Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 72: jump jump


Zhang Chengbei was dumbfounded as he hugged his chubby son who kept crying.

Where is the daughter

What about his big daughter

Zhang Chengbei: "... Is it wrong?"

The nurse smiled: "It's just out of the mother's womb, how can it be wrong? Take a closer look."

Zhang Chengbei stared at his son, speechless for a while.

Really son.

"Congratulations, this child looks quite like you, a healthy child." The nurse joked that she had never seen such a miraculous man, and everyone was looking forward to a boy, and it was rare to see a hopeful girl.

Especially in their obstetrics and gynecology department, when they heard about the gender of the child, they changed their faces. The grandmother who gave birth to a girl turned her head and left, leaving the mother in the hospital, which made people feel chills.

Now that I saw someone different, I couldn't help but feel good about him, so I said a few more words.

Zhang Chengbei stared at his extremely ugly and wrinkled son, then looked at the smiling face of the nurse in front of him, and said in his heart: "..."

This kid looks like me

A son who looks like me is so ugly

Does he want to be thankful that he is a son, if this is a daughter who looks so heroic and extraordinary like him, will she not be able to marry

Even if he kept comforting himself in his heart, Zhang Chengbei still felt infinite in his heart, this is another son.

Zhang Yichao: "Dad, where is my sister? Why did my sister become a younger brother?!"

Zhang Chengbei: "..."

He also wanted to ask why.

The next day, Huang Xinying woke up and saw her youngest son, crying with Lao Zhang. Their eldest daughter was gone.

Before, the couple had pondered the possibility of the twins next door becoming sons-in-law. Huang Xinying found the little tea essence next door pleasing to the eye, but now the son-in-law has also flown away.

A series of blows left the couple speechless.

What was even more shocking was that within a few days, Li Qinghua gave birth to a fat girl weighing seven catties.

Political Commissar Liu laughed loudly in front of Zhang Chengbei: "I'm hugging my daughter, Emma."

"My daughter hasn't chosen a name yet. I have to choose a name for this daughter. I have to look through the dictionary. I discussed with Qinghua and my daughter. First, I will give my daughter a nickname. My eldest son is Liu Yue. This little My daughter's nickname is Tiaotiao, Tiaotiao, my fat girl Tiaotiao."

"Tiaotiao, Tiaotiao, this name sounds nice, little Tiaotiao, I like Tiaotiao's mother Tiaotiao and his brother, Tiaotiao is a good name."

Zhang Chengbei: "..." Grass.

A series of jumps and jumps made Head Zhang's head swell, jumping, jumping, jumping, fleas? Are you not afraid of being a flea

What the hell is this family's name.

Commissar Liu was so happy to have a daughter, he couldn't sleep because of the excitement in the past few days, and he was thinking about the future every day. He looked like Captain Zhang, and he was thinking of becoming a father-in-law in the future.

"Hiss—I don't know which wild boy married my daughter."

"I want to beat him up, my girl, jump."

"What if that man treats my family badly? Hey, I'm so worried. I'm afraid that my daughter will marry the wrong person, but I must not let my daughter be bullied. If I have a daughter, I will have a lot of worries..."

"My old father is really uncomfortable-Zhang Tuan, it's better for your family, your two big fat boys are the same as Chief of Staff Xiao Lu's family, Gemini, two sons are good, I don't have the life of two sons Heck, I really envy you, I only have one son and one daughter, alas..."

Zhang Chengbei looked at him expressionlessly, thinking that if you want to act, you should do better, and sighed, but the smugness in your eyes was about to burst out.

You have sons and daughters, you are amazing, bah.

Dare to show off in front of me, my old Zhang can lose anything, but the face of a man must not lose! ! !

Zhang Chengbei held Political Commissar Liu's shoulders and asked him to sit down. He smiled and said, "Yes, I have a son. I am happy. I have two sons. Thanks to the good fortune that I went to the old Lu's house, I can I am so happy to have two sons."

"Next time you want to have a son, you'd better go to Chief of Staff Lu's house to reap the blessings."

Political Commissar Liu: "..." Our regiment leader must be crazy.

"I have two sons. My son marries a girl from another family. It's hard for me to be unhappy. The skinny son can be raised as he pleases. The girl has to worry about her, and she has to save cloth to make flowery clothes for her. The boy can wear whatever he wants. …”

"My daughter-in-law and I have already decided on a nickname for my youngest son, called Dundun. I hope he will grow up well in the future..." Head Zhang smiled inwardly as he spoke.

—Jump, jump a fart, squat down for me.

After breaking up with Lao Liu, Zhang Chengbei returned to his yard.

"well… "

With no outsiders present, he sighed faintly. He saw the yard he had managed to tidy up. Although it was not very beautiful, it was still blooming now—the dog son Zhang Yichao pulled out the sunflowers that his father had planted. My sunflower seeds are gone.

Damn so angry.

Head Zhang thought painfully, the two skinny sons in the future, or the yard will be left unused in the future.

It wasn't like that before.


After this year passed, the inexplicable desire in his bones seemed to be developed, and he couldn't stand not planting something every day.

Something has to be planted.

Zhang Chengbei also set up a small vegetable field. Although the loofahs and four-corned beans he planted did not grow very well, the little eggplant was also a bit sluggish, and a large part of the tomatoes he planted before died, but... it is strange, he planted The bitter gourd is unexpectedly growing very well, and there will be a lot of bitter gourd soon.

The good harvest seems to be in sight.

Let's plant something in the future.

Hua Hua's mother gave birth to a daughter. She herself is happy, but her mother-in-law who came to take care of her is not happy. Gossiping, "It's good to have a girl this time, but I'll give birth to two big fat boys in two years."

"You should be more confident. You are so lucky to marry my son. You see, people in the family home say you are a lazy wife. I really don't know what to say about you."

The mother-in-law of the Liu family thought that I was really blind to let my son marry such a young daughter-in-law.

Li Qinghua took her words as deaf ears: "I didn't want to marry at the beginning, but you made me hurry up to marry."

As for having a son, one is enough, and there are no more. In the future, she and Lao Liu will have a son and a daughter just right.

Political commissar Liu had the same idea as hers. It was enough to have a son and a daughter. Now that family planning is being encouraged, it is enough for them to have two.

Li Qinghua is thick-skinned, she is not afraid of boiling water, no matter what mother-in-law and sister-in-law say, she doesn't feel pain or itching, and lives comfortably.

Those years of fighting wits and courage against mother-in-law and sister-in-law are not accumulated in vain.

—You can say whatever you want, let's live a happy life by ourselves.

My Huahua mother is most afraid of people gossiping about me behind my back.

I have been listening to it for so many years, and it makes my ears callous.

When Liu's mother-in-law saw her like this, she really hated iron for being weak, she shouldn't have allowed this girl to join the army, but she ended up going to heaven on this island, so she must be punished.

Generally, there is one coup for a mother-in-law to disgust her daughter-in-law, and that is to complain and gossip to the people around her, saying what is wrong with my daughter-in-law at home, so as to tarnish her daughter-in-law's reputation among outsiders.

People need face, trees need bark, this is disgusting to the daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law is suffering and can't explain it, she can't explain clearly with her mouth, so she can only close the door and get angry with herself.

The Liu family's mother-in-law deeply understands this truth. After she came to the family courtyard, she often couldn't help complaining to other family members around:

"The Li Qinghua our family married, she is really..."

"My son married such a daughter-in-law, I can't say that she..."

The mother-in-law of the Liu family scolded Li Qinghua in front of outsiders. She thought she would get the support of many sister-in-laws in the family courtyard, but all the sister-in-laws in the family courtyard looked like "Is this? Is this? Is this?" expression.

—What are you talking about, we know that Li Qinghua's laziness has more things to do.

As a well-known lazy daughter-in-law in the family courtyard, everyone talked about her in private and didn't want to talk about her.

Some people even said to Liu's mother-in-law:

"Political Commissar Liu's wife is ready now."

"Your Li Qinghua has become more diligent after she became pregnant."

"It's much better than previous years, so I should be content."

As the saying goes, if a prodigal son turns his back on money, it is also commendable for a lazy daughter-in-law to be a little more diligent.

It's like it is always easier for people to accept bad people changing from bad to a little better, but they can't accept the slightest flaws in good people.

"You guys..."

Why did you still praise Li Qinghua to her?

Liu's mother-in-law was taken aback by what she said.

What's going on with the people in your family courtyard? ! ! !

Qin Rou went to see Xiaodundun in the Zhang family next door, and Xiao Tiaotiao in Huahua's mother's house. She found that the newborn baby was indeed ugly. When the little face grows in the future, then It looks good.

The two stupid cubs of their family are still the cutest looking.

Now the dumplings and Zhouzhou at home are at the peak of the fat boy's appearance, he looks so cute, the little fat face is chubby, the skin is white and tender, the two little guys have big eyes, big eyes The eyelids are less white, and the thick black pupils are black and seem to be shining. Being stared at by these two pairs of eyes, the heart will melt, and it is cuter than the little cubs in the New Year pictures.

Someone from the Propaganda Department even approached Qin Rou and said that he wanted to take pictures of the two cubs for the cover of next year's calendar.

Qin Rou thought about it, but she refused. Her own cub looks just like his father, so she doesn't want to share it with others. In case she wants to take photos of her bare ass, when the two cubs grow up, how much Embarrassed.

In the future, if the two cubs in the family grow up to be cool guys with long legs, if they become some kind of scientist or academician or other well-known figures, or if they are in the news, maybe they will be posted on the forum discuss.

Some people will post handsome photos of Zhou Zhou and Dumplings, while others will show photos of their naked buttocks or cute babies...

It's better to keep the photos of the two little fats at home, to take care of Zai Zai's face.

Li Qinghua's mother-in-law brought her sister-in-law to accompany her confinement, and the head of Zhang's house next door, his mother did not come, but his wife Huang Xinying's mother and sister Huang Yueying came.

Huang Xinying's mother knew that her daughter had given birth to another big fat boy, she was so happy, she praised Huang Xinying for her efforts: "Now Yichao is grown up, it's good to have another son, let's have more sons."

People of the older generation always look forward to more children and more blessings.

"No more, no more." Huang Xinying was very tired now, she was worried that her daughter was gone, and there was another boy.

Elder sister Huang Yueying said from the side: "My sister has to teach at school and take care of their father and son in the old Zhang family. It's not easy. If there are more children, she won't be exhausted to death."

Huang Yueying had a bright smile on her face. She came here to take care of her sister during the confinement period. She came here to watch a good show. She felt that there were probably too many "resentful women" in the family courtyard here.

Marrying men in the army, most of them are like this, don't look glamorous on the surface, but she is a man who doesn't care about the family, is a machismo, doesn't know how to be considerate of his daughter-in-law, and the woman is busy at home alone to take care of her inside and outside Child, what else can you do if you don't become a yellow-faced woman and a bitter woman

Huang Yueying married a factory worker, and her family lived in a tube building. Although it was a bit crowded, it was a decent building. Her man was considerate and helped her with some housework. Huang Yueying lived a leisurely life. .

However, although her man is considered considerate, she is also really useless in her career, and she doesn't make much progress. The money she earns in a month is only so little, and the family lives tightly.

But everyone around her was like this, and Huang Yueying was considered average.

But her younger sister married Zhang Chengbei. She should have been the one to meet this man in the past, but when she heard that he was in the army, she could only join the army when she got married and reached a certain level. On, she didn't want to.

The younger sister Huang Xinying went there, and the two got married. As a result, the surname Zhang was quite competitive after getting married, and all the way to the position of head of the regiment, but it was different from before.

The house was also replaced with a small two-story detached house with a yard. Although country people do not care about such a small second floor, there are many houses and yards of this size in the countryside, but none are so beautiful.

This unshitty island is actually so beautiful, the blue sky is very blue, the clouds are also very white, the sun looks big, as long as the sun is blocked, it will not feel hot at all, and the sea breeze is very comfortable.

Seeing that her younger sister has now become the head's wife, it is impossible for Huang Yueying not to murmur in her heart. She couldn't help but think that if she had gone to see Zhang Chengbei back then...

"I don't want to be an old cow complaining woman."

Huang Yueying thought, what if the house changes? This man Zhang Chengbei is homeless and chauvinistic, he is too lazy to die, he has a good face, his younger sister Huang Xinying is exhausted all day long like an old cow, others even praise her as a good wife, according to Huang Yueying, bah , Still a three-good wife, obviously a three-good old cow is almost the same.

It's also her sister who is stupid.

Of course, part of the reason is that Huang Yueying and Huang's mother brainwashed Huang Xinying in front of her. Their mother is an extremely old-fashioned woman who thinks that women should tirelessly serve men.

"How can you let a man do the laundry?"

"In our house, even if a man marries, the first one must take the man's surname..."

"Enough is over. You should take care of the family affairs and be a virtuous and good daughter-in-law. You can see whether people praise you or not. It's not bad that you can marry Zhang Chengbei with this condition. Xiao Zhang is the head of the regiment at this age. Now, where do you find such a person? The monthly salary is so high... "

Huang Yueying also said in front of her sister:

"Brother-in-law can become the group leader at this age, thanks to you as a good wife. In this regard, I, as a sister, can't compare to you. Your brother-in-law is useless, working in the factory to pay wages I also deducted... "

"You have to be a good housekeeper and don't affect your brother-in-law's future."

Although her younger sister has become the head's wife, the head's wife is not so easy to be. Huang Yueying saw her working hard like an old cow all day long, so she let go of the grievance in her heart.

So she deliberately ran over to confine her, just to see her brother-in-law who was too lazy to die and her sister who was exhausted.

Now that another child is born, her younger sister will be miserable in the future, and she will work even harder to serve the three of them.

Who knew Huang Yueying came to the family home for a few days, she was standing on the second floor, and she saw her brother-in-law Zhang Chengbei washing diapers.

Brother-in-law Zhang Chengbei went to wash diapers? ! ! ! !

How can this be

Huang Yueying's eyes were about to pop out: "Sister, why did my brother-in-law wash diapers?!!!!"