Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 157: ostentation


After Lu Weizhou left, the whole family was not used to it for a while, especially Lu Weize, who became a single dumpling when commuting between school and home.

Lu Weize, who was always escaping from the usual routine, gradually became calmer, and even more focused on reading books and doing questions to prepare for next year's college entrance examination.

Many people noticed Lu Weize's changes. When Lu Weizhou called back, Doudou said to his elder brother, "Brother, since you left, brother Jiaozi has been studying harder and harder."

Rong Rong interjected from the side: "I must want to be admitted to Huaqing University like my elder brother."

Lu Weize's face darkened: "Don't talk nonsense."

Lu Weizhou on the other end of the phone smiled: "Don't bully you Dumpling brother."

"Put Weiser on the phone."

"Ask me to answer the phone? Why do you ask me to answer the phone? You are such an adult, why do you call home every day? Your classmates are also like you?"

Lu Weizhou chuckled a few times: "May I ask where you have been studying?"

"You land supervisor, you've gone thousands of miles, and you still want to check my homework? No way, hang up."

"Don't, let's chat again..."

In September, the awarding ceremony was held in the base. Qin Rou took a few children and other family members to watch the ceremony. In the distance, the flags on the stage were flying. Qin Rou found out in the row of snow-white people standing familiar figure.

When people came down, Qin Rou stood beside Lu Yan and took a photo with him. She held his arm, and gently stroked the epaulet with the other hand.

"Aunt Qin, you and Uncle Lu have a look." Zhang Yichao has already graduated from university, and now he is preparing to shoot his first directorial feature, but today he came to act as a photographer.

Qin Rou smiled and turned her head to look at the man beside her. The man seemed to have noticed her gaze, and turned her head to look at her tenderly.

The snow-white military uniform was worn on him meticulously, setting off his figure as straight as pine, and that handsome face was a little less aggressive than before, and a little more calm and restrained.

Qin Rou was wearing a blue dress, her long, fluffy curly hair was hanging down her shoulders, her expression was natural, her cheeks were still plump and smooth, her well-defined eyes were full of strange charm when she lowered her eyebrows and raised her head, she approached Lu Yan, raised his hand to brush the long hair next to the other ear behind his ear.

Lu Yan hugged the shoulders of the people beside him, and Lu Weize led Lu Siyao and Lu Sining to stand beside their parents.

Lu Weize smiled, "You must send the photo to my brother, I'm so envious of him."

"Who told him to leave me to go to college."

Even in September, Lu Weize was still brooding over this matter, talking about it all the time.

Qin Rou said with a smile: "Then our Wei Ze will leave his brother to go to university next year."

Lu Yan said calmly, "We will help you carefully check whether your brother is crying or not."

Lu Weize: "I'll see for myself!"

It really is which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

Zhao Jianghong and Ye Mingxiu were also here that day. Three men, Lu Yan, Zhao Jianghong, and Wang Yuanzheng, got together to talk about their daughters.

"Your son has already taken the college entrance examination, this kid from Weizhou is amazing! He still passed the exam at Huaqing University."

"Old Wang, your daughter is about to take the exam and go out to study."

"My youngest daughter will have to wait a little longer."

Lu Yan said calmly: "My two daughters have to wait a little longer."

Wang Yuanzheng: "..."

Zhao Jianghong: "..."

It's so angry to say that Lu Yan's eldest son is the oldest, and his two daughters, born in 1977, are younger than Zhao Qingjuan, who was born in Zhao Jianghong's family in 1976, and even younger than Wang Niannian, who was born in 1973. Three or four years old.

"Old Wang, let's have a chat."

"Old Zhao, let's talk."

Zhao Jianghong and Wang Yuanzheng hooked their shoulders together, trying to ignore Lu Yan who was on the side.

Zhao Jianghong and Ye Mingxiu only had a daughter, and they held it in their hands like a treasure. At this time, Wang Yuanzheng and Zhao Jianghong had a lot in common, and they both were reluctant to marry their daughter.

Lu Yan didn't bother to talk to them anymore, so she ran to stand in front of her daughter-in-law. Qin Rou looked at him and smiled: "Squeezed out again?"

Chief of Staff Lu, no, Lu Yan, who should now be called Captain Lu, is always hated no matter where he is.

"I'm alone, squeeze them both."

"Then you are amazing."

Qin Rou took his arm and went to the port to look at the sea. They heard the sound of waves lapping on the shore, the splashed water was like silver beads, the blue current was rushing, the sun shone through the clouds, and the white under the sun The warship is majestic and magnificent.

The sea breeze is blowing in the ears, and the gentle warmth is constantly coming from each other.

After "Story of a Travel Agency" became very popular, Jenny Qin and the TV station cooperated to film two TV series "Southern South Seas" and "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea". Feng Yulan, as the screenwriter and producer, was eagerly waiting for the TV series to be released.

The TV series that continue to be launched still have extremely high ratings, bringing a lot of income to the TV station, and greatly increasing Feng Yulan's self-confidence and sense of accomplishment.

At this time, it had already reached the three-year period. She originally planned to work in Qiongzhou Island TV Station for three years. After three years, she would resign and return to her hometown.

But at this moment, her family called to urge her, asking when she would go back, Feng Yulan was very hesitant, because Qiongzhou Island TV Station was about to start filming the "Liao Zhai" series of TV series.

Feng Yulan is looking forward to this series too much.

She wanted to write the unit scripts by herself, and her fingers eager to hold the pen were eager to try, "I will stay for another three years, and I will go back after the filming of this TV series is finished and released."

"Mom, I'm still young, I'll go back when this TV series is finished, or you also go to the island to play for two years, don't you want to be on TV? Make a TV series!"

"Yes, yes, of course, you can play Yuanwai and Mrs. Yuanwailang, of course, you don't need it, you don't need anything else, you just come here, and you can get paid for acting."

"Old man, Yuan Wai Lang and Mrs. Yuan Wai Lang are already old and fit the image... It's impossible for this TV series to be all young people. Come on, come on."

Zhang Yuanjun listened to her call and heaved a sigh of relief. He thought that Feng Yulan would leave after working in the TV station for three years, but now she is willing to continue working.

As long as he doesn't leave, he still has a chance.

This year I will shoot "Liao Zhai", and the next year I will shoot "One Hundred and Eight Heroes". No, girls may not be interested in heroes, so I will shoot...

Chen Jingyi graduated from university and returned to Qiongzhou Island to work. Over the past year, Qiongzhou Island has undergone earth-shaking changes. Qiongzhou Island, which once belonged to Guangdong Province, has become an independent province.

Since the news of establishing a separate province came out, a steady stream of people immediately went to the South Island to seek gold. At the same time, land prices on the island rose, and countless real estate companies opened up.

Houses are being built everywhere, and now there is the concept of off-plan houses. There is an endless stream of people who come to Qiongzhou Island to settle down and buy houses.

Chen Jingyi and Xia Mingxi partnered to open a small real estate company. At present, there are so many real estate companies like them that anyone can open them, and banks lend money easily, so that later, many people opened up pocket companies to cheat money.

Xia Mingxi originally studied medicine, but after studying for a few years, he found that being a doctor is not suitable for him, because he talks too much, and he can't help nagging patients. Scared.

In addition... His character is too detached, his emotions are too passionate, and he is not suitable to stay in the hospital to witness all kinds of joys and sorrows. No matter which hospital he is in, there are various stories that make people feel helpless and sad every day.

Xia Mingxi has a strong sense of morality and passionate emotions. After seeing too much life and death, some people become numb, while others can't bear it. The desperate people who committed suicide by drinking medicine, the elderly and children whose family members gave up treatment, and even the family members who were ignorant of earth therapy caused The condition is serious... Xia Mingxi couldn't bear it after all, and had a doctor-patient dispute with someone.

In the end, I didn't work for a few months and quit the doctor's profession.

The Chen family wanted to build a building at the time, so Chen Jingyi and Xia Mingxi decided to start a real estate company together. Qin Rou and sisters invested some money for them, and finally the company got a few pieces of land to build a house steadily.

Qin Rou didn't let them develop too much real estate on the island. In the next few years, the housing prices on the island will rise steadily. Fanatical house speculators will push the housing prices to the top. This is not what Qin Rou wants to see.

Chen Jingyi and Xia Mingxi's Jingxi Real Estate teamed up with several other real estate companies to jointly request the government to regulate the real estate market, strictly prevent leather bag companies, and prevent unfinished business...

The island was undergoing drastic construction, and tall buildings were being erected. In July 1989, Qin Rou's second son, Lu Weize, took the college entrance examination. In August, the family received an admission notice from Bincheng, Liao Province.

Xiao Jiaozi inherited his father's career and was admitted to the alma mater that his father had attended.


"Your second child also strives for success."

The neighbors all came to congratulate, and the two little girls, Lu Siyao and Lu Sining, ran around excitedly, "Our elder brothers are all admitted to college."

"You two will also be admitted to university in the future!"

"I'm going to be admitted to the music academy."

"I'm going to be admitted to drama school!"

"Why don't you take the military art test like your sister Nian Nian?"

Zhang Chengbei was sour by the side, not at all, just the daughters of other people, look at this old Lu and Wang's family, all the daughters are beautiful, can sing and dance, if he could have a daughter back then, maybe...

"Mom Huahua is bringing the horse, Lu Weize, sit on it!"

"Come here, come here, and the big red flower is here too!"

"I don't!" When Lu Weize saw the white horse, he almost went crazy, and the horrible scene of Liu Yue's parade in the street suddenly came to his mind.

The streets of Lucheng at this time are no longer the same as the streets of those years.

"My brother didn't receive such treatment when he was admitted to Huaqing University, so why should I have to ride a horse?"

"You are handsome on horseback, you are the second brother who is capable of writing and martial arts!"

Lu Weize was beaten to death without riding a horse to parade through the streets. He was very capable, so he led the horse and ran away. Zhang Yichao chased after him with a camera, laughing so hard.

"This... this... people's crew and actors don't have this skill."

"Lu Weize, your circus is too good!"

"Lu Weize, run faster!"

"Catch a son-in-law under the list! If there is a daughter in our family courtyard, hurry up and catch it!"

After all, Lu Weize escaped the bad ending of riding a horse parade, but... the photos left in the end were not much better.

There is no public parade on horseback.

Lu Weize's military academy started school early, and the Lu family unanimously decided to send Lu Weize north to study in the military academy. Lu Weizhou happened to be able to go to Bincheng, and then go to the capital.

"Go all? Send me to study?"

Lu Weizhou said: "Don't worry, when you enter the school gate, my brother will definitely cry!"

Lu Weize: "...don't embarrass your brother!!"

Lu Yan: "I'll show you a dormitory."

Qin Rou: "Do you want to take the radio over?"

Lu Siyao: "Second Brother, I'll hold you and cry too!"

Lu Sining: "I sang and cried at the same time, I learned from Daiyu who buried flowers..."

Lu Weize: "??!!!"

"Are you all going? Are you really all going?!!!" At first, Lu Weize only thought they were joking, until he saw his parents, mother, brothers and sisters really started to pack their bags, Lu Weize found out what happened It's big.

He is such a big man, and he went to a military academy, and he wanted his whole family to see him off. This... This ostentation is as good as riding a horse through the streets.

If they really cried, this picture is unimaginable...

Xiao Jiaozi felt that her treatment was too high.

—He doesn't want such high treatment! ! !