Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 25: miss


Li Qinghua talked very funny, Qin Rou actually chatted with her for a long time without knowing it, knowing that her child is also studying in the kindergarten, so she said to go to the kindergarten to pick up the child together.

The kids are attending class for the first time today. As a parent, Qin Rou thinks that she has to pick them up in person, which is a sense of ritual.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Anyway, Li Qinghua has nothing to do all day long, she will do whatever Qin Rou says she wants to do.

Li Qinghua thinks that the new girl, Xiao Qin, is pretty and easy to get along with, she won't mock her with sarcasm, she is stupid, sometimes she can't understand when others laugh at her, and she is laughed at by her husband when she goes back, it's really hard no.

Being with Xiao Qin is different, it's really like what the old cadres said - like a spring breeze.

Li Qinghua's family also has bicycles, and the two rode bicycles to the kindergarten to pick up their children.

Their children are still in the same class.

When Qin Rou arrived in the class, she found that the teacher she saw this morning was no longer there. Another teacher Xie said that the teacher surnamed Zhou had been fired.

The head of the kindergarten, Wu Min, wants to rectify the morality of the teachers in the kindergarten, so she simply uses her as an example. There are many problems in the kindergarten. Teachers need to be recruited again, and the current teachers also need to study further.

After hearing a series of practices of the principal Wu Min, Qin Rou feels relieved about this kindergarten. Although the current conditions are poor, no matter what era, there are responsible people who support the children.

She was a little shaken. If she didn't pass the exam as an announcer, she might be able to come to a kindergarten in this era to be a kindergarten teacher.

"Little aunt!!"

"Little aunt!!!!"

Qin Rou had just seen Xiaopangdun, and heard a "little aunt" like a thunderbolt. Not only that, but in a place where such little bastards gather together, these little bastards are like natural copyists, one after another: "little aunt!" Little aunt!" "Little aunt!"

— Listen to the sound of frogs.

In the morning, she was still called Sister Qin, but now she was misled by Xiaopangdun, and they all became "little aunts".

In just one day, she had so many big nephews.

Cub, you have found so many big nephews for your little aunt, does your uncle know

"Liu Yue, I'm here for your mother." Li Qinghua called out.

When she continued to shout, she heard the sound of frogs again.



Qin Rou: "..."

Sure enough, I still don't want to go back to kindergarten to work.

Li Qinghua's son is a thin and tall little monkey spirit, with tanned skin, he looks like a monkey, with a long neck, and looks very clever, when he saw Li Qinghua, he shouted, "Mother Huahua."

"Hey! Cub."

Qin Rou and Li Qinghua took the children back together. Of course, they took the school bus back, and Qin Rou and Li Qinghua pedaled bicycles together.

Qin Rou looked at Li Qinghua and her son getting along harmoniously, and she couldn't see any family disharmony in their family.

She said her man likes other women.

Qin Rou asked her quietly: "Is the one your husband likes married?"

Li Qinghua nodded and said bluntly, "It's over."

No wonder... It turned out that I was eating what was in the pot and thinking about what was in the bowl. The woman was married, and her husband had no choice but to cheat, but if the wife knew it, she couldn't stand it.

Thinking of this, Qin Rou suddenly thought of herself.

She thought of herself, who was suspected to be a double, and the existence of another "Qin Rou".

In the past, she was afraid that she could still ignore Tan Rou, but now she is getting more and more reluctant to this matter, is Tang Ruibai's guess right? Is Lu Yan interested in her because of Tan Rou

From the very beginning, Qin Rou felt that Tang Ruibai's statement was like a ridiculous nonsense, who would find a substitute with a homophonic name... But what if

Qin Rou bit her lip, she has realized that she is getting more and more interested in Lu Yan, is it love? She didn't know, after all they were married, he was her husband, and she wouldn't share her husband with another woman.

What if she fell in love with him

Obviously, what I said before was to live with a partner.

But now, she seems to regret it.

"Forget it. When he comes back, ask him about Tan Rou directly."

As for what the ending is after the question is over, let's talk about it at that time.

This matter weighed heavily on her heart, as if she had taken all of Qin Rou's energy, and she had no interest in planning her "little yard". Maybe there was another real "hostess" in this yard.

That night, Liu Kai came back very late on purpose, dragging a few comrades around and blowing the sea breeze, and he didn't rush back to the family courtyard until after dark.

After sleeping in a separate room with his wife Li Qinghua for three days, Political Commissar Liu thought he had taught enough lessons to make Comrade Qinghua deeply understand the seriousness of the matter. Move back to the big room, and the matter will be over.

His wife was nearly ten years younger than him, and she was very clingy at night, so he wasn't used to having a separate room and no one to cling to.

For the past three days, Liu Kai had watched Comrade Qinghua panic and panic, like an eggplant beaten by frost, and felt secretly refreshed. Facing this lazy daughter-in-law, he finally revived his husband.

"Dad, you're back!" His son Liu Yue called out to him.

Commissar Liu and his son Liu Yue look alike, they are both tall and thin, with a long neck, and he wears elegant glasses, which my daughter-in-law likes very much, and she will secretly take off his glasses and wear them herself.

"Dad, why don't you talk."

Political Commissar Liu kept a straight face, and kept silent, looking very serious, as if he was about to start scolding people in the next second.

He had to be serious and let Li Qinghua know that he was angry.

Seeing that Political Commissar Liu was silent, Liu Yue also stopped talking.

There were three people in a house, all of which were extremely quiet, leaving the two-story building empty. Political Commissar Liu went to take a shower, and as soon as he came out, he saw his wife Li Qinghua holding his son's little hand: "Mother Huahua is with you today." sleep!"


The child didn't understand the twists and turns between parents, and was excited to hear his mother's accent. Today, he went to the kindergarten to pick him up, and even met the beautiful Aunt Qin. Liu Yue was very happy.

Liu Kai: "..."

Why didn't she come to beg him

Today Li Qinghua has voluntarily accepted the status quo of sleeping in separate rooms, and also said that she will sleep with her son.

In the past, Li Qinghua was lazy and lazy, but he was most afraid that he would sleep in a separate room with her and divorce her.

-How is this going

Liu Kai didn't know that his wife Li Qinghua was so beautiful now.

"I took my son to bed."

Li Qinghua didn't even look at the man, happily carrying her son to bed.

Today's Comrade Li Qinghua already has revolutionary comrades-in-arms and allies, and she is no longer alone, which means that she has a backbone, Xiao Qin is such a good person, treat her to drink sweet fruit tea today, and give back She fried the fish steak, which made Li Qinghua feel hopeful for the future.

Even if she gets divorced in the future, she still has allies and good sisters. If they get divorced together, they will help each other and rely on each other.

Xiao Qin invited her to wait a few days to go to the sea together. Although Li Qinghua is a landlubber, he is afraid of water when he comes to the beach, and he never goes to the sea... But Xiao Qin invited her to go to the sea, so let's go to the sea.

She needs to get along with Xiao Qin with all her heart!

Fight for a divorce without leaving the island.

Although Huang Xinying just chatted with Qin Rou next door for a few days, she has been paying attention to the movement of this new family member. At the beginning, her aggressive posture shocked her, thinking that she was really a Great character.

Until the most lazy daughter-in-law of the Liu family in the yard met Qin Rou, Huang Xinying was excited. What kind of hardworking person could be who can make do with Li Qinghua, that slacker

Sure enough, this little Qin became lazy the next day.

It really is three days of fishing and two days of drying the net!

Huang Xinying secretly smiled in her heart, she had figured out the general situation of this little Qin, and she would go to her in a few days to brag about her.

After separating from his wife, Lu Yan only felt that his life was like a year. Except for his daily work, he was always thinking about his wife.

Before going to bed, I was thinking about my wife, and I couldn't sleep alone.

After tossing and turning, he only regretted one thing, and that was that he didn't bring his marriage certificate, he wanted to see the photo of his wife.

On the ship, as an officer, Lu Yan has his own dormitory and office, where two people sleep in one room, two beds, and two desks. The other officer who lives in the same room with him is named Ma, and his age is different. When he was young, he envied Lu Yan for taking up this position at his age.

He didn't want to work on the ship, and had been trying to find a way to transfer to the shore base to do agency work.

So he thinks about how to get promoted and transferred all day long. He not only thinks about himself, but also thinks about others.

"Lu Yan, if you suffer for a few more years, you may become a great leader in the future..."

Ma Bojun really wants to build a good relationship with his roommate Lu Yan. This young man is capable and able to handle affairs, mainly because he is young, has a high level of education, excellent skills, and is proficient in English and Su Wen. The higher-ups are now using his ability , Ma Bojun can think of his bright future.

It would be great if Lu Yan could take care of him when he gets along well in the future, but he is too much older than him, so it is useless.

"Lu Yan, if only I were your age..."

In the voice, Ma Bojun began to envy Lu Yan's youth again, envied his boundless future, and analyzed with him what opportunities he had in the future, what he could fight for, and started to talk about who and who was so good, and went to a leisurely position...

He likes to chat with people about who and who used to do what, what did that leader do...

"In the photo are your lover and your child?"

Lu Yan looked at Ma Bojun, who was facing him, and he was very envious of the family photos on his desk. His own desk was bare except for documents and materials, and only one photo was missing.

He doesn't even have a picture of his wife.

Although I bought a camera in Guangcheng and took a lot of photos, it was just that the time was too short, the film was not finished, and I didn't have time to develop it.

Even if I want to see the daughter-in-law in the photo, it's hard.

"Let me tell you, last year Zhang..." Ma Baijun was not interested in talking about his family, so he directly changed the subject and continued to talk about what happened to so-and-so.

The photos on his desk had accumulated a lot of dust, it was so foggy that people's faces could not be seen clearly, but no one cleaned it up.

"How long have you been married?"

"Marry? People should get married when they reach their age, and this marriage can't be messed up. Last year, Xiao Wen in the Da Zhou team got divorced, and he was transferred to..."

Lu Yan: "..."

Lu Yan misses head Zhang who lives next door.

I also miss Lao Wang.