, have you seen those art masters? They are all unruly and full of artistic atmosphere."

Zhang Chengbei: "..." He was afraid that his son would go to university and drive himself crazy.

"I'm going to grow my hair long, and I'm going to grow a beard."

A well-educated person, who tans himself so darkly, grows long hair, and grows a beard, what kind of image is this... What kind of image is this

"You son of a bitch, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to find someone like this?" Zhang Chengbei didn't know whether he was crazy or his son was insane. He flipped through his old photo albums, and it was obvious that his eldest son was a white and tender man. Tender young man wearing glasses! !

Now his son has become dark and thin, and Liu Yue, the black monkey of the Liu family, has become white and tender, even wearing small glasses when he came back from summer vacation.

Are these two children living more and more like each other

Zhang Chengbei even suspected that he had exchanged a child with the Liu family.

"Don't mess with me, what if you can't find a partner? You look like a ghost, the soldiers of our family courtyard won't let you in, and they think you are some kind of dangerous person."

"Dad, you are discriminatory! What era is it now? You still don't understand art. I say that I am full of artistic atmosphere. Do you understand the artistic atmosphere?"

"I am full of artistic flavor, but I can't find a partner?"

Zhang Chengbei chuckled: "You must not find someone."

"Isn't there still a matchmaker statue on our island? Auntie Qin lives next door, so I can't find a match?"

"I'm full of art, and I can attract girls who like art!"

"Liu Yue from the Liu family must have found a partner before you!"

"I don't believe it, there are more girls who are obsessed with my artistic atmosphere!"

This son is beyond salvation.

Before going to bed at night, Zhang Chengbei sighed to Huang Xinying: "Do you want to hug your grandson?"

Huang Xinying shook her head: "It's not in a hurry."

"That's good, but the eldest son is hopeless, and I won't urge the marriage, just let him go." Zhang Chengbei thought of the "artist" image his son described, and he felt that no matter how much he urges the marriage, it would be useless. Don't do useless work.

How could such an unlucky child be born.

"Er Heng and San Youke must not be like his brother, our family doesn't need any artistic atmosphere, our family is just an ordinary person."

Zhang Chengbei thought of the Lu Weizhou brothers who were out of tune in the next door, and suddenly felt envious and jealous.

Good run!

The two sons of this family don't have the slightest artistic atmosphere, so they don't bother!

Huang Xinying laughed at him: "Don't worry too much, isn't it time to promote late marriage and late childbearing? Let him go."

After Zhang Chengbei thought hard, he ran to the next door and said to Lu Yan, "Lao Lu, besides calligraphy, your eldest and second son don't learn any other arts?"

"I think your second son, Lu Weize, is also a good candidate to be a director. It just so happens that his mother co-produced a TV series with someone. What a natural condition!"

Zhang Chengbei really wanted to see a Lu Weize who was full of artistic atmosphere, so that the old Lu next door had the same headache as himself. As for Lu Weizhou? The eldest son of the Lu family is hopeless.

Lu Yan was watering the flowers, and raised her eyebrows when she heard this: "You said that Wei Ze should be the director?"

"Isn't that appropriate?"

"Didn't this kid be called something by his Teacher Xie... a calligraphy genius?"

Lu Yan shook his head: "He only wants to be the captain of an aircraft carrier."

Zhang Chengbei: "..." How can this child be careless, he wants to go floating in the sea.

"How many years will it take?" Now that an aircraft carrier is being built, let alone how many years it takes to build an aircraft carrier, how many years of experience and resume do you need to become the captain of an aircraft carrier

"Follow him."

Zhang Chengbei: "..."

It's okay, a son who goes to sea and disappears without a trace, and a son who is full of artistic atmosphere, can't tell the difference between good and bad.

In September, Qin Rou added a Santana to her family. After buying a car, it is much more convenient than before. Qin Rou previously got a driver's license from a transportation company, and her sister Qin Mian and Chen Juanjuan also came to learn how to drive. .

Qin Mian said: "After a new house is built, our family will also buy a car."

Qin Rou: "Sister, then you should hurry up and learn how to drive. After you buy it, you can drive on the road as soon as you get in the car."

Now the road is safe, of course, it is not particularly safe, the main means of transportation in the city is still black bicycles, whether it is Qiongzhou Island or Guangcheng.

There was a classic photo of Guangcheng before, a black army of bicycles commuting to and from get off work, it is extremely spectacular!

"I really don't dare to drive. It's too complicated. I have to step here and there again, which makes me flustered. I don't care about the head and the tail. This... it's too difficult to learn how to drive." Qin Mian said. She likes trendy things like cars, but as soon as she gets in it, she finds that the car is not easy to drive. She has to step on the clutch, shift gears, and turn the steering wheel.

Learning a driver's license at this time is similar to future projects, such as reversing into a garage, S-curve, side parking, etc...

Qin Rou had practiced on the empty avenue for a few days, and she had already gotten used to the new car. She drove her car on the road with a thud, to be honest, she felt that the car was not very easy to drive at the moment.

—The best car to drive is the coach car she once drove in a driving school.

When she was learning to drive, there was a girl who had just obtained her driver's license. She wanted to find her coach to buy back that coach car, because this girl felt safest driving this coach car: "I dare not drive other cars. On the road!"

Although it is not easy to learn to drive, you will become addicted after practicing for a long time, and you will like the joy of controlling the machine!

Both Qin Mian and Chen Juanjuan were addicted to learning, and they brought Feng Yulan to learn how to drive, and Li Qinghua came to teach them.

Huahua's mother is now an experienced driver, Qin Mian saw her skillful posture in getting on and off the car, and thought she was very cool.

People ride two wheels, she drives four wheels! And so skillfully driven!

"You still have good driving skills, much better than my sister."

Qin Rou: "..." Refusing to step on it.

Huahua's mother chuckled: "It's great to have a car of my own. When will my son earn his mother a car?"

Chen Juanjuan said: "Aunt Li, I will learn how to drive from you!"

These lesbians got together to learn how to drive, and they took turns to drive. Qin Rou's driving skills improved a lot, and when Lu Yan had a rare two-day vacation, Qin Rou volunteered to drive and take their family to the Seaview Hotel. Two great days off.

The four children in the family were very excited, "Mom is driving out!"

"It's mom driving!"

Lu Weizhou: "Mom, when can we learn to drive?"

"I want to drive too!" Lu Weize wanted to touch the steering wheel a long time ago. No man can refuse the joy of driving a car.

They have been in the car many times, and they have learned how to drive a lot, but they have been struggling to learn how to drive.

It used to belong to the transportation company, but now it is your own car, so you can't get started? ! ! !

"When you two are eighteen years old, I will drive for you two."

"Mom, can't my brother and I do it now? Can we drive now?"

"No." Minors are not allowed to drive.

Qin Rou and her family started driving. She was sitting in the driver's seat, Lu Yan was in the passenger seat, and there were four children piled up behind her.

Because of the unskilled road conditions, Qin Rou didn't drive fast.

Lu Yan propped her chin with her hand: "...how long do you want to drive?"

"Take you to see the scenery along the way!"

"Mom, how did you turn the steering wheel?"

"Can't you go any faster?"

"mom… "

Even if she was surrounded by a group of children and drove, Comrade Qin Rou was immovable, and driving required patience and calmness. She took the whole family to the Seaview Hotel, Qin Rou parked the car, and Lu Yan took off the passenger seat. He took off his sunglasses and checked the situation outside: "Are you there?"

He seemed to have fallen asleep and wanted to stretch himself.

Qin Rou immediately said: "Go back and drive!"

How can you be so leisurely when your wife is driving

To be leisurely is to be beaten, Comrade Lu Yan.

She will be so leisurely next time!

Lu Yan smiled and said, "I drive as long as I drive, we husband and wife take turns."

"With an old Lu driver like you around, I won't drive anymore."

"Brother Lu, I also want to ride in the car driven by Comrade Xiao Qin."

At this time, many tourists came to the island, and they were staying in this newly opened sea-view room hotel. There was a large swimming pool in the hotel, but few people swam. Most people came to the beach, of course they chose to go Plane the sea water.

There is a bay beach near the hotel, and a safe area has been specially planned for tourists to swim in the water, and security guards take turns guarding it nearby.