Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 53: young


Zhou Menglan also planned to invite Lao Lu's family to her home for dinner, but before the invitation was spoken, the next evening they saw a handsome young male officer walking the beautiful Comrade Qin for a walk in the family courtyard. Go for a walk on the beach.

The man was wearing a white military uniform. His facial features were exceptionally handsome. Under the brim of the white hat, his sword eyebrows and starry eyes seemed to be coated with a layer of gold in the evening light, making him even more handsome.

His arms were protecting the woman beside him. The woman's belly was swollen, and her long black hair was tied behind her head, revealing a face as thick and colorful as an oil painting.

Her eyes look extraordinarily beautiful in the setting sun.

As a woman, Zhou Menglan couldn't help but take a look at the handsome boy in military uniform, but at this moment, Zhou Menglan's eyes couldn't help falling on that pretty woman.

She really looks extraordinarily beautiful and charming, even a woman can't help but appreciate that kind of beauty.

Although she doesn't necessarily like the look, she finds it beautiful.

It is Xiao Qin, the family member of Lao Lu.

Not only is Xiao Qin beautiful, but she also has a nice voice. It is said that she used to sing in an art troupe, but now she is an announcer with an enviable voice.

It's just... how did she get so close to the handsome man beside her

Isn't she Lao Lu's wife

Zhou Menglan was stunned, but Qin Rou took the initiative to greet her when she saw her: "Sister-in-law Zhou, this is my old Lu!!"

Qin Rou emphatically emphasized Comrade Lu.

Zhou Menglan: "???!!!!" Is this Lao Lu? ? ? ! !

"Your old Lu looks really young."

Qin Rou smiled: "He's quite young, even though he's almost thirty, he still looks like the eighteen or nineteen-year-old Green Onion."

Needless to say, there are quite a lot of green onion guys in the base. If you get up early every morning, run to stand on a high point upstairs, you can be ashamed to go out, and you can still see teams of green onion guys fighting against each other. Doing morning exercises by the sea.

oops tsk tsk...

However, this kind of welfare is generally only enjoyed by young hygienic girls, and married sister-in-laws are embarrassed to see it.

Qin Rou was actually a little curious about what it was like for the soldiers to do exercises against the sea, but she was embarrassed to see it. She told Lu Yan about it, and in the end she got a vinegar essence.

"I'll show you."

Do it for her personally, and carry out the word "exercise" to the end.

Qin Rou: "..."

I dare not mention it.

"It's almost thirty, younger than our old Lin, now in his twenties?" Zhou Menglan was stunned for a moment, why is she younger than their old Lin.

Isn't this Comrade Lu? It doesn't matter if you have a tender face, and you don't seem to be very old.

Lu Yan said lightly: "Twenty-six."

"This... so young?!" Zhou Menglan was a little suspicious at the moment whether the old comrade Lu in front of him was the old Lu that Comrade Lao Lin said.

It turned out that Lao Lu was like this.

Zhou Menglan: "..."

"Old Lu, next time you bring Xiao Qin to our house for dinner, I have to thank your Xiao Qin..."

After separating from Lao Lu and his wife, Zhou Menglan seriously inquired about Lao Lu and his wife, only to find out that it was their old Lin who was not a man.

Spread rumors behind the scenes.

"Tsk tsk tsk, thank you for being able to speak."

Chief of Staff Lin had a cheeky face: "What did I say? Did I say nothing wrong? I usually call him Lao Lu very kindly."

"If you look half as good-looking as Lao Lu, let alone your second child, I'll help you give birth to your third or fourth child."

Chief of Staff Lin almost choked on a sip of tea: "You woman, what are you doing??!!"

Qin Rou walked with Lu Yan on the beach, curiously asking if he had ever played house with someone when he was a child.

Lu Yan was confused: "Why do you think I will play this with others?"

"Just asking, are you guys playing these days?"

Qin Rou poked his lower abdomen with her fingers, "You don't play this, so what are you playing?"

Lu Yan made a gun gesture with his right hand, "Of course it's a game between men, fighting."

"Destroy the enemy."

Qin Rou nodded: "It sounds really crazy."

Lu Yan: "Every time I am lucky, I will never be a traitor."

Qin Rou: "..."

You seem to be no different from playing house, but it is another type of play house, and you can still cultivate a lot of drama masters.

Isn't that how Xiaopangdun, a little showman, came to be

"My fourth brother is always drawn to be a traitor, and my third sister scolds him solemnly. She likes to scold him a traitor the most."

"Then you just watch from the sidelines?"

"I pass the gun."

Listening to Lu Yan talking about his childhood, Qin Rou was a little envious of him having so many brothers and sisters. He was noisy and noisy when he was young, so it must be very lively.

She is pregnant with twins at the moment, and when the child is born, it doesn't matter if they are two little drama stars, they can sing opera and set up a stage, maybe they can also sing a duet and talk to their mother.

One is flattering, the other is funny.

Lu Yan put his arms around her waist, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, the sea water behind him gently slapped on the beach, the sea breeze became stronger at this moment, blowing their clothes flying wildly, Qin Rou's hair It also hangs down.

"What about you, what did you like to play when you were a child?"

"Skipping rope, my waist is good, and I can jump high."

Lu Yan looked at her with a smile for a while, and commented deeply: "It's pretty good."

Qin Rou pinched his waist, "Where did you think?"

"I'm just speaking from my own experience."

"Tell me, do you think your brother Lu's waist is good?"

"not good."

"Then you have to practice harder, and you can't let the daughter-in-law dislike it."

"Don't make trouble. If you make trouble again, when the child comes out, you will be treated as a traitor when you play house."

"I want to be a grandfather. What kind of traitor should I be? Grandpa Lu has to guard Grandma Qin..."

Qin Rou's stomach is getting bigger and bigger. Although the reaction is less than that at the beginning of pregnancy, but at this stage, her stomach has entered a period of rapid growth like blowing up a balloon. The sudden enlargement of her stomach has also caused many discomforts in life. convenient place.

She also developed a little edema, and soaked her feet in warm water every day. Her mother-in-law Jiang Ping, who was a doctor, would also help her massage. If Lu Yan came back, he would take over the job.

He would take a bath with her and trim her nails after the bath. As long as Lu Yan was by her side, he would never let her put on her shoes by herself. Qin Rou was used to him helping her put on her shoes.

Before going to bed, he would rub her back and shoulders, massage her legs and feet, and kiss her in various ways while massaging. In the past, she always felt that kissing too often was too sticky, but being kissed by someone she likes can indeed increase a lot. Pleasure, feeling that you are valued by him.

Just like a massage, maybe it can only relieve a little, but it is more of psychological satisfaction and pleasure.

Qin Rou was quite afraid that she would turn ugly when she was pregnant. For a while, she didn't dare to look in the mirror and didn't want to take pictures, but Lu Yan insisted on taking pictures of her. Well, there is no other way, Qin Rou can only face the truth of myself.

But after she looked in the mirror, she found that she hadn't turned ugly, on the contrary, she was a little radiant, maybe because she was in a good mood.

It may also be because she is a well-cared-for little pig.

Another reason is that the natural diet is healthy. In this day and age, it is difficult to think about being unhealthy. Anyway, junk food such as fried chicken and cola is definitely out of reach. On the seaside, you can eat all kinds of fresh seafood to supplement protein. Especially shrimp and fish are all steamed and boiled.

Lu Yan and her mother-in-law Jiang Ping no longer let her into the kitchen. Lu Yan, who only knows how to make steamed buns, will try to make casserole rice for her. Although the failure rate is high, he will give her the delicious parts. If it doesn't taste good, he will eat it by himself.

In the morning, she would also drink milk powder or hot goat's milk with the cubs, making her body smell of milk, and her mother-in-law Jiang Ping would accompany her to and from get off work. Qin Rou was not an announcer at the radio station at this time, but It was assigned to easy logistics.

She can't do a lot of things, let alone get tired, and can't concentrate on taking care of the yard, so she can only let the yard grow freely. Lu Yan and her father-in-law and mother-in-law sometimes help her tidy up, but they can't maintain it as carefully as before. , Coupled with the "loving care" of the two cubs, it became increasingly chaotic.

Qin Rou was powerless about these things, and simply kept the lettuce, four-corned beans, leeks and small tomatoes planted on the terrace, and the yard outside... was really powerless.

On the contrary, the yard of the house next door is much more beautiful.