Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 17: coconut


"You... have two children?" Yang Yufeng asked in confusion when she saw the two little boys.

That chubby Xia Mingxi is very eye-catching, it must not be an ordinary family that can raise such a chubby.

"No, it's my nephew."

Qin Rou prepared a large bucket and went to the yard to collect water. When the faucet was turned up to the maximum, the water still fell into the bucket in a trickle.

Qin Rou: "..."

The current is really small!

"Sister-in-law Yang, help me watch the water, I'll go into the house and tidy up for a while."

"All right, let's go."

Yang Yufeng stood in the yard to help her wait for the water, and at the same time looked very curiously at the luggage brought by Qin Rou. A few young soldiers helped move various items into the first floor.

She looked carefully, wondering what Qin Rou had brought




"Xiao Qin, can you cook?"

"know a little."

Yang Yufeng wondered: How much is one point

Is it modest? Or really just a little bit

Just looking at Xiao Qin's appearance, she is really a delicate lady who doesn't touch the spring water with her ten fingers.

This is a big difference between being a daughter-in-law for someone and being a girl at home in the past. To grab a man's heart, you must first grab his stomach.

After one bucket of water is finished, help her with another bucket of water, "Sister-in-law Yang, thank you."

"Xiao Qin, did they install the light bulbs for you? Be careful to prepare a few light bulbs, as they are easy to burn, especially in the past few months when there will be frequent power outages."

"Okay, sister-in-law Yang, I see, I will pay attention."

Yang Yufeng felt itchy in her heart, thinking why didn't you ask me why the power went out? I can tell you about Typhoon.

It was as if she had no curiosity when she gave birth to Qin Rou, so she didn't ask.

When Yang Yufeng left, she still felt that this new Xiao Qin was very strange.

After leaving the yard and turning a corner, a few old friends pulled her aside and asked curiously, "What about the new family members?"

"A very young girl, very pretty."

"The one who came out of the hospital, or the teacher? Or the art troupe?"

"It's said that it was sung by the art troupe in the past. There is no accent in the speech, and the voice is nice."

"How beautiful is it? Prettier than the Zhang family's?"

"Is the one from Zhang's family beautiful? She is good in everything, three good model wives."

"Is Xiao Qin a person who knows how to live?"

"I can't guess, this little Qin has delicate skin and tender flesh, she doesn't look like someone who knows how to live, but I saw that she brought a lot of pots and pans, and she also brought firewood?!"


Huang Xinying also heard that a new family moved in next door to her. To her, this is no longer a surprise. The residents next door have changed several times in the past two years, and each family does not last long.

A smile curled up on her lips.

Finally, someone came again. I heard that she is a delicate new daughter-in-law. She is beautiful. She sings in the art troupe. She has a hot temper. She is from Sichuan and Hunan. Her husband Lu Yan is also a famous person. head…

These two people have no other advantages. In Huang Xinying's view, the main reason for them is that one is beautiful and the other is handsome.

There are bound to be quarrels under one roof.

It's a good show to watch.

Tsk tsk tsk, these young people.

Huang Xinying sighed with emotion in her heart, and immediately felt complacent. What is she trying to do by serving her husband and children all day long? Naturally, she likes to be praised as a good wife, who in the family courtyard doesn't say she is excellent? Which man doesn't want a wife like her

No one can compare her excellence.

Now that there is another Xiao Qin who serves as a comparison for her, Huang Xinying can already imagine the chatter she will hear in the family courtyard in advance:

"Xiao Qin, you have to learn from Mrs. Huang who is next door to you."

"You new daughters-in-law really don't know how to deal with things. Look at how well Mrs. Huang manages the house."

"Learn how to serve your man well."

New residents came next door, not only Huang Xinying was happy, but her husband Zhang Chengbei was also happy. Zhang Chengbei has no other hobbies on weekdays, but to save face, like to show off, and make people envy him.

He married a good wife, she was born well, educated, she was understanding, she knew how to take care of the children, she took care of all the housework, cooked good food, and served him comfortably.

Who in the other family can live such a comfortable life like him

Those who marry a beautiful and educated woman are squeamish, unwilling to do housework, unwilling to serve men, and the couple always quarrel and dislike them; those who marry a hard-working man who takes care of their children are mostly uneducated, rustic, and not good-looking .

As for the wife he married, he took advantage of everything.

Which man does not envy him

Tomorrow he has to find the new Xiao Lu Tuotuo to make friends with, and reveal how happy he is, making him envious of himself.

Qin Rou opened the windows of each room to ventilate. Before moving in, the personnel in charge of housekeeping had already helped them to clean up and clean up the dust. There was nothing else in the army. They were good at housekeeping. clean.

After seeing it, Qin Rou felt that there was no need to clean it again.

Outside the house is a yard of about 70 to 80 square meters. There were some flowers, plants, melons and fruits that were originally planted, but it has already fallen to pieces. There are three tall coconut trees standing beside the road. Qin Rou looked up. Thirty meters, look carefully, there are large and small green coconuts around the bottom, it is not clear whether they are ripe or not.

How do you pick such a tall coconut tree? Is it possible to climb a tree to pick coconuts

Coconuts were unavailable for the time being, so Qin Rou entered the house. The area of this two-story small building is not bad. There is a hall in the middle of the bottom, the kitchen is connected to the bathroom on the left, and there are two rooms on the right.

The first floor is damp and easy for reptiles to enter. It is probably not suitable for people to live in. Qin Rou took a closer look at the door frame and thought that the threshold can be raised with cement to prevent the rainwater from pouring into the house. If the first floor is flooded to the height of the calf, It's not good either.

Speaking of worms, Qin Rou felt that raising chickens must be put on the agenda as soon as possible. Chickens were raised in the yard to prevent centipedes and the like from sneaking into the house and laying centipede cubs in their yard.

Snakes and the like must also be guarded against. When Qin Rou was in Guangcheng, she bought some snake repellent powder, and now she sprinkled it around the yard. She didn't know how big the rats and cockroaches were in this day and age. I can't fly, so be mentally prepared first.

Going up to the second floor, there are three rooms on the second floor, and a small terrace of about ten square meters. Qin Rou likes this terrace very much, but she thinks that the terrace also needs to be strengthened, so as not to prevent typhoon and heavy rain, and the terrace will be flooded with water. in the house.

It's better to build a detachable shed. Qin Rou plans to plant some potted vegetables on the terrace. It's better to cover it with a shed similar to a big shed and cover it with sunshade mats.

There are countless plans in Qin Rou's mind, full of ambitions, she wants to grow vegetables!

Not only to grow vegetables, but also to grow beautifully.

After boiling the water, Qin Rou took the children to take a bath, and the children ran around the room happily, while Qin Rou collapsed on the newly made bed and did not want to move.

I'm so tired, let's wait until tomorrow for my ambition.

Lu Yan came back at this time. He had just reported for duty, and was surrounded by old friends. Lu Yan didn't want to chat with people. He had been in the army for so many years, and it was the first time he had a home in the base. He also had a wife at home. Also willing to waste time with people outside.

Go home and take your daughter-in-law.

Lu Yan went upstairs, pushed open the door, and saw Qin Rou sitting by the bed. She had just washed her hair, and her long, black, soft hair fell on her shoulders, making her small melon-seeded face look extra gentle and soft. Her eyes were big and Beautiful, when she turned her head to look at him, it seemed as if she had a spring in her mouth.

Lu Yan couldn't help but wanted to cough. He touched his nose, and the sea breeze from outside the window softened his brows and eyes. The atmosphere at this moment was just right, and just as he was about to say something, there was a scream behind him. Little Fatty shouted: "Wow, Jing Yi, coconut!"

All the glamorous atmosphere is gone.

Lu Yan gritted her teeth secretly, just wanting to throw these two ugly little guys into the sea.

Qin Rou asked him, "did you bring coconuts back?"

"Well, I brought a few coconuts." There are not many other things here, but the most coconuts. There are many coconut trees growing by the sea, and a coconut tree can produce a hundred coconuts a year.

When Lu Yan came back, he dragged a sack of coconuts along the way, which was given by a friend who had just picked coconuts and gave him some.

After breaking open three coconuts and inserting bamboo tubes, Chen Jingyi's two children happily hugged the coconuts and drank coconut juice. Lu Yan held a coconut in his hand and handed it to Qin Rou.

Qin Rou hugged the coconut and took a sip. The juice was very sweet, neither sour nor astringent, and full of fragrance. She couldn't hold back, and took several sips.

The sweet coconut milk water is poured into the stomach, which is refreshing and thirst-quenching, and the taste is also great.

"It's so sweet!"

It's not that Qin Rou has never drank coconut juice, but she has never drank such a fresh and sweet coconut. In the past, she would only buy one or two coconuts when she was traveling, but the taste of the coconuts in the tourist market depends entirely on metaphysics and luck.

Some fresh coconut water is very delicious, while some that have been kept for a long time are too sour and astringent, making you suspect that the coconut water has deteriorated.

"Is it sweet?" Lu Yan hadn't eaten coconut much before. Hearing what she said, he was curious. He leaned over, bit the straw, and took a sip.

His movements were exceptionally natural, and Qin Rou, who was holding the coconut, was taken aback for a moment, he, he... just drank it

Indirect kissing

Qin Rou looked at his handsome side face in a daze, from this angle, his nose was straighter, and Qin Rou could clearly see his high nasal bone.

"It's really good."

Qin Rou felt that her face was going to burn again. She drank the fragrant coconut water, but her cheeks were slightly drunk as if she had drunk a cocktail.

Originally, the sea breeze was cool, but now she felt hot, subconsciously lowered her head and hugged the coconut and took a sip of sweet coconut juice.

After she realized what she had done, Qin Rou: "???!!!"

She studied in a normal school, and there are many girls. Some girls have a good relationship. The milk tea they buy will even taste each other. There are even some milk tea shops that offer good girlfriends, a big cup of milk tea with two straws, and the best friends drink a big cup of milk tea together.

Qin Rou is very concerned about this kind of thing, she can't pass the test in her heart, she won't share a straw with others, and she won't drink a cup of milk tea with others.

But now that she is drinking coconut juice with Lu Yan, she finds that she doesn't even feel sick, and she doesn't mind his saliva psychologically.

After two more sips, it seems to be even sweeter than before.

This must be an illusion.

Seeing her obediently holding the coconut, with the bamboo tube in her small cherry red mouth, Lu Yan couldn't help but smile a little dotingly in her eyes.

"Daughter-in-law, what shall we have for dinner tonight?"

— What do you have for breakfast

-What to eat for lunch

-what's for dinner

These three are really the soul problems of human beings.

This soul problem was suppressed, and Qin Rou was so shocked that he didn't care about the title of "daughter-in-law" in his mouth.

She doesn't want to cook, she's not in the mood to cook.

For her, cooking should be a very ceremonial thing. After taking a long-distance bus today and working hard for so long, she should order a takeaway to reward herself.

— Not suitable for cooking.

"Lu Yan, let's have a canteen meal on the first day." If you can't get takeaway, then order a canteen meal. There must be a canteen cooking class in the camp.

Qin Rou said cheekily: "Can you go to the cafeteria and help me make a meal with the child?"

The takeaway is available, but the delivery boy is missing.

The enamel mug presented by Director Sun as a friendly gift, followed her to Qiongzhou Island all the way.

This jar of food should be enough for their whole family.

—Thank you, Director Sun.

Lu Yan's face darkened: "No, I won't eat in the cafeteria."

He thought to himself that I now have wives and family rooms, so why should I still be in the cooking class

no! Not even a meal!

Qin Rou: "..."

This Lord Lu is really a thorn in the side, he has such a strong resentment towards the food in the cafeteria, and he doesn't want to eat even once.

Qin Rou doesn't mind cooking. She has lived alone for many years and has developed a good cooking skill. But today, she is too tired and really doesn't want to cook.

I am a lazy daughter-in-law.

Anyway, I can't get up from lying down.

Qin Rou lowered her head and squeezed her eyes, barely squeezed out some moisture, then raised her wet fox eyes, and looked at him pitifully: "I'm a little tired, I want to sleep for a while."

When Lu Yan saw her eyes, his heart softened immediately, and he said softly, "Go to sleep."

Qin Rou: "..." The point is, can I solve the problem if I sleep

Don't you eat

"Then who will cook?"

"I'll cook."

Qin Rou hugged the coconut in a daze. Seeing that the man had really gone out to cook, she lowered her head and bit the straw and drank two sips of coconut water to clear her mind.

—Oh my God, she actually found a handsome husband who can cook and bring up a baby!

Take a gamble, take a chance, and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle!

At this moment, Qin Rou couldn't help being elated, and wished she could roll on the bed.

It's not that she doesn't know that men in this era don't go into the kitchen, and they all rely on the women at home to run the stove, let alone men in the army, unless he has been trained in the cooking class.

Qin Rou originally thought that Lu Yan, a man with a bit of chauvinism, would not go into the kitchen, but he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to cook on the first day. Seeing how he disliked the cooking class, he might be able to show his skills

Qin Rou slept happily and waited for dinner.


When Qin Rou saw a steamed bun that was bigger than her face, she realized that she was too happy.