Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 51: jealous


"Have you ever played eagle and chicken?"

"Aww, I like being an eagle the most."

"Teacher Guagua, she..."

The words from Xiaopangdun's mouth were like laser guns, blazing out, and Zhou Menglan's mother and son were stunned by what they said, and even Lin Yaoyang didn't care about hugging his thighs.

Baji, let go.

Brother Bing, who finally escaped from the clutches, no longer served as a sculpture, and then happily changed the guard with the newcomer, "It's time, it's time."

This is not a good thing when working in a family home, you will meet a lot of strange children.

"Are you going to kindergarten?" Lin Yaoyang couldn't believe it. His grandma said that there was an old hag who cannibalized people in the kindergarten. The old hag was thinking about how to eat children every day, and the old hag would raise snakes in the school, hissing...

"I'm going to see Teacher Guagua." Little Fatty said seriously, "I like kindergarten the most!"

Because there are so many people in the kindergarten! Little Fatty likes the excitement of people! ! ! He likes to make playmates of the same age, and he has good friends all over the world.

"Honghong said she would bring Huihui to show me."

Lin Yaoyang asked curiously: "What is Huihui?"

Little Fatty was about to speak, but Chen Jingyi next to him put on a sullen face and tugged at Little Fatty. His voice was soft and cute: "Let's go!"

"Go to kindergarten."

"Let's go!!!"

Chen Jingyi was very happy to see Xixi recently. When the two met at first, it was the chubby guy who talked to him when he had nothing to do. Gradually, he got used to this talkative little chubby guy, and he also liked him talking to himself.

But Little Fatty's Ba Ba Ba was never just for him.

So after Xixi came back, Chen Jingyi didn't like to go to the kindergarten very much. Once he arrived at the kindergarten, the little fat man would take care of every child, hum, but the little fat man still likes talking to him the most.

It's fine at school, but he also chatters with other kids on the road, which is really annoying.

If you don't want to go to kindergarten, don't go.

Chen Jingyi dragged the little fat man to go forward, not wanting him to talk to Lin Yaoyang.

Chen Jingyi is much thinner than Xiaopangdun, with small arms and legs, he can't move the sturdy little fatdun, so he tugged with his hands while saying "Let's go!!"

Unlike Xiaopangdun's loud voice, Chen Jingyi seldom speaks, and the voice he makes is tender and cute, a bit like the cute voice made by little cute things in cartoons.

Qin Rou: "!!!" Wow! ! !

Qin Rou was almost mesmerized by the scene in front of her. She didn't expect her little nephew Chen Jingyi to be so proactive.

In the past, he was always ignoring Xiaopangdun, but Xiaopangdun told him a lot, Chen Jingyi just responded in a dull voice, but now Xiaojingyi took the initiative to pull him away, not letting him go with other people. children communicate.

Is this jealous? Why is it a bit like a Shura field

A sentence jumped out of Qin Rou's mind:

— Me and my Aquaman friend.

"Jing Yi!!!" The little fat man who was dragged was flattered. Although the little fat man was very nervous, he found that since they reunited, Chen Jingyi had become more enthusiastic towards him.

Chen Jingyi used to not say a word for a long time, but now he can say a few words to him, and he will happily call him "Xixi", and he will also call "Xixi eat" when eating.

The little fat man hugged Chen Jingyi with his backhand. He didn't want to care about the wild flowers (Lin Yaoyang) on the roadside.

"Let's go!"

The two little guys with cute green hats huddled together, and they looked like they were very good friends. Qin Rou dressed them in similar small clothes and schoolbags, and the two cubs were about to leave happily.

Wildflowers along the road can promote affection.

Lin Yaoyang: "???!"

Zhou Menglan: "???!!"

The mother and son were a little confused.

Lin Yaoyang tugged at his fucking trouser legs: "Mom, I'm going to kindergarten too!"

The atmosphere is contagious, and the two friends who are the same age as him are cheering so much to go to kindergarten, so he must go to see it too.

Zhou Menglan: "..."

"Let's go then."

Zhou Menglan breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, at least her child has agreed to go to kindergarten, which is a good start.

Zhou Menglan looked at Qin Rou with a particularly grateful look.

If he hadn't met this powerful family member, he might not have been able to deal with his difficult son.

Qin Rou: "..."

Qin Rou couldn't help touching her swollen belly.

It was originally a two-person movie, but now there is one more. The three children went to kindergarten together strangely. Lin Yaoyang still wanted to talk to Xiaopangdun. Chen Jingyi pushed him and said that he wanted to talk to Xixi about painting. Xiaopangdun looked confused. Flattered again.

Qin Rou: "..."

Do you know what Qin Rou was thinking when she saw this picture

I suddenly regretted not being a kindergarten teacher, otherwise I would have seen the children's version of the Shura field of jealousy and petting.

Tut tut.

After sending the three cubs away, Zhou Menglan pulled the great savior Qin Rou to talk, and praised her: "You still know how to have children."

"You misunderstood, my child hasn't been born yet, those are my two little nephews."

Zhou Menglan was stunned, "Is that so?"

It turned out that this family member hadn't given birth to a child yet, "No wonder, I thought you were so young just now."

Qin Rou chatted with her a few words, knowing that the other party was the daughter-in-law of Chief of Staff Lin, and her husband was Lu Yan, both of them were a little surprised, they were still acquaintances.

"So you are Lao Lu's wife! I really didn't see it."

"Our old Lin told me about your old Lu several times."

Old Lu

Qin Rou had heard a lot about Chief of Staff Xiao Lu and the Little Army Officer before, but now she heard her talk about Old Lu, and felt that it was kind and felt that their Chief of Staff Lu had been upgraded!

Upgraded from Xiaolu to Laolu.

So she couldn't help but open her mouth and said to Zhou Menglan: "Our old Lu said yesterday that he was going to your old Lin's ship..."

"Our old Lin often said that we should learn from Comrade Lao Lu..."

"Xiao Qin, how old are you?"

"Near twenty."

"You are so young!"

Zhou Menglan really didn't expect the wife of the old Chief of Staff Lu to be so young and beautiful.

After school, Chen Jingyi and Xiaopangdun were followed by two little tails. Lin Yaoyang and Liu Yue went to Lu's house to play together. This time, Qin Rou was alone at home and did not refuse these children. The eldest daughter of sister Qin Mian Chen Juanjuan and her eldest son, Chen Jinghua, also came to play at my aunt's house.

Zhang Yichao, the six-year-old son of Zhang Tuan next door, also sneaked in when he saw this.

There are patrolling guards and on-duty health teams in the family courtyard. Generally, parents are not worried about their children getting lost, and they are very relieved that the little ones are playing wildly in the family courtyard.

Qin Rou counted, one, two, three, four... seven babies on a vine.

There are not many other things in the family home, but the most children, and now there are many children. Last year, family planning was just advocated, late marriage and late childbearing, and it is only an advocacy and suggestion, not mandatory.

For the requirements of the cadres here, it is also recommended to control birth, do not have consecutive pregnancies and children, and it is best to wait a few years between two children.

Chen Juanjuan is the oldest and only girl. Girls are generally more obedient and precocious than boys. Qin Rou asks Juanjuan and Jinghua to help take care of the children.

So many cubs gathered for a meeting, almost catching up with a small kindergarten.

There is a small lawn in the yard of Qin Rou's house, and these little boys said they want to get together for a drink. Chen Juanjuan said she wanted to find someone to skip rope with, but a group of little boys didn't want to skip rope.

Qin Rou asked Chen Juanjuan to take the cubs to pick a few baskets of small tomatoes for the children to eat, and found out a bag of dried jackfruit. She went to cook a pot of sweet-scented osmanthus wine stuffed pumpkin balls for each of the cubs to eat. bowl.

The sweet-scented osmanthus was given by the former Chief of Staff Lin, and the dried jackfruit was dried from the jackfruit given to her by Huahua's mother. Huahua's mother often couldn't finish the jackfruit.

The little ones are eating while playing.

"My little aunt's cooking is delicious!"

"Little aunt is so beautiful!"

"It's my aunt!"

The little ones get together, as long as there is something delicious, the rainbow farts in their mouths are always endless.

After you are full, continue to play house wine.

Qin Rou drank warm goat's milk and watched a few kids playing house, it really seemed like she was back in kindergarten.

"Who will be the father and who will be the mother?"

Because there is only one girl, Chen Juanjuan, so they all looked at her when choosing a mother. Chen Juanjuan said, "I don't want to be a mother, I want to be a school teacher."

Well, everyone didn't force it.

Zhang Yichao, a child of the Zhang family, is very active in being a father, and Liu Yue, a child of the Liu family, is very active in raising his hand and saying that he wants to be a mother.

"I want to be a father!"

"I want to be a mother!!"

Qin Rou: "..."

Xiao Jingyi, Xiaopangdun and Lin Yaoyang can only be cubs, and Chen Jinghua said they want to be doctors.

Lin Yaoyang: "Where's grandma?"

Little Fatty suggested: "My little aunt will be your grandma!"

Qin Rou: "Okay, I'm grandma."

Their little army officer was promoted to Lao Lu, and now she has also been promoted to Grandma Qin.

The little fat pier immediately looked at Qin Rou: "Grandma, I'm hungry!"

Qin Rou: "..." You little showman is too into the show.

Dad Zhang Yichao coughed very deeply: "Let your mother cook quickly."

He patted his "little daughter-in-law" Liu Yue: "Daughter-in-law, hurry up and cook."

Liu Yue was very puzzled: "Why do you still have to cook when you are a mother?"

"I don't want to cook, let's go to the cafeteria to eat, I want to sleep first after eating."

"Grandma cooks!"

Qin Rou touched her stomach very calmly: "Grandma is sick and can't cook, who should cook now?"

Little Fatty said with concern: "Grandma is sick, we need to send grandma to the hospital first!"

After Chen Jinghua gave Grandma Qin a diagnosis and treatment, she said, "I must be hospitalized!"

Qin Rou worked hard to type out the script of "Grandma is seriously ill and bedridden", and withdrew from their house wine.

Perhaps the children all have a bit of acting talent, and all of them are very involved in the role, especially Zhang Yichao and Liu Yue, an old couple and young wife.

"Daughter-in-law, go and help me with my laundry."

"Old Zhang, go wash it yourself, don't wear it if you don't wash it."

The husband and wife here come and go, and the Zai Zai brothers over there are also arguing constantly.

Lin Yaoyang: "If my elder brother doesn't play with me, he will take care of my younger brother."

Chen Jingyi: "You are not your real brother."

Little Fatty: "Why not my own brother?"

As an old father, Zhang Yichao interrupted the topic at this time, and he discovered something: "Why does the child look like me?"

Liu Yue: "How do I know?"

"Didn't you give birth?"

Qin Rou felt that she couldn't continue listening. What kind of weird prenatal education is this? ? ! !

Don't make it so complicated for children's house wine.

"Okay, okay, you are a harmonious family, don't make noise, father Zhang and mother Liu must take good care of the cubs."

"Brothers should also love each other."

"Let's make dumplings together and prepare a sumptuous dinner."

A group of cubs were playing in the yard, and they were actually pretty good at stuff. Fortunately, Qin Rou also had two little nephews, and the little chubby was very serious and responsible: "Don't pick my little aunt's flowers randomly, that's what my little uncle can pick." of."

Qin Rou: "..." It seems that this cub is observing carefully and is devoted to his uncle.

After playing with the family wine for a long time, Chen Jingyi also talked more, emphasizing: "We are the chicken guards and the leek babies."

Xiao Jingyi has a pretty good memory.

Zhang Yichao is very generous: "Go play in my yard!"

Huang Xinying opened the yard door for the children, and they picked a few flowers in the yard, and Qin Rou also picked some beans and sunflowers for them.

At night, when Captain Zhang came back to see his yard, his only seedling was gone, and his mentality completely collapsed.

He sprinkled the flower seeds in the yard, planning to quit doing it in the future.